Daddy Heart M.D.: A Billionaire Baby Romance (Private School Bad Boys Book 1)

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Daddy Heart M.D.: A Billionaire Baby Romance (Private School Bad Boys Book 1) Page 9

by Holly Jaymes

  When she walked past me, I grabbed her wrist, gently pulling her back to me.

  “Fay, I know,” I revealed, in a deep voice. She said nothing, just stared at me while tears pooled in her eyes. I held her by the back of her head, gently pulling her face towards mine. I knocked my forehead against hers, breathing hotly on her face.

  “I know you’re pregnant,” I whispered. She breathed in sharply but didn’t move. She allowed our foreheads to keep touching, glanced down at her feet and remained silent.

  “Is it mine? Am I the father?”

  The question was burning in my body from the moment Doctor Roberts gave me that nod. I had to know, and only Fay knew the truth. She gulped but moved from me. Her hands slipped out of my grip, and she fit her bra over herself.

  She had her back turned to me now as she started getting dressed. I put on my jeans too, wishing and hoping that she would tell me the truth now. So she could put me out of my misery.

  “Fay…” I tried again when she was fully dressed. She looked at me over her shoulder.

  “You don’t have to ask me again, Sawyer. I’m going to tell you the truth.”

  I watched her, the way her petite body moved to turn to me, how beautiful she looked. Her hair ruffled, and her pale pink lipstick smudged on her face. I wanted to kiss her again. My body stiffened, but I reminded myself that we needed to sort this first.

  “Yes, it’s yours,” she replied meekly, looking down at her feet again.

  I couldn’t stop myself anymore, I rushed to her, pulling her into my arms. Fay looked surprised by my reaction. What did she think I was going to say? Was that why she had kept it a secret from me? Did she think I’d reject her?

  I held her close to me, so she could look into my eyes and know for sure that I wasn’t lying.

  “Fay, you don’t have to do this alone. I want to be that man for you. I will take care of you, and I will guard your heart. I will take care of our family. I will spend every day of my life making you believe that you are the person for me. I want to be a part of my child’s life. I hope that you’ll agree to give me the opportunity,” my voice was rugged and sincere. I was trying to keep my emotions from bursting.

  Until a few hours ago, I had no idea. Now I was going to be a father in six months!

  Fay licked her lips nervously. I could see she was trying to decide.

  “Fay, I want you to know that I’m not just spouting words. I mean everything I’m saying,” I was pleading with her, and now I got down on my knees in front of her.

  Her face relaxed, she shook her head.

  “Please stand up, Sawyer, you don’t have to beg me!” she said. I wrapped my arms around her legs, looking up at her.

  “I want you to know that I will take care of you and put you first if you give me a chance. I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you that I am sincere.” I continued.

  Fay reached for me, weaving her fingers into my hair. There was a soft smile tugging her lips, and I started to feel relief.

  “You don’t have to, Sawyer. I know I was wrong about you. You are much more than a pretty face on TV!” she said.

  I stood up and kissed her. She kissed me back, still smiling.

  “So, you want to give me a chance? At the real thing?” I asked, pulling my mouth away from her.

  “Yes, I want that,” she replied, and I kissed her again.

  “I get to be a father?” I asked, and she chuckled.

  “Yes, you get to be a daddy in six months!” she exclaimed. I lifted her up, spinning her around while she laughed.

  “That makes me dizzy!” she squealed so I stopped and put her down again.

  “Sorry, sorry! I’m new to this thing. You’ve had three months practice already!” I complained and kissed her cheek lightly.

  “Sawyer…” she breathed my name. We were staring into each other’s eyes, and I couldn’t wait to hear what she would say next.

  “I wanted to say something, earlier, when you told me how you feel. I feel the same. I couldn’t stop thinking about you since we first met. I tried to fight it, and I thought I could move on. But I’m happy. Is it wrong that I’m happy that we are having a child together? Even though there is a lot more that we still need to know about each other.” She sounded worried. Her voice strained as she spoke and I stroked her hair affectionately. I was smiling at her.

