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Reaper Mine: A Reaper Novel

Page 14

by Palmer, Christie


  Victor Flashed to the cemetery, it was dark and he let the darkness surround him. He breathed deeply of the cool night air. The Infernos were his home. But after spending the last several days on the mortal plane, he had grown accustomed to the heavy feeling of being here.

  He accustomed it to being with Elle, and new he would be with her soon. Walking through the iron gates of the old cemetery he felt the small kick of the hallowed prayers protecting the cemetery. He bent to the headstones where he had found Elle the first night.

  And swore; it was missing. The dirt was dark and disturbed, and Victor knew only one person who would have taken it. He wanted to go directly back to the Infernos and confront his father. But he couldn’t do so without showing Dante how much he cared for Elle and doing so would put Elle in danger, and she was already in danger. Putting her in the crosshairs of the ruler of the Infernos was just cruel. He would deal with Dante later.

  Swearing, Victor stood and left the cemetery. This issue was far from over. At least Elle still believed her soul belonged to him. As long as she believed it, it was all that mattered. Victor wanted to kill something as he Flashed back into the Staten’s kitchen. Ryder, Lykar and Skylar were in the kitchen laughing.

  “Something funny?” He asked, looking at the clock and noting it was 3am.

  “Besides the fact that you look like shit?” Skylar asked.

  “Fuck you,” Victor shot him.

  Ryder snorted and pushed a plate toward Victor. It was loaded down with steak and potatoes. “You look like you could use this more than I could.”

  Victor looked from the plate and back to the Tracker. “Thanks.”

  Ryder just nodded. “Well?” Victor asked as he dug into the food.

  “We just came in from our watch,” Ryder explained. Telling Victor about what they had been up to since Victor had left. They had burned all the bodies and no other monsters had appeared which they thought was really weird, now they were taking turns in two and threes to watch the front gate and do perimeter walks.

  “Christian showed up this afternoon to take some of those things back with him,” Lykar said.

  Victor finished off the food and pushed the plate away. “Was there anything left?”

  “Just one,” Sky said with pride. “He was lucky to get his hands on it. Had to fight off Falcon for it too. Falcon was pissed as all hell about it too. Christian owes him a kill.”

  “You Trackers are blood thirsty bastards you know that?” Victor said, standing he put his plate in the sink. All he wanted was to check on Elle, the brothers laughed behind him like what he said had been a compliment. “Anything else?”

  “Nope, we had too much fun killing them then waited to hear back from you,” Ryder said joining him as he left the kitchen. “Now I’m tired I just want my woman, get some sleep, and we can start again in the morning.”

  They were at the bottom of the stairs when Victor felt Christian call him. “My brothers are calling me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out several vials of blood and handed them to Ryder. “Can you give these to Kyra, so my brothers can Flash in? I’m going to check on Elle.”

  Ryder nodded. Victor jogged up the stairs to just look in on her. What he wouldn’t give to just climb in the bed with her and grab a couple hours of sleep. But when he felt his brother, Christian Flash in, he knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  “We have a problem.” Christian announced as Victor came back down the stairs.

  “Do you want to get the brothers together?” Victor said to Ryder.

  “Did I say this was information for the Trackers?” Christian asked Victor.

  Victor rolled his eyes when Ryder growled low. “We are staying here, and any information you have for me, I am sharing with them.”

  Christian snorted. “That’s stupid. We can leave,” he offered.

  “Elle is safe here,” Victor told him when Ryder walked away to gather the other Trackers.

  “I don’t give a shit about the demi-god,” Christian added. “And Dante isn’t happy about your present interest in her either.”

  Victor turned on his brother. “And where is it that you stand, brother?”

  Christian gave Victor a long look his head tilting to the side just slightly. “The reason war is threatening is because we have strayed from the old ways. If we had stayed within the Infernos, do you honestly think we would be at war with the Tribunal?”

  Victor wanted to slam a fist into Christians face; he couldn’t believe his brother was saying these things. He would have bet his brothers would have stood with him.

