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Jax (Southern Sands Book 1)

Page 11

by A. M. Williams

  “Then it’s that way!” Harry pointed in the opposite direction.

  The crowd laughed and the band joined in. “Alright, alright. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get this show started!”

  Rousing cheers rose and Jax took a deep breath, knowing it was almost time. He glanced at Karlie and she was smiling at him with Bailey now sitting next to her. His throat was dry as Harry led up to the start of the set. Bentley tapped out the beat and they were off.

  Jax took his cue and stepped up to the microphone to sing the opening lines of “All Summer Long.” He stole a glance at Karlie and her mouth was open, staring at him in shock. He smirked as he continued to sing and play, glad to know he’d been able to surprise her.

  He continued to look at her as he sang, imagining he was singing it to her and he saw the color rise on her cheeks. As he sang the final words, she was shifting in her seat and he was wishing he could reach down to discreetly adjust himself. The rest of the set passed quickly and Jax found himself not even noticing the women crowding the stage to talk to him and the guys. He only had eyes for Karlie.

  He hopped down and waded through the crowd, pushing through and ignoring the women throwing themselves at him, his eyes pinned on Karlie. She looked hot wearing a tight tank and jeans that looked painted on with sandals. He smiled at her as he stepped up to the table. Before she could say anything, he leaned down and grasped the back of her neck, pressing his lips to hers in a kiss that devoured her. All the sexual frustration he felt on stage staring at her was poured into that kiss.

  She groaned and wound her arms around his neck while he thrust his tongue into her mouth, exploring the depths of it.

  “Jesus Christ, y’all. Get a fucking room,” Bailey complained.

  Jax tore his mouth away and turned his half-lidded eyes to Bailey. He chuckled at the disgusted look on her face.

  “Got a problem?”

  “Yeah, you were trying to eat her face off,” she said, wrinkling her nose.

  “I don’t think she minded.” He turned to look at Karlie.

  Her eyes were half open and she looked dazed. She shook herself and grabbed her beer, taking a big gulp of it. “I didn’t know you sang,” she said.

  Jax shrugged and threw an arm over her shoulders. “I don’t advertise it because I don’t do it often, only if we need back up usually.”

  “Why you get a solo then?”

  Jax pulled her closer to him and ran his fingers through her hair. “Harry thought we needed a huskier voice.”

  Karlie bit her lip as he moved closer to her, kissing her softly before pulling back.

  “Well, you definitely did a good job,” she whispered.


  “In fact, you did such a good job, that I can’t wait to get you alone later.”

  Jax’s eyes widened at Karlie’s words. He didn’t take her for the bold type, yet here she was, acting like a vixen and seducing him. He couldn’t find it in himself to wonder about it too much since he was thankful she was showing this side of her.

  She ran her hand up his chest, pulling him from his thoughts, and he shivered at the feeling, remembering what it felt like to have her in his arms the night they first slept together. Her hand curled around his neck and pulled him back down for another searing kiss. He groaned and felt his desire surge again. He’d give anything to take her to a dark corner to do something about the arousal they were both feeling, but he knew their break was almost over.

  There was a tap on his shoulder, and he pulled back, glancing over his shoulder to see Harry there.

  “Come on man, we gotta head back.”

  With one last kiss on her lips, Jax backed away and turned to make his way back to the stage. He leapt up and joined everyone, swigging some water from his bottle before setting up.

  With a nod, they were off. The second set went even quicker than the first and the crowd got into singing with them, joining them on “Summer of ’69” by Bryan Adams and “Midnight Rider” by the Allman Brothers.

  As they finished “Wagon Wheel” at the end, Jax could feel the energy in the place, and he knew they’d played one of the best shows of their life. He hoped that translated into more bookings. Most of the crowd dispersed as they started to pack their things, though a few women lingered, eyeing Jax to see if he’d come join them. He shot them a smirk but didn’t approach them.

  His mind was still on Karlie, and he kept stealing glances her way. She was talking to Bailey, but every so often, their eyes would meet across the small dance floor. The desire he felt earlier had morphed into full blown yearning and he longed to be buried as far inside her as possible.

  Once everything was packed into the van, the band dispersed for the evening after agreeing to meet mid-afternoon the following day to get ready for that show. Their sound guy and roadie were driving the equipment back to Gunner Falls that night. He rejoined Karlie and Bailey. Harry was talking to Bailey, so Jax took their distraction as his opportunity to tug Karlie behind him.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, giggling as he pulled her backstage.

  “Somewhere we can be alone and I can do whatever I want to you.”

  “What? What do—”

  Jax found the door to the green room and pushed her inside, following her in, closing and locking the door behind him.

  “All night, I watched you and kept thinking about what it would feel like to be inside you again. I can’t wait until later.”

  Karlie gasped and threw herself at Jax. He caught her and their mouths met with a clash of teeth and tangling tongues. They tore at their clothing until they were both naked.

  Jax pushed her against the door and dropped to his knees. He threw one of her legs over his shoulder and sealed his mouth over her clit, sucking on it before laving it with his tongue.

