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A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2)

Page 3

by Oakes, Tara

  “Ma... this is Vicky. She's here under our protection. She was Shades ol' lady.” The emphasis on the title was important for my mom to catch onto. I needed her to be on the same page without tipping Vicky off as to what's really going on here. Good ol' ma. She never missed a beat. She reached out for Vicky's bag and drew her closer, nodding while studying the damage to her face.

  “Follow me, sweetheart. We'll get you set up in Tiny's old room. Keep you away from curious people.” Vicky appeared to welcome the motherly attention and headed in the direction my ma was pointing, eager to leave the stares and whispering around us.

  I leaned in to my ma's ear. “You stick to her like glue. No phone calls, no visitors. She knows nothing yet.” Ma nodded and strode off behind her new assignment.


  Pops had been pretty pissed at my late arrival to church, but didn't skip a beat. We were expecting over ninety men within hours, support from local charters sent in to help contain this shit. Provisions needed to be made, arrangements set up. No activity at any of the known Slayer locations. Shade had slipped off the radar.

  Lil's hadn't shown up anywhere and the hospitals were still empty. Tiny was still with his ma. I had no doubt how that was going and didn't envy the poor bastard. That woman was more bitter than a fucking lemon and this was going to feed into her hatred of anything Kingsmen. She had spewed horrible, vile shit to Lil's for as long as I can remember. No doubt she had more than a little to do with Lil's splitting on me back then. It was a miracle that Lil's turned out as well as she did. She was nothing like her poor excuse of a mom. Lil's was pure hearted, almost to a fault. Some would say naïve but I knew she was just too trusting. She wanted to see the good in people and seemed to just over look the bad shit in order to find it. Thank God for that, too. I had enough shit on me to make most women want to run for the hills, but not my baby. She saw my soul, she saw my heart. I learned early on how to box those up and protect them from the things I did for my club. Lil's found a way to get to them, take care of them without my feeling compromised in the hardness I needed to live. She was one in a million and I needed to stop wasting fucking time and find her before that son of a bitch hurts her.

  Pop had finished his checklist. Well, this was as good a time as any I suppose. I spoke up, loud enough for the thirty or so guys crammed into the room to be able to hear. “I picked up Shade's ol' lady... she's in one of the back rooms being sorted out by ma.” Careful. I avoided my pop. I could hear a fucking pin drop.

  All eyes turned to my pop at the head of the table. In this room, lines were rarely blurred. I was not his son at this table. I was his V.P. and here to follow my president's direction. My pop sat up straight. “What part of stand the fuck down did you not understand!?”

  “What part of she's my ol' lady and I'm gonna find her did you not understand?” I shot back.

  The room tensed. Butch was paying extra attention to the father/son exchange and seemed to be pleased.

  “Clear out!! Everyone! Leave us alone.” Pop commanded as the brothers all took their leave, anxious to get the hell out of the hot zone. Vince was rarely questioned but when he was, it was never quiet. He held tight to the reigns of this ship for twenty fucking years now. You don't do that by showing weakness and letting your authority be jeopardized.

  Butch filled the lone chair at the far end of the table, firm in his resolve to stay. Butch and my pop had been friends since before I was born but there was a healthy bit of shit between them, festering over time. This was not the time to air this bullshit.

  Pop stared at Butch and then spoke aloud to neither one of us directly. “I realize this is some hard shit. But, brothers, we need to keep this thing in check. I love her just as much as either of you. I want to break down his fucking door with guns blazing and end this now but we need to be smart.” Butch bit his lip, but held his tongue as pop finished.

  “He's not a fool. He's an evil son of a bitch but he's no fool. He's been after our interests for a long time and this is just his chance to try to take it. He's not gonna touch her unless he feels that he's out of options. We need to give him enough rope to hang himself before we push him off the fucking ledge”

  Pop turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Having his bitch here is good, I think... leverage, intel... whatever we can use her for.” He squeezed my shoulder, drawing my eyes to meet him. “But son, you ever disobey me like this and I will personally make sure you can't do it again.”

