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Reaper Mine: A Reaper Novel

Page 24

by Palmer, Christie

  “Say the words Elle,” he growled as he flipped the clasp of her jeans with his teeth. Her eyes watched from under heavy lids. “I need to hear the words.” He tongued the zipper and dragged it down with his teeth. His hands skimming down her ribcage. He tugged on her jeans, easing them over her hips and down her legs. Leaving her in just her lace panties. Her entire body started to shake with need.

  Victor stopped to place open mouthed kisses along her hip and upper thighs, Elle’s hands had wound in his hair and she tugged and pulled. Moans and grunts of ecstasy were the only sounds she was making as she writhed beneath him. He had never seen anything as beautiful, as the woman he loved, caught up in need.

  But he was going to get the promise from her before he allowed her, her passion. His fingers trailed along the lace of her panties, and her eyes opened as she chewed her bottom lip. “Elle, are going to run from me again?”

  “Victor please,” she begged.

  He smiled. “Oh I love the begging sweetheart. But not what I’m looking for.”

  Elle took one leg and wrapped it around Victor’s shoulder putting the apex of her sex directly in his face and for a moment he forgot everything. And he buried his face against her, Elle came off the bed. Her low moan burned through them both. As she ground herself against him.

  Victor lost himself in her for the moment, the smell and feel of her. “Gods your smell, Elle. I’ve missed you so damn much.” He dug his hands into her ass holding so he could push his face against her.

  Even through her panties he could tell she was wet for him, and his world spun out of control. As his tongue sought out her clit, when he found it. Elle shot off the bet as he pressed it with his tongue.

  “Victor.” She moaned his name, her fingers digging into his shoulders.

  He needed to stop before things got out of control. After all he was waiting for a promise from her. Victor pulled back and bit the inside of her thigh, not hard but Elle yelped. “Bad, Elle.” Victor moaned.

  Elle pulled away, and Victor sucked the spot where he had bitten her, kissing and caressing it with his tongue.

  “Now where were we? Ah yes, Elle, are you going to run from me again?” This time he backed up as he pulled her panties down and in doing so forced her legs together. They were just above her knees and left them there.

  Elle glared at him. “Why is this so important?”

  “Because it kills me when you run from me,” Victor said honestly. “And I don’t know if I can live through it again.”

  Victor stood and removed his pants. He was so hard, he was pretty sure he could cut glass at this point. If she didn’t agree soon, he was going to embarrass himself. At this point in the game, he was making a stand. Elle sat up, and with her panties still around her knees, she clutched his cock at the base. And licked the pre-come off the tip, making Victor sway on unsteady legs. His eyes crossed as his hand covered hers at the base of his cock, and his head feel back. He enjoyed the feel of her stroking him. But it was too much, and he tried to get her to let him go but she shook her head. Gods was she trying to kill him?

  “And what about you?” She looked up at him. “Do you promise to never leave me like you did?”

  She emphasized by circling the head of his engorged member with her tongue. Then sucking him all they in, past her soft palette, Victor nearly blew as she continued to suckle him.

  “Gods, Elle.” He pushed her away before he went off.

  She gave him a smile and one eyebrow came up. He was gasping for air and griping his cock trying to regain control. “I don’t have control.” He said “when Dante calls” he admitted. “He pulls me to the Infernos whether I want to go or not. But I swear by the Gods, if I have control, I vow I will never, ever leave you.”

  The look she gave him was so shocked he didn’t believe it for a moment. “You didn’t think I would give you the oath?”

  “No,” she whispered. Victor fell on her. He kissed her gently. “I give it freely not just because of the sex. I give it because I mean it, Elle. And I ask it from you for the same reason.”

  Elle cupped his face. “I swear to never run from you Victor,” she whispered.

  Victor just looked into her eyes, the amber, a dark intense color. Then he was kissing her again. He wasn’t sure how he got her panties off, and he didn’t care. Her legs were around his waist. Her hot, wet core surrounding his cock, as he slid into her.

  Elle’s head bobbed back on the bed and Victor let out a moan as he slid home.

