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Hard love - Love, belonging, differences

Page 5

by Edit Torma

  - However, I maybe would be forced take one of them up if it was necessary while you weren’t at home – they went to the dinning room, set down and succeed to reassure them who stopped crying at last, and they took them back into the children’s room.

  - It’s maybe strange but nowadays it isn’t so much but I still don’t have any child in my age. However, I nor have husband. I have had a partner once, and now I have a boyfriend since not long time ago – she returned the familiar talking.

  - And do you have enough time to meet him? Don’t we give too much time from your life?

  - I was who decided to choose this work. If I was a better student then in the secondary school and they admitted me to a university, I maybe didn’t have to work that much. But, in the other hand, they can be envious in that respect that I work for the Fishburne family – she laughed.

  - I would quite capable so many things to this, then, when Laurence didn’t even know about my existence! – Heni was remembering – And now I almost lost him. At least, to me it’s still like it would be now while it happened already a week ago that Montana’s guy shot at him… and wanted to kidnap one of the children… - she paled with the remembrance again.

  - It was really very outrageous – they told it her because she didn’t tell anything what she saw and hear int he famous house, and, she would hear about the events by them anyway – You’re still very broke down because of this? – Heni only noded.

  - I know a cert solution for this. Tonight I’m going to party with some of my friends, you could come with us too. You need it to make yourself forget this situation, to feel good at last and leave this tense mood by some booze and dance!

  - Ooh, it took me by surprise! To tell the truth, I have never been at any real party and I have never drunk too much either... But it sounds pretty good, I have always desired it, and I just never have had any suitable friends for this – Heni said cheerfully.

  - You’re kidding! I’m the thirty-year-old girl and you are who don’t party while you are twenty-three years old?! – Allyssa asked with playing jokes on her.

  - But I’m a married wife; I don’t even have enough time for this because of the children. What will be with them during this?

  - I have an idea. Call Jenny to say her she can have a party at you till we’ll come home, or even longer!

  - But how could she look after the children during having a party?

  - You and Laurence have always could trust her, she surely can solve it, don’t worry about this! Just come with us and feel good at last!

  - Well, OK. I’m calling Jenny- Heni cheerfully ran upstairs like a teen girl. Jenny had time for this and was happy about she could have a party in the house of a celebrity where she “only” took care of his children till then. She promised to sometimes take a look of them during it, if it will be necessary, she will set her phone to remember her to take a look of them to get know if they need something, she will set it to trembling because of the loud music, from time to time. She also promised to won’t set the music very loud not to disturb them too much.

  Heni told everything Allyssa after coming back from upstairs.

  - So you see that you unnecessarily worried. And now come, we’re putting up make-up! I think you haven’t been made up so much if you’ve never been at a real party! – Allyssa called Heni into her own room where Heni has never been. She was so kind and informal; Heni didn’t even hope they will get on so well with each other like this. Allyssa made her up and when she was ready and Heni looked in the mirror, she didn’t even recognize herself.

  - It isn’t me! – she was laughing – It looks pretty good, you’re very clever but isn’t it a problem if I’m erasing a bit of this?

  - If you fell better that way…

  - But won’t you be offended, will you?

  - Certainly not! But I’m better to putting up a lot of make-up because how would I look in a disco with my young friends while I’m so old like this! – Allyssa was playing jokes on Heni – Choose something cool clothes during this and show it me, I’ll tell you what is going to be good, I’m already a skilled in party-ing!

  - OK! – Heni ran upstairs and selected her clothes she found proper at the occasion, then helped Jenny out with bathing the little ones and putting them to sleep, and they also persuaded their older sister to go to bed yet. She already had a bath earlier.

  Then Heni returned to Allyssa with the chosen clothes, who chosen the most striking one between all of them: a dark pink, glittering short dress without straps. The other girl took a similar one up, just it was black and had a strap, hanged it on her neck. Before they set, Allyssa called her friends.

  - Get ready because tonight we’re going to party together with a special girl! However, it isn’t even necessary to get ready for it too much because she lives even simpler life than us, practically it is going to be her first real party in her life. But she’s really a pretty nice girl. I think you are already suspecting that she can be someghing celebrity but you know that I work for a star who isn’t a girl but his wife is going to come with us. Tonight Laurence Fishburne’s wife, Heni is going tjo be with us, personally! – it was heard by Allyssa’s mood that she already has drunk, but Heni liked to hear that they was talking about her a so special person like this, when she heard the phone conversation. Her life was till then that she was at home with her husband and the children expect that some occasion when paparazzos took some photo about her and Laurence because they know her husband.

  Allyssa, after finishing the conversation, persuaded Heni to drink a bit too after they will set, and Jenny already began preparing the living-room for the party for a while. When she was already waiting for her guests, Heni and Allyssa set. They were going with the girl’s car, they gave her friends a lift on the way: they were Lindsay, the twenty-five-year-old, brunette, tall girl, Britney, the twenty-six-year-old, black-haired girl who was middle-heighted, and Lisa, the twenty-four-year-old, little, blond girl. They were still restrained before the party, but later, when they already had drunk more, they were shrieking and shouted that they were here with Laurence Fishburne’s wife, they was constantly dealing with her, made her drunk and called her to dance, and Heni also felt very good. She has never enjoyed so much like then. She and the girls were dancing all night and the drink made her forget her every problems.

