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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 16

by Shawn Bailey

  “Me, too,” Brian admitted.

  “I’m surprised he’s not interested in music.”

  “He will be enrolled in music school in the fall,” Brian said. “Frankie insists that he learn to play the violin and piano to have something to fall back on, for when he kicks Jonas out of the group.” He chuckled. “Jonas wants him to learn the guitar while Uncle Adam wants him to become a drummer.”

  Brian seemed to know a lot about this family. “What does Kalen want?” Brenton asked.

  “To please his Uncle Adam,” Brian answered. “I’m surprised the man hasn’t brought the child a hotel already.”

  Jonas finished with Kalen and walked over to them.

  The door opened, and Adam Montgomery and Frankie Kerry entered. Adam wore a black suit. Frankie was also dressed in black, but in a pair of slacks and a dress shirt.

  “Shift change,” Jonas announced. “That’s our cue to leave.”

  Brenton watched Kalen make a mad dash over to his brother and Adam.

  “We’ll see you later,” Jonas said to Brian.

  Jonas walked away. Brenton waved good-bye to Brian and followed Jonas over to Adam and Frankie. Brenton shook hands with Adam and Frankie. Kalen left and went back to work.

  “So what to do you think of Kalen?” Adam asked Brenton.

  “He seems like a kid with a good head on his shoulders. He’s quite mature and…”

  “He and Jonas could be father and son,” Adam said.

  “Yes,” Brenton replied, “right down to the brown eyes and smile. He looked at Frankie and Jonas. “These two are more like twins, except for the hair and eye color. In ten years, it’s going to be hard to tell the three of them apart.”

  “They do have strong family genes,” Adam agreed. “But I think Kalen is going to be taller than these guys.”

  “I think so to,” Brenton said.

  “I told you that Kalen is the postman’s child, Frankie,” Jonas joked.

  Frankie laughed. “I would agree with you, except that our father was at least six feet tall. You and I, unfortunately, take after Mother.”

  Both he and Adam laughed at the brothers.

  “Where are you guys off to?” Adam asked.

  “Lunch,” Jonas answered. “Then we’re meeting with the members of Vizio for a rehearsal.”

  “You wrote a song for them?” Adam asked.

  “Not yet,” Jonas answered. “I’ve been working on something in my head, but it needs a little work.”

  “Better watch this one,” Adam said to Brenton. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the song in his head turns out to be platinum.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that,” Brenton said.

  “Kalen’s things are in the dressing room,” Jonas said to Adam. “We’ll see you guys later.”

  Brenton and Jonas waved good-bye to them and left the studio.

  “I thought we would get to spend more time with Kalen,” Brenton said as they walked.

  “We will, maybe later, but now it’s time for Frankie and Adam to parent.”

  “I don’t understand,” Brenton said.

  “Those two damn near raised Kalen, and he’s like their child.”

  “What about you, Jonas? You’re the eldest son. Shouldn’t raising Kalen be your responsibility?”

  Jonas opened the lobby door and stepped outside. Brenton followed. “Do I seem like the fatherly type?”

  “Yes, you do,” Brenton answered.

  They walked to the parking lot.

  Jonas was silent all the way to Brenton’s car. They got in, and Brenton started up the engine.

  “I was a mess when our parents died. I could barely take care of myself, let alone a toddler. Thank God for Frankie. I don’t know what would have become of us if he hadn’t stepped in and took care of us.”

  “But you were still a kid yourself back then,” Brenton said as he merged into traffic. “It’s been nearly three years.”

  “Yes, I know. I think I have grown up and matured some, but Kalen already sees Frankie as a parent and me as just a pretty, older brother.”

  “Do you want to be a parent?” Brenton asked him.

  “Yes,” Jonas answered. “I would like to be responsible for a little life. I think I can do that now. But I think I need to wait and get my career stable before I attempt anything so drastic. A child needs and deserves my undivided attention. What about you? Didn’t you say that you wanted to have kids?”

  “Yes,” Brenton asked. “But not right now.”

