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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 10

by Shawn Bailey

  All three performed KC and Jo Jo’s “All My Life.” Frankie broke out the violin for this number, and Jonas accompanied him on the piano. They followed it up with “If You Think You’re Lonely Now,” one of Brenton’s favorite.

  The spotlight landed on Jonas, capturing Brenton’s attention. With a deep voice like his, it must be hard to sing a lead song. He recognized the opening chords of Phil Collin’s “Another Day in Paradise.”

  Jonas sang the first verse while playing the piano. The different voice surprised him. Jonas could sing in another range without a problem.

  Frankie and Gerald joined him for the chorus. The Kerrys had great harmony, and they sang the hell out of that song. The people in the audience gave them a standing ovation when the song ended.

  They rounded out their show with their latest song, “Enchanted.” Frankie song the lead and set the women in the audience screaming. Brenton remembered when Vizio had that type of appeal. The curtains closed, and the emcee came back on stage to end the show.

  Brenton and his bandmates got out of their seats and walked backstage to congratulate The Kerrys. The press had beaten them to the performers.

  “You were wonderful,” Brenton said to Jonas once the reporters freed him. “Is your throat hurting?”

  “A little,” Jonas answered. “Did my voice crack when I performed?”

  Brenton shook his head. “No. In fact, you hit some pretty high notes this evening, and you played the hell out of that guitar and the piano. We have got to get together for a jam session one of these days.”

  “I’d like that,” Jonas said. He smiled at Brenton. “Are you attending the after party?”

  “Yes,” Brenton said. “I have a room here for the night in case I get too drunk. Will you be there?”

  Jonas nodded. “Tory insisted.”

  Another photographer approached. “Can I get a picture of you two guys together? Bitching performances, fellows.”

  “Sure,” Brenton said. He put his arm around Jonas’s shoulder, and the guy took their pictures. He almost hated to remove his arm.

  “Thanks,” the photographer said. “The fans are going to love this. Two of the hottest guitarists in the world together.” He went away smiling.

  Adam approached. “Great show, gents. We’re about to leave for the party, so you guys better go to the dressing rooms and change.”

  “That means I have to get out of this tuxedo,” Jonas told Brenton. “See you at the party.”

  Jonas smiled and walked away with Adam.

  Randall came for him. “He’s cute.”

  “He smells good, too,” Brenton said.

  “We need to change.”

  Brenton followed Randall to their dressing room. He had to get out of that stage costume and put on his boogie shoes.

  * * * *

  Myron and Cash had made it to the party. Myron escorted the blond-haired cutie over. Like Frankie, Cash had curly hair and big, blue eyes. He was just a little taller than Frankie, though, and didn’t have quite as much junk in his trunk.

  “You were fantastic,” Cash said excitedly to Jonas. Cash was from England originally and still had his accent. “Thanks for the tickets.”

  “You’re welcome,” Jonas said.

  Cash and Myron wore matching suits, but different colored ties. Jonas, Frankie, and Gerard had also changed into suits that Gerard had picked out for them. Cash and Myron went off to dance. Jonas spotted Giovanni and Gerard headed toward a table by Frankie and Adam. Everyone seemed to be coupled off. He headed toward the bar and sat. He ordered a soda.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Jonas looked up to find Brenton standing near him. “Sure.”

  Brenton sat down on the barstool next to him. “What are you drinking?”

  “Watered-down Sprite,” Jonas answered.

  “You were drinking champagne in Palm Springs. Are you even old enough to drink alcohol?”

  “I’m twenty-two,” Jonas said.”

  The bartender returned to take Brenton’s order. “I’ll have a glass of white wine and a bottle of sparkling water.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The bartender left, but returned a few minutes later. Brenton took the soda from Jonas and replaced it with the water.

  “Sprite still has sugar in it.”

  “You seem to know a lot about me,” Jonas said.

  “I always do my homework about someone I care about.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I’m trying to get to know you,” Brenton said. He sipped his wine. “You’re not opposed to me finding out are you?”