  “However, I stand with you.” Victor felt himself go lax with shock. “You are my brother and I will stand with you till the end no matter what. Whoever it is, be it the Tribunal, or someone else. They will regret picking a fight with the Reapers,” Christian finished extending his hand and arm to Victor.

  Victor grabbed Christian by the forearm and pulled Christian close. “We could not stay in the Infernos forever Christian. Whether it was ruling there or hiding, it is time to come out of the shadows. Time to take a stand among the Others.”

  Christian nodded. “So you want to start with this demi-god? A cursed little demi-god who can’t keep herself alive? You couldn’t go for a demi-god with a little more power? Someone maybe Dante would approve of?”

  “Elle. Her name is Elle,” Victor told him. It didn’t matter what Dante said. He was going to keep her safe. He would deal with Dante, and the consequences be damned.

  “Whatever,” Christian said shaking his head. “You realize you are playing with fire don’t you? And pissing Dante off in the process?”

  Victor nodded and followed Ryder and the other Trackers back down the hall and into the dining room where there was a large dining table that had seen better days. And had been glued and nailed back together.

  There were six trackers in residence, Falcon, Bowen, Ryder, Skylar, Lykar, and Kean then Christian, and Victor.

  “Well?” Victor asked.

  “Dante took the specimen of the dead Freak. It has a mix of Mortal, and Other DNA,” Christian said.

  “Duh,” Skylar said. “Tell us something we don’t know.”

  “Is it possible for you to shut up for five minutes?” Christian asked turning to Skylar.

  “No,” Skylar said leaning back in his chair he crossed his arms over his chair.

  Christian pushed himself up and Victor had to stop Christian from leaping from his seat and attacking the Tracker. “Just continue.”

  Christian leaned forward and looked at Skylar. “You and me?” Christian said his voice quieting. “We are going to have a serious disagreement.”

  Skylar gave him a two-finger salute. Victor just let it go, knowing at this point it was between the two of them.

  “The Other DNA is from a dead race,” Christian said to the group.

  “Not so dead if they were just outside of our gates,” Falcon said leaning forward he folded his hands on the table.

  “Well don’t keep us in suspense. What dead race?” Ryder asked.

  Christian turned to Victor. “The Sons of Adam.”

  Victor laughed, he couldn’t help it. “The Sons of Adam?” he asked.

  Christian nodded. “It is of course been mutilated into something horrible. I would assume this Aldon would be a pure specimen.”

  “The Sons of Adam?” Falcon asked from his seat. Causing Victor and Christian to both turn and look at him. “How is that even possible?”

  “Okay,” Bowen said putting his hands on the table he got everyone’s attention. “What exactly do we know of the Sons of Adam?” he asked.

  Victor snorted again. “They claim to be the fathers of mortal man. They are capable of Magik and very hard to kill. Very ritualistic, they go through a horrible ritual of having a rib removed when they come of age to prove they are worthy. Prime goal in life is procreation; with the life span of a mortal, which is something that irritates them to no end. And until five m
inutes ago, they were said to have died out.”

  “They mated with the Daughters of Eve to keep their line pure for the royal house,” Falcon mentioned. “So if the Sons of Adam are still around I would assume the Daughters of Eve are as well.”

  “Okay so now we know what we are dealing with, now what?” Bowen asked the group.

  “Why?” Falcon asked. “Why would the Sons of Adam want Elle? Why after being in hiding for Gods only know how long, would they risk their necks to come out now?”

  The questions left everyone at the table silent. The answer hit Victor like a punch to the gut. “Mother of the Gods.” He felt the air sucked from him lungs. “Tell me this is impossible.” Victor looked around the room desperate for someone to give him another answer then the one he had come up with.

  “He wants to mate with her?” Bowen said

  Victor growled, startling everyone in the room including himself. “Over my dead body.”

  Bowen stood and looked at the group. “Umm…So now would be my opportunity to throw a wrench into the mix.”

  Victor just wanted to kill something and he growled letting the group know exactly how he felt.