  “No, it’s not wrong at all. That’s how I feel too. I found out right now that I’m going to be a daddy and that you are going to be the mother of my child. Nothing has made me happier in the last few years than this!” I explained to her.

  The smile was returning to Fay’s face.

  There was so much to do. There was so much to talk about. We needed to make up for the lost three months. I didn’t want to miss a single moment of her pregnancy.

  “I’m happy it’s you. I couldn’t have picked a better father for my kid even if I tried!” she exclaimed as I covered her face with kisses again.

  “I never thought I would ever hear Fay Woods say those words!” I retorted, and we laughed together.

  I still felt like I was dazed, that none of this was real. But now I had an entire lifetime to get used to this, and to feel this happy.



  One year later

  The audience gave us another round of applause after the cameras started rolling again after the commercial break.

  Susan was sitting in her usual comfortable leather chair beside me. A vase of fresh flowers was on the table between us. Susan shifted in her seat, turning to me again.

  “So, Sawyer, I have to ask you what’s on everyone’s mind. Why the sudden radio silence?” she asked, her eyes were glittering with knowledge. She knew exactly what was going on in my life. Over the course of Fay’s pregnancy, the two of them had gotten closer. It seemed like they had set their professional differences aside and Susan had taken on a more motherly role towards Fay.

  I grinned and looked at the audience, giving them one of my smiles which I knew they loved.

  “I don’t know what you mean, Susan,” I urged her on. She looked at me indulgently. I knew the camera was focused on her right now.

  “Well, you kinda fell off the Earth. The city’s most eligible bachelor, known for his very public private life, just pfft, vanished. We know nothing about what’s going on with you, Sawyer. Feed our hungry souls!” she was speaking spiritedly. The audience clapped again, and some cheered me on, so I smiled some more.

  “Well, nothing much really. Other than that I’m a father now,” I declared.

  The audience had the reaction that Susan hoped for. They gasped and cheered and clapped, in utter disbelief that their favorite Doctor Barnhart was now a father.

  “Congratulations!” Susan shook my hand, beaming. I waved at the audience, accepting their heartfelt joy at the news. When the cheering finally softened, Susan turned to me again, thrilling at the response she was getting for this show already.

  “How did that happen?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure if it’s an appropriate discussion on daytime television!” I replied, and everyone laughed. Susan was laughing too.

  “Who is the mother? How long has your baby been born? We’re dying to know the details, Sawyer. You’re killing us!”

  “I don’t think my girlfriend would like her identity revealed here, so I’m going to hold off on to that. I will tell you, she’s a little baby girl and a blessing in our lives. We are both very happy and loving every moment of parenthood,” I replied and the audience sighed and gasped together as they heard me talking.

  “Well, isn’t that a lovely surprise! The last time you were here, you were single and very ready to mingle if I remember correctly,” Susan continued. I laughed.

  “I met my girlfriend soon after that, and we fell in love very quickly. It’s all happened fast, but I couldn’t be happier. I’ve asked her to marry me. She said yes, which is, I can’t control my excitement,” I said. I laughed with joy a
s the audience burst into cheers again.

  “A baby, and a wedding! Congratulations, Sawyer!” Susan said again.

  “Thank you, yes. It all worked out, and we’re looking forward to the future,” I told her.

  Susan was pleased with the interview. She even added a segment towards the end of the show, according to Fay’s instructions, where she asked me to talk about what changes the audience could make to their diet for a healthier heart.

  When the show ended, Susan and I both stood up to hug. Then the cameras panned across the stage and over to the still-cheering audience.

  “That went well!” Susan exclaimed as the microphones switched off.

  “I’m happy you’re happy,” I told her. She was smiling and nodding.

