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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

Page 8

by Dana Arden

  I point it out to Greer and she nods. I interrupt Rip as he’s going over what they’ve found or heard through the grapevine, but the information isn’t substantial. “Rip, did ya’ll notice that all the victims have four year old daughters? The two women are single and the man is the only one married.” He raises his hand for me to continue. “I don’t think this is about the dominants.” I look to Greer for confirmation.

  “Have you or Mad Dog checked on the kids? Because this is too close to trafficking.” Greer questions.

  Rip pales but I continue. “If they were just after dominates then you would think they would go after the singles. No spouse or significant other to care if they were taken.”

  “Shit, Razz.” Rip growls. “We thought about the connection with the kids, but when Darla was taken her daughter went to stay with her grandparents out of state. Maggie’s daughter and son went to her aunt’s and we didn’t worry with Garrett’s because he has a wife. Fuck!” He bangs his fist on the table.

  Greer pulls out her phone and starts texting. “We need to get Mad Dog here to run checks on the kids.” She looks up from her phone. “Do you have addresses for the other kids?” He nods. “Can you send some of the brothers to those addresses and check on the kids?” He nods and looks to Duke who leaves the table with his phone to his ear. “Mad Dog is at the security gate, so he’ll be here shortly.”

  “If this is child trafficking, we’re going to have to change our thinking. Goddamnit.” I spit. All I can picture are these little kids bunched in a basement waiting to be shipped off like cows to slaughter. “If those kids are still with their relatives, they need to be moved to a safe house or even to the Clubhouse.” I look up to nods of agreement.

  The sound of the front door slamming and heavy footsteps has the table tensing only to be relieved by a pissed off Mad Dog. He slams six different folders on the table and begins pacing the floor. We all wait with baited breath as Mad Dog gets his anger in check.

  Greer begins to shuffle through the folders and stops on the third. She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. Spook looks over her shoulder and his fist flex and unflex. I take the folder and read the name Farrah Gustave, Greer’s demented mother. Trigger must have seen it because he tenses beneath me.

  Spook stands and sets Greer in his seat. “Start talking.” He demands of Mad Dog.

  “Apparently, Farrah got out of the charges by making a plea deal. She was released four months ago and you wouldn’t believe me if I told you this before all this shit, but her ass is in Florida.” He leans against the wall wearily glancing from Greer to Spook. He’s not just only pissed, he’s scared. He promised Greer that her mother would be locked up for years after the charges they had on her along with the kidnapping of Ryland.

  “Why didn’t we know about this when she was released?” Greer whispers.

  Mad Dog shakes his head. “I don’t have an answer to that. I didn’t get these files until this morning from headquarters when I requested any persons of interest that had been involved or had been charged with kidnapping in the area. Even with the plea deal, her record still gets marked. If I hadn’t requested this information, we probably wouldn’t have known until the court date next month.”

  Trigger raps his knuckles on the table and shifts me in his lap. “So we have a suspicion for child trafficking, Farrah’s in the area and kidnapping at a sex club. I thought most of Dimitri’s contacts either plead out or were locked up with him. Who here could Farrah possible know?”

  The question is relevant, but nobody knows the answer since everyone thought any and everyone affiliated with Dimitri had been dealt with.

  Beanie interrupts the ramblings of my mind. “All five of us can’t go into Wonderland tonight. Greer definitely has to stay back as well as Spook and Trigger.” Trigger huffs and starts to speak but Beanie cuts him off. “Farrah knows all three of you. She knows your affiliation with the club. If she’s there, she’ll let whoever is responsible for the kidnapping know. Razz, what address do you have down at Wonderland?”

  “This one. Why?”

  He looks to Rip and Sandy. “We need a rental that isn’t affiliated with the club. Mad Dog, is it possible for you to have fake adoption papers attached to Razz’s name?” Mad Dog nods. “Good. Razz, new storyline.”