  “I think Adam and Frankie make excellent parents,” Jonas said. “And if something happens to me, I know Kalen will be taken care of.”

  Brenton reached over and patted Jonas’s hand. “I think you’re one kick-ass big brother. Not many guys I know would take time out to chauffeur a younger brother to a photo shoot.”

  “Thanks,” Jonas said.

  “Well, we have some time on our hands. What would you like to do?”

  “I think we need to go grocery shopping since your friends will be dropping over later.”

  “They’re coming over to rehearse, not to eat,” Brenton said.

  “You’re back in New Orleans now,” Jonas said. “You can’t invite guests over without having something to serve them.”

  “Yeah, I know. But they’re like stray cats. If you feed them, you’ll never get rid of them,” he said happily.

  “You’ve bonded with my family, so I should at least try to bond with yours,” Jonas said.

  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea to let these guys know about us,” Brenton said.

  “You mean Carson, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Brenton said.

  “I’m not afraid of him,” Jonas said. “But it’s best to face these brick walls head-on. You don’t owe him an explanation for having a life with someone else after what he did to you.”

  “I know,” Brenton said. “But I still have to work with the guy, so try to ignore his bullshit.”

  Brenton headed to the Garden District to a grocery store near home. They donned hats and dark sunglasses, and then he and Jonas shopped for food.

  * * * *

  Dinner was just about finished when Jonas discovered he wasn’t alone. Carson Hughes was standing behind him, looking at him oddly.

  “Something smells good,” Carson said.

  Jonas turned the fire off from under the three pots on the stove. “Good evening.”

  “What do we have here?” Randall Newcastle asked as he came in behind Carson.

  “A pretty, little, blond kitty cooking up a storm in Brenton’s kitchen,” Carson said. The two guys walked toward him. “What are you cooking, kitty?”

  “Red beans, collard greens, and baked chicken,” Jonas asked, a bit nervous to be surrounded by two huge rockers.

  Carson raised one of the lids of the pots. “It looks delicious.” He lowered the top and hovered over Jonas.

  “Why are you cooking for Brenton, pretty kitty?”

  He reached down and toyed with a strand of Jonas’s hair. Brenton and Preston Gaspar walked into the kitchen. Brenton frowned. Carson stepped away.

  “Why are you guys in here bothering Jonas?” Brenton asked.

  “We’re not bothering him,” Randall said. “I smelled something delicious and came in here to investigate.”

  “Me, too,” Carson said. “Imagine my surprise when I walked in and found Jonas Kerry stirring pots and looking very comfortable doing it.”

  “Jonas thought you guys would like a home-cooked meal before rehearsal,” Brenton said.

  “You’ll get no complaints from me,” Preston said. “If it wasn’t for fast food, I’d starve.”

  “Dinner is ready,” Jonas said to Brenton.

  “You guys can wash up in the downstairs bathroom while I help Jonas serve,” Brenton said.

  “Since when have you gotten so domestic?” Carson asked, following his friends to the door.

  Brenton ignored him instead of answering him. Jonas had already
set the table in the dining room. He dished up the food, and Brenton helped him carry the plates into the other area.

  “Thanks for being so understanding,” Brenton said to Jonas when they entered the kitchen again.

  “No thanks needed,” Jonas said. “They’re family.”

  “Oh, my God. This is delicious,” Randall said after all five of them sat down to dinner.

  Jonas sat at Brenton’s right, while Carson sat across from Jonas.

  “Who taught you how to cook?” Preston asked Jonas.

  “My mother,” Jonas answered.

  “Can Frankie cook?” Carson asked.

  “Yes. He’s an excellent cook. You tasted his cooking at the barbecue in California. His specialties are Cajun and Creole cuisine.”

  “Really?” Carson asked. “I did like the food he served. Maybe you can talk him into inviting me to dinner one of these days.”

  “I’ll see if I can arrange it,” Jonas said.

  “What about Gerard, can he cook?” Randall asked.

