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Passion in Portland 2016 Anthology

Page 2

by Anthology

  “You know, I thought about you a lot since that night,” he said and I nodded.

  “I’ve thought about you, too.”

  “Asked every time I went by your hospital, but they couldn’t really tell me anything other than you were alive. Against the rules.”

  “I know, the nurses told me a few times that you asked after me. I told them they could tell you… but I guess they didn’t.”

  He grinned and I felt an answering smile of my own, tentative, tremulous. I can’t believe he’s here.

  “What happened?” he asked and my heart momentarily sank. What if he’s just here out of professional curiosity?

  “I had to have six surgeries. He damaged one of my lungs and came close to nicking my carotid artery. He did nick my subclavian artery but somehow managed to miss my heart. They… they told me I died.” I said quietly.

  “Yeah, you coded on me.”

  I smiled wanly, “But you promised.” His smile grew bigger.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “You brought me back, didn’t you?” I asked and his smile got bigger.

  “I think the hospital staff had something to do with that part,” he confessed but I shook my head. I remembered. I remembered him in the emergency department. I remembered the doctor yelling at him that he was done and to get out or he’d have him up on insubordination. His smile faltered slightly and we simply stared at one another in silence for a long moment, until Sadie setting down our drinks broke the spell.

  “How long were you in the hospital?” he asked.

  “Over three months,” I blew on my chai tea latte and watched him over the rim of my cup. I sipped but it was still too hot, so grimacing, I set my drink aside.

  “Yeah, your injuries were pretty bad. Some of the worst I’ve seen, but then again, I’m still fairly green.”



  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-four. You?”


  “How long have you been working here?” he asked looking around the cozy little coffee shop.

  “Around two months, I’m living in the New Beginnings House, they set me up with Sadie so I could begin work and save for first, last, and deposit. I’m supposed to move into my own apartment next week. Sadie helped me with that, too. It’s an apartment above her parent’s garage.”

  “Yeah? Nice, I’m glad to hear that,” he smiled brightly. It was a genuine smile and held an edge of pride that warmed me. I bowed my head nodding, a blush touching my cheeks.

  Smoothing my lips together, I worked up the courage and asked, “So how long have you been a paramedic?”

  “When we answered your call, it was a year and two months for me. So a little over a year and a half now.”

  “Do you like it?”

  He nodded, a fierce light taking over his gray eyes, “Yeah, I like to help people, always have, so it’s really the perfect job for me.”

  I nodded, I could understand that, I’d wanted to go into medicine when I was a little girl, but I had moved out when I was eighteen and there wasn’t exactly money for it after that. I’d needed to work to survive.

  “What do you like to do for fun?” he asked suddenly and I felt my mouth fall open as I went to answer, belatedly realizing I didn’t have one.

  “I… I read a lot. There isn’t much for me to do at New Beginnings, they only have basic cable and I don’t like what the other women like to watch, so I read instead.”

  “Yeah? What are you reading now?”

  “The selected works of Lewis Carroll.” He didn’t look familiar so I amended, “He wrote Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  I blushed again, “My grandmother used to read them to me when I was growing up.”

  He smiled but looked chagrinned, “I’m not much of a reader myself.”

  “Then what do you do for fun?”

  “It’s been a minute,” he laughed and rubbed his palms up and down the tops of his thighs, “I tinker in the garage and get my exercise. I’m into fitness.”

  I nodded. “I used to run. It’s been harder since…” I pressed a hand over the mass of scars hidden by my shirt. He nodded and his happy expression was stolen where he looked at my hand, likely as he remembered what it looked like when I was raw and open, bleeding to death in the back of his ambulance.

  We shared another weighted moment of silence before I shook myself free. We sipped our drinks and laughed nervously when we realized we were moving in concert.

  “Do you work tonight?” I asked softly?

  He winked at me and answered my question with a question, “You asking me on a date?” He was teasing, of course, but I decided to test the waters.

  “I’m off in a few minutes.”

  We stared at one another for long moments and he inclined his head, “Let me give you a ride home?”

  “I’d like that, but I’m not supposed to share where the house is. It’s one of the rules.”

  “I see, let me give you a ride anywhere?”

  “Sure,” I nodded and he smiled.

  “Had dinner?”


  “I know a great place, has whatever you could want.” I did the math and I think he could see it on my face because he threw in, “It’s cheap, too.”

  I nodded, “Okay, sounds good.”


  Dominic Shepard…

  “Ever ride one?”

  Corrine was staring at my bike like it was going to jump up and bite her; lavender eyes wide and posture stiff. She even held out a hand like you would to a dog you were trying to get to know. It was absolutely adorable.


  “You don’t think I’d do anything to kill you after saving your life, do you?”

  She laughed, and covered her mouth, eyes flicking to me as if to see if I would be angry. I felt a spurt of white hot rage, alright. It just had nothing to do with her. I hoped to hell they threw the book at her ex. Attempted murder sounded like a good deal. Sign me up for that trial, I’d gladly testify.

  “Seriously, Corrine, you trust me?”