  I nodded. “As long as we have the same goal here, then I'm on board. But the second I feel that there is a missed opportunity... it's a risk I'm willing to take.”

  We sat and stared at each other long and hard. President to vice president, father to son, husband to ol' man. He exhaled sharply. “Fair enough. Now let's see what Shades' chick has to tell us.”


  Turns out my suspicions were right on the money. Vicky and Shade were fucking around for a while but she was definitely not his ol' lady. He offered her no protection, no support, no financial help. Simply a fuck on a Friday night. Sounded about right.

  She had run into Lil's and her girlfriends while they were out and was admittedly two sheets to the wind by the time she decided to push Lil's around. Lil's was never a fighter but could definitely hold her own if need be. She had always been athletic and was stronger than most girls I'd ever known... even though she was small.

  That night, Lil's kicked Vicky's ass pretty good. Unfortunately there was a patched Slayers member in the bar and he felt the need to step in when Vicky's face was smashed into the corner of a bar table. I'm sure he knew his boss wouldn't really like it if his main piece of ass was busted on him. By the time a few more of his brothers showed up, Lil's friends had split with Christine, leaving to search for my help.

  Vicky was dropped off at the emergency room and left there, while on our end pop set up the meeting with Shade. The mother fucker played it off as his ol' lady was beat down just to squeeze a little extra out of us. He also managed to get a cut of the local chop shop action in exchange for Lil's and the promise that whatever new beef the bitch fight might have started was squashed. It was a no brainer. Sure it had cost me a hundred large but I would have paid triple that if necessary, to get her out of that hellhole.

  Granted, it did benefit me as much as it did Shade, although in a different way. Lil's had taken off leaving me behind and she just recently walked right back into my life. I'd be damned if I was going to let any opportunity slip by that would keep her here with me.


  We left Vicky with ma, and I headed to my old room. I needed to shower and wake myself up a bit before heading out again. I haven't had much use of this room in a while. It served as a place to crash and shower in between long club business and was a safe place to bring bitches whenever I needed a fuck. Before Lil's I had a different girl in this bed every goddamned night. Sometimes two. After Lil's left me, I made good use of it again. It felt wrong to bring a chick back to my house, Lils' house, even though it sat empty. It was something I just was not willing to do. So, this room made a good alternative. I had no use of it now. Might as well give it up to one of the younger brothers needing a place.

  I turned on the shower and threw myself under the water welcoming the burn on my skin. Instinctively I wanted to lower the heat but I kept myself firm. I needed to feel it. I needed to feel something right now.



  The steam escaping under the bathroom door was fading into the bedroom. Lil's had been in there an awful long time. I sat back on the bed and watched the door, waiting to see if she needed anything. The room was slightly messy, with Lil's prom dress and shoes scattered about on the floor. I smiled to myself remembering how easy that dress came off. It fit her like a fucking glove and the entire night I kept worrying about how I was going to get it off her.

  I had already managed to strip the sheets shortly after Lil's jumped in the shower. I didn't need her to se
e the small streaks and drops of crimson on them, girls were weird about that shit. I knew from the beginning that Lil's had been a virgin and she had made me wait pretty damn long for her. Longer than I would have ever waited for any other girl. Every single fucking minute of me wanting her and needing her had been worth it. She was mine before, but now she is mine in every sense of the word. She would never know another man, just me, and I would damn well make sure she never wanted to. I had fucked my fair share of women and was more than confident in the skills I had honed over the years, but being with Lil's like we were last night scared the shit out of me. I had never felt a loss of control like that. She had a way of making me lose myself in her and it terrified me almost as much as I needed to feel it again.

