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Reaper Mine: A Reaper Novel

Page 21

by Palmer, Christie

  “That was the first time since your creation I have had to discipline any of you,” Dante finally said. But Victor heard him even standing across the courtyard, Victor moved out of the shadows and walked toward his father. “You understand I could not back down, I had to punish you.”

  Victor did understand, Dante had to punish him, but he hadn’t thought for one moment Dante felt any type of remorse for it. Dante turned to him and remorse shown in his eyes he extended his hand and Victor took it. “Don’t make me do it again.”

  Victor nodded. “She is worth it Dante, and I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  Dante raised one eyebrow. “I will of course hold my opinion until I am graced with her presence.”

  Victor laughed. “I have information.”

  Dante nodded and Victor explained everything he had learned as they walked up to the fortress. “Find out which member of the Tribunal put a price on our heads,” Dante said. “I want the name and I want the individual.”

  “Of course.” Victor turned to leave.

  “And Victor.”

  Victor stopped and turned back.

  “Good luck getting Elle back safe and sound.”

  Victor almost tripped he was so stunned at Dante’s words.

  Dante smiled. “It’s the Angel in you, and I can’t deny that Celeste is happier with Marcus. I could not deny you that same type of happiness.”

  “Thank you, father.” Victor left the great hall in a daze. He had just had the strangest conversation of his existence with Dante. Now he just had to go get Elle back. And kill Aldon, and find out who had put a bounty on the Reapers.


  “It’s an enzyme, a protein. A new kind of protein only you could create.” Doc was talking so fast Elle was having a hard time following her. Tabitha sat next to Elle with the same look of confusion Elle was sure she had on her face.

  Elle nodded as Doc continued talking, they had ran a plethora of tests on Elle when she had arrived. From blood tests, to full body MRI’s, CT scans X-rays and others she didn’t know the names of. Shamans had looked at her. She had gone into prayer circles and sat for twelve hours in a sweat lodge.

  Now she was sitting across from a woman who went by Doc for the simple reason she was the doctor for the Daughters of Eve, going over the results. And Doc was so excited about what she had found, the tiny woman could barely sit still. She kept shifting in her seat, had actually come out of it several times, in her excitement.

  “So you see? You are literally a God in the making,” she finally said, this Elle did understand. And the information sat like a heavy rock in the pit of her stomach.

  “Excuse me?” Elle asked leaning forward. “Can you please repeat that part?”

  Doc jumped out of her chair. “Have you been listening to me?”

  Tabitha gave Elle a strange look and shook her head. “Of course we have but you have to admit this is a little hard to believe. Why don’t you try explaining it to us again Doc?” Tabitha asked.

  Doc slapped her hands against her desk. “This is why those things have been going nuts! Those Freaks, why Aldon wants you so desperately. Why the Tribunal can’t wait to get their greedy hands on you.” She said enthusiastically. “I mean, if I had heard about you, I would want to test you myself. Not like, in a test-tube baby kind of way, of course. You are an amazing find. You are going to change the world, Elle.”

  Now she really did have Elle’s attention. The last thing she wanted was to change the world. “What have you found?” Elle asked shaking her head.

  “Your test results of course.” Doc said with a satisfied smile. And then nodded, “It sure explains those things continued bombardment. Thank you for the sample by the way.” She said the last part to Tabitha.

  Elle glared at Tabitha, “What things?” she really didn’t want to know the answer because she was 99% sure she knew the answer to her question.

  Tabitha stood and glared at Doc, turning to Elle. “Don’t worry about it, Elle.”

  Elle turned to Tabitha. “What is she talking about?”

  “You didn’t tell her about the Freak attacks?” Doc asked, surprised..

  Elle felt her stomach bottom out. “There have been Freak attacks? Here?”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes and turned so she was facing Elle. “It’s nothing we haven’t been able to handle. If it had been a problem I would have told you.” She said, with the same dame placating tone that Victor had used with her.

  Elle wanted to smack the woman. “Why wasn’t I told either way? I thought you said we would be safe here. You said Aldon and his Freaks wouldn’t be able to touch me here.”

