Love's Fury

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Love's Fury Page 7

by Kristen Cobb

  Nessa slipped out of bed still wearing nothing but Kaelan’s brown tunic. The wood floor was incredibly clean, not a speck of dirt clung to her bare feet as she walked across the chamber toward the balcony.

  “How long will it take us to get there?” Kaelan did not even turn around. The man had excellent hearing.

  “We should arrive by morning.” Not knowing how deep into the night they were she could not be more specific. It seemed only fair to warn him Etain would be there. “Rory is holding Declan, chained and under heavy guard.”

  Kaelan turned quickly at the mention of Rory’s name. “Rory. Is that not where you sent Etain?”

  “It is. You will most likely have to see her again.” Nessa practically held her breath waiting to see how he would react. Would Conri’s father refuse to go?

  “I may have to see her but I do not have to speak to her.” Kaelan motioned toward his chamber. “Come. You should eat something before we leave.”

  She was starving. The long flight last night sapped the last of her energy and now she needed to do it all over again. Walking inside ahead of Kaelan she went directly to the table. Sitting down on the bench in front of the heaping plate of food Nessa picked up a piece of meat and nearly closed her eyes in ecstasy as she took a bite.

  Kaelan sat silently across form her while she ate. The vast majority of food remained on the plate but she could not consume another bite.

  “We have not actually been introduced. What is your name my son’s wife?”

  Nessa grinned at the man who looked so much like her husband. “Nessa.”

  “It is wonderful to meet you Nessa.” Kaelan continued to stare at her as if he had something else to say. “Tell me about my son.”

  She began listing all of Conri’s wonderful qualities in her mind. Then she thought about Will’s comment, he is only kind and compassionate with you. That actually made her smile. “To me he is perfect. To others not so much.”

  “In what way.” Kaelan leaned forward, arms resting on the table, clearly interested in anything she had to say about the son he never even knew existed until today.

  Nessa thought about that for a moment. “Well, he can be incredibly arrogant. I find it adorable, especially when he gives me ridiculous commands.”

  “Like what?” Kaelan grinned, amusement lighting his brown eyes.

  The first memory that came to mind was when she moaned while kissing him in front of his men. “When we first met a woman named Alana stalked him mercilessly. We pretended to be a couple in an attempt to dissuade her incessant pursuit. He is incredibly handsome by the way, making the deception no great hardship. I kissed him in front of his men one day. It became a bit heated and I actually moaned. I was of course mortified because they were all standing around watching and listening. I ran off, thoroughly embarrassed. Your son left his men on the training field and followed me. He said I was an incredibly passionate woman and should not be embarrassed about it. He ordered me to cease being embarrassed that very instant.” She could still see Conri standing in front of her on the dirt road that day.

  “I take it others do not find him so endearing?” Kaelan was actually smiling now.

  “No, not so much. Most people think he is cold and completely without empathy but nothing could be farther from the truth. My friend Will tried to kill him. It is a rather long story but suffice it to say Will’s father left him destitute and feeling a bit desperate. Rather than exact revenge Conri convinced Rory to give him a position among his soldiers. At this point Will’s loyalty lies more with your son than me.” She owed Conri a great deal even though he had only been in her life a short time.

  “Who is this Rory? Is he a friend of my son’s?” Kaelan’s brow furrowed deeply like a worried parent. He would have been an excellent father if only Etain had given him the chance.

  “He is the mortal king of Ireland, and yes, he is a close friend of your son’s.” That reminded her of the plan. It weighed heavily on her mind. Kaelan would understand her predicament better than anyone. “You mentioned the elders killing the other ancients. Why would they do that?” She assumed bonding with Conri would protect him. Now it seemed that might not be entirely true.

  Kaelan sighed deeply. “The shifters are afraid of us. They believe we have too much power. The others of my kind had all bonded with a mate. The elders used that vulnerability to kill them.”

  “How did bonding with a mate make them vulnerable?” This was not at all what she wanted to hear. Bonding with Conri would not remove the danger even if he agreed to it.