  The water shut off and I looked up toward the door. I had held her in my arms all night and she seemed fine, but then this morning she rushed past me to the shower without so much as a word. She had never been shy around me before. We had spent enough time getting to know each other's bodies and learning what made the other person tick over the last year or so that I wasn't sure why there was a sudden bout of embarrassment on her part. This shit was different for girls, I knew that. Hell! I can't even remember the first chick I banged. But I was certain Lil's would always remember last night. That was the difference. I was a prick about my first time and she was just being a chick about hers.

  The bathroom door opened and Lil's slipped out in nothing but a towel, her hair all wavy from being toweled dry. I locked eyes with her, searching for any sign that she was hurt or in pain. She smiled to me shyly. “Hi..”

  I laughed. “Hi.” She looked fine, no signs of trauma. Hell, she looked better than fine. There was still a moist sheen to her skin from the steam and her towel barely covered her upper thighs. My dick was starting to ache. She was breathing heavy with each breath plumping her already delicious tits a little bit. The towel held her girls in tight, squishing them down and together. I remembered how perfect they fit in my hands as I watched them rise and fall, begging me to rip off her towel and take their plumpness in my mouth one at a time.

  I stood up and slowly stepped in front of her, tipping her chin in my hand and raising it to meet mine. Lil's was a tiny thing but she was the perfect height to bend down and kiss. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and tugged gently, waiting for it to part before slipping my mouth onto hers. Damn this girl could kiss. Sometimes I think I could get off on kissing her alone if I did it long enough. She was loosening up, I could feel the small bit of tension in her body evaporate with every stroke of my tongue.

  I kissed her forehead while she rested on me. “You OK, Lil's.... Everything good? You know... nothing's...hurt?” I held my breath. I'll never forget the way she clamped up when I filled her for the first time last night. She was shocked and obviously in pain. I wanted to die at that moment for doing that to her.

  She giggled below me. “It's all fine, babe. Just needed to soak for a little bit.” Thank God. I breathed a deep breath of relief and laughed at myself. Since when had I ever given two shits about what the other person felt? Never before Lil's. Now, it's all I worried about. I kissed her again, as tenderly as I could, careful not to push past any limit of not being able to return. She probably needed some time before that.

  I held her for a while before she half jokingly complained that her hair was going to get all fucked up unless I let her go dry it. I left her alone to get ready and headed out to the garage to check on the truck. We had planned on driving to the coast and staying at a little bed and breakfast overnight. It was Lil's prom weekend and I wanted to take her someplace special. I had to have her back in time for graduation on Monday, so the choices were somewhat limited to driving distance. Tiny was being taken care of by my ma, Butch was still behind bars for another couple of weeks and Lil's hadn't spoken to her own mom since Tiny was shot. This was a perfect weekend to get away.

  I was secretly relieved that Marie, Lil's mom was out of the picture for a while. The woman did nothing but bitch and moan and try to fill her daughter's head with poison. Tiny and I were thirteen when his folks split and let's just say it's been no walk in the park for anybody. It came down hardest on Lil's I think... and after almost everybody else had written Marie off, Lil's kept going back for more where she was concerned. She kept hoping that eventually it would be different and her mom would change.

  The truck was packed up, cooler stocked and all gassed to go. I would have much rather have taken the bike but there was no way we would have room for everything.

  Lil's opened the garage door and called out, “Do we need anything else before I lock up, baby?”

  I yelled out in mock frustration. “Lil's... there's no way we need this much shit... just get your cute ass out here and let's go already.”

  Lil's huffed and slammed the door shut behind her carrying another small bag. Damn. She looked smoking hot today. She was wearing the shortest little pair of blue shorts and a white flowing sheer shirt that showed off her bikini top underneath. Her perfect little legs were tanned and every curve and muscle was on display. Fuck. There goes my dick again.

  We climbed in the cab and backed out of the garage, hitting the door remote to close after us. Lil's settled in, threw her shades on and immediately reached for the radio. I blocked her jokingly before she could hit a button.

  “Not so fast there, baby girl.... What are you putting on?” I asked her accusingly. Lil's and I had very different tastes in music and there was no way in hell was I gonna let her subject me to her girlie crap for the next two hours.

