Jax (Southern Sands Book 1)

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Jax (Southern Sands Book 1) Page 12

by A. M. Williams

  Karlie shrugged and pushed past, grabbing her things from her desk. “Not much to say.”

  Bailey made a noise, and Karlie looked over her shoulder to catch Bailey rolling her eyes. “Not much to tell? Not only have you convinced Jax to date you, you’re practically attached at the hip. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say hip and I should say—”

  “Okay, that’s enough out of you. You coming?” Karlie asked as she stepped around Bailey to her desk.



  Bailey narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think this gets you out of our talk, but sure.”

  “See you in an hour or so?”

  Bailey checked her watch. “What are your plans for dinner?”

  Karlie pursed her lips as she thought. “How about we hit up Mellow Mushroom?”

  “You got it. See you in an hour. You’re driving.”

  Karlie laughed as Bailey ran from the room.

  An hour later found the two of them riding down Highway 70 blasting a 90s music playlist with the windows cracked.

  “You never did tell me how things were,” Bailey said, turning the music down.

  “Not much to tell. We’re still figuring it out, but I’m quite pleased.”

  A smile curled over Karlie’s face as she thought about how pleased she was. More often than not, she and Jax spent the evenings together and wound up in bed. When they weren’t fucking, they were talking about anything and everything. When she first met him, she didn’t think there was a lot to him besides being a pretty boy musician. Boy, had she been wrong.

  “That smile is quite telling,” Bailey said, jerking Karlie from her thoughts.

  Karlie quickly schooled her features. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  Bailey laughed. “Coy might work with others, but I’ve known you entirely too long. I take it you’re satisfied?”

  Karlie wrinkled her nose. “That’s a weird phrase.”

  Bailey shrugged. “How so? I think it’s quite fitting.”

  It was Karlie’s turn to shrug. They were silent for a few moments while she merged onto I-40. Bailey finally said, “I know you probably don’t want to hear me say this, but I’m happy for you. I’m glad you’re with Jax. He seems to help even out your…crazy.”

  Karlie laughed. “My crazy?”

  “Yes, yours. I don’t know if you know this…but you’re a bit neurotic.”

  Karlie snorted. “I am not neurotic.”

  “Please. You’re the girl that has to color code everything in your classroom.”

  “So things don’t get mixed up,” Karlie explained.

  “You’re also the girl that picks her outfits out for the week on Sunday.”

  “Saves time during the week.”

  Though she couldn’t see it, Karlie could imagine the withering look Bailey was giving her. “All I’m saying is, I’m glad you’re out there again.”

  Karlie smiled at Bailey before turning her attention back to the road. “Me too.”

  A few hours later, Karlie and Bailey were paying the cover charge to get into the bar where Southern Sands was playing. The place was dimly lit but packed with people. They had to push their way through to get to the bar. Luckily, there were two stools next to each other in a corner with a clear view of the stage.

  As they ordered their drinks, the band came out and everyone cheered. Karlie listened with half an ear while Harry started his opening spiel and they played the first song. Karlie’s eyes were glued to Jax. While he was hot normally, there was something about him on stage with a guitar that did things to her.

  She nodded along with the music and chatted with Bailey while the band played. When they took a break, Bailey leaned over and said, “Are you going to try and get backstage?”

  Karlie shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. I think by the time I convince the bouncer to let me back, they’ll probably be coming back out.”

  Bailey nodded and moved away. A few minutes later, the band returned and finished out their set. Once done, the crowd dispersed and Karlie turned to Bailey, knowing it’d be a little while before she’d be able to talk to Jax.

  “They were good tonight, weren’t they?” she asked, sipping her water.

  “They were. You were looking a little starry eyed there when Jax sang lead on a few songs.”

  Karlie’s face heated and she was thankful for the dim lighting to hide it. “What can I say? He’s sexy.”

  “Sure he is.”

