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The Last Days of the Incas

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376 “The balconies were packed”: Murúa, Historia, 298.

  376 “As the multitude of Indians”: Ibid.

  376 “let it fall”: Ocampo, in Sarmiento de Gamboa, History, 227.

  377 “‘Lords, you are [gathered] here from’”: Bautista de Salazar, Relación, 280.

  377 “The Inca then received consolation”: Ocampo, in Sarmiento de Gamboa, History, 228.



  379 “Something hidden!”: Rudyard Kipling, “The Explorer,” in Rudyard Kipling’s Verse, Inclusive Edition (Garden City: Doubleday, Page, 1920), 120.

  381 “My previous studies”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City of the Incas (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002), 95.

  381 “A little farther up”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1922), 165.

  382 “The Prefect was particularly”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 95.

  383 “Magnificent precipices”: Hiram Bingham, “The Ruins of Choqquequirau,” in American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 12 (1910): 513.

  383 “At the top of the southern”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 107.

  383 “Fortunately I had with me”: Ibid., 106.

  383 M. Eugene de Sartiges: Ibid., 111.

  384 “The walls … [at Choqquequirau]”: Hiram Bingham, “The Ruins,” in American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 12 (1910), 516.

  384 “Personally, I did”: Hiram Bingham, “A Search for the Last Inca Capital,” Harper’s, Vol. 125, No. 749 (October 1912): 698.

  385 “down the valley by Yucay”: Baltasar de Ocampo, Account of the Province of Vilcapampa and a Narrative of the Inca Tupac Amaru (1610), in Pedro Sarmiento de Gam-boa, History of the Incas (Mineola: Dover, 1999), 220.

  385 “The fortress of Pitcos”: Ibid., 216.

  386 “On the slopes of Choqquequirau”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 2.

  388 Visiting the University of Cuzco: Albert Giesecke, The Reminiscences of Albert A. Gieseke (1962), in The New York Times Oral History Program: Columbia University Collection, Part 2, No. 71 (New York: 1963).

  388 “That there were undescribed”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 200.

  389 “a talkative old fellow”: Ibid., 201.

  390 “Sub-prefect drunk”: Alfred Bingham, Portrait of an Explorer (Greenwich: Triune, 2000), 4.

  390 “My Dearly Beloved”: Ibid., 150.

  391 “Before the completion”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 208.

  392 “Here the river escapes”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 173.

  392 “In the … power”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 314.

  392 “We passed an ill-kept”: Hiram Bingham, Ibid., 215.

  393 “dawned in a cold”: Hiram Bingham, Ibid., 315.

  394 “And no one cared”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 175.

  395 “Shortly after noon”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 317.

  395 “Without the slightest expectation”: Ibid., 319.

  395 The Sergeant was in duty: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 178.

  395 Hardly had we rounded: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 319.

  396 The task had been too great: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 178.

  396 “another group of interesting”: Ibid., 124.

  396 “We scrambled along”: Ibid., 179.

  397 “Some structures of stone”: Alfred Bingham, Explorer, 13.

  397 Lizarraga 1902: Ibid., 13.

  398 “When I first saw”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 216.

  399 “No special things”: Alfred Bingham, “Raiders of the Lost City,” American Heritage, Vol. 38, No. 5 (July–August 1987): 61.

  399 “They [the Incas] guarded”: Ocampo, Account of the Province, 216.

  399 “marched from Cusco down”: Ibid., 219.

  400 “Our next stop was”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 235.

  400 “We … forded the Vilcabamba”: Ibid., 237.

  401 We hoped it might be true: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 132.

  401 “indeed a residence”: Ibid., 135.

  401 “the fortress of Pitcos”: Ocampo, Account of the Province, 216.

  402 “Near Vitcos, in a village”: Antonio de la Calancha, Crónica Moralizada de Antonio de la Calancha, Vol. 5 (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1978), 1800, 1827.

  402 Questioning his: The area was also known as Ñusta Ispanan, “the place where the Inca Princess urinates.” See Vincent Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba (Cortéz: Sixpac Manco, 2000), 142.

  402 “It was late on the afternoon”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 137.