  “A little,” Jonas answered. “Frankie is teaching him.”

  “I guess he doesn’t have to cook much with a French partner to wine and dine him,” Carson said.

  “I wouldn’t know about that,” Jonas said. “Giovanni is a very busy man, but I suppose the two of them have shared a meal or two together.”

  “Have you given much thought on what we should perform in Vegas?” Preston asked Brenton.

  “We are the main act on the last Friday night, so I think it’s safe to say that we can play some of our older songs since we have about an hour and a half to entertain,” Brenton said.

  “Tory wants you and Jonas to perform that song he wrote for you, so we need to incorporate that somehow,” Randall said.

  “I did not write that song,” Jonas said. “It’s Brenton’s.”

  “Yeah, but you helped,” Randall said. “I’m sure your fans will come just to see you two performing together.”

  “Collaborations are usually worked in toward the end,” Brenton said. “We can introduce Jonas before we perform the songs Tommy wrote for us.”

  “Do you have enough songs to record a new CD?” Jonas asked.

  “Almost,” Brenton answered. “We just need one or more.”

  “I think I might have one for you guys,” Jonas said.

  “Really?” Preston asked. “A ballad, or heavy metal?”

  “A little of both,” Jonas answered. “I’ve been running it around in my head all day. I jotted it down in my songbook while I cooked.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it,” Randall said.

  They continued eating. After dinner, Brenton took his friends to the music room while Jonas cleaned up the dining room and kitchen. He joined them shortly afterward. He walked in just as Vizio was finishing one of the songs Tommy had written for them.

  “Let’s hear this song,” Carson said. “Did you bring your guitar?”

  “Yes,” Jonas said. “But I’ll need the piano, too.”

  “How can you play two instruments at the same time?” Carson asked.

  Jonas walked to the piano and sat down. “I just want you guys to hear the song first, and then we can worry about that.”

  He began to play, and then he sang the song. The members of Vizio looked stunned when he finished.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  Carson looked a bit miffed.

  “I love it,” Brenton said.

  Preston and Randall agreed.

  “It’s so us,” Randall said. “I can’t wait to hear it with the rest of the instruments incorporated into it.”

  “How soon can you get the music down on paper?” Brenton asked Jonas.

  “I already have.”

  “What?” Carson asked.

  “Don’t ask,” Brenton said.

  Jonas got up. “I just need to make copies of the lyrics and music for you guys.”

  “I have a machine,” Brenton said. “The sooner we rehearse it, the sooner we can audition it for Tory.” He showed Jonas to the copier.

  Jones made the copies and passed it out to Vizio.

  “This is fricking wicked,” Preston said. “He has the music for the drums, piano, keyboard, and guitar incorporated with the lyrics.”

  “You guys look over it while I go fix some tea,” Jonas said. “Please feel free to make any corrections.”

  He walked out of the music room and headed for the kitchen. He figured he’d give them a couple of minutes to discuss the new song without him around. Besides brewing the tea, Jonas decided to slice the sugar-free coffee cake he’d baked earlier so the guys could have a snack.

  Brenton joined him in the kitchen just as the kettle percolated. He came up behind Jonas and hugged him. “You are amazing.”

  “We are both going to get burned if we don’t move away from this hot water,” Jonas said. Brenton kissed him on the side of the head and moved away. Jonas prepared the tea. “Do you think they liked the song?”

  Brenton nodded. “Yeah, they like it. I left them rehearsing their parts.”

  “I don’t think Carson is too impressed with me,” Jonas said.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Brenton said. “The only one you have to please is me.”

  Jonas placed saucers, cups, and utensils on a tray. “You’re going to have to carry this while I bring in the tea.”

  Brenton picked up the tray. “You’re going to a lot of trouble for them.”

  “I’m doing this for you,” Jonas said. He picked up the teapot and walked toward the door. Brenton followed.

  The members of Vizio all looked up when they entered.

  “Cake,” Randall said. “Did you bake it?”