  Karlie slapped Bailey on the arm. “I know guys like him don’t do it for you, but don’t insult me. At least I’m not interested in Harry.”

  Bailey arched a brow. “Okay, I can back off. Though, I’m glad you’re not interested in Harry. He’s mine.”

  “Oh?” Karlie asked, perking up. This was a new development. “Do tell.”

  “Not much to tell.”

  “I beg to differ. If you’re calling him yours, there is definitely something to tell.”

  Bailey was silent as she swirled her highball glass in the water ring on the bar. “Not much to tell. Harry has been trying to get me to go out with him again. I think he’s finally worn me down.”

  Karlie grinned. “That’s great!”

  And it truly was. She loved Harry and Bailey together because they made each other happy. The problem came when they weren’t together and decided to end things, which they always did. But Karlie refused to worry about that. She wanted to celebrate.

  “Hey, the crowd is clearing and it looks like they’re done loading up.”

  Karlie glanced at the stage and saw that Bailey was right. The band was starting to mingle in the crowd that was lingering. She finished her water and threw her purse strap over her shoulder. “Come on, let’s find them.”

  Since the crowd had thinned, it wasn’t as hard to move through the bar. Karlie scanned the bar as they walked, trying to find Jax or Harry.

  “Oh, I see Harry! Want to come with?”

  “Do you see Jax?”


  Karlie glanced back at Bailey. “Nah, I’ll see if I can find him. If not, I’ll come talk to you.”

  With a nod, Bailey disappeared and Karlie continued to look through the crowd. She caught a break in the bodies and saw a flash of Jax’s hair. Keeping her eyes where she thought it was, she pushed her way through to the other side of the bar.

  As she drew closer, it was like the parting of the Red Sea and Karlie could clearing see Jax sitting at a table nursing a beer, throwing his head back in laughter. She smiled as her eyes skimmed over him. He was sweaty, which was to be expected, and it only enhanced how attractive he was. His hair was pushed back from running his hands through it so much and his shirt was sticking to his chest.

  She stepped closer and paused, taking in the rest of the scene. There were three other women sitting at the table with him. That wouldn’t have bothered her so much if one of them wasn’t currently sitting on his lap with his arm curled around her waist while she fiddled with the collar of his shirt.

  She felt like she’d been doused in cold water, and she shivered, suddenly chilled at the scene before her. She felt anger. Anger at herself for letting someone else in and anger at Jax for not being able to push another woman away.

  Her mind flashed back to the night she showed her jealousy over his flirting and buying a drink for another woman. That hurt, but she thought he understood her pain and was willing to be more conscientious of it. She was obviously wrong.

  Bodies moved around her, bumping into her occasionally, while the noise of the bar faded around her as she focused on the table where Jax sat. The women chatted with him and he soaked the attention up. He was smirking at them and letting them run their fingers over the skin of his hands and forearms. And he did nothing.

  Suddenly, everything snapped back into focus. The sound of the canned music drowned out everything. She chuckled sardonically at the realization that “Big Girls Don’t Cry” by Fergie was currently playing. How fitting, especi
ally since she refused to shed a tear over Jax.

  She took a deep breath and steeled herself before marching to his table. She had the joy of seeing exactly when Jax saw her coming to him. She almost wished she had her phone out to take a picture. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” she said as she stopped at the edge of the table, popping a hip out.

  She let her eyes flick over each of the women but lingered over the one that was still perched on Jax’s lap. Karlie slowly blinked and turned her attention to Jax who sat there shocked. “After all, that would ruin the fun, wouldn’t it?”

  “It’s not what—”

  Karlie held a hand up, stopping Jax’s words.

  “I don’t really care what it is or isn’t. Want to know why? Because it’s done. It’s over.”

  “Wha? Karlie?” Jax finally pushed the girl from his lap as he tried to stand.

  “Seriously, don’t get up. You’ll want to make sure you have some companionship tonight.”