  That is how I became the adoptive mother of a four year old little girl named Rosa from Venezuela who was staying at a rental with her nanny while her adoptive mother played with Beanie at a BDSM club.

  Chapter 18


  This is complete and utter bullshit. Fucking Farrah and her manic ways throwing this whole trip out of whack. Now we have missing people as well as possible missing kids or kids that are likely to get abducted because of sick people.

  We’ve been at this table for an hour going back and forth with how everything is going to go down. Razz has her cover story as well as Beanie. The knowing of how Beanie and Razz play together has gotten under my skin. There will definitely be a discussion on how he touches her. There will be no orgasm to bring her out of subspace and there will be no cuddling as well.

  Just the thought of everything that has happen and could possibly happen makes me ill. I know the world is not perfect and neither are the people in it, but children are supposed to be protected and cherished. They should never be a pawn. Nine times out of ten it’s the rich fuckers who could have anyone they want that have the sickest fetishes.

  The safe house has been lined up and Sandy’s mom has volunteered to sit as a pretend Nanny. Mad Dog has been stuck to his computer like glue trying to find Farrah’s connections.

  Me. I’m sitting here soaking up Razz’s warmth until it’s time to let her go and prepare for tonight. You ever feel useless. Yeah that’s how I feel at the moment. When you prepare for something and then it gets changed at the last minute, it sucks, but I understand the reasoning. I understand that if I go in there with Razz that I could be putting her in danger.

  Rip’s cell rings and after a few grunts he ends the call. We all look to him to find out about the kids. He shakes his head. “It’s not looking promising. Garrett Wilder’s house was empty. No wife, no kid. Her cell rings straight to voicemail, but it’s full. Maggie Sharp’s sister’s place is the same. Empty.”

  Once again we’re at a dead-end.

  Razz wraps one of her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. She’s a woman who is always helping and this has to make her feel powerless. Instead of just three people missing like we originally thought, we have five adults and two children.

  “Is the local PD in the know with the new information?” I ask.

  Mad Dog shakes his head. “Trigger, you can’t go outlaw on this. There’s red tape that can’t be cut.”

  “Look this is how I see it, we’ll help you find whoever is behind this shit and help find the victims, but at any time we come in contact with Farrah, she’s the club’s. She’s been wrecking havoc long enough and it’s time for her to meet her maker. I know you can turn a blind eye to her.”

  “Trigger, her disappearing is going to raise a lot of questions especially since she’s supposed to be appearing in court to testify against Dimitri.”

  I shake my head furiously. “We all know that you have more than enough evidence against Dimitri to put him away for life. Her testimony isn’t going to add more years.”

  “Fine, but the shit better not fall back on my doorstep.” Mad Dog says exacerbated.

  “Agreed. While everyone else has their assignments, we’re,” I point to Greer and Spook, “going to scope out Farrah’s address and see if she leads us to anyone.”

  Rip grunts. “Good idea. We’ll have Wonderland under surveillance as well as the rental. Razz and Beanie will have tracking devices on them that also have audio, so we’ll hear everything that occurs inside.”

  Razz lifts her head and makes eye contact with me. I kiss her softly on her lips. “You be safe tonight, Razz. I don’t want to leave you, but I know
you’re in good hands.”

  “I will. You be careful too. I want you in my bed tonight when I fall asleep.”

  “Noted and guaranteed.”

  Chapter 19


  My body is racked with nervous energy. The original plan made me feel secure. I had four other people with me. Now, it’s just Beanie and I as I play mother.

  Before we enter, I stop Beanie. There’s one thing that I need him to do and I couldn’t ask him with Trigger around because I knew the answer would be a hell no. “Beanie, I need you to listen to me and I need you to do this for me.” He looks at me strange and nods. “If I get taken tonight, let them take me. Don’t track me down until my signal has stopped for more than fifteen minutes.”

  “Razz, that’s ridiculous. I can’t do that and feel good about it.”

