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Christmas Cowboy

Page 54

by Claire Adams

  His hands searched my body, gripping with a hunger as his lips devoured me. He pulled back and searched my eyes as his hand slipped under my shirt and cupped my breast. “Do you want this?”

  “Yes.” I reached for his belt and tugged it to assure him. His next move was to clear the table with a sweep of his muscular arms. His mother’s precious dishes, my wine, his empty glass, and the corked bottle ended up pushed to the center of the long table in a pile. A fork clanked to the tile at his feet as he lifted me up and laid me out like dessert.

  “Wonder if you taste as good as you look.” He pushed my skirt up to my waist and then his eyes flashed with a feral burn that sent a lick of heat to my aching core. “Looks like I’m going to have to repay a favor.”

  I writhed beneath him, hoping he’d make it quick. I inched forward in anticipation as he grabbed the knife we’d use for dinner. My eyes widened, but I knew what he was up to. “I hope those aren’t your favorite panties.”

  I shook my head then glanced down as he slipped the blade between my skin and the strip of lace at my hip. He jerked his hand upward, and the lace broke free. The air hit me down below as he peeled my panties away from my mound and flattened his palm against me. He placed the knife on the table and then lowered himself to my sex to plant a tender kiss. His eyes met mine for a moment, and I lifted my hips to him, wanting more.

  “Greedy girl… I like that.” A chill shuddered through me as he leaned down and his beard tickled my thighs. Then his tongue parted my folds, slipping inside until it hit the apex. I shuddered and gripped him with my legs, urging him closer.

  I wanted to feel him inside me, I needed something to fill me, and as if he read my mind, two fingers found my mouth. I sucked them until they were supple and slick, and then he wasted no time pushing them deep into me. He worked my clit and stroked me fast, his fingers curling up against my most tender spot, quenching the need that had built in me like a fire.

  “Come for me,” he whispered against my mound. As if his command meant everything to me, I obliged. My toes curled, and I realized I’d somewhere in the act I’d kicked off my shoes and what was left of my panties. The wave of pleasure rolled through me, and he didn’t relent; he worked me straight through it, quickening his pace and lapping at me as I fell apart around him.

  He gave a soft chuckle, and then his lips and fingers were gone. I opened my eyes as he stood upright and then held out his hand. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but I hoped it wasn’t far.

  I glanced to his thick erection and another wave of need shot through me. I wanted on it. I felt an ache in my center at his absence and wobbled on weak knees as he led me out of the dining room and upstairs. I stopped halfway, my knees buckling like a fawn. It had been a while since I’d had such a powerful orgasm, and the anticipation for his cock was so much greater than I’d expected.

  “Am I going to have to carry you?” He slipped his arm around me to hold me up, and when we reached the top, he scooped me into his arms.

  I squeaked as my feet left the floor, and he stopped in his tracks to kiss me. My hand snaked down to grip his cock, and his breath hitched. Then he hurried to his bed where he dumped me onto his white cotton duvet, and we stripped off what was left of our clothes.

  He reached into the side table and pulled out a small foil packet and tossed it on my tummy. Then he crawled up on his knees and waited. “You want to do the honors?” He stroked his cock, and as I watched it weep a pearly tear, my mouth watered.

  “When I’m ready,” I said, rising to my knees. “Lay down.” I pushed at his chest, and he crawled to where I’d been and lay back, looking up at me with hungry eyes as he stroked.

  I slapped his hand away, earning a chuckle, and then I took him into my hands. As I leaned forward, my long, straight hair fell around me, spilling across his hips. His hand pulled it back and gathered it behind my head as I licked his tip and then swirled my tongue around his bell.

  He sucked a deep breath through his teeth, and his hips inched forward to urge me. I locked my lips around him and then lowered myself as close to his base as I could get. He was much more than a mouthful for me, and I was finding it hard to take the whole of him without gagging. His hand held my hair as pulled me forward, and his cock hit the back of my throat, closing off my air. I pulled off quickly and gasped and flattened my palm around his sac, cupping the weight of them and kneading them with my fingertips.

