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A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2)

Page 6

by Oakes, Tara

  Unzipping his fly and shoving the denim open, his cock escaped through the opening and bounced against her ass. He expertly covered it in a rubber and threw himself deep into her as she moaned into me, balls deep at the impact. I closed my eyes and threw my head back and my hips forward, grabbing her hair and fucking her mouth. The grunting and moaning was sporadic, each of us caught up in our own pleasure. Clink was brutal, pounding into her, sending her crashing into me. I felt myself getting ready and held onto her head tight as I sent a trail of myself deep into her, coating down past her gag reflex and into her belly. I jerked slightly at the release, but then held myself still as she cleaned me off.

  Clink followed my lead and called out “FUCK!” as he spilled himself into her with one last hard thrust. I was barely done rebuckling my pants before she stood up, wiped her bottom lip while flapping her skirt down over her cut thong, and stalked out through the doors pausing briefly to blow Clink a kiss.

  He barely acknowledged her, instead laughed and nodded to me while pulling up his fly.

  “Welcome to the club, kid.”

  We slapped each other on the back and headed back to the party, where I dutifully bought him a beer.


  We each had our assignments, with Clink heading off to the bar in the main building to gather the men we'd chosen. I found my way through the back hallways and into the crash rooms to prepare Vicky. The door was closed but the sounds crept through the seams. Dumb bitch! She can't keep her legs closed for one goddamned day.

  I knocked loudly on the door, not wanting to barge in on one of my brothers getting his kicks. “Finish up! You've got two minutes, bro.”

  I leaned back against the wall and pulled out my phone, scrolling through the pictures. I settled on one of the newest images, Lil's sleeping next to me, spilled out over the sheets with her tangled hair. I had secretly taken the snapshot a few nights ago after I had rocked her hard over and over until she passed out cold. Although fucking Lil's always calmed my body, my mind had been racing since the shit on our Virginia run. I sat up that whole night unwilling to move and wake up my baby. Instead, I just stared at her, running my fingers up and over her velvety soft skin and taking the sight of her in deep. She was something special, my baby... pure, kind, genuine. Those were some rare qualities in this type of life. Sure, the ol' ladies were all loyal, fierce, and protective. But none of them, not even my ma held the same kind of pull that Lil's had. I had never planned on settling down with a woman. I plowed through every broad I could in my early days in the club, never imagining it would lose its appeal. After some years, though, the nights became lonely and cold after the sluts left my bed and the homecomings nothing special after a long run.

  The bedroom door swung in and I jammed my phone deep back into my pocket. Blue shuffled out on high alert, more than aware of the error in his judgement. He paused his step in front of me, unsure of what to say to dig himself out of this hole. I lifted my eyes to him and stared down, this fucker was really batting a thousand these last couple days. I cleared my throat deep, intentionally rattling his cage. He blanched. “Go find Clink. NOW.”

  He was off before I could even finish my sentence. I rolled my eyes behind him. Sure, I could sympathize with the call of available pussy while we were stuck in here with nothing better to do, but the guy needs to learn how to keep it in check. Especially while he's still on my shit list.

  I rolled myself around the doorjamb and faced into exposed room. The raunchy stench was hanging in the air, thick and stale. Vicky was cleaning herself up, straightening her hair and hiding her makeup smudged face from me. I strolled in casually, scanning the room. The ashtray was full of butts and her pill bottles opened and empty on the dresser top. These chicks were all the same... filling themselves with booze, smokes, drugs, and dick to fill the void in their empty souls.

  Finally finished primping herself, she turned. “Help you with something, sailor?” Her eyes were bloodshot, pupils pinned.

  I grunted. Twenty years ago she must have been something, before turning herself into a full-blown gutter whore.

  “Pack your shit up. You're heading out tonight.”

  Her drugged up eyes lit up. “The cash is ready, and a oneway ticket to Toledo.”

  “Toledo?! What the fuck am I gonna do in Toledo?”

  Bitch. She was about to see more cash than she had ever dreamed of in that roach motel of an apartment of hers, and she had the audacity to complain about the damn city?