  She nodded and I unhooked the net holding my spare helmet to the back seat. I went to her and put it on her, carefully strapping it in place. I picked up mine and put it on, fastening it and got onto the front of my bike, thumbing the starter switch. I twisted and patted the seat behind me. She got on and I ran through the particulars.

  “Put your hands in my pockets,” I tucked them there for her, “It will keep them warm.” She snuggled up to my back and my cock swelled, getting up close and personal with the inside of my zipper. Damn.

  I took us downtown to the food truck square, glad to see Corrine smiling in my side view mirror. She looked happy, and it filled me with a sense of pride that I put the smile on her face which was clearly unused to the expression.

  Parking was kind of a bitch. It always was down here, even with a bike, but I managed. I was bummed I only had a couple of hours left before my shift, but it was enough time to grab food and to see her home. I’d responded to the New Beginnings house before, delivered that baby in the back of my bus. I knew where it was.

  She picked the Thai truck and we wound our way to the picnic tables, sitting across from each other to eat.

  “If you could pick anywhere in the world to live besides here, where would it be?” I asked her and she chewed thoughtfully.

  “I saw this little beach town in a magazine once. A real tourist trap, but so beautiful. I’d live there if I could.”

  “Oh yeah, where’s that?”

  “A little town in Florida, where it’s sunny and warm all the time.”

  “Hm, sunny and warm. I can dig it.” She laughed and it was a good sound, musical and carefree.

  “Who even says that anymore?”

  I had to laugh at that, instead I changed the subject, “Okay, your turn.”

  She chewed her bite of food and swallow
ed, raising a finger, she had to attempt it a few times to get her food down. I wondered what was up with that; I mean, had her esophagus been injured? Her voice was fine so nothing was wrong with the larynx or vocal chords…

  “So tell me, how does a paramedic find himself riding a motorcycle? I thought all emergency personnel were like staunchly against them.”

  “Ah, what can I say? I’m a contradiction in terms.” I smiled, “Actually, I got into them in high school, before I’d really landed on emergency medical technician work. I learned how to ride one before I learned to drive a car. My dad was a biker.”

  “Oh, okay.” She nodded along and took another bite.

  “Once you ride it’s pretty easy to get hooked, what do you think?”

  “Mmm,” she gave an impish smile, “I think I’ll have to try it again before I commit to an answer.”

  I laughed and nodded, “Okay, okay, fair enough. How about we go for a ride before I have to head for work. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

  She looked at me, considering, and finally broke out into a beautiful smile, “I think I’d like that,” she said and she was blushing. I could see it clearly, even in the dim lighting out here. It was spring in Portland, but this far north, it still got dark fast and stayed pretty chilly. Like now, we may have been chowing down outside but we were huddled in our jackets and Corrine was starting to shiver a bit.

  As much as I hated to admit it, I would be taking her back to the shelter she was staying in for our ride… or at least close to it. I wanted to respect her boundaries. So I wouldn’t blatantly drop her off out front. I had another idea.

  We finished eating and I smiled, getting up and holding out my hand to her, “C’mon, let’s go for that ride.”


  Corrine Tate…

  He pulled up to the curb and shut off the engine, I got off his motorcycle, cheeks stinging with cold and took off the helmet.

  “We’re only a couple of blocks away from the shelter,” I said and he smiled warmly.

  “I know, I responded to a woman in labor call there about a year ago. Delivered her baby in the back of my bus half way to the hospital.”


  “Listen, I want to respect your boundaries, but it’s after dark, and I don’t much like the idea of you walking home alone. So this is what I’m going to do,” he pulled out his cellphone and looked at me, “You got one of these?”

  I nodded, a little wide eyed and dug mine out of my purse, “What’s your number?” He gave it to me and I dialed it, calling his phone so he would have mine.

  “Don’t hang up! Stay on the line with me while you walk, so I know you get inside alright. Okay?”

  I nodded and he got off his bike and took his helmet off, setting it on his seat. He stepped close to me, into my personal space and my heart was suddenly hammering in my chest. He was taller than me, up close, but not by too much. He raised his hand and softly grazed my cheek with his thumb, like I had touched him, when I thought he was going to be the last thing I would ever see. When I thought I was going to die.

  “You know, I’ve probably thought about you every night since that night,” he said, voice low and causing a shiver to slip down my spine.

  I closed my eyes, “Me, too.”

  “I know we’ve just officially met, but I feel like I’ve known you for a long time.”

  I nodded, I knew what he meant. I opened my eyes again, taking a deep breath when his lips gently pressed to mine. I sighed out, both in surprise and in relief and kissed him back. Moving my lips against his in the barest whisper of a touch. He drew back and I felt my cheeks burning for an all too different reason.

  “Talk to me while you walk, Baby. I need to know you’re okay.”

  I smiled and nodded and turned for the shelter, raising my phone to my ear.

  “That was a good first kiss,” I told him.

  “Wasn’t it just?”


  Corrine Tate…

  “I’d like to take you home.”

  “Oh? I thought tonight was your night off… that we…”

  His smile grew wider as I stumbled over my words and he put me out of my misery rather quickly.

