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Darker Passions: Frankenstein

Page 20

by Kilpatrick, Nancy

  "That's ridiculous. Why should she do that? No, Victor, it's far simpler and less conspiratorial than you make it out to be. You have treated her badly and she, as any would, has reacted by feeling wounded."

  "She is incapable of true feelings."

  "That's a lie!"

  My frustration soared. "Elizabeth, Crea is not a human being. You seem to forget that I created her from spare parts and metal plates. I had not told you this, but those parts were from three separate bodies, all of them belonging to criminals who had committed acts that led them to the gallows. If, indeed, she has feelings, an idea I cannot seriously entertain, they would be of an evil and manipulative nature."

  "Whatever she did in her past lives does not apply to what she has been to me. She is a decent creature, loving, eager to give and receive. Eager to please."

  "Nonsense! She has been programmed to function on a variety of levels. If she did not please you, I would have failed utterly. As it is, in the end she exhibited a propensity toward disobeying my orders, and where did that leave us?"

  "If there is a failure, it is within you, for you have not realized what you have created, a being of intellect and passion."

  "What I have created is a conniving monster."

  "Victor! I cannot believe I am hearing this."

  "Then I suggest you take some time to mull over my words, for these are my true feelings."

  "If she is conniving, it is only that she was created in the image of her maker."

  "Now you've gone too far. We can settle this argument with a paddling." I was hoping to provoke her, then cajole her out of her mood, and the mood she was pulling me towards.

  "No! This is not a matter of clashing wills, but one of honor. Yours. If you have any left, you will come with me to Oxford to retrieve Crea."

  "Then I have no honor left, for I shall not hunt for her, nor shall I permit you to either."

  Her face became steely. She rose from the bed to which she had taken and dressed at once.

  "And where do you think you're going?" I asked, seeing her putting on her boots and cape.

  "As I said, I am off to bring Crea home. You may try to stop me, Victor, and you might succeed. But if you do, you shall never again feel your backside warmed by my hand, and I shall never again submit my bottom to you willingly."

  This made me furious, so much so that I acted inappropriately. "Fine. Go off and search for Crea. But remember, Elizabeth: Crea is not human, despite what you wish to believe. I liken her reactions more to that of a machine which has malfunctioned."

  She pulled the hood of her cape up and stuffed her tiny hands into the fur muff. She was out the door before I realized it.

  I am a stubborn man and it took me a day to come to my senses and go after my wife. The man in the village who had first greeted us informed me that she'd caught the train headed

  England the day before, which meant there was a full twenty-four hours between us.

  As I sat in the first class compartment, my emotions vied for attention with my intellect. Frustrated though I was, still, I admired Elizabeth's loyalty —it was one of the virtues I'd sensed in her from the start. It tempered my fury and brought me to understand that she was acting out of love and devotion, qualities directed as much toward me as toward Crea.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Robert Walton had listened to Victor Frankenstein's story over the course of many days. During this time, the man he generously shared his cabin with had gained strength. He now looked normal enough. His energy had increased as well. Billie did double duty each night, which helped.

  Walton had come to admire and care about this mad scientist, whose wish to please his beloved had led to such a disastrous situation.

  Robert entered the cabin one morning to find his cabin 'boy' having her bottom painted by a short cat, the hand of Frankenstein guiding it. Walton envied the work. Indeed, this man was a master with a whip. Weren't these stripes evenly spaced? Not one of the nine tails overlapped another. "Quite a feat," he admitted.

  Billie writhed and bucked beneath the lash, thrusting her worn rump higher while her lips uttered the words, "Another, sir, if you please."

  The lashing lasted a further half hour, at which point Frankenstein mounted her from behind. Robert found himself unbuttoning his own pants and spontaneously stepping up behind the doctor, who anus looked so welcoming. Frankenstein turned his head briefly, a look of surprise on his face, but that shifted quickly to a nod of encouragement, and Robert plugged him.