  “I don't know... do whatever the fuck you want to there. It's far enough from any Slayer chapter where you can actually have a shot at a clean start. So long as you can keep yourself away from the pole.”

  She threw a pillow at me/ I blocked it sending it to the floor. “Asshole.”

  I laughed at the crack whore. “Just get your shit ready. I'm taking you to the bus terminal myself. But, we're gonna make a little pit stop first...”

  She squinted at me, curious at the sudden change of plan. This bitch didn't need to know any more. These plans were delicate. Everything had to go exactly the way I needed it to. A jumpy bitch would be just the thing that could fuck it up.

  “Where are we going?” she wondered.

  “Don't worry about it, it's nothing that concerns you. Just be ready to leave when I tell you to. And pack light. You can buy all new shit when you get there.”

  I left her to soak in my instructions, heading to meet up with my team.


  The small group of men had broken off from the main body of brothers and clung around themselves by the old soda machine in the corner of the garage. Clink had managed to gather them all since I had left him earlier. I hoped he had enough time to fill them all in on the details. Butch, Tiny, and Blue each nodded to me as I joined them, settling against a steel beam.

  Butch spoke out first, “We all set brother? What time do we ride?” Clink had obviously brought them all up to speed.

  “We're all good. We leave at six sharp. I need to talk to pops first.”

  Butch nodded, visible relief spreading across his dark eyes. “Blue, think you can put your dick away long enough to get the cage gassed up?”

  The prospect stood tall. “Anything you need, boss.”

  “Well?” I spoke to him. “Get your ass moving and don't make anymore pussy detours.”

  He bolted away from us, eager to redeem himself.

  With the prospect gone on his assignment, the four of us were left to hammer out the details. Vicky would be riding with Blue in the cage, following the rest of us as we “escorted” her to the bus terminal. That was the official plan, the one pops would know and have no reason to squash. Unofficially, we would be on a recon mission, out to take back what was ours.

  Clink and Butch stalked off to prep their bikes and arm themselves. We would definitely be outnumbered, and outgunned but we had the element of surprise on our side. Tiny hung back, the two of us finally having a chance to talk since I he left the hospital lobby yesterday morning. He looked beat, worn, raw. This was weighing heavily on all of us, and the sooner we could put an end to it, the better... for all of us.

  “How's Marie handling this?” I asked my brother half-heartedly, while slipping my hands uncomfortably into my pockets. Tiny's mom was always a critic of mine. Everything about me, my life, my family... was everything she despised. Still, the woman must be torn to shreds by this. Lil's was the only person to stand by Marie and put up with her dysfunctional shit.

  Tiny shrugged, inhaling deeply to recoup himself from the wear. “Just about how you would expect, bro.... I had to practically restrain her from calling the cops. I left Leo to keep an eye on her. Man, if we don't find her soon, there's no telling what my ma will do.”

  Hmmm... our plan was a bit shaky and there might actually be a way for Marie to inadvertently help this out. I ran my thumb over my chin, trying to piece it together. It could work, it could help. It killed me to have to rely on outsiders for help, but Lil's safet
y was more important than my pride at this point.

  “I say we let your ma have at it then. When I give the word, we have Leo let her call in a tip. Let's see if the pigs can muck things up a little bit and give us a diversion when we need it.” Tiny nodded, following my train of thought. “You alright; bro? You good with what we're doing here?”

  He had always been a wingman, a follower, trusting my judgment. But it had never had to do with matters so personal and close to him before. “I'm good, Jay... we do this, then we do it together.”

  I grabbed the big guy and pulled him in. He was my brother, in every sense of the word. We may not have the same DNA, but he and Lil's did, and that was close enough for me. We patted each other hard. “We're gonna get her back, Tiny, I swear it.”

  A loud voice called in our direction, interrupting our bro moment. “What the fuck is this? You two need a room?” My pops was walking up fast, barely giving us enough time to step back from each other awkwardly and throw in some macho coughing and grunting.