  Jax paled. “Karlie, come on.”

  Karlie backed up and smiled sadly at Jax. “Have a nice life.”

  She turned and pushed through the crowd. She heard Jax cursing behind her. She didn’t turn to see if he was following her because she honestly didn’t care one way or the other. Right now, she was just trying to keep the tears at bay. Luckily, she saw Harry and Bailey standing to the side and she turned toward them.

  Bailey stopped mid-sentence and gaped at Karlie's expression.

  “Let’s go,” she said, grabbing Bailey’s hand and pulling her behind her and out of the bar.

  Karlie didn’t say anything as they walked but tossed Bailey the keys. She knew she would lose it once they were on the road and driving wouldn’t be a good idea. Bailey took them without question and they both climbed into the car.

  Karlie stared out the window, unseeing, as Bailey took them farther and farther away from one of the worst mistakes of her life.

  “Karlie?” Bailey’s voice made Karlie jerk.

  She turned her head to look at her friend, who was trying to concentrate on both the road and Karlie. “What’s wrong?”


  With that, Karlie’s resolve crumbled and she burst into tears.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After Karlie left, Jax sat in shock, staring at the spot she had just been standing in. The women sitting with him resumed talking immediately, asking him who she was, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak. He brushed them off and stood to get another beer.

  While he waited for the bartender to get to him, Harry joined him. Neither spoke for a few moments until Harry asked, “So, want to fill me in on what just happened here?”

  Jax shrugged. Harry scoffed. “Dude, don’t even try that shit with me. What happened? Karlie looked pissed.”

  Jax clenched his jaw but still didn’t say anything. Harry sighed and turned around, leaning on the bar as he scanned the room. Jax watched him from the corner of his eye. “Let me guess. It has something to do with your dick.”

  “My dick ain’t got nothing to do with it.”

  Harry snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m sure your dick had nothing to do with the trio of women sitting at the table you were sittin’ at, am I right?”

  Jax huffed and focused on the bar, not wanting to admit Harry was right.

  “What the fuck, man?” Harry asked, turning to stare at Jax. Jax glanced up and winced at the look in Harry’s eyes. “Seriously? What the fuck were you thinking?” Jax opened his mouth and Harry glared at him, making Jax snap his mouth shut. “Good, you have some sense left since I obviously don’t want to hear what you have to say. What the fuck is your problem? Your girlfriend, the person you wanted to be with and pursued, tells you one of the things she absolutely can’t stand and what do you do? You fucking do it.”

  Jax winced. “I didn’t do shit.”

  “Bullshit,” Veronica said from his other side.

  He glanced over and just barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the look of derision on her face.

  “Gang up on Jax, why don’t we.”

  “We’re not ganging up on you,” Veronica said. “We’re telling you you’re an asshole.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  Veronica shook her head and pushed away from the bar. “If you can’t look at what just happened and realize that you’re the one that caused it, then I hope like hell you get what’s comin’ to you.”

  With a snort, she shook her head and walked away. Jax turned back to Harry. “Got anything to add?” he asked.

  “I have so much to add that it isn’t funny. But you wouldn’t even listen,” Harry shook his head. “All I’ll say is this: if you try to sleep with any of the girls here tonight, you can find your own way home tomorrow.”

  With that, Harry walked away from him and Jax was left alone at the bar. The bartender finally came over and got him another beer, from which Jax took a long pull as he surveyed the room. While he people watched, the girl from earlier sidled over. He regarded her as she pressed against him. She had black hair complimented by pale skin and green eyes. She had a nice body with decent sized boobs that he was sure would be just the right amount in his hand. Based on what she felt like while sitting on his thigh earlier, her ass was something that would feel good in his hand too.

  Shaking what Harry said off, he smirked at her and ran the hand not holding the beer down her back to her ass and squeezed it. He was right, it was perfect.