  “It provided a second target to attack. Once bonded two exist as one, when one dies so does the other. I am still alive because I have not bonded and rarely leave this place.” Kaelan motioned around the room with a wave of his hand.

  No wonder he seemed so lonely, how incredibly sad. She appeared destined for a similar fate. Her life was already turning into an identical image of Kaelan’s, forced to severe all ties to Conri, a man she loved more than her own life. “Then it is hopeless. The only way for me to protect Conri is to remove myself from his life. I have to make everyone believe I no longer love him.”

  The sympathy in Kaelan’s eyes provided no comfort at all. “It is likely the best way to protect him. You say he looks like me?”

  Nessa nodded. “Very much so.”

  “That presents its own problem. I would not put it past Ciaran to try and use Conri to draw me out. The only way to protect my son from such an occurrence is to pretend I do not care about his existence.” Kaelan looked away.

  While she felt a certain amount of sympathy for Kaelan, he would never have the chance to know his son, Conri was the true victim in all of this. He would be led to believe they did not love him, a man who had known so little love in his life. More lives ruined by Ciaran. The man’s hatred invaded every corner of the immortal world, a dark choking vine threatening to consume them all. Thinking about Ciaran reminded her of another question. “Ciaran appears to have aged but you still look as young as Conri or I. Why is that? Is he older than you?”

  “I am much older than Ciaran, or any of the elders. The shifters were born from a union of the ancients and the mortals. There were no female ancients, forcing us to mate with mortals. Some of our offspring retained the ability to change form in a limited capacity as well as a lifespan much longer than a mortal’s. You and I are the only true immortals. Only those born from the earth are granted immortality, along with their bonded mate. Bonding is a way for us to choose a permanent mate that can share in our immortality.” Kaelan’s expression changed suddenly. “I need proof that you are an ancient. It was remiss of me to trust you without question. I hope you understand, for all I know you and Etain were sent by Ciaran to draw me out and try to kill me.”

  She did not blame him at all. It seemed a reasonable request under the circumstances. Nessa glanced around the room. Kaelan’s deep blue tunic still lie in a ball on the floor in front of the trunk. Drawing in power from the world around her she pointed toward the garment, quickly throwing silver streaks of energy. Twirling her finger around in a circle she wrapped the glittering wisps of power around the tunic then lifted it up. Pulling her hand back toward them she mentally manipulated the energy to do her bidding. The shirt floated effortlessly through the air directly to Conri’s father.

  Kaelan grinned, plucking the garment out of the air as it reached him. “How old are you?”

  Nessa shrugged. “About thirty.”

  Kaelan’s eyes opened wide. “You are just a child. What else can you do?”

  “I can turn into any animal and heal people using my powers.” Was there something else she should be able to do?

  “And?” Kaelan looked at her expectantly.

  “And what? That is it. Is that not enough?” Most people would be seriously impressed.

  Kaelan actually laughed. “Ah child, there is so much I need to teach you. Once my son is safe I will do just that.”

  “Like what?” There was more.
She wanted to know everything right now.

  “First we find my son, and do what must be done to protect him.” Kaelan’s expression darkened considerably. “It is time I had a talk with Declan.”

  Nessa pulled Kaelan’s brown tunic off, laying it over the bench next to her. Turning into a raven she flew out the double doors onto the balcony.

  Nessa waited on the ledge of the balcony until Kaelan landed next to her as a raven. She did not even think to ask if he had a preference. It would be easier to fly together as the same type of bird. She appreciated his consideration in matching her choice without argument.

  Stepping off the stone ledge her wings instinctively began flapping. Kaelan immediately settled in beside her. Nessa decided to fly inland rather than fighting against the strong ocean breeze. If not for the horrible events surrounding this night she would be elated, soaring through the air with another of her kind was a dream come true.


  Flying in through the open window Nessa landed on the floor in Rory’s bedchamber, changing form the instant her feet touched the smoothly hewn wood. Thankfully Rory left a candle burning on the table in case she returned. Kaelan landed beside her, changing form mid-air. His feet hit the floor as a human in a fluid, effortless landing.