  Victor filled her so totally, she wasn’t sure where he started and she began. When he was fully imbedded, he stopped and Elle wasn’t sure she could breathe. Then slowly he started to move.

  Their entire bodies were touching as he moved in and out of her. Sliding out, until just the tip of him lay at her entrance. Sliding ever so slowly all the way back in. They moved together both gliding and sliding together, their breathing, and bodies in total sync.

  The friction turned, and started a deep burn, their bodies becoming slick with sweat. Victor placed an open mouthed kiss against Elle’s ear and leaned up on his elbows. He increased the speed, he took one of Elle’s leg and put it over his shoulder kissing her ankle he reached down and flicked her clit with his thumb.

  “I want to watch you fall apart, Elle,” he moaned, as he continued to thrust into her. His thumb flicking her clit. He didn’t have to wait long. “Open your eyes, Elle.”

  Golden amber eyes opened just as the orgasm struck, her body bowed up. Her inner walls grasping his cock tightly, her mouth opened on a silent scream. And those beautiful golden eyes screamed pleasure.

  It was just what Victor needed, he slammed into her. Once. Twice. Still watching the tremors flood through her, he let his own release surge through him.

  He held her, rocking against her slowly, as small tremors spiked through them. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve her, and gods help anyone who tried to take her from him. He held her close as they came down from the sexual high.

  Victor pulled her into the circle of his arms as he waited until he was sure Elle was asleep, before he snuck out of the bed, and went in search of a shower. When he made it back to the room, she was curled up in the small bed. He climbed in, pulling her close, knowing she was all he would ever need. He kissed the top of her head. Now, he just needed to kill the bastards that wanted to take her away from him. Then everything would be find.

  Chapter 11

  Victor sat back after Tabitha finished explaining the Daughters plan. He should tell her what a good plan they had. He should but he wasn’t going to. The last thing the woman needed was for him to inflate her ego.

  “What do you think?” Elle asked.

  Victor shrugged. “I think it will work. My only concern is making sure we get the Dagger back.”

  Tabitha nodded. “We didn’t know anything about the Dagger until yesterday. We might have to play that by ear.

  “Hunter,” Christian said and Victor nodded. Christian stood from the table they were all sitting around and left.

  “Hunter is the Reaper of Treachery. He will be able to ferret out the Dagger during the fight.” He pushed away from the table. “Where do you think Aldon is holed up at?”

  “I had him followed last time he came here,” Tabitha said but Victor stopped cold and glared at her.

  “When?” He scowled at Elle.

  “Couple of days before you arrived,” Tabitha said it like she was imparting news about the weather.

  “Are you joking?” Victor snapped.

  “He came in peace,” Tabitha snapped back. “And the Sons of Adam have every right to come here, in peace. More so, then you and the Trackers, I might add.”

  “And you just let him leave?” Victor finally shouted.

  Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Didn’t I say I had him followed? Geez, calm down.”

  “Do you honestly think he was just going to let one of your sisters follow him?” Victor wanted to shake the woman. And he was beginning to t
hink she really needed to have some sense knocked into her.

  “How stupid do you think I am?” Tabitha asked with her hands on her hips.

  Skylar went to say something but Falcon slapped him on the back of the head before he could toss his two cents into the heated conversation.

  “I put a tracking device into the sole of his shoe, like a tack. When he left Diana’s sitting room he stepped on it. And my little tracking device went with him.” She gave him the smug smile he hated so much.

  Bowen perked up. “What kind of tracking device?”

  “If I told you I’d have to kill you,” she said casually. But Victor had known the Tracker long enough to know the tech junkie was going to get the information out of the woman. Even if it meant hacking into whatever system the Daughters had. At lease now, Bowen knew they had some system to hack into.

  Tabitha pulled her phone out of her pocket. “With an app on my phone I can find out exactly where he is.”

  “Doesn’t do us any good if we don’t know what we are walking into,” Victor said turning to Bowen and Skylar. “Get me everything we need.”