  The two men moved in a rhythm, cock to ass, cock to ass, while Billie masturbated herself to the sounds of flesh slapping flesh. They came together, all three, groaning and moaning until they sounded like waves crashing against the hull.

  Once they had separated and Billie pulled her drawers up over that ruby bottom and scurried above deck, Robert made his announcement. "It seems, Victor, that we have escaped the ice jam. The boat this morning is free, and we likewise are free to sail."

  "And your direction?"

  "Before I make that clear, I'd like to hear the rest of your tale."

  Frankenstein sat nude by the pot-belly stove, the fine gold nipple ring glittering in the light from the oil lamp.

  Walton was eager to hear the remaining story, of what had led the doctor so far north.

  "The remainder of my saga is short. I reached Oxford quickly. M. Krempe informed me that both Crea, and then Elizabeth had been there, the first just before the second, and Elizabeth just before me. Crea, he claimed, was bitter and angry, and held thoughts of vengeance in her heart.

  "'Did you tell this to Elizabeth?' I asked him.

  "'Of course, although she accused me of misinterpreting. Your wife stayed the afternoon, long enough to taste the clock in the basement, and then she was off.'

  "'Which direction?' I pleaded.

  "'North. It seems the man and woman who were the main source for Crea's components were from the north coast of Scotland. I believe Crea is drawn there organically.'

  "Of course, I left at once. I traveled by train, then by cart, following leads along the way, for a being of Crea's size could not go unnoticed for long.

  "She had been spotted she'd traveled, and as well, there were reports of Elizabeth, just ahead of me, searching for her. "Finally I reached the tip of Scotland, only to discover that they had each taken passage on separate boats headed towards the Shetland Islands. There was nothing to do but purchase passage myself. And when the seas froze and the ships refused to travel further, I was forced onto a dogsled. Two days travel, and, had I not been found by you, I should surely have perished."

  Frankenstein bowed his head, and Robert felt sorry for the man. He knew it was likely the man had lost both his wife and his creature to the ice floes... It was too tragic.

  Frankenstein looked up suddenly. "And again I ask you, what is your destination, captain?"

  Robert had been considering this for many days, as the weather cleared and warmed, in anticipation of just such circumstances developing.

  "My crew, naturally, wish me to return to the mainland. That is a sane proposal. And yet your story intrigues me. More than intrigues, for I feel compelled to see a resolution to your situation, even if nature herself has exacted the ultimate solution."

  "If you are suggesting that they are both dead, this I do not believe."

  "The chances of survival in this climate are slim. Still, from what you've told me, the ingenuity which both Elizabeth and Crea possess would indicate that they have a better than average chance."

  Robert paused. The man before him was handsome, his muscles enticing, seeming to invite the hand of another, despite the fact that he was still recovering and obviously under stress. A handsome face such as his should not be subjected to such worries, and Robert had a desire to see that face in a more relaxed atmosphere. "You are a genius," he assured Frankenstein. "You have done what none before you have."

  Victor brushed that aside. "More like a fool who has believed himse
lf greater than he is. I see now the error of my ways on all counts. But for another chance..."

  "I think I can give you that chance. At least let me try.

  The way north will not be easy. The ship will move at a snail's pace. And yet, if they are to be found, I am determined that we shall find them. For I am fascinated with your tale and wish to see this monster for myself."

  Frankenstein jumped to his feet and embraced Robert. "You are a true friend," he said, gazing into the other's eyes. "I am grateful. Very grateful."

  With this, his hands became busy fondling Robert's crotch, bringing his cock up and making sure his balls tightened with developing tension. His hands knew where to stroke, and how, a sensation new to Robert, for he had never been under the hand of another of his gender. Slowly Frankenstein eased to his knees and took that cock in his mouth.

  Robert felt hard male lips ride him in a knowing way. Hands stroked beneath his balls, that strip between the anus and the sacks, and it drove him mad with lust. He grabbed Frankenstein=s head on each side and thrust into the hungry mouth so eager to show gratitude, and felt a broad tongue licking the underside of his phallus.