  Kaelan glanced around the room. “This is the chamber of a king? Rather small.”

  Rory woke at the sound of a male voice in his room. Sitting up in bed he stared at Kaelan, holding his eyes open abnormally wide in an effort to wake himself quickly. “Conri’s father I presume.”

  “So I hear.” Kaelan stared right back at Rory. He did not appear even moderately embarrassed about standing in another man’s bedchamber completely naked.

  Nessa turned her gaze away from Kaelan’s naked form. Whereas Conri was all strength and power with thick arms and thighs Kaelan had a sinewy definition that drew her eyes easily down his length. Ever so slightly disturbed to be assessing Conri’s naked father in such a sexual manner she shook her head in an attempt to clear the unwanted thoughts. “Sorry about the timing but he wants to see Declan. Are my things in the trunk?” Nessa walked over to Rory’s bed without waiting for his answer.

  Rory’s subtle grin and sidelong glance told her he did not miss her intimate perusal of Conri’s father. “Yes, your sword, clothes and dagger are all in there. You might want to borrow something for our guest.” Rory motioned toward Kaelan without actually looking at him, grinning openly at her now.

  Nessa shot Rory a silent warning before rummaging through his storage trunk. Thankfully all of her things were on top. Throwing her sword, dagger, and clothing onto the end of the bed she quickly found a pair of pants and a tunic for Kaelan. Nessa threw the clothing back at Kaelan who caught them quickly in mid-air. “I do believe our host would like you to get dressed.” As would I lingered on the edge of her tongue.

  Kaelan grinned, pulling on the pants while still holding the tunic. The pants were a tad short and a bit too tight but would have to do. The tunic however fit reasonably well as she watched Conri’s father slip it on over his head.

  Kaelan glanced down at the outfit covering his body. The bright blue tunic was embroidered with gold trim around the hem, the neckline, and the bottom of the sleeves. Kaelan glanced at her with raised eyebrows as if to say you actually expect me to wear this. Obviously Kaelan’s preference in clothing tended more toward his son’s.

  She considered fetching Kaelan something of Conri’s to wear but could not even bring herself to say the words, the very thought a reminder that her husband was gone, being held somewhere against his will. Dressing quickly she shoved the sheathed dagger into the pocket on the thigh of her pants. Lifting her sword off Rory’s bed she took a moment to wrap her hand around the hilt, removing the weapon from its sheath and staring at the blade. The cool metal fit her palm perfectly, gripped tightly in her hand. It would be so easy to kill Declan. If he refused to tell them Conri’s location why keep him alive?

  “You cannot kill him yet.” Rory apparently knew her far too well.

  “He is never going to reveal where they are holding Conri. Why should I let him live?” Nessa lifted the strap over her head, adjusting the weapon against her back.

  “To give us the best chance of finding your husband. Throw me something to wear. I am going with you.” The blankets still covered Rory below the waist. His lean upper body so unlike Conri’s.

  “I can control myself.” Nessa glanced back at Kaelan.

  Conri’s father strolled toward the door but refrained from opening it. “I have no intention of killing Declan tonight. The scourge his life inflicts does however need to be ended eventually. He will always be a danger to my son. I cannot allow him to live.”

  Rory slipped on the red tunic she threw him then stood up, quickly pulling on the matching pants. “The guards are unlikely to allow Conri’s father into Declan’s room unless I am with you. They have no idea who he is. This has nothing to do with trusting you.” Rory grabbed his boots then sat down on the bed.

  The very instant Rory seemed ready Kaelan opened the door, motioning for the mortal king to exit first.

  On his way out the door Rory halted, staring curiously at Conri’s father. “My name is Rory by the way. Your son is a friend of mine, and a good man.”

  Kaelan focused his gaze on her rather than Rory. “So I have heard.” Brown eyes, so much like Conri’s, conveyed sincere gratitude for the stories she relayed about his son.