  “Yes,” Jonas answered. “I made black tea because that’s all Brenton had in the cupboards.” He sliced the cake and placed it on the saucers, while Brenton poured the tea.

  “The song is fantastic,” Preston said. “Do you think you could come up with another one just in case we need a backup?”

  “Don’t you guys think you guys are asking a lot of Jonas?” Brenton asked.

  “How about we brainstorm the next one,” Jonas said.

  “Let’s get the first one down,” Brenton said after he passed out the cups.

  The guys ate their cake and drank their tea before they started rehearsing again. For the next three hours, the guys bounced ideas off of him for the final song. Carson came up with a beautiful chorus. Jonas jotted down their suggestions until they had the song arranged from beginning to end. This one was more rock and roll than R&B, and showcased their instrumental musical talent. Brenton and Carson’s fingers strummed the guitar strings in such a unique way that it made his head spin. There was no way he could compete with these guys. It was almost midnight when the rehearsal ended.

  “I can’t wait to get into the recording studio,” Preston said. “Do you need a ride home, Jonas?”

  “No, I have my van,” Jonas answered. His van was parked in the garage next to Brenton’s sports car, but he didn’t plan to leave until tomorrow. Of course, he couldn’t say that.

  “That meal and the cake were delicious,” Carson said. “Is Frankie the domestic type, too?”

  “Yes, he’s very good at keeping the house and me and Kalen organized.”

  “Who is Kalen?” Preston asked.

  “Our brother.”

  “You have another brother?” Randall asked. “Is he a musician?”

  “No, he’s a model,” Jonas answered. He took out his wallet and passed Kalen’s picture around.

  “Oh, he’s precious mate,” Preston said. “How old is he?”

  “Five,” Jonas answered. The picture circulated around the music room.

  “He looks just like you,” Preston said.

  “Frankie, too,” Carson added.

  Jonas put his wallet back into his pocket. Carson didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell with Frankie. But that didn’t mean the rocker wasn’t going to try. He’d have to tell Frankie abou
t Carson’s little-boy crush to keep Frankie on his toes. Brenton walked his friends to their cars while Jonas went into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher. Brenton returned later.

  “Did you friends get off okay?” Jonas asked as Brenton wrapped his arms around Jonas’s waist.

  “Yes,” Brenton answered. “Now we can have some alone time.”

  Jonas was a bit tired, but not too tired to have some fun with Brenton. “Okay, but I need a bath. I smell like beans and greens.”

  “I think that can be arranged. I have a new pineapple bath bomb that we can try out.”

  “You’re going to join me?” Jonas asked.

  “That was the plan,” Brenton said as they left the kitchen and headed to Brenton’s bedroom.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Brenton sat in the auditorium waiting to audition the new songs for Tory. The rest of his bandmates looked equally nervous. Preston and Randall paced up and down the right aisle while talking to each other.

  Carson sat next to him twirling a lock of hair around a finger. “Do you really think Tory will approve of our new songs, Brenton? This is such a drastic change for us. What if our fans hate us for reinventing our sound?”

  When Carson got anxious about something, he ranted. “Calm down. The new songs are fantastic, and it’s still us.”

  “You’re only saying that because you have a thing for the pretty kitty, and you’re letting your cock think for you.”

  True, but he wasn’t about to admit it, especially to Carson. “You were awfully excited about the songs up until now. What’s changed?”

  “I don’t know. You know how it is with Tory. It’s either a hit or a miss,” Carson said.

  “So what’s the worst that can happen? If he doesn’t like them, then I’m sure Tommy has a load of songs just waiting for us to try.”

  The pretty kitty that Carson referred to entered the room accompanied by Tory, Adam, and Luke. Jonas looked normal for someone who’d been up until three in the morning, servicing him in the bedroom.

  “You’re absolutely drooling,” Carson said.

  Thankfully, no one was in earshot. Preston and Randall came to sit on the row next to them. Their instruments were already on stage waiting for their performance. Brenton didn’t ask the Lord for much, but he’d prayed that Tory wouldn’t be an ass and like the songs.


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