  Jonas opened his water and sipped. “No, I’m just surprised you don’t have some pretty woman on your arm.”

  “Hmm, not my thing,” Brenton said. “I’m into pretty guys.”

  Jonas lifted his eyes and stared into Brenton’s. “Really?”

  Brenton nodded. “How about you?”

  Jonas could barely contain his excitement. He nodded. “Me, too.”

  “Good. We’re on the same page. I realize that your reputation is at stake, but I’d really like to get to know you better, if you know what I mean. I won’t corrupt you much.”

  Jonas couldn’t believe that he and B-Dog Tremayne were having this conversation. “I’m fresh from a bad breakup, remember, the tears and the falling on my behind in the restaurant?”

  “All the more reason to get back on the horse,” Brenton said.

  Jonas thought he’d have to start with a pony, but Brenton was a full-grown stallion. Still, Brenton had his curiosity piqued.

  “I’m not into one-night stands, nor will I tolerate cheating.”

  “I expect the same,” Brenton said. “I’m really into you.”

  “I’m not easy.”

  “I didn’t think you were. I’m willing to take this slow if you’re the dating type. But I have a feeling you’re more the spontaneous type.”

  Jonas smiled. He had a feeling that things were going to get out of control fast if they kept this up. Already his body was starting to respond to Brenton’s nearness. “Yes, I am the spontaneous type.” He’d never been with a man Brenton’s size before.

  Brenton pulled a key card out of his pocket and placed it on the bar. “I’ll see you in fifteen.” He stood up and walked out of the ballroom.

  Jonas looked down at the key card. Could he? He’d only been single for less than a month. He snatched the key card off the bar and damn near ran out of the ballroom. The party was just beginning, and no one would miss him. He found the room and knocked. Brenton opened the door and snatched him inside.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brenton wasted no time getting Jonas out of his makeup and clothing. He had old-school Backstreet Boys playing on the stereo, and he was in the mood for love.

  “Do you need to prepare?”

  Jonas shook his head. “It’s part of my daily routine. I prepared before I came tonight.”


  Brenton sat down to get a look at what Jonas had to offer. Brenton had never seen skin so pale and hairless. Jonas was slender, like a teenager, with long, coltish legs and a nice cock. He licked his lips, wanting a taste.

  Jonas turned around slowly.

  “Whoa!” He had a nice butt.

  “Do I meet with your approval?”

  “Yes, you do, darling. I’ve always wanted to make love to an angel.”

  “Bad boy,” Jonas said. “You’re going straight to hell.”

  Brenton laughed and pulled Jonas to him for a kiss. The softest lips in the world touched his. Jonas opened his mouth, and Brenton darted his tongue inside. Jonas sucked on it and moaned. Brenton inched toward the bed. He was taller than Jonas, and his neck was beginning to hurt. He removed his shirt and got out of his boots. Jonas had gotten on the bed, lay on his back, and reached for him. Brenton bent over him and continued kissing him. His cock moved in his briefs as Jonas wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him deeper. He tried to rub his
body against Brenton’s.

  Brenton moved down Jonas’s body and popped his cock into his mouth.

  “Ooh!” Jonas said.

  Brenton was pretty proud of his fellatio skills. He had Jonas’s attention now. The scent wafting off Jonas’s skin just drove Brenton wild. He smelled clean, with a baby-lotion undertone. Normally he took his time, but he had a feeling Jonas wouldn’t last long. To be honest he didn’t think he would either. Brenton pulled away.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I need to undress,” Brenton said.

  He stood up, pulled his wallet out of his pocket, and pulled out a condom. He placed the wallet on the nightstand next to the bed. Then he unzipped his pants. They were so tight he had to wiggle out of them. Jonas watched, propped up on his elbows. Brenton lowered his briefs. He kept his eyes on Jonas to get his reaction.

  “Ooh, Lordy, sweet!”

  Brenton hadn’t expected that. Most guys kind of got that wide-eyed, shocked look when they got a look at the size of his cock. Jonas just looked enchanted.

  “You’ll do.”