  While this was happening, Frankenstein had reached into his bag. Robert watched him remove the leather glove with the grommets imbedded into the palm, the gloves of Miss Heidi.

  Thoughts of what had been told him about that woman made his cock even harder, and his balls strain for release. He fought to control his ejaculation in order to prolong the pleasure.

  The gloved hand rubbed his ass cheeks, cheeks which had never felt a strap or paddle. How much more delicious if the skin was sore. And yet the glove felt divine, and Robert tensed his bottom and released as he thrust deep.

  When he came, it was slowly, the ejaculation lingering. The lips and tongue cleaned his juices while the glove still danced over his bottom.

  He gazed down at Frankenstein, who, although he was on his knees, looked less like a submissive and more like a master.

  "We sail for the Shetlands at once!" Robert cried.

  He was pleased to see Frankenstein smile.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Robert and Victor stood at the rail together in the freezing cold. Wind bit their cheeks and Robert pulled his collar up and tied the scarf tightly around his neck, covering his lower face.

  They had traveled for less than forty-eight hours when the weather turned bad again. The ship was boxed in by larger floes now, much to the consternation of the crew. Just this morning Robert had had to quell another attempted mutiny. When enough backs had been heated, tempers had cooled.

  Yet all was far from lost. For ahead were two ships, also stuck in the ice. Billie had spotted them and informed her captain; he had patted her bottom briefly and said, "I shall reward you properly later." At that, she grinned that toothless smile from ear to ear.

  "The Manatee!" Victor shouted, pointing to the dark lettering on the side of the closest vessel. "That's the ship Elizabeth has taken, or so they told me in Lochinver. And the one further on, it must be the Anemone."

  Robert held his brass spy glass to his eye. Sure enough, the furthest ship was the other one they sought. He was excited at the prospect of finding both Elizabeth and Crea. Elizabeth was a woman like none he had encountered. She knew her mind, her heart and her cunt, which impressed him. Mental images of her receptive bottom had entertained him throughout the day, at odd moments, hardening his cock at the prospect of delivering the desired attention, or to be on the receiving end of such a small but fierce hand. Crea, of course, would be a wonder to behold. Since Victor's tales, Robert had dreamt nightly of this astonishing being whose abilities seemed endless and whose limits had not yet been found. The notion of so many useful parts filled him with a great desire and the explorer within him found new terrain which compelled him to investigate.

  The ships were not far off, and not far apart, and the two men decided that slipping on snowshoes and walking over the snow encrusted ice would be the quickest way to get there. The journey was treacherous for the cracks in the bergs, and exhausting, but eventually they reached The Manatee and boarded her. They soon discovered that the ship had been abandoned.

  "This is not good news," Victor said morosely.

  Robert agreed. "I wonder what this will mean regarding the sister ship, for the crew have to be somewhere and since they are not on the ice, they must have boarded her."

  They rested and warmed themselves, and indulged in a bit of energizing foreplay, then started off for the Anemone, further in the distance.

  The landscape was solid white, the sky nearly as colorless as the ice, and the distance they had assessed between ships proved deceptive. It took them until nearly nightfall to reach the Anemone.

  Unlike the first, this ship was not abandoned, but supported the crews from both vessels. Rum from the Caribbean, and rye from Scotland flowed freely and a jolly event seemed underway on the decks.

  Robert, accustomed to dealing with loutish men, made his way briskly through the merry crowd of loud, slovenly sailors littering the fore deck and moved down into the captain's quarters.

  There he found the officers had taken over this room. These bearded, burly fellows were in varying states of undress and somnambulance. General rutting was taking place. Leather snapped against bottoms, penis' rammed into rectums, cock were being sucked —two and three by the same eager mouth, alternating.

  The air was sharp with the scent of leather and sweat and other excretions, all woven into the undercurrent of hard liquor. Fights had broken out here and there, and there was much shouting and raucous laughter as fists blackened eyes and bashed open lips.