  They were going home with Allyssa, by the car.

  - So what was it like? – she asked.

  - I was under the influence of alcohol for the first time – she was laughing – But I’m not drunk, am I?

  - Were you conducting yourself like who you were thinking to be drunk? – Allyssa was laughing too.

  - I don’t know, I’m hardly conscious; you were who were seeing me.

  - You still don’t know what it’s like when you are hardly conscious! Whe saw that you didn’t’ do anything what would suggest you would be drunk!

  - So that’s OK! – Heni was laughing.

  - By the way, you should rather worry about how much I drank because I am who’s driving, in the end.

  - How much did you drink?

  - Calm down, not too much. We’re already here – Allyssa didn’t go through the gate by car, she only parked next to the house and she did it this way also then. They went on foot through the huge gate and when they stepped in the living-room, they were seeing that Jenny’s party also had come to an end, any guest wasn’t there already. She was sleeping on the sofa what was pushed to the wall; she was waiting for she can go home. Every piece of furniture was pushed aside and there were alcohol bottles everywhere.

  - I hope she will clean these away – Allyssa was laughing at this too, under the influence of alcohol.

  They had a shower in their own bathrooms. This enjoying was good. Heni felt like a young girl again. As an addition, she felt it so much like never before. She sobered a bit by having a shower and she was considering about if she should wake Jenny up to tell her she already can go home or let her sleep.

; - What do you think, what should we do with her? – she asked Allyssa who was also coming out of the bathroom, to the living-room. She thought Jenny drank so much that she was sleeping fast so she spoke loudly but the girl woke up by this, she was speaking in glowing terms about the party she could have here, in the Fishburne house, then said goodbye, went home, and Heni and Allyssa went to sleep too.

  Heni was spending her time with the children next day, till afternoon. When it was the more little ones’ turn, she was talking with Allyssa, and, in the afternoon, she went to Laurence and was there till evening. She told him she felt so bad because of this shape nowadays, because they shot at him and he was in hospital, that Allyssa persuaded her to go to party together, she has never been at a so big party like this and was feeling very good but she was already missing him so she is going to be with him almost till far into the night. Laurence was happy about his wife has felt so good like this and she wasn’t constantly sitting next to his bed also then, and he told it Heni but he also admitted that he was missing her too to meet. The only thing he was worrying about was that she wanted to go home late evening, alone, and Heni was afraid of he will think bad things about she once went to party like something teen girl who hasn’t got any duty, while she was a married wife.

  Both of these anxieties were unnecessarily. Laurence tried to talk her out of staying so long not to happen anything on the way but Heni wanted to be with him long in the hospital and she really arrived in home in safety. She told Jenny she is going to be in the hospital long and asked her to wait for her, she said she can sleep there if she would like to.


  Heni’s days continued that way through the week, only she earlier went to Laurence in order to go home earlier.

  On Friday, Allyssa and her friends were going to go to a party, and Heni couldn’t put up resistance to the chance to going with them. She solved this night that way that the children slept at the friend of the little Heni, anyway, Allie and the parents were happy about a bit of dealing with babies. Heni was feeling very well at the party again, with Allyssa, Lindsay, Britney and Lisa, and strangers went to her to say: “You’re really Laurence Fishburne’s wife?!” and similar things. She felt like a celebrity.

  Next day Britney and Lisa persuaded Allyssa and Lindsay, and Allyssa persuaded Heni to repeat the night.

  - Anyway, you would sitting idly next to your husband’s bed and also, you need a bit of variety – she said in the living room during ironing, while Heni was clothing the little Laurence and Loretta on the sofa.

  - You really deserve some entertainment after you work so much but I like to be with Laurence and the children. And what could I do with Heni and the little ones during this? – Heni asked – I just can’T call Jenny for the night again and it also would maybe odd a little bit if the children were sleeping at Heni’s friend again.

  Allyssa’s friends took their friends too so more people would there. Heni was calm because she was at home with the children and she didn’t let anybody to set the music too loud. And dancing and drink made her forget during the party that Laurence lied in hospital with bullet wound. The others cheerfulness, because they could party in a famous movie star’s house, with his wife, also made her cheerful so she didn’t drink too much either at this occasion, and she let it herself neither. She still breastfed the little ones, and her religion forbids the drunkenness anyway. Anyway, she couldn’t let herself the hangover, she had to look after the babies and deal with them and the little Heni, she already depended on Jenny’s help many times till then too.

  Next day, when she got up, she didn’t even need the hangover to feel terrible. It completely tired her that she danced till night twice, till yesterday night and till that day’s night too, and this time she had to put the children to sleep more times again during the party, when the guests were too loud.

