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Arousing Consequences

Page 21

by Cam Johns

  "Good morning, Miss Karisma. Foods out already." I smile at her as I run to the table. I hadn’t even noticed Jackson staring at me.

  "What?" I ask curiously.

  "You look great baby." He says smiling, his eyes blazing wanton at me.

  "Don't even think about it, Mr. Turner." He chuckles. We eat our breakfast quickly and head out. "Good morning, Richard." I say smiling as he hands me my car key.

  "Good morning." He responds, not as smiley as he was yesterday. Then I turn to see Jackson eyeing him while Richard opens my car door and I put my shades on now that the sun is finally out. Jackson enters the car beside me.

  "Jackson...did you say something to Sanchez?" He looks at me nervously. I don't want to fight. “You want me to be comfortable with security right?" He nods. "Well...let me. It’s okay for them to be cordial. Please let me have this baby."

  His eyes soften. "Okay. I'm sorry." He leans over and kisses me softly. I pull off and Logan follows behind us.

  Once at work, the three of us ride up to the top floor together. I start to rush off when the elevator opens but Jackson pulls me into him. "What are you doing?" I say with that don't embarrass me face.

  "There are some papers on your desk to sign."


  "I love you." He says blues seeing through me.

  "I love you too." He kisses me quickly and releases me to see Cindy eyeing us, who is now air clapping and smiling ecstatically. I wave at her, embarrassed, but I like her...maybe I'll invite her to the party. When I get to my office Michael is sitting my coffee on my desk. "Good morning Michael. Let's get right to my schedule. I need to make a run in an hour, so if there’s an appointment cancel it. Also...I need to leave by four so take care of that. Call Richard Sanchez, I need him here in forty-five minutes. Last...are you busy tomorrow?" I can tell he's caught off guard but I don't have time for this.

  "No, I'll be home."

  "I'm throwing a surprise party for Jackson. You should come, it’s at four thirty sharp." He smiles and nods. “Okay so tell Sanchez forty-five minutes and it's for Jackson's birthday so don't tell. You got all that?"

  "Got it." He smiles walking to his cubicle. I go to my desk to see these papers. It's from Human Resources. I read through them and it's to disclose mine and Jackson's relationship, and that I'm entering this relationship willingly. I guess this is for the best. I don’t want any problems. I sign the papers then pull my phone out to text Alyssa.


  Did you tell your list about the party?

  I sit waiting for her response.




  I'm also thinking of inviting Cindy.


  The more the merrier. More gifts for Jackie!


  LOL True. They need to be at our house by 4:30 sharp.


  Got it.

  Awesome. I press the call button for Michael.

  "Yes Karisma."

  "I'm gonna go now. Please leave the canceled appointments on my schedule. We don't want Jackson to get suspicious." I say smiling and gathering my things quickly.

  "You got it." He smiles as I step in front of him, finally taking a breath. "Thank you for your help today. Be back about ten thirty." He smiles and I head down the hall to Cindy who is taking a call so I wait patiently.

  "Miss Washington. Something I can do?" She says blinking with a smile. She's a very pretty petite young woman with ivory skin and blonde hair.

  "Cindy...I'm having a surprise party for Jackson's birthday on Saturday and -."

  "You're inviting me?" She asks excited.

  I giggle. "Yes...I thought maybe you'd like to meet some other people outside of work."

  "That's so sweet...I would gladly come. I don’t know what to get him." She says softly.

  "Please...Jackson will be happy with whatever you four thirty sharp. You can get the address from Michael." I smile and head down to Jackson's office who’s also on the phone. What the hell...I really don’t have time for this. I take the opportunity to shoot Mrs. Weinstein an email about the party.

  "Karisma?" He says now standing in front of me.

  "Oh...sorry. Here are the papers you wanted." I say flustered.

  "Are you okay?" He asks taking them. Shit! Okay Karisma calm down. Take a breath and kiss him quickly.

  "Yes, this is what happens when I’m late…takes a minute for my brain to catch up." I explain, hoping he accepts the rationalization.