  “Fuck, it’s so good, Lexa.” Hearing him say my name made me proud, and I wanted to do better for him. I took a few deep breaths and then relaxed my throat, taking him much deeper. I bobbed my head a few times before I tight-lipped my way off, milking another tiny pearl of his pleasure. It hit my tongue with the taste of salt, and then I pulled away, not wanting things to end before I got him inside me.

  The need there had me soaked. His fingers slid into my pussy, and then he spread the nectar on his cock.

  I made quick work of sheathing him. He took my arm and pulled me down beside him where he kissed me and cupped my breast to play with my nipple. His thumb caressed it softly as he rose to his knees, positioning himself at my entrance. He nudged it slowly, and I winced as he pushed deeper, spreading me to my limits.

  Then he pumped inside of me slow for a moment, and I moaned beneath him, grinding myself against him. He lifted me up and lay back so that I straddled his lap. He held me close and then gripped my hips while I rode him steady until my release burst forth in delicious waves of ecstasy which milked his cock until his own release followed. His cock twitched deep inside of me as he pulsed in my depths, and then he let out a deep breath and wiped his brow.

  “Fucking amazing.” His lips found mine, and he rolled me off to settle beside him, taking my hand, where he planted a soft kiss.

  A playful giggle sounded from my lips. “Yes, it was.”

  He stroked my hand softly. “I have a confession, Lexa. I haven’t been completely honest with you, but I want to be.”

  Guilt wrapped around me like a wet blanket. I hadn’t been honest with him either, and though I wanted to be too, I couldn’t. I braced myself for his next words. Was it something terrible?

  “I didn’t make the enchiladas. My maid, Mattie, she did.” I met his eyes, and he seemed so sincere that I didn’t quite know what to say. “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest, I know it’s stupid, but you were so impressed and-”

  “No need to explain; it’s fine, really.”

  He smiled and kissed me again. The guilt burned greater than my desire had until I thought it would consume me and burn me away to nothing.

  I hung around as long as I could without being rude, but then I gathered my clothes, got dressed, and bailed. I’d given in to desire, but I couldn’t let that happen again. This whole thing with him had been crazy, and I knew in my heart it had to end.

  Chapter Eleven


  I stepped out of the shower, threw on a towel, and hurried for my phone, hoping it was Lexa. I didn’t want to miss her if she called, and my throbbing erection could use a little more help than I was giving it under the showerhead. I had been thinking about her all morning, and I hadn’t heard from her since Saturday. She’d seemed a little strange when she left, and I hoped I hadn’t ruined things with my little white lie.

  The phone showed me the call was from Layne, and wouldn’t you know; it killed my hard on. “What?” I put the phone on speaker and placed it on my bed as I dried off.

  “I need you to get here as soon as possible, Aiden. It’s not good news.” He sounded desperate and out of breath.

  “Tell me now.”

  “No, get your ass down here. I’m not having this conversation over the phone. It’s about the Pattersons’ suit.” Layne had always had a flair for the dramatic, but something about his tone, the way he sounded like he could puke at any moment, worried me.

  “I’m on my way.” I hung up the phone and got myself dressed in the first thing I found, which was a pair of loose jeans and a plain whi
te tee. I grabbed a pair of socks and shoes and headed out to my truck.

  I didn’t want to deal with this shit, but this family seemed hell bent on taking my fortune. And if I planned to fuck off the rest of my life, this could greatly affect that.

  I thought of Lexa’s question and curiosity about what I did for a living. I hated the answer I’d given her and wished I could say I was doing something worthwhile. Maybe my days of fucking off were behind me. She could surely encourage it again with her tight body sliding on my cock. She’d been amazing, and I couldn’t wait to hear from her again.