  Brenton chuckled at Jonas’s bravado. If he was scared, he didn’t show it.

  “Let’s see if you still think so once I try to put it in you.” He slipped on the condom and walked back over to the bed.

  Jonas rolled over on his knees. “Do you have any lube?”

  “Don’t need it,” Brenton said. He buried his face into the crack of Jonas’s behind.


  Jonas’s scent was like sunshine. Most guys didn’t know how to do a proper prep. The scent went deep. Jonas had done an excellent job. Brenton let his tongue do the talking as he prepared Jonas for entry. He gave his tongue a rest after a while and used his fingers to soften and stretch Jonas.

  Jonas wiggled beneath him, uttering some really sexy sounds. Jonas felt tight, but it was probably because Brenton was used to being with older, more experienced men. His cock didn’t seem to care, though. It wanted in. He removed his fingers and got behind Jonas on the bed. He pressed the head of his cock against Jonas’s hole. Brenton really doubted that Jonas could take him. Jonas wiggled his ass as if sensing his dilemma. Brenton guided his dick and thrust hard.


  He got the head inside. He felt Jonas tighten around him. “I’m going to move.”

  “Do it,” Jonas said. “I’m tougher than I look.”

  Brenton took his word for it, inched out to the head, and then thrust deep again. He had to grab Jonas around the waist to keep him in place. He howled like a wounded puppy.

  “Oh, dear God, you’re huge.”

  Brenton chuckled. “Yeah. I tried to warn you. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Keep moving.”

  The grunting between them eventually subsided as the lovemaking continued. Jonas was like a cat, wiry and nimble. He quickly got into the groove, rocking back and forth on his knees, and moving that ass with a purpose. Brenton did his best to keep his weight off Jonas because he didn’t want to smash him. John Legend’s “All of Me” came on the stereo.

  “Let me ride you,” Jonas said.

  “Are you sure?” Brenton asked.


  They changed places quickly. Brenton really doubted that Jonas could handle this. Jonas faced him and sank onto his cock. He started moving that slender body and riding Brenton as if he were a horse. Brenton chuckled. He had underestimated the younger man for the second time.

  Jonas began singing the beautiful love song as he moved his body. On a whim, Brenton reached up and released Jonas’s hair from the band that held it. The blond tresses cascaded down his shoulders to his back.

  “Damn.” Brenton hated to admit it, but Jonas silky hair had him turned on.

  Jonas stopped singing. “Ooh, this feels so good. Your cock is the bomb.”

  Ah, the youth of today and their vernacular. “So is your warm little cocoon. My cock loves it.”

  “Make me come.”

  Brenton gazed down between Jonas’s legs. Jonas’s cock saluted. He’s ready. Brenton flipped the blond cowboy out of the saddle and onto his back. He moved between Jonas’s legs, lifted his butt and then sank back in.

  “Oh, yeah,” Jonas shouted.

  Brenton loved his enthusiasm and his stamina. The orgasm he’d been trying to achieve churned in his balls and wanted to put in an appearance. He eased out to the head and sent his dick home again.


  Jonas’s moan sounded through the room. Semen spurted—a lot of it.

  “My turn,” Brenton said. “Hold on.” He literally fucked Jonas into the mattress.

  “Oh, my God,” Jonas kept repeating.

  Brenton thrust deep one last time. “Ah!” He came hard. He struggled to keep his weight off of Jonas, and then he eased out of Jonas’s ass so Jonas could breathe.

  “My asshole feels obliterated.”

  Brenton tried not to laugh. He lay down next to Jonas. “Good or bad?”

  “Very good,” Jonas answered. “You really rocked my world. I’ve never come so hard.” He turned and kissed him. “Thank you, Brenton. Thanks for caring.”

  Jonas’s beautiful brown eyes looked heavy with sleep. His pale eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings.

  “You’re welcome, J-bug. I do care.” Brenton continued to watch him fight sleep. “Close your eyes.”

  “The party?”

  “I’ll cover for you.”

  “Find Frankie.”