  He whispered nonsense in her ear, making her giggle and press further against him. As he flirted, he felt powerful and remembered what it was like to get a new woman every night. The thrill of seduction. The anticipation of being alone to show his moves.

  Soon enough, he found himself asking her to join him in the back. He led her through the club, catching sight of Harry shaking his head as they pushed through the door that led backstage. She giggled as they walked through the dimly lit corridor to the green room, where Jax roughly pushed her inside before shutting and locking the door behind him.

  What came next was as easy as walking, talking, and playing guitar to him. Rustling clothing, crinkling foil, and sighs of pleasure. The only difference was it wasn’t with Karlie, the entire time he was with this nameless, faceless girl, Jax couldn’t get Karlie out of his head. Even though she came enthusiastically, he couldn’t bring himself to actually penetrate her and find his own completion. The thought of being with her made him physically deflate and he couldn’t figure out why.

  He kicked her out and got dressed, collapsing on the couch in the room, closing his eyes as he thought over what just happened.


  Jax cracked his eyes and saw Harry standing in the doorway. “Harry.”

  “I’m serious. You better find another way home tomorrow.” Jax shrugged. He’d figure it out the next day. “I want to tell you something,” Harry said when it was obvious Jax wouldn’t break the silence.

  Jax waved his hand in a get on with it gesture, not overly interested in what Harry had to say.

  “There’s this girl I know. She’s pretty great.” Harry got a faraway look in his eyes as he thought about whoever this girl was.

  Harry continued. “She always put others before her, helping out when she can, even if it means she misses out. Finally, in college, someone realized how amazing she was and snapped her up.”

  Jax listened with half an ear, still not interested in whatever Harry was spouting off to him.

  “The problem with this is the girl was being lied to, only she didn’t know it. Turns out that this ‘great’ guy was using her, parading her in front of his parents to get them off his back while he slept with anything that moved.”

  By this point, Jax realized Harry was talking about Karlie and his stomach rolled. “I don’t want to hear any more.”

  “Too fucking bad. She found out around graduation what had been going on from the start and
was humiliated, swore she’d never be in a position to be treated like that again. Sound familiar?” Jax shrugged and looked at his lap, shame creeping in. “I think it does,” Harry continued. “I think it sounds like you.”

  “It’s different.”

  Harry scoffed. “How? How is this different?”

  Jax shrugged. “Well, we’re broken up.”

  It was flimsy and he knew it, but it was his only defense against feeling like shit about what had happened earlier.

  “Why don’t you look me in the face and say that, asshole.”

  Jax sighed and looked at Harry, taken aback by the fire in his eyes. “We’re broken up.”

  Harry snorted. “If that’s the case, then why do you look like you’ve made the worst decision of your life? I’ll see you at home tomorrow.”

  Jax was left alone again. He still felt sick as he thought of what he started with that girl, but didn't understand why. Shaking it off, he pulled out his phone and ordered a car to take him to the hotel for the night. He’d think about it later when everything wasn’t so fresh in his mind.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “I can’t believe that asshole.” Bailey pushed her way through Karlie’s open door, a drink tray and paper bag clutched in her hands.

  “Please, come in,” Karlie said, shutting and locking the door.

  “Bitch, please. You’ve been holed up in this house for days. I’m surprised you’re not dead yet.”

  Karlie rolled her eyes and followed Bailey into her kitchen. “There’s such a thing as delivery. I can even have my groceries delivered.”

  Bailey shot her a look. “You ordered groceries?”

  “Well…no. But I could if I wanted to.”

  Bailey snorted and shook her head. “Here.”

  She thrust a cup of coffee into Karlie’s hand. It was still warm and bore the Common Ground logo. Karlie took a tentative sip and smiled when the sweet nuttiness of the coffee hit her taste buds.

  She sighed and slipped onto a stool, wrapping her hands around the cup. Bailey rifled through Karlie’s cabinets, pulling down plates and glasses. Karlie raised a brow in question. “I got us food too.”


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