  Twenty minutes later, I pulled into the office parking garage. Since I wasn’t on my bike, I decided to take my father’s reserved space, where no one ever parked out of respect…until today, apparently. Surprisingly, it wasn’t Layne’s Corvette, which barely won him points. Instead, it was someone’s SUV. I decided to block them in and hurried up to Layne’s office.

  “This had better be important.” I plopped down in one of his matching leather chairs in front of his desk.

  “It’s not good news. I got the official filings on your estate, and I’m afraid they devastating.”

  “How devastating? And, don’t start talking dollar amounts; tell me how it’s going to hurt.” Dollar amounts could change as deals are made, but not by much. I needed to know if was expected to sell a car or a kidney.

  “Olde House. You could lose it.” The words angered me more than they stung. He was telling me that someone was trying to take my home, and like anyone else defending their home, I saw it as a declaration of war. One I’d proudly fight to defend my castle.

  I leaned forward and planted my palm on his desk. “Not going to happen. You better work some goddamned magic.”

  “Their attorney says they aren’t budging. They say this new evidence of negligence is solid. They’re going for blood.” He got up and went to fix a drink. “We’re in a tight spot, Aiden. It only makes sense that you’d sell the house. You can downsize now that you’re the only one left, and you’ll still have your job to keep you on your feet.”

  “That’s the only way you can see it, right? Me losing my home? You sound like you’re not even going to fight for me, Layne.” He placed a glass in front of me and turned up his own after giving me a blank look.

  “So that’s it?” I continued. “You think you’re going to roll over on this and play fucking dead? Let me light a fire under that arrogant little ass of yours. If those people get one cent of my money, it will not come from Olde House.”

  I suddenly had his attention, as his eyes met mine. “You better listen. Because the only thing getting sold is this office building. Did you forget I own it, too? And, don’t think for a moment I won’t put you out on your ass.”

  “Your father would be ashamed to hear you talking this way. Have some common sense; this is your livelihood when you finally decide to stop slumming through life and actually earn a living. Your father-”

  “Is dead. And since I didn’t give two fucks what he wanted when he was alive, do you really think I’d let him ruin me now? That home was my mother’s pride. I will not sacrifice it for you or anyone else. So you better get ready for battle, and losing isn’t a fucking option.” I picked up the drink and threw it at the wall where it shattered, leaving a stain of bourbon. As Layne stood in surprise, I strolled out into the lobby.

  While I waited for the door to open, I glanced back across the staff who were all staring at me in shock. “Whoever’s in my parking space, next time I find you there, you’re fired.” None of those assholes better forget who was signing their checks.

  I stepped into the elevator and checked my phone. Still no Lexa. I ground my teeth and knew I needed to work off some of my aggression. I opted for the gym and stayed there the rest of the afternoon.

  On my way home, I pulled into Jay’s for a beer. The workout had taken care of my aggression, but my nerves were still shot. I needed to down a few and relax; and besides that, I missed Glen’s company.

  “How’s it going, man?” Glen wiped down the bar and then extended his hand for a shake. “I told Smitty he’s going to have to start picking up the slack for you. He tells me he can’t drink that much.”

  I glanced at the end of the bar where old Smitty was in his usual spot watching TV. I didn’t think he had one at home. On second thought, I wasn’t sure he had a home. He sure spent enough to pay rent somewhere. “How’s it going, Smitty?” I waved and pounded the bar to order my usual.

  “So what’s been going on? You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind.” Glen could read people like a book, but then again, most bartenders could.

  “I’m being sued over the accident. Apparently, what my insurance paid out wasn’t enough, and now the bloodsuckers want enough to ruin my life.”

  “Damn, man, that’s rough. This one is on me.” He placed my glass in front of me on a paper coaster and then leaned against the bar waiting for his next task. The bar was slow, so it could be a while. “Are you still seeing that nurse?”

  “I haven’t heard from her in a couple of days, but she works, so I’m not letting it get to me. She’s amazing, that one. Body that don’t quit — and it didn’t. I want to see her.” I wagged my brows, and he laughed.

