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Star Force: Kaalo (SF99) (Star Force Origin Series)

Page 10

by Aer-ki Jyr

  “New psionics or undiscovered ones?”

  “I know the full extent of the psionics within your genome. Those that Zen’zat have not uncovered yet do not fit this description, nor has any record been made of their existence, but the rumors have persisted. The originals had knowledge beyond us and may have upgraded their own Zen’zat in violation, either in response to the culling or preceding it.”

  Kaalo blinked as he continued to kneel, thoroughly confused. “Were not all of their Zen’zat destroyed in the culling?”

  “They were, as was every facet of their race that we did not wish to remake. They are gone and have been so despite fantasies to the contrary, all of which have proved baseless. I do not think that somehow survivors remained to spawn the heresy here, but if it has been done before then others may have remembered and sought out similar development on their own.”

  “How effective were these altered Zen’zat in battle?”

  “It was before my time, but they were rumored to be incredibly powerful…as well as possessing armor that allowed them to fly.”

  That brought Kaalo’s head up another inch. “Their Rio.”

  Mak’to’ran nodded in one long, slow motion. “The Archons appear to use a tiered system much like our own, with the upper echelons mimicking these legends. It is possible that the stories inspired this research, though who is conducting it I cannot determine. Many races I can rule out individually, but if there is a pact between several then everyone is suspect, even the Era’tran, though I highly doubt we are involved. But you can be assured that whoever is doing this, from trying to recreate Zen’zat of legend to controlling Hadarak, has the end goal of destroying the V’kit’no’sat. There can be no other goal of this treason, and no possibility of us ever condoning it. We stand on the brink of a civil war, not a mere rebellion like the Rit’ko’sor, and that hurt us badly enough. This could destroy us.”

  “Did these legends speak of the Ikrid block being bypassed?”

  “No. I have no knowledge of how it is even possible, but the binary nature of the attacks against you suggest that it is part of what occurred in the past or perhaps a new addition altogether. I also do not know how a Hadarak can be controlled, yet obviously it can be done.”

  “What are we to do if they can enter our minds?”

  “Do as we have always done. As disturbing as this is, it is also an opportunity to prove your worth. The Ikrid restrictions were created to keep you immune from manipulation, but also because it was thought you needed the assistance to counter your inferiority. Even the Ari’tat do not have a block, and in my opinion you are superior to them. Learn to function without it by strengthening your mind. If you cannot, then you truly are lesser than an Ari’tat.”

  “Understood. We either stand on our own or we do not deserve to stand at all. However, this will greatly reduce our effectiveness until we can learn to compensate.”

  “It will do far more than that, but this is the hand you have been dealt. Adapt to it.”

  “As you will. Is there any other counsel you can offer?”

  “When you find this Rio again, do not fight him alone unless he is alone. Take other Zen’zat with you.”

  “We have withdrawn from their station. I will not have another opportunity.”

  “Orders have not gone out yet, but a decision has been made. Based on the interrogation of the lower level Archons you captured, we have discovered that not all the V’kit’no’sat structures in this system were destroyed by the Rit’ko’sor. The planetary defense station still exists.”

  “Why was it not detected on arrival?”

  “They have hidden it, and not well, for it has not been moved. It is at the same location as before, but they have constructed a city over top of it. I do not believe they did it to hide it from us, but rather from their own people for a reason I cannot fathom. Their masses of Humans do not know of the V’kit’no’sat, nor do they know of the defense station. It has been kept from them and the concealment is for this reason, I believe.”

  “Why would they hinder their greatest defensible position in such a manner? If it is intact, it possesses the most powerful weapons they have access to.”

  “I have consulted with the J’gar on this, and they assure me that primary and secondary weapons were locked out when this world fell, which was why the Rit’ko’sor did not try to claim it and merely submerged it. Such codes that prevented them from accessing it would also prevent anyone other than the J’gar or Oso’lon from doing so. Even the Era’tran do not possess the codes to override them.”

  “If they are behind this treachery, then the defense station could fire through the city to strike at us.”

  “If either of those two races have betrayed us, then the V’kit’no’sat are already doomed.”

  “Are you certain it cannot fire?”

  “Both of them have assured me that the lockouts cannot be bypassed, no matter how much effort is given to the task. Whoever is sponsoring this Star Force cannot unlock it, and the fact that they have chosen to build over it is both a sign of this and of their folly, for while they may never have intended to use it as a defensible outpost, they have compromised its perimeter defense with the structures covering it.”

  Kaalo’s face cracked a touch of a smile. “They are vulnerable to a ground assault.”

  “This is a tactical mistake and we are going to exploit it. Once there is a breach in their planetary shields a team of Zen’zat will be dispatched to infiltrate their structures and gain access to the defense station. Once inside you will seize it and destroy the city surrounding it when the J’gar supply you with the necessary instructions to reactivate its weapons. We will reclaim our property and secure a foothold on the planet. If there are answers to be found there we will have them, but even if the databanks have been wiped clean not we will not run from these vermin. We will hold at the defense station and I will send for reinforcements. When they arrive, we will begin exterminating the Archons, this Star Force, and eventually deal with the Hadarak. Whoever is responsible for this will show their involvement eventually if we are not able to discover their identity…else they will have to sit by and watch us annihilate everything they have painstakingly created here.”

  “You believe they will launch a major strike?”

  “I do, but in what form and where I cannot guess at. We will draw them out and crush them, no matter what the losses. The V’kit’no’sat cannot stand with this poison inside us. It must be purged. Only then can we rebuild on a solid foundation. But if we cannot decisively succeed here it will encourage dissent and perhaps further betrayal. We must reestablish our dominance, and for that I will need you and every other high level Zen’zat in the fleet to take the defense station. The rest of us are too large to move through their city, and the Ari’tat are too pathetic. We must rely on the Zen’zat for this, and I have little doubt that their Rio will respond to the incursion. You have another chance to fight him, but this time do so with support. V’kit’no’sat are not individuals, we are a united whole. Fight as such, and do not allow ego or your opponents to goad you into doing otherwise.”

  Kaalo clapped his fist against his chest hard, having come here disillusioned seeking answers, but now his purpose and path forward were clear.

  “It will be done.”

  Duel of the Fates

  Halo clip




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