  Bowen gave him a smile. “So now we know why Aldon wants her, would you like to know why the Tribunal has a hard on for you girlfriend?”

  Victor snarled something unpleasant. “I’m not really in the mood right now Bowen, would you just mind telling us what you found?”

  Bowen laughed, what was with these Trackers and their sick sense of humor. “I found an extra protein base in Elle’s blood work. In fact she had such a high protein base I sent it over to X to have him confirm it for me.”

  Victor shook his head and looked over to Christian. “It’s like he is almost speaking English.”

  Christian snorted, but didn’t say anything else.

  Bowen slapped the table. “Yo, Reaper man. She has an enzyme in her blood. That curse she has, that brings her back to life? Well it has mutated her.”

  That got Victor’s attention. “And…”

  “Well, it’s mutated her blood on a very cellular way. When she dies her demi-god voodoo whatever…” Bowen waved his arms around. “Kicks in and brings her back. When that happens, poof!” He threw his arms in the air making Lykar who was sitting next to him jump back. “But the curse is still in control of her physical form. So her physical body has mutated,” Bowen practically screamed.

  “Your girlfriend’s a mutant,” Skylar barked with laughter. Ryder slammed a fist into his jaw sending Sky flying out of his chair.

  Victor nodded his thanks to Ryder, who only lifted a chin.

  Sky picked himself up. “Sorry dude came out before I could stop it,” Sky said as a way of an apology.

  “Can I continue?” Bowen asked. Victor nodded. “Okay so Elle’s cells have mutated. She isn’t a mutant you dumbass,” he said to Skylar shaking his head. “Her cells have created a protein that heal her body. The demi-god in her brings her back, I took some samples of those Freaks and dropped some of Elle’s proteins in with the dead tissue. It regenerated the dead tissue.”

  Everyone at the table fell silent.

  Victor was the one to finally break the silence. “Shit.”

  Bowen jumped up from his seat. “So you see? You understand? The Sons of Adam will want her, because she could carry a new immortal Son of Adam. Be their answer. Pull them out of the shadows where they’ve been hiding for gods only now how long. And the Tribunal will want her, because she could be the God they have been waiting for, like for, forever. Isn’t this awesome?”


  “Wake up, Elle.” The words were whispered into her ear and Elle reached toward Victor.

  “Aren’t I mad at you?” she asked, her voice gruff. Elle tilted her head to the side, thrilling in the feel of Victor’s gruff beard against her cheek and neck.

  His laughter rumbled against her. “Hmm” he pressed a kiss below her ear. “But I forgive you.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she breathed, forgetting for a moment exactly who was mad at who.

  Elle speared her fingers through his soft blond hair. “I’m glad you’re back.” She heard the words tumble from her mouth and pressed her lips together before something else came out before she could stop it.

  “I hate leaving you.” Something warmed deep in her chest at his words. Elle pulled back so she could look into Victor’s eyes. “I’m going to keep you safe, Elle,” he promised. The way he said it, the promise in his voice, gave her chills. The way he seemed almost desperate. Made her catch her breath, frantic for more.

  She closed her eyes and buried her face into the crook of his neck, and let him wrap his arms around her. For this moment it was just the two of them and it was all that mattered.

  Elle shouldn’t do it, but she also knew something had changed she could feel it in the stiffness of Victor’s shoulders. She had been alone for so long, and then Victor had swept into her life and made her feel important. And she wanted to hold onto it for just a little while longer.

  Elle pressed a kiss to the underside of Victor’s chin. “Yes, I know you will keep me safe,” she whispered. She followed the kiss up with another at the corner of his mouth.

  “Elle?” Victor pulled away slightly.

  She looked into his dark eyes knowing what he was asking and knowing the answer. Elle gave him smile. “Are you sure? This is going to change things between us.”

  Elle shook her head. “Don’t say that.”

  Victor tried to pull away from her, but Elle wouldn’t let him go. “Victor please.” She pressed herself against him and kissed him. She didn’t want anything to change between them. But neither did she want him to leave her.