  Tabitha shrugged like it wasn’t a problem. “Because, it isn’t anything we can’t handle,” Tabitha said again. “We haven’t even sustained any injuries. This entire compound, gods Aldon’s Freaks couldn’t come within a fifty miles of our compound the place has been blessed by our priestesses. As for Aldon if he desecrates the Daughters of Eve, we will kill him on the spot. The only reason we haven’t killed him on the spot is because the Sons of Adam pulled the kill order.”

  Elle came out of her own seat on that, “WHAT?”

  Tabitha swore, “Don’t worry I expect it to be put back in place any day now.”

  “What happened?” Elle demanded.

  “They didn’t know about the Freaks.” Tabitha explained. “If the Freaks are somehow Sons, and we are killing them, then we are breaking one of their laws. One of their highest laws.”

  “You’re kidding me right?” Elle asked.

  “The Sons, never kid when it comes to their offspring.” Tabitha said seriously,

  “The Freaks are soulless beasts.” Elle said.

  “Yes well they wanted to see for themselves. They have sent an emissary to work with Doc. Luckily they showed up when the Freaks were attacking.” Tabitha explained.

  Elle laid her head on the conference table, “Tell me this is a bad dream I didn’t come here to bring danger to the Daughters of Eve,” Elle said trying not to panic.

  “This isn’t something we can’t handle.” Tabitha reassured her. “And he and Doc got the samples they needed from a Freak.”

  Elle peaked up from where she was hiding in her arms.

  “Yes, they are fascinating creatures. Soulless as all get out, and beastly. I wouldn’t want to go up against them in a fight I’ll tell you that much. Aldon is a mad scientist to have created them, spliced together several species DNA its quiet fascinating really. They have thought and everything they need to be fighters, but soulless…” Elle was sure Doc would have continued. And Elle was feeling sick to her stomach. But Tabitha cut Doc off.

  “I think that’s enough Doc.” Tabitha glared at Doc, and then pushed Elle back into her chair. “So this emissary took everything back to the Sons, and we should hear back any time now. Until then we have it under control.

  “And Aldon’s requests can be ignored then.” Doc said happily.

  “Excuse me?” Elle asked.

  Tabitha turned to Doc and sighed then turned back to Elle.

  “Aldon has requested we release you into his custody, Diane has rejected his request.” She said between her teeth. “Doc is full of information today.”

  Doc had the sense to look everywhere but at the other two people in the room.

  Elle felt sick and put her head back on the table, Tabitha patted her on the shoulder. “Aldon thinks he can circumvent the rules.”

  “What are you talking about?” Elle muttered not bothering to raise her head. She didn’t know if she could take any more information at the moment.

  “You are here with the Daughters, now,” Doc said it like it should explain everything.

  “And?” Elle asked when no further information was offered. She peaked up from her arms.

  “Well as long as you are with us, you fall under our jurisdiction.” Doc smiled. “But that isn’t the problem we came here to discuss.” She said shaking her head. “Let’s get back to the real is
sue here.” Elle didn’t really want to discuss the real issue. She had way too much on her mind now. “What we need to discuss, is the fact you have this awesome new protein. This new enzyme is being created from your curse. Frankly, it’s amazing. It’s turned your curse into a god send. What is happening inside you, is absolutely amazing.”

  “A god send? Really?” Elle asked, she was honestly too tired to be as excited as Doc. “Okay I’ll bite what are you talking about?”

  “You have an extra protein! This new, amazing type of enzyme in your blood. I couldn’t believe it; I had to run the tests like six different times.” Doc was back to bouncing in her chair like a kid.

  “And what exactly does it mean?” Elle asked, sitting back in her chair.

  Doc finally couldn’t control herself, she jumped out of her chair. “That is the thing!” She shouted, making Elle shrink back.