  Karlie groaned and Jax looked up to see her head thrown back with her back arched. One hand snaked up her body and grasped a breast, kneading and tweaking the nipple while his other pressed two fingers into her wet heat.

  “Oh my God…”

  “Not God. Jax,” he said, pulling back slightly to smirk at her while he lazily thrust his fingers.

  Before she could reply, he returned his mouth to her center and applied more pressure to her clit while he curled his fingers to find her pleasure spot. She jerked and he smiled.

  He made sure to continue to press on it and her walls started to flutter. A few moments later, she was moaning loudly and gushing on his hand. As her tremors subsided, he pulled his fingers from her and slowly rose, peppering kisses up her body as he went.

  Karlie leaned against the door, panting. “Hot damn,” she finally said, opening her eyes to look at him.

  “Good?” he asked, reaching down to grab a condom from his pocket. He was able to ignore his own arousal while he was concentrated on her, but now that she had come, he was more than ready to move on to the main event.

  He ripped the packet and rolled the condom on, stroking himself a few times while his eyes roamed her body.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” he murmured.

  She blushed and he saw color diffuse her skin from her face to her chest.

  “I didn’t know you colored this much,” he said stepping closer, tracing the edge of the red tint.

  “Well, there’s a lot you don’t know.”

  “Obviously,” he said, grasping her thighs and wrapping them around his hips.

  She locked her ankles and Jax pressed her into the door, reaching a hand down to grasp his erection and guide it to her opening. He teased her slightly, waiting for her to squirm before pressing in.

  He groaned as her tight heat enveloped him. His memory didn’t do this justice. It didn’t do her justice. He bottomed out and paused, breathing harshly into Karlie’s neck. She tugged on his hair and pulled his mouth to hers.

  They kissed sloppily as he pulled back and thrust back in, grunting. Karlie groaned and he repeated the motion. While the first time they sle
pt together was about him showing her his moves, making her come, this time was just about the fucking. He didn’t care about technique. He cared about chasing that high.

  “Harder,” she moaned.

  Jax obliged, pushing in with more force, clutching her ass in his hands, making the door rattle in its frame. He didn’t even care that someone could be outside listening to them. All he cared about was the amazing woman that was asking him to go faster and harder.

  He ripped his mouth from hers and buried his face in her neck. He was already so close. Her walls fluttered around his length and he knew she was also.

  She chanted, “Oh God,” repeatedly and stiffened. He felt the evidence of her orgasm as he glided more easily through her deluge and let himself go, the tingling started at the base of his spine and spread outward. His hips jerked erratically and he let out a long breath as he climaxed, clutching Karlie to him tightly as they came down from their highs.

  Slowly, he regained feeling in his extremities and he stepped back, pulling out and helping Karlie to stand. While she gathered her clothing, he pulled the condom off and wrapped it in a napkin before tossing it in the trash can.

  Once they were clothed again, Jax pulled her to him and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Come on, let's go see what the rest of the band is up to before heading out. I fully intend to do that more later.”

  Karlie nodded and Jax unlocked the door, leading her back to the club proper. He didn’t see anyone inside, so they made their way to the patio. He found everyone except Veronica sitting at the picnic tables that littered the small outdoor space the club had.

  He nodded to everyone as he and Karlie joined them. “You want something to drink?” he asked.

  “Just water for now,” she said.

  Once she was sitting, he went over to the outdoor bar, waiting for the bartender to notice him. A presence next to him made him look to his right. There was a redhead he recognized from the show standing there, leaning over the bar top so he could see down her shirt. He snorted to himself as he turned his gaze back to the bartender.

  “Hey there, sexy. Want to buy me a drink?” the girl asked, thrusting her chest just a bit closer to him.

  Jax smirked. “I would, but I can’t tonight.”

  She pouted. “Come on, just one?”

  He sighed as he thought it over. One wouldn’t be a problem. “What are you drinking?”

  “A gin and tonic.”

  He nodded as the bartender stepped up. He ordered a beer for himself, Karlie’s water, and the girl’s drink. He paid and waited, trying to ignore the girl who continued to talk to him.

  “You were, like, so awesome up there. You looked so sexy playing that guitar.”

  She sidled closer to him and he shrank back, edging down the bar, trying to dissuade her conversation. The bartender returned and he smiled his thanks. He grabbed his two drinks and turned to walk away. A hand on his arm stopped him. He glanced back and saw the redhead.

  “I know you said no now, but here’s my number. Call me.”

  She slid her hand into his front pocket and he felt her leave a small slip of paper there as she withdrew her hand. With a wink, she sauntered off, sucking on her straw. Shaking his head, he rejoined everyone, handing Karlie her water.

  She glared at him and he furrowed his brow. “What?” he asked.

  Karlie rolled her eyes. “If you have to ask, I think that’s a problem.”

  Jax thought back over the last few minutes and couldn’t think of anything that would make her mad at him. “Seriously, I don’t know what I did to make you mad. I got you a drink. I wasn’t even over here.”

  “You seriously can’t think of anything from the last few minutes that would make me mad?”

  He slowly shook his head, certain that was the wrong answer.

  Karlie scoffed. “Unbelievable…” she muttered.