  Nessa intended to continue regaling Kaelan with stories of his son. It happened to be her favorite topic of conversation. “You should probably introduce yourself.” She wondered how long it had been since Kaelan socialized, keeping himself hidden away from the rest of the world as he did.

  Kaelan appeared slightly annoyed by her suggestion but did at least glance in Rory’s general direction. “Kaelan.” Conri’s father clearly considered the mortal king of little importance.

  Rory glanced at her with a raised eyebrow before walking out the door.

  No friendly banter occurred during their walk to Declan. Her thoughts wandered as they strode through the cold candlelit stone passage toward the front tower, wondering if Kaelan would be able to scare Declan into revealing Conri’s whereabouts? It seemed unlikely. Declan was a man willing to die for his cause if ever she had seen one. He would not be giving them Conri’s location but she needed to try.

  Delivering Declan’s head to his mother might make an impact though. Breena would feel compelled to kill Conri in retaliation, allowing her to follow Declan’s mother straight to Conri. The risks inherent to such a plan needed to be considered. What if she lost Breena while trailing her? Conri’s life would be forfeit, the very outcome she was attempting to avoid.

  Her only thought as they reached the heavily guarded tower being that something needed to be done in regards to saving the man she loved. Right now it felt as if they were at Declan’s mercy, an entirely unacceptable situation.

  Barra quickly moved from his position outside the door into the dark chamber with a candle. The other guard maintained his stone-like stance without so much as flinching. Nessa watched as a faint light emanated from the room. Barra emerged without saying a word. He placed the candle back in its iron holder on the wall and returned to his spot outside the door, staring straight ahead. Conri trained his men well. Duty came first at all times. They followed orders no matter their personal feelings.

  Rory held her back as Kaelan strolled confidently into the room. “I am not going in with you. Do what you must short of killing him.” With that Rory left, heading back down the steep winding stone stairwell.

  Nessa watched for a moment until the man who had become such an integral part of her life rounded the corner out of view. The door quickly shut behind her as she entered the room.

  Seated on the bed Declan leaned back against the grey stonewall with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. His hands and feet were still shackled. Nessa watched Declan wince as he attempted to adjust the position of hi
s hands behind his back. It gave her some degree of satisfaction to realize he was still in pain from their last encounter.

  Kaelan leaned back against the wall as if he had not a care in the world. From what she understood Glenna could generally be found in Declan’s chamber. Her absence suddenly registered as a considerable boon. Glenna might very well object to any perceived physical threat to Declan. Nessa opened the door. “If Glenna returns send her away.” Nessa closed the door, trusting the guards to follow her orders without question.

  “Planning on torturing me? Afraid poor Glenna will be overwrought by the sight.” Declan’s nonchalant attitude concerning his present situation immediately annoyed her.

  “She cares about you. I have no idea why but she does.” More than likely the shifter felt nothing more than pity for Declan but it could not hurt to use Glenna’s misguided devotion to try and weaken the man’s resolve. Perhaps the possibility of a future with Glenna might make the obsessed outcast rethink his current path.

  Surprisingly Declan did not respond with a snide comment. Was it even possible he had a weakness?

  Nessa decided to press a little harder on the issue trying to get a reaction out of him. “You could have a future with her, a normal life with someone who loves you.”

  Declan actually laughed. It took an irritating amount of time for him to stop, amusement sparkling in his riveting deep blue eyes. Apparently he found the idea hilarious. “You are absolutely adorable, the way you try to manipulate me.”

  Kaelan pulled himself off the wall, moving to stand beside her. “Declan will never be able to step out of his mother’s shadow. No woman wants a lover that is not really a man.”

  That did get a reaction from Declan. The annoying smirk faded, replaced by an obvious and sudden anger. Declan glared silently at Kaelan.

  Conri’s father walked over to the small table set into a corner of the room. He sat down in one of the chairs, stretching his legs out in front of him. “You see Nessa there is really no point to this. Declan is of no consequence. He merely does what his mother tells him. She is the one with all of the power.”


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