  “We know why Aldon wants you! Any child you bare, would be a demi-god. Who has given birth to demi-gods? Nobody. Not just a normal child but a DEMI-GOD!?” She emphasized. “Who can do that? Who can do that? You! That’s who! If you mated with that nut-job, Aldon, your child would be both a Son of Adam and a demi-god. A demi-god would mean the Sons of Adam would finally, after eons, have the one thing they have always wanted. Immortality." She danced taking breaths and wringing her hands. “But this enzyme…” she stuttered. “It’s basically made you a God in your own right!.” Doc stopped and starred at Elle, apparently waiting for her amazing proclamation to garner some type of reaction.

  Elle just stared at Doc unable to believe what she had just heard. “What?” was all she was able to say when she finally found her voice. She felt bands wrap around her chest and the breath in her chest slowly seep from her lungs. The pit of her stomach grew heavy and she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t just throw up right there on the glossy conference table.

  Doc sat heavily in a chair next to Elle. “You seem really less excited then I thought you might be over this type of news.”

  Elle nodded. “I’m not sure I understand what is going on.”

  Doc nodded and patted Elle’s hand. “I don’t know all the specifics. But, I think this is how it works. You die, the demi-god kicks in, however, your body from the curse is human so to counter that and still bring you back, over and over and over…” Elle held her hand up. Doc smiled. “And repair your body, but still make your body go through all the same deaths again this protein regenerates the dead tissue. Your body has done something amazing.” she shouted. “This protein and enzyme, it’s a medical breakthrough. Not only in the Others medical world and we have some amazing medicine. But in the mortal world of medicine? This is life changing. I gave it to a lab mouse that had cancer and it healed it. You would be able to re-grow limbs. Regenerate, regrow, reanimate, you are practically a God. If you could get past the dying thing you would be a god.”

  “That’s why the Tribunal wants me,” Elle said putting her head down on the table. She felt the world descended onto her shoulders.

  “Didn’t Victor tell you this?” Tabitha asked.

  Elle peeked up. “What?”

  “Victor and his little band of merry men had to know about this. Didn’t he tell you?” Tabitha asked.

  Elle shook her head. “No, he would have said something if he had.” Why was she bringing this up now? “It doesn’t matter now anyway,” she said waving her off.

  “This doesn’t change anything,” Tabitha said pushing herself away from the conference table. “Aldon is going to continue to try and take you. He is the current threat.”

  Elle shrugged, she didn’t know what she was going to worry about right then. “Okay.”

  Doc gave her a huge and a smile. “I thought you should know everything.” And patted her on the arm before gathering the files she had spread out over the large table.

  Elle felt compelled to thank the woman. “Thank you, Doc.”

  Doc smiled. “You are very welcome. When this is all done I hope to have the chance to work with you some more. There are many illnesses you will be helpful in curing, Elle.”

  Elle wondered if that were really true or if she would be the catalyst to something more horrible. After all, isn’t that why the Tribunal wanted her?


  Elle traced patterns in the dirt, her body completely tense, her head resting on her knee. She was still trying to absorb everything Doc had told her that morning. Elle wondered if the Druid had known what she was creating so long ago if she would have cursed Elle in the first place. Would the years of pain, out weight the ultimate gift/punishment on the current society?

  Ultimately the dark druid, who had cursed Elle, had done so because she had been in pain. Someone who she had loved had been killed by Elle that horrible day. Either way Elle would have been cursed. And who would have thought Elle would have survived this long anyway? Regardless of her curse, something bigger and stronger should have come along by now and taken her out. It was a miracle she was still here. Helena told her so whenever she was with her.

  Elle felt a stab of pain. Her life was so messed up, cursed and kept getting worse.

  “What are you doing?” Tabitha asked, coming to sit down next to her

  Elle looked down at what she had drawn, it was the Reaper Call. All she needed to do was add her blood, or wine, or water. Would he come? Her heart twisted at the thought.

  Elle looked at the twisted etchings in the dirt and turned away. “Nothing.”

  “We’re almost ready,” Tabitha said, as she sat down next to her. She motioned to the women still training. Elle sat in the shade of a tree next to the training yard, where Tabitha was training with fifteen of her best warriors. They were training for when the call came that Aldon’s death sentence was back on.