  She hardly had vigor to begin the duties again be linked the little ones and their older sister. She was exhausted during taking Heni to the nursery school and taking her home, during playing with her, breastfeeding, and changing the babies, putting them to sleep, and she arrived to Laurence in the hospital with having rings round her eyes. She already didn’t even dare to tell him that she has party again, she also was remorseful subsequently because of the children, because they couldn’t sleep well by the guests. When she reported him about the previous occasion last day, Laurence said her to don’t carry it to extremes but he still hasn’t been angry with her then at all, he just called her attention to this. He totally understood that his wife spends her time with looking after the children and sitting idly next to his bed in the hospital every day and that she needed some variety but Heni was afraid about he already won’t understand this much of partying.

  - What happened? You seem to be tired? – Laurence asked immediately after Heni arrived at the ward and they said hello.

  - I went to bed late yesterday.

  - Why? Were the little ones crying?

  - They woke up more times at night and I had to put them to sleep again – she didn’t lie in the ned. She could never lie to Laurence. However, she couldn’t lie to anyone else either.

  - Poor! I’m going to can go home son and help you out with looking after them – the man said and stroked her hair back, sense of guilt was visible on her. If he knew how well she enjoyed and was enjoying tonight too while he lied in the hospital… - Is there something problem? – Laurence noticed his wife’s odd look.

  - Don’t should I to be with you more?

  - You have to look after the children too.

  - Who and how often visit you?

  - Tom has been at me two times, sometimes my mother, Langston and Delilah, my closer friends often come in the morning because I’ve told them that you come in the afternoon. They don’t come every day either so I study my role till you arrive.

  - Don’t we take up your time from this?

  - I’ve told to the others they didn’t have to come so often, anyway, I have to get ready for filming, so I have more time for get ready already.

  - I love that you’re so persistent that you work when you’re injured – Heni eulogized, being head over heels in love, and kissed her husband- But wouldn’t you recover faster if you rested more?

  - The doctors didn’t say it so it surely doesn’t matter too much.

  - Do they know at all that you get ready hard for the filming here, in the hospital?

  - If it interested them so much, they could be even in the ward with me to look after if I’m resting or not or they could just simply look for in the net if is it still relevant that I’m going to play in the movie. If yes, I evidently get ready for this. By the way, it’s only mental work, so I think it doesn’t matter much if it wears me out, at least now when I’m already better. But you’re sweet that you anxious about me so much like this – the man was smiling and kissed Heni. They talked and kissed each other a lot at every visit.

  Heni went home almost at late night this time too but she arrived safely by taxi at this occasion too. Jenny was looking after the children till then, anyway, she went bad late and she lived just in the adjoining house.


  Heni got up at nine in the morning, breastfed and changed the babies, had a breakfast with the little Heni, took her to the nursery school, Jenny was looking after Loretta and the little Laurence during it. She went home, went into a shop on the way, and when she arrived in home, and only put the clobbers to the cupboard like she usually did because of the many duties of educating children, the magazine she bought, fell out of the carrier. She usually read magazine, used the internet or watched TV through about a half an hour when any children didn’t need her “services” and she wasn’t in the hospital with Laurence.

  She took the magazine up from the floor, and when she noticed what was on the front page, almost dropped it back to the floor. They wrote: “Scandal: Laurence Fishburne’s young wife is beside herself with joy”. Heni’s heart began terribly fast beating and she began to feel giddy.
She was terrified while sitting down and leafed it through to get to know what they could write about her. She almost fainted. They wrote that maybe the only reason of she married the actor who was much older than she, was the luxury, and then, when he was in hospital, she enjoyed that he wasn’t at home with her and that she could use the house to what she wanted to. Also, she let some strangers into the house, to party, who could look around and take some photos of the house, what they could make public on the internet without Laurence’s approval. It also raised up connect her husband was in hospital with her partying, that she also cheated on him with a something young boy because she was bored with her twenty-nine-year-old husband. As an addition, they also wrote that she was fed up with her middle-aged husband because she had to live as his wife for the luxury’s and fame’s sake, that she celebrated that they shot him. Heni was only sitting and trembling on the sofa almost through an hour, with reading and considering about the events again and again, and considering about what to do. Then she took her phone out with trembling hand and still being in something mood like panic, and called Laurence. It was better if he’ll get it to know by her than by strangers or anyone else.

  - Hi! What is the reason of you called me? – the man’s cheerful, surprised voice was heard.

  Heni usually didn’t cal him because the children took her time up so much.

  - I have to tell you something – she said with trembling voice, with being frightened to death.

  - Why, what happened? – Laurence got frightened. He was afraid of something happened to one of the children.

  - I partied yesterday too.

  - I’ve told you that you shouldn’t carry it to extremes. But they didn’t recognize you, did they?

  - They did recognize me and they wrote all sorts of horror about me in the today’s news – she told it already then during crying.

  - What??? – it was beginning again. He already had to be ashamed of his wife too. He couldn’t trust anybody of his family members??? – Didn’t even come into your mind to hide somehow who are you?


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