  “Listen, Sawyer. I haven’t had much of a chance to get you alone. So I’m going to say this now before Fay appears,” Susan told me, stopping me in my tracks. There was a suddenly serious tone to her voice, and I looked at her confusedly.

  “I will probably never tell Fay this to her face because I like to maintain my position of power,” Susan continued as I arched my brows at her. I knew that by now, she didn’t have to tell me. Not a single day went by that Fay didn’t return home from work, complaining about Susan. Even though she moaned, I knew that there wasn’t another job in the world that she would rather have.

  “But the truth is, Sawyer, that girl is very precious to me. You better not do anything to hurt her or you’ll be answerable to me,” she said and stepped threateningly up to me. I was smiling because this was amusing, Susan thought she was scaring me.

  “I could end your career, Sawyer Barnhart,” she hissed, right up to my face and I stifled a smile and nodded my head.

  “Yes, Susan, I understand. Don’t worry. I love Fay. I won’t do anything to disappoint her,” I said.

  Susan smiled and turned to the audience again, skipping away to interact with the ones who came up to her for autographs.

  I found it touching that she threatened me. It showed me that she did genuinely care for Fay, just like I’d suspected all along.

  It was no surprise. If someone met Fay once, they would know how smart and talented and unique she was. I was the lucky one, who’d bagged a woman like her.

  “Sawyer!” I heard her voice behind me. She had been working all this while, helping produce the show. She rushed up to me. We didn’t hug or kiss because then it would give our secret away to the audience, but I could see the relief on her face. She was finally satisfied with this show.

  “Hello beautiful, how did I do?” I asked, itching to touch her. Fay beamed at me. The rock on her finger glittered under the studio lights.

  “You were wonderful. I’m so proud of you!” she exclaimed.

  “Should we get out of here?” I asked. She nodded her head.

  As we walked beside each other, her hand was in mine. I couldn’t help it. I needed to be touching her all the time.


  It was Sawyer’s turn to change Evie’s diaper. He was an expert at it anyway, while I still struggled with it after six months! He said it had something to do with his career, even though I didn’t know what the connection between cardiology and changing diapers was.

  He was standing over the changing table in the living room, with a towel thrown over his shoulder and he cooed at Evie while he changed her. I was brewing us cups of coffee. It was early in the morning. I couldn’t look away from them. I loved seeing how happy father and daughter were in each other’s company. Evie couldn’t stop giggling.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you last night, Maisy’s mother called the office yesterday,” Sawyer said as he put some cream on Evie.

  “Good news?” I asked him hopefully. Sawyer looked at me with a smile on his face.

  “Great news. Maisy hasn’t missed a day of school in the past four months She’s recovering better than I expected. No complaints,” Sawyer replied.

  After we’d confessed our feelings for each other, I’d told him about how I overheard his conversation with the Murphys. Sawyer was humble about it. He worried over the weeks that followed and we were both hopeful that Maisy would sail through the surgery.

  He’d even taken me along the next day for her birthday party. It was technically our first real date. Since then, I’d been hoping and praying that Maisy would be well. I had complete faith in Sawyer that he would do a good job.

  I still couldn’t wrap my head around how he dealt with cases like that on a daily basis. How was not emotionally wrecked yet? He told me, a few days after Evie was born that we had both come into his life at the right moment. He knew he was on the brink of an emotional collapse. He was tired of the happy public facade he portrayed while dealing with the heart-breaking cases on his own at work.

  At least now, he had me to talk to. He could be himself. Now he had Evie too, who instantly brightened up his mood.

  “Coffee?” I brought his cup to him, while Evie lay on the changing table, still giggling and trying to reach for her father’s nose.

  “Thank you, beautiful,” he said while he leaned in to press a soft kiss on my lips.

  “I should get changed. The babysitter should be arriving shortly before you have to leave, and I’ll be home by four to relieve her,” I told him as I sipped my coffee.