  She looked up at me and batted her eyelashes. She knew what she was doing. “Baby... I made this mix special for the trip.... please?” She moistened her lips and pursed them together plumping them up.

  I growled. Great. She knows I can't say no to her when she begs. “Fine.. but you owe me.” I let go of her hand and gave up. Within seconds her phone was wired up and her music was blasting through the speakers. God damned. I would lose all respect if someone caught us heading out of town with Lady Antebellum blasting. I had a rep to protect.

  The trip was moving along and Lil's had settled back resting her legs propping them on the dashboard. She abandoned her flip flops and her little painted toes were wiggling along to the music. God damn, I loved those legs. They were soft and strong and fit perfectly around my shoulders as I feasted on my girl, stroking her outer thighs as they quivered when I was finished and done making her explode.

  I squirmed in my seat. Fuck. I can't keep thinking of this shit. We had about forty-five minutes of driving left and I would have a full-blown hard on in less than two if I didn't snap out of it. Lil's looked up from her reclined seat.

  “You OK, baby? You need to get out and stretch? It's not too early, we could get out and have lunch... take a break from driving for a bit?”

  Perfect. I needed to walk this shit off. I knew these roads pretty well from making runs for the club and remembered a little setback clearing where we sometimes made camp if it got too late. My memory served me correctly and I was able to find it pretty easily.

  Lil's jumped out first and headed back to the truck bed to get the picnic stuff. I needed a minute to collect myself without embarrassing myself in front of my girl. I had enough self control to talk myself out of the beginning stages of a boner.

  I opened the window and called out to the rear of the truck. “Lil's, don't you dare try to take that cooler down. Leave it for me.” Alright, I was settled enough to get out.

  The cooler wasn't very heavy but it was awkward to grip. I carried it, following Lil's lead to the grassy area, while she selected a patch of shade and set out a blanket. I sure enjoyed the view of her tight little ass as she led the way. It was almost ninety degrees and whatever bit of shade we could find was welcomed. She kicked off her shoes and peeled off her overshirt to cool off in her bikini top.

  “FUCK NO!” I stopped dead in my tracks. She turned around to stare at my outburst. I put the cooler down and picke
d up her shirt handing it back to her. “No way can I just sit here and eat lunch looking at you like that.. uh uh.. you gotta cover up, baby.”

  Lil's looked at the shirt, then my crotch registering my growing erection, and then up to my eyes. She took the shirt from me and tossed it aside onto the cooler, and walked into my arms. “Who says you need to just look at me?” She started to unbutton my belt and licked her lips.

  “Baby...” I put my hands over hers, pausing her actions. “You don't need to do this. You need some time I think, you know...”

  She playfully threw my hands off. “I don't NEED to do anything, Jay. I want to...” She reached up on her tip toes and kissed my neck. “Besides... I owe you remember?” Her fingers went back to work unbuckling and unbuttoning me.

  I moaned in defeat. “All right, woman... Have your way with me.”

  I could feel Lil's laughs into my stomach as she kissed down my body making her way to where she was needed. God she felt so good right now. She had only started blowing me about six months ago, but, man, she had become a pro at it.

  I could feel a bead of sweat forming on my brow, it was fucking hot out. The heat from Lil's mouth on me made it even hotter. But, damn, I would walk over the burning coals in hell for this girl. She was really getting into it, grabbing my ass and stifling small moans into my cock. She loved to blow me, I knew it gets her crazy.

  “Baby...” I ran my fingers through her long wavy hair. I knew she was listening but she didn't lose her rhythm. “Play with yourself, baby... I want to see you touch yourself.”

  She froze momentarily, mid-stride up my length. It wasn't a long hesitation, but I could definitely notice it before she carried on. Her hands were still glued to my ass. I reached around and released one, guiding it down to her. “Play with yourself, baby... It would really fuckin' turn me on right now.”


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