  Tiny nodded over to Vince and then me, “I'll get my shit straightened out and check in with Sunny.” His girl was busy with ma taking care of some of the small kids, and had been asking for Tiny for hours. We all thought it best that she stay here and not go to Marie's with her man. Marie wasn't a fan of Sunny's. Some of the names she had called her would make even Butch cringe, and he was the most used to her hateful venom.

  Pops pulled up a seat near me and sat wide, dragging from his smoke. “You ready for tonight, son? I'm taking you and Dewey with me. I want to be there before them, scout the place... make sure it's not an ambush, you know?”

  I reached out for the cigarette and he handed it to me casually. I took a deep drag. I hadn't smoked a cig in years. Lil's had hated it, so I gave it up for her and never really picked it back up again after. But today, I needed anything that would help calm my nerves. I handed the shrinking smoke back to pops and blew out the airy vapors slowly, imagining some of the stress escaping with it.

  “Yeah... I'm ready. I'm gonna take a ride first and drop off the stripper at the bus. Send her on her way before Lil's gets back here. I don't need another beat down on my hands, you know?”

  Pops nodded, breathing in his nicotine and squinting his eyes at me. “Good thinking. Your ma's been bitching at me ever since you brought that chick back here yesterday. Doesn't like the idea of a whore mixing in with the ol' ladies and kids.” He blew rings of smoke in front of him. “She'll be happy the bitch is gone. Take a ride out to the main factory and make sure all the inventory's been cleared out on your way back since you're gonna pass it. These fuckers may be getting our businesses in name only but they sure as hell don't need them fully stocked.”

  He threw the butt on the ground and let it burn itself out before standing and placing his outstretched hand on my shoulder. “You get that shit done fast and then meet me at the park at nine.” I nodded showing my obedience. He squeezed my shoulder before releasing it and leaving me to myself.

  “INCOMING!!” A loud deep baritone voice called out into the yard. I instinctively pulled my piece from its holster around my back and held it firm, disengaging the safety. A yellow cab slowly pulled into the main drive and crept up, stopping in front of the office door. The driver looked spooked, wary of the situation he had just driven into, eyes delving around at the many men approaching.

  The rear passenger door opened and a pretty little thing in nurse's scrubs climbed out, briefly leaning over to the driver window. He barely cracked the glass enough to take the folded green bills the chick handed him before throwing his car into reverse and spinning the tires, hightailing it out of there.

  The girl looked around at several of the men closing in on her. A hot little thing like this has no business around these bikers, or in a place like this. She spots me eying her, sizing her up and heads toward me, her light brown hair flapping around her shoulders. I place my arm behind me, concealing my gun behind my thigh until I'm sure it's not needed.

  “Something I can help you with? You lost?” I call out to her. Her blue eyes have a sparkle to them, a shine not usually seen around these parts. Most women who wander into these buildings looking for a good time have an emptiness to their eyes, as if accepting the way of things. But, I recognize the gleam somehow. My baby has that same vitality to her own gaze. It's a look of innocence. I tuck my gun back into its home and meet her halfway.

  She's about 5'6, taller than Lil's and looks to be older, too. “Um... hi. My car is here for repairs. I was told it would be ready to pick up today...” She eyes the men hovering in the background.

  Fuck. With all the commotion around here these last few days, the boys haven't been able to turn around the repairs as fast as we needed to.

  I run my hand through my hair. Where the hell is ma when I need her? I don't have the time to deal with customers. “Sorry, darlin'... shop's been closed down for some family stuff. Let me have someone check on your car. What's the name?”

  The girl exhales deeply, unhappy with the news. “It's Charlotte, people call me Charlie, though. My Jeep was having some tranny issues. I dropped it off last week.”

  We had more than ten cars in the garage right now, but I knew the one she was talking about. It needed an overhaul. I don't even need to pull the paperwork on it, I knew it was still on the lift with the undercarriage half taken apart.

  “Yeah... I know it. Sorry, but it's not going anywhere for at least another two days.”