  403 “I went out collecting”: Alfred Bingham, Explorer, 186.

  404 “When Don Pedro”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 266.

  405 “On the day following our arrival”: Hiram Bingham, Ibid., 268.

  405 One of our informants: Ibid., 269.

  405 Although no one at Vilcabamba: Hiram Bingham, Lost City, 149.

  406 “We were conducted”: Ibid., 274.

  406 “It is difficult to describe”: Ibid., 285.

  407 “Half an hour’s scramble”: Ibid., 294.

  408 “like a succession”: Ibid., 290.

  408 “the [Inca] priests”: Ibid., 297.

  408 “two long days”: Calancha, Crónica Moralizada, 1796, 1820.

  409 “With one exception”: Hiram Bingham, “The Ruins of Espíritu Pampa,” American Anthropologist, Vol. 16, No. 2 (April–June 1914): 196.

  409 “Perhaps an Inca”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 295.

  409 “Espíritu Pampa or Vilcabamba”: Alfred Bingham, Explorer, 196.

  411 “In its last state”: Hiram Bingham, Inca Land, 340.

  411 “The ‘Lost City of the Incas’”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City of the Incas (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1948), third photo insert, 2.



  412 “‘Don’t think you can just crash’”: Vincent Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba (Cortéz: Sixpac Manco, 2000), 52.

  412 “When night was come”: Gene Savoy, Jamil: The Child Christ (Reno: International Community of Christ, 1976), 106.

  413 “I have been led”: Alfred M. Bingham, Explorer of Machu Picchu: Portrait of Hiram Bingham (Greenwich: Triune, 2000), 40, 43.

  414 “I was a member”: Gene Savoy, Antisuyo (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970), 16.

  414 “Almost thirty”: Ibid.

  417 “Was this the ‘Vilcabamba Viejo’”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City of the Incas (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002), 159.

  417 “The ruins of what we now”: Ibid., 192.

  418 “the headwaters of the Pampaconas”: Victor von Hagen, Highway of the Sun (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1955), 106.

  418 “This could only mean”: Ibid., 111.

  418 “Hiram Bingham, the Yale”: Savoy, Antisuyo, 55, 71.

  419 “The Vilcabamba plan”: Ibid.

  420 “Our mules negotiate”: Ibid., 94.

  421 “The [Inca] road we have been following”: Ibid., 103.

  422 “Bingham had reached”: Ibid., 106.

  422 “Who had used these tiles?”: Ibid., 97–98.

  423 “For the first time I realize”: Ibid., 105.

  426 “I couldn’t believe all of the ruins”: Vincent Lee, interview with author, October 2005.

  427 “A visit to his [Savoy’s]”: Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba, 44.

  428 “He exuded”: Ibid., 206.

  428 “‘Exploring in South’”: Ibid., 52.

  429 “‘If you’re careful’”: Ibid.

  429 Using nothing more: It should be mentioned that the Peruvian historian Dr. Edmundo Guillén explored the Vilcabamba Valley in 1976, a dozen years after Savoy’s visit, and identified a number of sites mentioned by the invading Spaniards on their way to Vilcabamba in 1572. See Edmundo Guillén Guillén, La Guerra de Reconquista Inka (Lima: 1994), 206.

  429 “My barometer read”: Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba, 106.

  430 “The town has, or it would”: Martín de Murúa, Historia General del Perú (Madrid: DASTIN, 2
001), 287.

  431 Lee knew that: Richard L. Burger, Machu Picchu (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004), 30.

  431 “the only known Inca ruin”: John Hemming, quoted in Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba, 17.

  431 “After more than a century”: Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba, 144.

  432 “There’s supposed”: Gene Savoy, quoted in Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba, 52.

  432 “Continuing up the final stairway”: Ibid., 170–73. 434 “It was a fascinating”: Ibid., 205.

  434 He couldn’t pay: Ibid., 208.

  434 “‘[I] Just returned” ‘: Ibid., 215.

  435 “So much for”: Vincent Lee, interview with author, October 2005.

  435 “It didn’t take Sherlock”: Lee, Forgotten Vilcabamba, 217.