  “That’s new. What’s gotten into you, man? You usually never want to see them again. And if you do, it’s only because you didn’t remember doing them the first time.” He belted a laugh and Smitty joined in, even though he didn’t know what he was laughing about. Old Smitty never missed a cue.

  “She’s different. She’s not like these girls around here. This one’s got money of her own, a career; she’s not wearing a headlamp and carrying a pickax, if you know what I mean.”

  “I bet it’s terrible having all your money, a damned shame.” Glen shook his head and walked to the other side of the bar to take an order. As he poured the drink, he continued to laugh and shake his head. Then he walked back over. “I wish I had half of your money.”

  “So do the bloodsucking Pattersons, apparently.”

  “Sorry, man.” He fixed another order and then gave me some space while he refilled the napkin dispensers.

  I glanced at my phone and wondered why I hadn’t heard from Lexa. I knew she led a busy life, but she couldn’t be too busy to respond to a simple text, and surely she didn’t work double shifts in the ER. Concern for her nagged at me, and I contemplated texting again. I opted not to because I didn’t want to come across as a loser, but damn. I needed to hear her voice. Maybe then I could get it out of my head.

  “Need another?” Glen’s voice grabbed my attention, and I placed my phone face down on the bar.

  “Sure, I’ll probably stop at a few tonight. I’m trying to behave.” I met his eyes, and he was staring at me with brotherly affection.

  “I’m proud of you, man. I’ve seen a change in you. Wrecks have a way of waking us up to what’s important in life.” He stepped to the center island and pulled out some limes and began slicing them.

  “I’m not sure if it was the wreck, the lawsuit, or Lexa. Maybe it was time for a change or another phase of my grief. People told me in the beginning I’d go through phases.”

  “Yeah, well, whatever this one is, it looks good on you.” He finished cutting the limes as I glanced back down to my phone.

  I finished my beer and then another and tried hard to keep from texting her again. I finally figured if she was interested, she’d call. If not, it wasn’t meant to be. It wasn’t like I wanted a deep relationship anyway. Did I? No, I was only looking for some fun and hot release, which she’d already given me.

  And as I drove myself home, I tried real hard to make myself believe that.

  Chapter Twelve


  Bre threw the door open with a smile so wide it brightened the room. “Come in, come in!” She stepped aside, and I walked past her dropping my purse on the table in the foyer.

  “Did you even notice the new table?” She grabbed my shoulders and poi
nted me in the direction of the table I’d walked right past without a second glance.

  “It’s adorable and so handy for my purse, but I thought you were getting a new table for the breakfast nook.” I stepped back and took a closer look at the thin table.

  “I did. I got both. You know me, can’t pass up a deal. The man sold me both in a bundle, and I even got a lamp for the living room.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin as if to show me how satisfied she was, and then she led me into the kitchen to check out the other bargain.

  “Nice. I love them both. You need to come decorate my house; I’m no good at that stuff.” My style was somewhere between practical and functional.

  “If you’d ever have a day off where you want to hang out, I would. How’d the last one go? You went to see Aiden Walker, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, and don’t bring him up at dinner later. I haven’t told anyone else I’ve seen him.” I sat at the nook and pulled out my phone. He hadn’t texted but once since and I still hadn’t called him back. I wasn’t sure what to say or do.

  “I’m not; so does that mean you’re not seeing him again?” She didn’t want me to see him to begin with, but I hoped she would be supportive no matter what.

  “I don’t know.” I deflated and slumped down in my chair.

  “You should forget about him and do a double date with Daniel and me and one of his friends. He has a friend that I think would be perfect for you. He’s a pharmaceuticals rep, and he’s so hot. I’d date him myself if I wasn’t with Daniel.” She gave me a nudge. “Don’t seem so interested.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know if I’m ready for any kind of dating. I’m so mixed up.”

  “What did he do to you? Did you tell him who you were?” She narrowed her eyes as I looked away and took a deep breath. “Oh wow, you can’t even look me in the eyes; it must be bad. Is this one of those I told you so moments?”


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