  The thought of him leaving her made her physically want to scream. “Don’t leave. Kiss me.”

  And then he was kissing her, and it was so hot and passionate and it felt so amazing her brain stopped working. His taste was so strong, it went to her head. Like a drug, making her lightheaded. Elle’s body felt heavy but light at the same time, thankfully Victor anchored her to the bed.

  His lips moved over hers, across her face. Elle relaxed back into the bed, drowning in the feelings and sensations, Victor created with his lips. Then his hands started to move over her body. She jumped when they moved to her hips, gliding up her sides, and she felt him smile against her throat. But he said nothing, her head falling to the side. She was losing her mind to this man. And she didn’t care, his hands glided up her sides stopping just under her breasts making Elle catch her breath. She pressed herself into the bed so she wouldn’t arch into his hands.

  One hand crawled up between her breasts, to tickle her collar bone, while he licked and kissed her throat.

  Elle was panting by this time, she needed to feel skin. She was pretty sure if she didn’t she might scream. She clawed at his t-shirt. “You really need to lose the shirt right. Now.”

  Victor laughed. The sounded rumbled deeply in his chest, vibrating against her. She couldn’t help it as she moaned and arched against him… getting him to do it again. “Damn you’re so fucking hot.”

  Elle tried uncrossing her eyes to look at him. “Skin, now.” Were the only words she could get out.

  He leaned back and winked at her making her insides go a little haywire, reaching back he pulled his shirt off. And gods above and below he was awesome. Golden and beautiful, six pack abs any god would be proud of.

  Elle wanted to touch and taste every inch of him. Victor moaned. “Shit Elle, you look at me like that and I’m gonna make a fool out of myself before the party even starts.”

  Elle’s eyes shot to him. “What?”

  “Like you’re going to eat me alive.” Victor’s words were said between gritted teeth.

  And Elle smiled. “Not eat, but lick, kiss, suck,” Victor moaned and swooped down pressing his lips against hers in an almost violent way. But Elle didn’t care she needed this; she hadn’t been with a man in so many years she didn’t even want to think a
bout it. Especially not a man as amazing as Victor. And gods, was he amazing! All she felt was how wonderful he made her feel. No backlash of his emotions or lack thereof.

  When he pulled back, it was to pull her small cami over her head, and toss it the gods only knew where. “Fuck, Elle.” Victor swore as he looked down on her now. He was gasping for air. “So beautiful.”

  “Ahh. Victor,” she cried out, as Victor latched onto one nipple. All thought flew out the window.

  Victor was sure this was a piece of heaven; he couldn’t remember ever being with a woman this responsive and it feeling so incredible. He wanted this to last forever; Elle was pure ecstasy beneath him. He suckled one nipple thrilling in the satisfying little cries of pleasure she made as he flicked the hard nub with his tongue or sucked her deep into his mouth. She had large breasts and he knew he could feast on them for hours.

  But she grew restless and he knew why. “Shh, Elle, I’ll take care of you sweetheart.” He blew over a nipple making her jump.

  “Please, Victor,” she moaned, he looked up at her. Her golden eyes stared down at him and her honey colored hair was spread over the pillows, and he couldn’t remember ever seeing anything as beautiful in his life.

  He moved up her body, placing gently, wet, kisses along the way. “Didn’t I promise to take care of you?” he asked

  She nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her full and kiss swollen lips. “Yes but if you don’t do something soon I might have to take control of the situation.”

  Victor laughed, and Elle moaned pressing into him. “Oh Victor I really like it when you do that.” Her eyes had closed, and she looked ready to come. So Victor leaned down and hummed deep making his chest vibrate against her, and Elle nearly came off the bed as her entire body arched into him. “Holy shit.” She could barely draw air into her lungs to say the words.

  “Wait until I do that with my cock buried to the hilt inside of you,” Victor promised.

  Elle’s eyes snapped open and she gasped and shook her head. “You can’t. It will kill me, I swear to the gods, it will.”


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