  “Listen. If you guys get me before they get a mile down the road, we could never learn where they’re taking the victims. The longer it takes us to get that information the more likely they will be sold or worse dead. This guarantees we’re able to find one location that could possibly be the center of this operation.”

  “That’s sounds peachy, but you know Trigger will kick my ass for letting you go and not coming after you. It’d kill him if something happen to you.”

  “I know he’s not going to approve, but what matters in this moment is the victims. I can do this. I can handle it. I just need you to trust me.”

  “Alright, but if something happens to you then I’m going to beat your ass after Trigger lights mine up.”


  Walking into Wonderland through the dimly lit foyer wearing leather leggings, red leather bustier and thigh-high black heeled boots, there’s a middle-aged man at a desk. He looks to us as the door shuts. “How can I help you?” He asks.

  “I’m a member here and I need to change some of my information on my membership.”

  “Sure miss. Can you tell me your name and what you need to change?”

  “My name is Raquel Samson and I need to change the address listed. I recently sold that house and we are living in a rental temporarily until we move to Tennessee. I just adopted the most beautiful little girl and I want to move closer to my family.”

  The man’s eyes light with intrigue. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. I figured I might as well spend my last weekend in Florida living out my fantasies before we leave.”

  “What’s the new address?” He asks. I rattle off the address that I’ve been repeating to myself for the past two hours. “It’s all taken care of. Enjoy.”

  We say our goodbyes and walk through the enormous mahogany double doors to enter Wonderland. It’s magnificent. Everything is done in white and gold. Twinkling lights outline the open room as people mill around getting acquainted or watching a scene play out.

  Nothing’s changed much since the last time I was here a little over six months ago.

  Beanie grips my elbow and leads me to the bar. We take a seat and Beanie catches the bartender’s attention. We both get a bottle of water and continue perusing Wonderland through the mirror behind the bar.

  Beanie leans into me. “You have an admirer at three o’clock.”

  I glimpse in the direction and a man in his early thirties is staring hungrily at me. “He could be checking you out.”

  “Funny, but I clocked him when we walked through the door. He came out of the shadows when you stepped in front of me. I watched him the entire journey to the bar and his eyes were attached to your ass.”

  I try to get a hint of what color band is on his wrist and see a sliver of baby blue. “He’s a sub. Good thing we had that last minute decision to both come in as dominates tonight, huh.”

  Wonderland hands out colored wristbands to let everyone know what you’re interested in. Black is for dominates. Blue is for a male submissive. Pink is for a female submissive. Orange is for a person who swings both ways, dominate or submissive. Lime green is interested in the same sex and this is the only band that can be worn with either of the mentioned bands.

  I elbow Beanie. “Should we split up?” He nods and we both get up and split in different directions.

  Before I can get captivated with the woman who is hanging from ropes from the ceiling making her look like an angel taking flight, there’s a tap on my shoulder.

  I rotate my head to see the man that Beanie pointed out earlier. He has his head bowed and his hands behind his back. “How can I help you?” I ask him.

  “I was wondering if you would be willing to do a scene with me, Mistress.”

  “Depends. What exactly are you looking for?”

  “I’d appreciate being bound. I enjoy pain especially with a whip, Mistress.”

  I nod. “Public or private play?”

  “Private, Mistress.”

  “Alright, pet. Let’s find an empty room.”

  Chapter 20


  Standing in the observation room connected to the room that Razz and the man from earlier entered, I take in his mannerisms. He kneels and responds like a practiced submissive, but every once in a while there’s a glint in his eyes and sometimes a smirk when Razz walks behind him. His wrist and feet are bound together with red rope. He’s immobile other than being able to move his head.

  Razz has a three foot signal whip curled in her hand. When she knows he’s ready, she brings her arm to the side and releases like a slingshot and whips it around quickly. The sub’s back bows and relaxes. She continues hitting his arms, chest and thighs. He truly enjoys the pain by way of his aroused cock.