  Bowen rubbed his hands together and Skylar smiled. “Finally something to do.”

  Bowen held out his hand. “Gimme the phone.” He had a smile on his face nobody could resist.

  Tabitha narrowed her eyes, but then handed the phone to Bowen. Victor should have felt guilty but he didn’t even feel a twinge of guilt Tabitha had just handed over the key to every bit of technology the Daughters of Eve had to the techy Tracker.

  “How long?” Victor asked.

  Bowen smiled as he scanned the contents of the phone and said something to Skylar who nodded.

  “I don’t like the look on your face,” Tabitha snapped at Skylar. Who blew the woman a kiss.

  “Twenty-four hours,” Bowen said.

  “Can you be ready?” Victor asked Tabitha.

  Tabitha was still glaring at Skylar, but muttered, “Yes.”


  Elle fell into the twin bed, she was exhausted and her body hurt all over. She would have curled into a ball but it would have required energy she just didn’t have. So she lay there not moving.

  “Oh sister you look so tired. This fight is so futile,” Chaos crooned.

  Elle scrambled from the bed, her weak legs nearly giving out on her as she scrambled away from Chaos. She backed away pressing her back against the far wall. “How the fuck did you get in here?” And where the hell was Victor?

  Chaos smiled, his nearly black eyes held no emotion at all. Chills danced up her spine making Elle shiver. “What do you want Chaos?”

  “Do you really want this war, Elle?” he asked his head tilting as he watched her.

  Elle took several breaths trying to calm herself. “This isn’t a war, Chaos. This is madness! Aldon is insane. He wants me because I won’t die, caring his science project.”

  Chaos walked toward her and Elle pressed herself against the cold brick wall. “That’s where you are wrong Elle, and why you are so unique. Aldon needs you to give souls to his Freaks, and immortality to his off-spring. It can only be you. He will pay any price to get his hands on you. Sacrifice anything.”

  Elle swallowed the bile rising in her throat. “What kind of monster is he?”

  Chaos shrugged. “He has become what he must, to survive. Do you want to see those you have come to care for, die? You will, of course, survive, Elle. But, what of these Trackers? The Daughters? The Reapers? All their lives…Forfeit. Do you want all their blood on your hands?”

  She rushed at him pushing at Chaos, her anger getting the better of her. “What happened to you?” He stumbled back a step. “What happened to the brother I knew? The brother that made me laugh? That played the harp? That joked with me?”

  Chaos grabbed her with a power she had never seen him use before. He flung her across the room. Elle slammed into the opposite wall, stars exploded behind her eyes as her face made contact with the cold cement, as she slumped to the floor.

  “He died, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Crumpled in a cold cell forgotten by the light and by anyone who cared for him,” Chaos snarled, his voice grew louder as he moved across the room toward her again. “Choose, Elle. This stupid little rag-tag team, who is going to die one by one? Or the power of Aldon and the Tribunal?”

  Elle tried to push to her feet but the lights were blinking in and out. “I’m sorry we forgot about you Chaos.”

  He laughed at her. “Keep your pity for someone who needs it sister. I no longer do.”

  She tried to move away from his voice but he was faster than she was, and he grabbed her by her hair. Elle screamed as he pulled her into a standing position. “Time to leave sister, Aldon won’t desecrate these grounds but I have no compunction about doing just that.”

  Elle grabbed at the hand holding her hair. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “Okay you can walk out on your own two feet or I kill you and carry you out dead.” He pulled out a knife and pressed it to her chest. “Aldon doesn’t care how he gets you, in fact he has to repay you for how you left him the last time you separated. So you might as well show up dead. I don’t really care.”

  Elle swallowed, this was bad. And where the hell was Victor? She thought about screaming, but Chaos only shook his head. “Dead is dead, Elle. But recovering from a slit throat is probably a real bitch.”

  “How did you get past the Daughter’s wards?” Elle asked instead of thinking about recovering from a slit throat.

  “I’m your brother, the sisters aren’t warding against me.” He shrugged. “Now let’s get moving.”