  437 “If you take a map”: Vincent Lee, interview with author, October 2005.

  437 Machu Picchu is believed: Richard L. Burger, Machu Picchu (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004), 24.

  438 “It is said of this Inca”: Father Bernabé Cobo, in Roland Hamilton (trans.), Inca Religion and Customs (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990), 133.

  440 “He [Pachacuti] began”: Ibid., 135–36.

  441 Archaeologists who have: Kenneth Wright, Machu Picchu: A Civil Engineering Marvel (Reston: ASCE, 2000), 59.

  441 Once the foundation: Ibid., 70, 77.

  442 Archaeologists recognize: Ibid., 62.

  445 They called the site: Archaeologists from Peru’s Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC) began a five-year excavation program in 2002 at Espíritu Pampa—the first excavations that have been conducted since the Spaniards sacked the city in 1572. Preliminary results indicate that the city was indeed built by the Incas and most likely in the mid-fifteenth century (personal communication with the INC). The INC has also cleared large portions of the city, allowing visitors for the first time to gain a glimpse of what sixteenth-century Vilcabamba must have been like prior to the city’s abandonment.

  447 The anthropologist: John H. Rowe, “Machu Picchu a la Luz de Documentos de Siglo XVII,” Histórica, Vol. 14, No. 1(Lima: 1990): 142.

  447 “that night, I slept”: Ibid., 140.

  448 In 1568: Ibid., 141.

  448 “still other [ancient Inca]”: Charles Wiener, Voyage au Perou et Bolivie (Paris: Librarie Hachette, 1880), 345.

  449 “The professors”: Hiram Bingham, Lost City of the Incas (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002), 115.

  449 “We had with us”: Ibid.

  450 “Charles Wiener”: Hiram Bingham, “The Ruins of Choqquequirau,” in American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 12 (1910): 523.

  450 “This may be”: Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu, A Citadel of the Incas (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930), 1.

  450 In Lost City of the Incas: In Bingham’s 1930 footnote citation, he had used the original Spanish language version of Figueroa’s report, published in its entirety in a 1910 German publication (Relación del Camino e Viage que D. Rodríguez Hizo Desde la Ciudad del Cuzco a la Tierra de Guerra de Mango Ynga, in Richard Pietschmann, Nachrichten der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenchaften zu Göttingen, Philologisch-historische Klasse aus dem Jahre 1910, Vol. 66, No. 1 [Berlin, 1910]). In Bingham’s 1948 book, Lost City of the Incas, however, he made use of a bad translation of Figueroa’s report created in 1913 by Sir Clements Markham (Clements Markham, The War of Quito, Series 2, No. 31 [London: Hakluyt Society, 1913], 175). In Markham’s version, he erroneously changed the word “Picho” to “Viticos,” thus entirely erasing the reference to “Picho.” Nevertheless, Bingham omitted even this garbled version, no doubt aware that he had referred to the missing “Picho” on page one of his 1930 monograph.

  451 “would have been fatal”: John H. Rowe, “Machu Picchu a la Luz de Documentos,” 140.

  451 “Bingham was an explorer”: Anthony Brandt, “Introduction,” Hiram Bingham, Inca Land (Washington, D.C.:National Geographic Society, 2003), xvii.

  452 “We are in a tropical”: Gene Savoy, Antisuyo (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970), 99.

  455 “It was clearly”: Vincent Lee, telephone conversation with author, October 20, 2005.

  455 “We spotted”: D. L. Parsell, “City Occupied by Inca Discovered on Andean Peak in Peru,” National Geographic News, March 22, 2002.

  456 “I hadn’t been”: Gary Ziegler, telephone conversation with author, October 11, 2005.

  457 “Every generation”: John Noble Wilford, “High in Andes, a Place That May Have Been Incas” Last Refuge,” New York Times, March 19, 2002.

  457 “One of our wranglers”: Gary Ziegler, telephone conversation with author, October 11, 2005.

  458 “You can’t get to it”: Ibid.

  458 “I think Cotacoca”: Ibid.

  460 It was an achievement: See Luis Guillermo Lumbreras, De los Orígines de la Civilización en el Perú (Lima: Peisa, 1988), 138.


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