The Liars
Page 29
While feeling bad for King Edward was easy, Memory refrained. The man needed to learn from the mistakes of his father–he didn’t need her help. All he had to do was see what the previous king had done and do the exact opposite.
“Why now? And he could have contacted me on his own.”
A long stretch of silence echoed in the room. His steady breathing echoed heavily over the phone.
“His majesty no longer wants the crown.”
The simple statement flipped her irritation to worry in mere seconds. She didn’t like where the conversation was going.
“What?! He–wants to step down?”
“Perhaps not.” Chrysander responded cryptically. It left Memory panting for an explanation, one that she wouldn’t get. “My wedding is in three week’s time. I am sending someone over next week. I expect to see you soon.”
The beeping after he hung up stretched for minutes as Memory contemplated this new development, her report long forgotten.