  Jonas went to sleep. Brenton waited a few minutes, and then he got off the bed. After a quick shower, Brenton went down to the party and sought out Frankie Kerry.

  “I have a message for you from Jonas. He’s tired and is going to take a little nap.”

  The beautiful middle Kerry looked up at him. “Jonas is fragile. Don’t hurt him.”

  “I won’t,” Brenton said. “I’ll bring him home tomorrow safe and sound.” He turned to leave.


  Brenton turned to face Frankie again. “What?”

  “Welcome to the family.”

  Brenton smiled. “Thanks.” He walked away.

  * * * *

  “You look like hell warmed over,” Frankie said to Jonas the day after the party.

  “I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mac truck,” Jonas said as he sat down on the sofa. “Oh!” he stood up quickly.

  Frankie chuckled. “Someone had a real good time last night.”

  Jonas rubbed his butt. “Being a bottom is purely underrated. God, I’m surprised that my legs are working, and my hips hurt.”

  “Want me to run you a hot bath?” Frankie asked.

  Jonas nodded. He needed some pampering. “Where’s Kalen?”

  “Still over at Amanda’s place. He’s having a sleepover weekend.” Frankie headed out of the living room.

  He followed Frankie. “Good. I do not want him to see me this way.”

  Moments later, he was neck-deep in bubbles. Frankie sat on the toilet seat keeping him company.

  “In my wildest dreams I couldn’t imagine that you would be with B-Dog.”

  “I’m not with B-Dog,” Jonas said. “We just had one night together, and as you see, the man tried to destroy my body.”

  Frankie chuckled. “He really likes you.”

  “He doesn’t know me,” Jonas said.

  “But you are going to let him try.”

  “Maybe,” Jonas said. “I think it’s too early to get into a relationship.”

  “You just had sex with the man.”


  “So, doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

  “It was one night, Frankie. Unlike you, men don’t stay in my life long, buy me houses, or worship the ground I walk on.”

  “That’s not fair,” Frankie said. “Adam brought this house for all of us, not just me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’m so confused. Brenton is way older than me and more experienced. What do I have to
offer him but a lifetime of taking care of me if I get sick?”

  “He knows about your asthma and your diabetes. The man gave you a bear. And you have plenty to offer him. Don’t write him off before you get a chance to know him.”

  “Why are you so pro B-Dog all of a sudden? You hate heavy-metal music.”

  “Because the man genuinely cares for you, and he’s so fine.”

  Jonas chuckled weakly. “That he is, and packing.”

  “I kind of figured that out when you came in walking like you’d been riding a horse all night.”

  “I slept most of the night,” Jonas said. “He had breakfast waiting for me and made sure I got out of the hotel without anyone seeing me.”

  “See, he does care for you. Give him a chance.”

  “I’ll think about it.” He changed the subject. “Did you get a chance to see Myron and Cash?”

  “Yes,” Frankie said. “Myron made it a point to come over and speak to me and Gerard. Cash is cute.”

  “He looks like you.”

  “I didn’t notice,” Frankie said.

  “Liar. He could be our brother, except he’s British.”

  Frankie stood up and stomped out of the bathroom. “I am not interested in Myron.”

  Jonas sank into the bubbles and chuckled. Sure you’re not.

  * * * *

  “I thought we were supposed to be on a break,” Carson said as he and the others met at Brenton’s place. The guys were seated in his den drinking beer.

  Brenton fiddled with some chords on his guitar. The tune had come to him early this morning after he returned from dropping Jonas off. It was the first time he’d felt inspired in a long time. “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to rehearse.”

  Preston stopped drinking. “Is that a new song?” The drummer sat near him, flipping through the newspaper.

  “Yes,” Brenton answered. More notes popped into his head. Brenton tried them on his guitar and then copied it down in his tablet.

  “I like it,” Preston said.

  Randall agreed with him. “Keep that up and we might have a new CD.”

  “I’ve been trying,” Brenton said as he played. “We need something different, something that is going to blow our fans’ minds.”


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