  He chuckles. "Yes...I do remember how flustered you can be when you’re late." He grabs me into him. "You're good with the papers?" He asked a little surprised. His pleasant blues are content.

  "Of course...I understand." I kiss him softly. "I have an appointment...we'll talk later?"

  He growls. "Okay...I love you." He says kissing my forehead.

  "I love you too." I look up as his see through me blues stare down.

  "Get outta here before I lock you in here again." He chuckles. I turn to leave as he pats me on the butt. I like us much better when he's like this. I check my emails for a response from Weinstein while I wait for the elevator.

  From: Margaret Weinstein

  To: Karisma Washington

  Subject: Re: Jackson's Surprise Birthday

  How exciting! My husband and I will gladly be there at 4:30 sharp. Can't wait!

  Margaret Weinstein

  CFO The Healing House

  Great, she's coming. That takes the count to eleven. Once I get down to the garage, Richard is there waiting. "Richard! Great. I thought maybe you should drive. I need to go to this shop down the street, then Pacific Place. I don't have much time." I say getting in the truck.

  "You got it, Karisma." Once at the shop I rather persuasively convince the manager to have the photo ready by four. Jackson's name goes a long way. Perfect! Now off to shop for party decorations and things....and maybe something for me too. I am a woman after all. I breeze through the shopping center, finding great things for his party. On the way out I spot something that I think would be perfect for an additional gift. I want to make sure this day changes his perspective for his birthday. However, Richard has been following dutifully carrying all the bags.

  "Ummm...Richard I'm going in there. Can you just wait here?" He nods giving me that you got that right look. I giggle and head in to Victoria's Secret.

  In the car on the way back I run the mental checklist that most women keep. "Oh, Richard." He peeks in the rearview at me.

  "Forget something?"

  I smile. "No...I just wanted to tell you the count is eleven...please inform Mrs. Johnson.”

  "Sure. Logan just wants a list for Baker to have at the gate." Oh yes the gate has a code. I'm glad they're on that.

  "I'll have it for you'll find somewhere to put these things out of sight right?"

  "Of course. Don't worry." He smiles. I like Richard. I hope he sticks around with Logan when things settle.

  Once back in the office, I manage to get through the remainder of the day without driving myself crazy. It doesn't hit me until three that Jackson will most likely be driving home with me. I have to leave early but I don't want him to worry or come with me. How am I going to do this without lying? I buzz for Michael.

  "Yes Karisma." He says anxiously.

  "Listen, mark my last appointments as rescheduled. I'm getting ready to go. I'll see you tomorrow?” I ask as I gather my things.

  "I'll be there at four thirty sharp." He says smiling. I hug him quickly. "Thanks for everything." He nods and I head down to Jackson's office.

  He's standing in his intimidation stance facing the view in his office. Oh no, I hope nothing's wrong. "Deep in thought?" I say softly in the doorway. He turns swiftly with a huge smile. Oh good. Maybe he was thinking about his mom. Before I know it I'm in his arms and he's closing the door. Oh no…I don't have time for this. He kisses me hard, pushing me against the desk…his desire clearly evident
as he leans his now hard stick against me. Oh…I guess I can make time. I grab at his hair returning, his lust for me. He finally releases me from his tantric assault.

  "I'm sorry…I needed to feel you." He says softly.

  "Are you okay?" He looks at me with sad blues...clearly something's bothering him. I'm sure it's his mom. He doesn't answer. He just kisses me again with the same amount of passion.

  "Wait...why do you look like you're leaving?" He questions, backing up and looking me up and down.

  "My clients rescheduled." Somewhat, I think to myself. "So I'm gonna head home and take a bath." He looks at me curiously. "I've had a troubling couple days...I need to relax." I add, hoping that will make him feel guilty enough to let me go. Women...we always know what to say. I wait for his response.

  "You call Sanchez?" He asks staring assertively.

  "Yes...he should be here already."

  He growls. "I wish I could leave too but Maggie and I have a meeting I can't reschedule." He walks over to me, quickly holding me. "But as soon as I'm done...I'm coming straight home to you." He says kissing me softly.

  "Maybe I'll wait for you to come home...we can take a bath together."