  “You keep drawing that, what is it?” Tabitha asked pointing to the drawings in the dirt.

  Elle shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  “If it was nothing then you wouldn’t keep drawing it,” Tabitha said shoving her with her shoulder.

  “It’s the emergency number Helena gave me,” Elle told her.

  Tabitha gave her a strange look. “What does that mean?”

  Elle shrugged again. “It’s a spell. To call the Reapers. But it back fired, I didn’t know by using it I would bind my soul to Victor’s. Helena didn’t explain that part to me.”

  Tabitha burst out laughing. “Your soul doesn’t belong to that bastard,” she finally said.

  Elle shook her head. “Oh it does. I used the Blood Call and now my soul is his.”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes. “You really need to get out more. Do you think if your soul belonged to him, I would have been able to take you from him? He would be able to find you anywhere you went if your soul belonged to him.”

  Elle felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach. “What?”

  “Show me the spell again,” Tabitha demanded.

  And Elle drew out the Blood Call again in the dirt. Making sure to include all the pieces.

  Tabitha nodded. “Yes. I see it now. Victor would have had to add his blood to it, to make it complete. Did he?” She asked.

  Elle thought back to the night and realized, she didn’t know. She had woken up later. She didn't know if he had added his blood to the stone or not.

  “Look Elle, I can tell you right now, if he owned your soul he would be able to find you anywhere on any plane of existence if he wanted. You wouldn’t be able to hide from him.” Her words cut her like a knife. Victor didn’t own her soul, and she wasn’t sure if he even cared for her anymore. And that thought hurt so much she could barely breathe, she loved him. And she didn’t know what to do now. “And if he does own your soul he doesn’t give a shit.”

  She could have cold cocked her with less affect. And Tabitha knew it the moment the words came out. “Shit Elle, I’m sorry that came out wrong.” Tabitha said.

  “It’s not like you gave him a chance.” Elle made the excuse.

  Tabitha shook her head. “Well it’s n
either here nor there. Aldon is the problem not the Reaper. Have you thought some more about what you are going to do when this is all over?” Tabitha asked, brushing dirt from the long tunic she wore. And changing the subject.

  Elle sighed and looked up through the tree at the light sifting through the branches. “Do you mean will I become a breeder for the Daughters of Eve?”

  Tabitha blanched. “Gods no! Why would you even think that?”

  “I overheard some woman talking about it,” Elle admitted. Not many of the Daughters talked to Elle. In fact, most of the woman avoided her like she was the plague. Being an outsider and all, they didn’t trust her. She understood that. The warriors only spoke to her when they had to train with her. Doc loved to talk to her, because of what she possible could bring to the world of medicine. Otherwise, the other woman just pretended like she wasn’t there. Diana, the leader, spoke to her once in a while. Although, Elle had to admit, only when Elle cornered her. The conversation she had overheard was in the mess hall, between several of the other ‘breeders’. The thought had made Elle’s stomach turn. “I was wondering if that is what is being expected of me.”

  Tabitha shook her head. “Of course not. We are trying to stop that from happening. We left the guilds, we left all that behind us. We don’t want immortality, Elle.”

  Elle wasn’t sure if she believed her, and she felt another heavy weight descend on her. She turned to look at Tabitha. “All Others want immortality; even mortals want to find a way to live forever to leave their mark. Why wouldn’t the Daughters of Eve be looking for the same thing?”

  Tabitha gave her a smile that radiated from deep inside her. It was a genuine smile and it took Elle by surprise. Tabitha never smiled and to do so with such radiance, was both surprising and beautiful. “I am a Daughter of Eve” she said with such calm it was contagious and wrapped around Elle making the heavy feeling wash away. This was something Tabitha felt from deep within her soul. “From the very beginning we have made our mark. Mankind suckles at our breast, look at the world, Elle. We are everywhere. That is our mark, our legacy. I don’t need immortality, I am already immortal. If I die tomorrow? I will have done what I was meant to do I will go to the bosom of mother and be still.”


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