  “Not the shelter, my home. I thought we could order some take-out and cuddle on the couch.”

  I felt a warm, glowy, sensation start at the base of my skull and sweep up into my hair and down my back. Excitement fizzed through my veins and I found myself unable to speak for a second so I nodded instead.

  “I’d like that,” I murmured.

  Dominic had picked me up from work and taken me the two blocks away from the shelter every night since that first night, and every night since he had kissed me goodbye and spoken with me on the phone my entire walk the rest of the way, until I was safely inside. He texted me on every break, messaged me as soon as he got home and messaged me first thing every afternoon when he woke up. It was sweet and I felt cherished. It was a new feeling, a good one, and I felt like a flower opening to the sun.

  I was alone, and I didn’t care what it looked like to outside observers, everything felt good, everything felt right when I was with him, and this was no exception. In fact, his date recommendation sounded like paradise.

  We rode to his apartment and I followed him upstairs, he unlocked the door and let me enter first, moving past me to switch on a lamp. It was simple in the living room. A black leather couch, a single matching chair, a glass and iron coffee table on a simple area rug with a big television and all the trappings.

  “X-box kind of guy?”

  He grinned, “I like the Halo series. Make yourself comfortable, can I get you something to drink?”

  “Water?” I set my purse on the chair and he took my coat, hanging it in the closet. His apartment was neat, scrupulously clean and I liked that. I was the same way. Living with Richie had been torture in that regard, I had always and forever been picking up after him.

  “Have a seat, I’ll order the food and be back with your water.”

  “Okay.” I sat down on one end of the couch and listened to him make the call in the small kitchen. He opened the fridge and came back with a glass with ice in it. He even used a coaster, slipping the slate square beneath the glass as he set it down near me.

  “Uh-huh, cool. Thanks, see you then; bye.”

  He slid the phone onto the table and dropped into the center seat, next to mine on the couch. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV, but muted it. An episode of something or other cast blue and white flickering light into the room as he bent and untied his boots. I did the same, unzipping the knee high riding boots and setting them off to the side. I wore leggings and a tunic top with a long sleeved cardigan over everything. As was customary nowadays, my outfit was completed by a light, infinity scarf, to cover the scars on the side of my neck.

  Dominic set his boots to one side and picked up my feet, plopping them into his lap. I giggled which turned into a startled ‘oh!’ when he pressed his thumb into the arch of one.

  “What’re we watching?” he murmured and I blushed furiously, realizing belatedly that I was watching him intently.

  “I don’t know…”

  “You said you never get to watch the kind of thing you like at the shelter, so ladies choice.”

  I swallowed hard and asked, “What do you like to watch?”

  We were staring at each other and he set one of my feet down, leaning closer and closer to me. I leaned back and reached out my arms and he came to me then, easing between my legs, laying over the top of me to press his mouth to mine. This kiss was considerably more than the chaste, street side kisses goodbye each night. His tongue flicked out, tasting my bottom lip and I groaned softly, opening to him.

  His tongue swept inside my mouth and met mine in a dance older than time; more comforting than a hot cup of tea on a snowy day. His hands smoothed up the tops of my legs and dipped below the hemline of my top, skating up to caress my waist. When he reached up further, find
ing no resistance, I sighed into his mouth, but stopped him abruptly before his fingers found the slick, shiny scar tissue from my surgical scars.

  He stopped immediately and withdrew his hands, without breaking our kiss and I very nearly melted beneath him. He slid them up my body again, this time over my clothes, exploring my body with his hands in such a way I grew wet with anticipation and need. My only problem lie in the question, would I be able to go through with it? Would I be able to let go enough for him to see me without my clothes?

  A knock at the door knocked us out of our making out and heavy petting. I jumped like a shot had rung out and laughed nervously. Dominic gave me a knowing smile and backed off of me, going to the door and looking out the peep hole.

  “Food,” he said and opened it. He dug his wallet out of his back pocket and paid the man delivering it, before shutting the door and locking up tight. I sat up and took a sip of water, smoothing my clothes back into place before running a hand over my hair.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, “Even more beautiful slightly tousled after having my hands on you.” He winked and went into the kitchen while I sat for several moments longer absorbing his words. I stood up and lingered in the kitchen doorway regarding him for a few minutes more.

  “Can I help?”

  “Nah, I got it.” He smiled at me and didn’t miss a beat with dishing up food onto two plates.

  I stood and kept him company until he handed me a plate and we moved back into the living room. He gestured I should sit and I did and he turned on a movie from on demand. Something suitably nerdy for me. I smiled and we ate, very little conversation happening.

  My hormones were racing through me like a Washington wildfire. I ached in ways I never thought I would experience again, and I found myself pressing my thighs together in an attempt to relieve it.

  We set our plates aside and he pulled me into his side. I laid my head on his shoulder and we watched the movie nearly through, when I couldn’t resist the urge any longer. I looked up at him and kept looking until a slow smile spread across his kissable lips. He looked down at me and met my mouth with his and the slow kissing and touching started all over again.


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