  Sawyer looked at me, smiling like he knew something that I didn’t.

  “You’re not going to work today, and I’ve already spoken to Claire and told her not to come,” he told me.

  “What are you talking about? I have a show to produce. I can’t play hooky with you today!” I squealed, laughing at his absurd suggestion.

  Sawyer put his cup down and placed his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him with my brows crossed. I could sense that he was up to something.

  “You don’t have a show to produce, not today or for the rest of the week. I spoke to Susan already, and she’s okay with it. They’ll manage without you for a few days,” Sawyer told me.

  “The rest of the week! No, I can’t. I’m already taking three weeks off for the wedding!” I squealed, and Sawyer leaned in to kiss my cheek again. He brushed my hair in a calming motion.

  “Fay, we’re going to Florida. We are going to see your mother. It’s time,” Sawyer revealed.

  My eyes grew wide with shock. He’d planned a trip to Florida, to visit my mother outside my knowledge? I was too confused to say anything. I hadn’t seen my mother in over a year. I hadn’t traveled out of town since the pregnancy. I’d spoken to her. I had told her about Sawyer and Evie and then later about the engagement and the wedding, but that was it. She couldn’t travel. She was close to being bed-ridden now. I’d been worried about her. But mom understood why I couldn’t come to see her.

  “But…” I tried to protest, but Sawyer placed a finger on my lips.

  “I’ve spoken to Martha, and she’s excited to see us. She’s been dying to see her granddaughter,” he continued, in a soft voice.

  “You spoke to my mom!” I exclaimed.

  “Yes, I had to…I needed to let her know to expect us. Evie needs to know her family, and it’ll be good for you, beautiful. I know you have wanted to visit her for some time,” Sawyer said.

  I hugged him, placing my head on his chest.

  “I couldn’t go because I couldn’t take Evie alone,” I told him, my voice thin with emotion.

  “I know, which is why we will all go. I haven’t been to Florida before, and I’ve cleared my schedule for the next four days,” he said. I hugged him tighter.

  How was it that Sawyer always knew precisely what I needed, without me knowing it myself.

  “Thank you, Sawyer, I wouldn’t have thought of this,” I told him and he stroked my cheeks before kissing me again.

  “And while we’re there, we’ll figure out a way for her to attend the wedding. I’m sure we can hire a caregiver who can travel with her to look after her,” Sawyer continued. I had a broad smile. I couldn’t control the joy anymore.

  I hugged hi
m tighter and kissed his neck.

  “She would love that. She would, oh my God, Sawyer. I can’t wait to see her!” I squealed.

  Evie was giggling too like she could sense the excitement in the room. Sawyer lifted her up in his arms. We stood there, embracing her together and swaying in each other’s arms.

  When I first saw him that day in the parking lot of the studios, I couldn’t have predicted that this was how our story was going to begin. I couldn’t wait for the rest of our life to unfold.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you, thank you, for reading my book, Daddy Heart M.D.! I’m so grateful and I hope that you enjoyed the story.

  Reviews for my books are very important to me as an author. If you enjoyed reading my book I’d be so thankful if you would be willing to write me a review.

  Thanks again for your support and for reading me story. I couldn’t do it without you!

  XX Holly

  Below is where you can review if you like.

  Daddy Heart M.D. Link for Review

  P.S. Please flip to the next page to read the prologue and first chapter of, “Daddy Ivy League”

  Daddy Ivy League Prologue Preview




  For a nineteen-year-old, I was very shy. I had grown up as an only child to two overbearing parents whose biggest concern were my grades and my virginity. My parents had a strict rule concerning my dating life. The rule was nothing was more important than grades and boys would ruin my life.

  So, even when I went to college, my head was filled with their voices. They warned me about casual sex and teenage relationships. A pregnancy could destroy my future. Adolescent boys were nothing but animals. They insisted that I would thank them later if I just concentrated on my studies. So that was what I did.


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