  Disappointment shrouded her. She took out her phone and checked the screen. “Oh crap... I've got to be at the hospital in thirty minutes. My shift starts at five and my cab just left...”

  A sturdy hand falls on my back. “Anything I can help you with, boss?” Clink was edging himself into the space in front of the girl. I roll my eyes. Can these guys just fuckin' cool it for one goddamned day? First Blue, and now Clink. He was practically drooling, eye fucking his way over this chick.

  Clink had always been a favorite with the ladies. He had tried to settle down a little bit some years back. He knocked up some club mama and tried to do right by her, making her his ol 'lady. It didn't last long, though. Beth grew tired of the man whoring, packed her shit up and took their little boy to live in Myrtle Beach. Since then, Clink has been like a perpetual dog in heat.

  He held out his hand to Charlie. “Hi there, gorgeous. They call me Clink. Been working on your ride, personally. It's almost done but I can't have it done in time to get you to work.” His exaggerated southern drawl spread over his lies. Clink hasn't handled a repair in over a year.

  Charlie batted her eyes at him, falling for it hook, line, and sinker. “Ohh. Maybe you could give me a ride then, you know, to make up for the inconvenience?”

  Clink took the invitation, placing his hand on her elbow and leading her over toward the long row of bikes lined up in the lot. “Well, sweetheart... I think we can work somethin' out.” His hand sunk lower onto her back as she turned and followed his lead.

  “Don't worry Jay. I'll be back in plenty of time to handle that shit later,” he called out over his shoulder.

  Clink's bike was one of the biggest, a beast of a machine. I watched as the girl paused when they approached it, probably rethinking her solution. Clink took his helmet and placed it on her head, strapping it over her with his hands lingering longer than they needed to. No way has this chick ever ridden on the back of a bike.... she didn't have the look. Clink pulled her arms around himself and she settled behind him. I'm pretty sure the only nurses he's ever been with were wearing stripper costumes, he was clearly looking to score with the real thing. Fucker better make it quick.. I don't have time for this shit.



  “I'm not getting on that thing.”

  Crap. Here we go again. I stalk over to Lil's, pouting at me with her arms crossed over her barely covered tits. “Baby... it's not a big deal. Think of it like my bike. Just get on behind me and hold tight.”

  She shakes h
er head at me defiantly. “Nope. I'll stay on the beach. You go and I'll watch from here.”

  She looks so fucking hot right now, her skimpy little bikini barely able to hold in her curves. I pull her arms out and gently slide them into the holes in the life preserver. “Lil's. Trust me. It'll be fun, I promise. If you don't like it, I swear I'll turn around and we'll come back to shore.” I snap the buckles closed tight and pull on the straps making them snug. She looks unsure.

  I pull her in close and rest my hands over her ass. “Baby... this whole weekend is about trying new things. Why stop now?” She blushes and widens her gorgeous eyes at me. I move my thumb, gently tracing over the fabric of her swimsuit, coaxing her. “I haven't steered you wrong yet. I've got plenty more things to show you later, too.”

  Her eyes soften, and I know I've won. I take her hands in mine and tug lightly willing her to follow me as we wade into the salty water toward the jet ski. We've spent the whole day on the beach, laying out, swimming, napping under the sun. My girl's body is perfection and I've gotten to spread lotion over her fine skin more than once today, imagining myself peeling her suit off and rubbing the rest of her body.

  She holds on tight as we race off into the waves, screaming her excitement into the splashes. I make a couple of sharp turns and large circles forcing her to hang on tighter, balancing herself to the changing directions. These last few weeks have been crazy stressful for her, for me. Tiny almost snuffing out has been a lot to deal with, and it's taken a toll on Lil's. She's always been a fighter, having to muddle through some tough shit with her parents growing up. But, Lil's has me now. She can lean on me, let me carry her through the tough times. This weekend is a perfect opportunity for me to do that, keep her mind off Tiny's shooting, her pop's prison stint and the bullshit with her ma.

  We speed around enjoying ourselves in the water, finally returning to the beach after we explored the stretch of coastline around us.


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