  "I would love that." he says blissfully. He kisses me once more and lets me go. It's a little past four so I try to rush down to the garage. The manager of the shop is already on edge…don't want to keep him waiting. I get downstairs just as Richard arrives. I wave as he waits for me to get in my car to drive quickly to the shop hoping it’s done and looks great. Richard and I walk in and luckily the manager pleasantly waves at me.

  "It’s ready?" I ask, giddy and anxious to see it. He brings it from behind the counter. "'s-" I start to tear up as I gasp, holding my mouth in shock, "it's perfect...thank you so much." I say barely containing myself. I pay for his gift and Richard carries it to the truck. Okay, it's almost five. I have to hurry home now, wrap it and talk to Mrs. Johnson about the menu before Jackson gets home. Driving entirely too damn fast, I make it home within twenty minutes and text Jackson as I go in the house.


  Any idea when you'll be home? I'd like to have dinner with you Mr. Turner.


  I'll be there in 45 minutes. I love you.

  Oh my sweet man. I'll never get tired of hearing that.


  I love you too!

  "Richard, please put that on the kitchen table...with the wrapping paper." I say, trying to get out of my shoes. When I get to the kitchen Mrs. Johnson is eyeing his gift.

  "Will that be all Karisma?" Richard asks patiently.

  "Ummm....can you take the bags of clothes to my closet? Then when I'm done with this I'll need you to put it with the other things you hid." I say quietly, hoping I'm not asking too much.

  "I sure will. Be right back." At the kitchen table I see Mrs. Johnson still looking at Jackson's gift. I walk over to her and she has tears in her eyes. "Oh, Mrs. Johnson," I say hugging her quickly, "I take it you like it."

  She giggles. "Yes...Mr. Turner will love it."

  "So…I'll wrap and you'll write the menu?" She jumps back to business, getting a notepad and pen. "So, there will be eleven guests...we'll need a cake for sure. you know his favorite?" I ask embarrassed.

  " velvet…cream cheese frosting." She states, not missing a beat.

  " that'll be the cake. I was thinking finger foods, h'ordeuvres and appetizers...nothing messy and of course his Pinot. Can you work with that and still keep it classy?" I ask, placing the bow on the gift as the final touch.

  " it." She says excited. Richard comes in and takes the wrapped gift away carefully.

  "Jackson gave you a card to use for groceries right?" She nods. I grab my purse to take out my credit card. "Use this...I don't want him getting suspicious."

  "Right. No problem." She smiles putting it in her pocket.

  I head upstairs finally, taking a breath and hanging up what I bought so it's not wrinkled in my closet. I undress and throw on some sweatpants and a tank top for now. Taking a glance in the bedroom, I try to mentally prepare for his final gift. I'll need some assistance.


  Hey girl. One more thing...can you bring me two dozen roses and at least twenty candles...NO QUESTIONS!!!


  Oooh...freaky deaky! LOL I got you!


  LMAO Thank you!

  I put the phone on my nightstand and turn to head downstairs. Before I could leave the room I see Jackson headed up the stairs. "You're home!" I shout, running to jump in his arms. He catches me and lifts me to his waist. He kisses me hard, carrying me back to the bedroom and shutting the door. He lays me on the bed.

  "Don't move." I nod. He starts undressing, throwing his clothes everywhere while staring down at me, his lustful blues shooting through me.

  "I thought we were gonna eat?" I say softly. His eyes turn dark. Oops.

  "Are you telling me no?" I nod, conceding. He pulls my sweatpants and panties off together, pulls me down to him as he stands and lifts my pelvis up.

  "Agh!" He rams me quickly. I stare up at him as he pounds into me, holding onto the cover for leverage. He looks like he needed to be inside me. Right now. I let him have what he wants willingly, pushing into him as he thrusts into me, his need evident. He silently stares down at me pulling my waist onto him harder. He throws his head back, breathing heavy. He pounds harder and faster, losing control. Uh oh...I think this is going to be fast. He takes one last thrust and explodes into me, silently trembling. He drops to his knees, pulling me down to him.

  "I'm sorry." He says softly looking down.