  After five quick slashes, Razz drops the whip and unravels the rope from his wrists and ankles. She helps him to stand and leads him to the bed where he lays with his arms and legs spread. She cuffs his wrist and ankles with the attached handcuffs on the headboard and footboard.

  “Do you need more, pet?” Razz asks.

  A muffled ‘yes, Mistress’ is heard as Razz picks a flogger off a hook and makes her way to the bed. She sends a flurry of criss-cross strikes against his chest and thighs. On a strike that brushes against his balls, he cums silently as Razz places the flogger back on the hook and begins to unbind him.

  The lights flicker in the room for a few seconds and then the room goes dark. A stifled scream is heard and then silence. By the time the lights come back on, the sub is still bound to the bed struggling to get free and Razz is gone.

  The only respite from this situation is hearing Razz earlier saying over and over ‘B, let me go’ in my head and the fact she has a tracker in her earring.



  Following around a piece of shit most of the afternoon and into the night is testing my patience. Farrah has gotten her nails and hair done, bought new clothes and I got to watch her eat dinner as though she was just a normal middle-aged woman.

  The fake smiles and laughs that she subjected the people in her company were even more sickening. If these people knew her true-self, they probably would’ve burned her at the stake like they did during the witch trials in Salem.

  Greer has been mute since we left Razz’s and started stalking her mother. I can only imagine the past torments she’s replaying in her head. I know she’s texted nonstop to check on Ryland and Cyan, her and Spook’s six month old son.

  It’s close to nine in the evening when Farrah leaves the restaurant and our adventure continues. We follow her for half an hour until she pulls into Wonderland.

  Greer gasp, Spook cusses and I grip the stirring wheel tight. Strike two for Farrah’s connection with the kidnappings. We sit and wait to see what she does, but she just stays in the car.

  Greer speaks up for the first time in hours. “What do you think she’s waiting for?”

  “Sis, you know her better than us.”

  “Yeah, but I still can’t…”

  Before she can finish, the brake lights of Farrah’s car illuminate and pulls up behind a black SUV that’s turning out of the parking lot.
Like we’ve done all day, we follow a few car-lengths behind.

  We’ve been on the same road for five minutes before Spook’s cell starts ringing. No words are spoken on Spook’s end just the occasional grunt. The call ends and I wait patiently for Spook to relay his call.

  “That was Beanie checking in. He said everything’s fine on his end and for us to keep following Farrah. When she stops, we need to get the address and head back to Razz’s house.”

  “It looks like she’s heading into the boonies. I haven’t seen a house since she turned on this road.” Greer states completely bored with our stakeout.

  Farrah turns left onto a dirt road following the black SUV and we pass. There are no buildings visible from the road and being out here at night doesn’t help either. We turn around and get as close to the road as we can so we can plug the location into the GPS for an address. Once that’s done, I step on the gas and head towards my Razzle Dazzle.

  Chapter 21


  Pulling into Razz’s driveway full of motorcycles, I can’t get out of the Tahoe fast enough. Even getting through the front door isn’t quick enough for me, but what slows me in my tracks are all the people in Razz’s living room and kitchen, but none of them are her.

  I can’t find a single person who will look me in the eyes and tell me where Razz is. You know what their responses are ‘talk to Rip.’ I don’t want to fucking talk to Rip. I want to know where the fuck Razz and Beanie are.

  Stay calm and everything’s going to be fine is having the opposite effect. I’m raging. I’m one-point-two seconds away from blowing a gasket and Hulk’ing the hell out of this house and the people in it.

  Before the whistle can blow, a hand grips my shoulder and moves into my sight. Beanie isn’t telling me to stay calm or that everything is going to be fine. No. He’s silent with a pitying expression on his face. Just by that one look, I know I’m not going to like whatever the fuck he has to say about tonight.


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