  Clearly, Victor had never seen the like. Robert studies him studying these men and wondered how he would feel about having his bottom whaled by a raw leather strap held by such a powerful hand. But this was not the time to indulge, even Victor knew that, as was clear from the regretful look he passed to Robert.

  "Where is your captain?" Robert demanded of one tall, slim fellow, who scratched he bare, blistered ass, then pointed further back in the ship.

  "The galley, sir. You'll find him dining on the most succulent birds."

  Robert and Victor elbowed their way back up to and along the starboard deck to the stern of the ship, then they headed down the narrow steps to the ship's galley. By contrast, this large room lay empty but for three souls.

  "Elizabeth!" Victor cried, running to the woman tied to the table. She was naked, her shapely legs bent at the knees and pulled up to her chest along her sides. This splayed her, so that her bottom cheeks plumped up. She resembled a frog. The position also exposed her, for her cunny and bottom hole were clearly visible and, from the raw, moist look of them, Robert deduced they had entertained many visitors of late.

  "Darling, are you alright?" Victor said, pulling the gag from his wife's mouth.

  "Of course I'm alright. Why would I not be? The captain and his crew have simply been entertaining us until the ice melts. But Victor, I am so glad you're here. These men have been too long at sea. They know nothing of how to fulfill a woman. That is the place of a husband, to be certain, which makes me glad I'm married."

  Robert saw that Victor picked up on her meaning at once. He was already busy liberating his rod and climbing atop the table. Instantly he mounted her from behind, much to her delight.

  While this domestic reunion had been taking place, Robert's eyes had been drawn to the corner where he heard loud grunting. The heavy-set man with the red hair and beard, surely the Norwegian captain of this vessel, was busy fucking a tall woman from behind. His hands had not grabbed onto her hips, but had reached around and each grasped one of her two cocks, stroking them both in a disjointed rhythm. The lovely, radiant being having her cunt stoked was surely Crea.

  Robert moved closer. Her eyes watched him, the blue so calm, the brown one inviting and eager for something new. For it seemed to Robert that this skipper was a rather coarse fellow who likely sang all songs with only one not
e, and that off-key.

  Behind him he heard sounds: Victor groaning and Elizabeth moaning, begging him, "Victor, my love, take my heinie hole when you've finished with the other."

  Ahead, the captain came in one great thrust and an ear-shattering grunt. This massive ejaculation seemed to have taken much out of him. He bent and reached for a bottle of rum on the floor, raised himself up, lost his balance, took a large swig from the bottle and staggered. His glassy eyes rolled into his head. He fell backwards and landed with a thud on his naked rump on the rough floor. Instantly he keeled sideways and was within seconds snoring loudly.

  Crea's eyes never left Robert=s and he took advantage of the situation that made her available. "I see this fellow has left you high and dry. Are you in need of assistance?"

  Crea moved forward at once. "As it pleases you, sir," she said, which is exactly what Robert wanted her to say.

  "Then it pleases me to mend fences, for I can see a new dwelling being built of a more stable foundation that needs to be fenced in properly."

  Crea, of course, had no idea what he meant. He did, though, have a plan, one he had been fantasizing about much of late. He led her to the table where Mrs. Frankenstein was having her bottom hole nicely skewered. Her blue eyes were filled with rapture yet she looked at Crea and Robert with longing.

  "Crea, my darling," she panted, "introduce me to your friend."

  "Her mouth needs filling," Robert directed, and Crea climbed the table obediently and leaned forward until she could slip her largest cock between Elizabeth's waiting lips. Robert mounted Crea from behind at once, slipping into her recently vacated cunny hole. This position put him face to face with Victor. The two men pumped away and stared at each other, grinning. It was only natural that their lips met and their tongues explored one another's mouth.

  The four throbbed and fucked, taking turns coming, synchronizing their movements, shifting positions and orifices until all had an equal opportunity at giving and receiving.


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