  "For what baby?"

  "It was quick...and selfish." I lift his head to look at me.

  "You needed me...I understand." I kiss him softly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask knowing he'll say no because it's about his mother.

  "No...I'll be fine soon." He says softly. Meaning after tomorrow.

  "Okay." I kiss him on the forehead. "Shall we head downstairs so we can take a bath after?" He smiles and helps me up. I slip my pants back on as he puts a T shirt and shorts on. I head for the door but he yanks me back to face him. “Something else, Mr. Turner?" I say giggling.

  "One more thing." He has a weird smirk on his face. He bends down to pick me up on his waist. "You trust me?"

  "Completely." He smiles and kisses me softly as he starts to head out the door. Oh hell no. "You're not carrying me downstairs." I say nervously.

  "You said you trusted me." I hate when his eyes are sad blue. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. He heads down, constantly squeezing at my butt.

  "You're totally taking advantage of this."

  "I am baby." He says chuckling. Finally we reach the kitchen and he lets me down. I open my eyes and see that I'm okay. "'re alive." He says chuckling.

  "Yes, Mr. Turner...thank you for not killing me." He kisses me quickly.

  "Sit." he commands. Mrs. Johnson has made salmon and asparagus with some sort of sauce. I eat quickly, excited to get to tomorrow. I stand as Jackson finishes and walk over to Mrs. Johnson.

  "So...we're all set?" I whisper.

  "Yes, I just have a lot of shopping to do in the morning." She whispers back.

  "I really appreciate this Mrs. Johnson, I hope it isn't too much."

  "Please, Miss's my pleasure." I squeeze her across her shoulders quickly and head back to Jackson.

  "Everything okay?" He asks suspiciously.

  Shit! "It's a woman thing...God so nosey!" I say giggling.

  "Oh I'm nosey?" He says standing abruptly.

  I bolt out of the kitchen with Jackson trying to catch me but I run around the furniture in the living room. Wow, this is the furthest I've ever gotten. Once we reach the long hall he catches me at the stairs, pulling me into him and walking me against the wall.

  "What did I tell you about running from me?" He says putting
my hands above my head. I just stare up at him innocently through my lashes trying not to laugh. He kisses me hard, biting at my bottom lip then drops my hands and lifts me to his waist. "Bath time," he says smirking. He kisses me softly while he carries me upstairs and plays music on the bathroom iPod. Putting me down, he runs a bath adding bubbles and grabs a hair tie from my drawer. He puts my hair in a bun before undressing me. He takes his clothes off slowly in front of me, staring as Kenny G Pastel plays softly. Oh, he's doing that shit on purpose.

  "Teasing me, Mr. Turner"?

  "Maybe a little." He says smiling. "Come." He takes my hand as he walks in the tub then helps me in. After turning the water off, he sits pulling me down in front of him, leaning my back against his chest. "Mmmm...this is nice." He whispers.

  " seemed like you needed to relax a little." He’s silent. "What was your meeting about with Weinstein?" I ask cautiously, not sure if I could ask that.

  "Mr. you remember him?"

  "Of course...I interviewed him when you were being an ass." We laugh as he squeezes me.

  "Yes...well turns out he wasn’t trying to get money for his business, but for his gambling debts."

  "No... seriously? He seemed so...genuine." I say surprised.

  "Yeah, they all do. That's why I have you get so personal with them. Jonathan can find the truth fast."

  "What are you gonna do now?"

  "I actually think his clinic is worth saving. I just don't want him running it...he let me buy him out reasonably…he can pay who he owes…I get a new venture."

  " own another clinic now?"

  "Yes...I have things to do for it to be out the red, repairs to the facility, but worth the investment."

  "I don't like people tryna get over like that."

  "It comes with the territory baby...I've never done this before." He says changing the topic.

  "Done what?"

  "Take a bath with's so calming."

  "That's strange...when I met you I just knew women were all over you." I say miffed.

  He chuckles. "Yes...but I've never really been interested in anyone enough to even let them in the front door…not in years."

  I giggle. "Well...I'm thankful you let me in the door."


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