  Elle didn’t see a way out of it but what would Victor do when he came back to the room and saw she was gone? Would he think she had run off again? How was she going to get out of this one?

  She was about to all out panic, when the door flew open and Helena came rushing in. Elle sighed. “Thank the gods. Helena, kill him.” Elle tried to pull away from Chaos, but he held her firmly.

  “You were supposed to meet me ten minutes ago!” Helena snapped. “What the hell? That damn Reaper will be here any minute.”

  Elle was so shocked she almost crumpled to the floor. “Helena?” Her world was suddenly turning upside down.

  Chaos lifted one shoulder. “She wanted to chitchat.”

  Helena grabbed Elle and pulled her through the door. “We don’t have time for chitchat.” Elle was so numb she just stumbled along with Helena as she pushed and shoved Elle down the hallway.

  “Why?” Elle asked finally finding her voice.

  “Because it’s about damn time we get our seat on the Tribunal,” Helena said shoving Elle through a side door. “And Aldon has promised to put me on the Tribunal with him, for helping out. I’m done playing hide and seek with the world. It’s about damn time I get to have a seat and a say.” Her words were like venom.

  This was about power? Helena wanted power? “What the fuck?” Elle practically shouted. Helena backhanded her knocking her to the ground. But Elle was past angry, this was the final betrayal. When Chaos reached for her, Elle slapped his hands away. She would rather be dead then go with these two. They were supposed to be her family! And they would rather have power, and a seat on the Tribunal then their sister.

  “And then you had to come here? Get involved with these stupid ass Daughters of Eve.” Helena swore. “I thought using your Blood, for the emergency number was stupid. But you have to go and bring the Daughters of Eve into the mix?”

  Elle’s mind was reeling. “You bitch.”

  “Blah, blah, blah.” Helena rolled her eyes. “You have been a weight around my neck for the longest time. But finally, finally.” Helena called out to the heavens, “you are going to be useful. If I could just get you to Aldon.” She said the last to Chaos. “Dead or alive I don’t give a shit. Right Chaos? No more, poor pitiful cursed little Elle?”

  Chaos only laughed at what Helena had to say.

  Elle glared at the two, “Y
ou realize the both of you are going to burn in Hell right?” Elle asked.

  Helena laughed, and shook her head. “Oh no little cursed sister. You are the one who is going to wish she were in Hell after what Aldon has planned for you. He isn’t right in the head. All the time spent hiding you is finally going to pay off.”

  Elle felt bile rise in her throat at the mere thought of what the sick bastard had planned. No. She would rather be dead than go to the alter of Aldon. Elle wrenched her arm free of her sister in a wild attempt at freedom. If she was going to go down she decided she was going to go down fighting.

  Helena swore and went to grab at her, Elle kicked Helena’s knee in. Helena hit the dirt like a dropped sack of potatoes screaming in pain. Chaos swore and told Helena to shut up as he slashed at Elle.

  Pain seared across Elle’s arm as his sharp knife sliced into her. But it wasn’t a mortal wound, and she grabbed a hand full of dirt and flung it into Chaos face. The demi-god back peddled. It was enough for Elle, she let out a blood curdling scream.


  Victor heard the scream as he was finishing up the last of the preparations. Thank the gods everyone was still up. Nobody even stopped to think they just all grabbed a weapon and started to run.

  Victor had never been so terrified in all his life, the scream had come from the guest quarters. The only people in the guest quarters were Helena and Elle.

  “I’ll take the back,” Garrett said running around the back of the building. Victor headed toward the room he was sharing with Elle. She had gone to bed half an hour ago.

  Hunter grabbed him before he turned down the hall. “She won’t be there,” he said pulling him toward the back of the barracks. Victor felt lightheaded with fear and followed his brother.

  Hunter pushed through a side door just as a man plunged a knife into Elle’s chest silencing her screams.

  Victor let out a horrible bellow as he attacked the man. He pulled him off Elle and pummeled him until he was a bloody mess. He was holding some type of stone around his throat and chanting but his words were choppy around his broken and bloody teeth.


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