  “Karlie, I honestly don’t know what the problem is. I can’t exactly apologize and promise not to do it again if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

  She pursed her lips and looked away. He could feel himself growing angry with her.

  “That woman.”

  “What woman?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

  “The one from the bar.”

  He was thoroughly confused. He hadn’t tried to talk to her. “I don’t even know her.”

  “You wouldn’t know it from the way you were acting around her.” Karlie crossed her arms and looked away from him.

  “I didn’t do anything except exchange like three sentences with her.”

  “And buy her a drink.”

  “I thought if I bought her the drink, she’d leave me alone.”

  Karlie snorted. “I see that worked well for you. I saw her reach into your pocket.”

  Jax stared at her, thinking back. He did remember her reaching and saying something about a number, but he'd immediately forgotten about it because it wasn’t like he was going to use it. He wasn’t sure what to say or do.

  “She doesn’t mean anything. I didn’t want to talk to her, but I didn’t want to be rude either. Word of mouth is important for the band, so I can’t risk alienating potential fans.” He meant it, but he had a feeling that wasn’t the right thing to say.

  Karlie laughed, but it was obvious that she wasn’t laughing because something was funny. “Wow, that’s your excuse.”

  “It’s not an excuse,” he said slowly, still not understanding what the problem was. “If it’s the number, here.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled it out, ripping it into tiny pieces. “I didn’t plan to call her.”

  Karlie shook her head. “That’s so not the issue.”

  “Then what is the issue?” he asked, exasperated.

  “If you can’t see what it is, then it’s not worth explaining.”

  With that, she got up, walked over to Bailey and pulled her inside. He watched them go, not sure where things had gone so horribly wrong. He was actually pretty angry at Karlie for not explaining what the issue was.

  Harry dropped into Karlie’s vacant seat. “I’ll help you out. Karlie’s mad you didn’t tell that girl to get lost.”

  Jax cut his eyes to his best friend. “I didn’t even flirt with her. I was being polite.”

  Harry shrugged and sipped his beer. “That may be, but she doesn’t see it that way.”

  He stood and moved back to his chair just as the girls walked back out. Karlie looked a bit calmer, but he wasn’t sure that was better. Once she was seated again, he looked at her as he sipped his beer, curious to see if she’d say anything.

  She didn’t and instead studiously ignored him.

  He sighed. “I’m sorry about the girl. I didn’t flirt and I didn’t want to talk to her, but I didn’t want to be rude either.”

  Karlie clenched her jaw and said, “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  She stopped talking and he could tell that it wasn’t fine. She still looked angry and tense, her arms now crossed in front of her.

  “I just don’t like seeing girls hanging all over you, and it’ll take some getting used to,” she continued.

  Jax put his arm around her and pulled her to him. “I’ll try to be more aware and avoid talking to girls that are looking to hook-up, okay?”

  Karlie nodded. “Okay, thanks. I appreciate that.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead and tuned into the conversation going on around them. Even though he told her he’d try to avoid girls that wanted to sleep with him, he knew that would be hard since so many girls hung around the band hoping to get lucky.

  Well, what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her and he pushed the thoughts from his mind.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “That’s the last of it!”

  Karlie and Bailey high-fived after placing the final box down in the storage room. “Is it just me or does this get harder each year?” Bailey asked, sitting on top of a plastic tub.

  “I think it get
s harder too. Like, where did all this shit come from?” Karlie asked, waving a textbook around before placing it on a bookshelf.

  She leaned against the small counter that ran along one wall of the science storage room. At the end of the school year, Karlie had to pack and inventory all the materials in her room before packing it away in the storage room attached to it. Bailey usually helped, which made the time go faster, but it was still just as hot and tedious. Each year, Central Office turned the AC off so they didn’t have to pay for it when the buildings were empty during the summer.

  “I think you need to stop buying shit at Target and Staples.” Bailey flung a rubber band at Karlie.

  Karlie laughed. “Never! You know I can’t ignore a good deal.”

  That being said, she intended to try and hold off on buying supplies over the summer. She had enough stockpiled goods she could get by without buying new things. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean too much to her when those deals started dropping.

  “Oh, I know it all right. I just moved three boxes worth of paper. I mean, paper! Who has that much?”

  Karlie shrugged and blushed. “I can’t help it. When it’s only a penny, I just buy it up.”

  “Well, I think you’re set until retirement.”

  Karlie pushed off the counter and walked back into her room. The chairs were all stacked and the tables pushed together. Besides the posters on the cinder block wall, you couldn’t tell it was her classroom anymore.

  Bailey followed her out and stood beside her. “What are your plans for tonight? I think we need to celebrate the last workday of the year.”

  Karlie blew out a breath. “I don’t know. Jax has a gig in Raleigh that I was thinking of maybe driving to. I told him I couldn’t go, but it might be nice to surprise him.”

  Bailey bumped her with a hip. “That seems to be going well. I mean, you’ve been together, what, just over a month now?”

  Karlie nodded. “Yeah, about five weeks.”

  Bailey stepped in front of Karlie and raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been so close lipped! Give me something to work with.”


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