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A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2)

Page 11

by Oakes, Tara

  “One hundred large, just as we agreed. All yours, free and clear.” She eyed me suspiciously, waiting for the hook. There was obviously a hook. “But.....” I grabbed the bag, zipping it closed as I threw it into Blue's unexpecting arms. “First you're gonna do us a little favor.”

  Vicky set back on her heels and crossed her arms in defiance. No matter. I didn't need for her to like the assignment. I just needed her to do it. She was biting her lip, anxiously awaiting the details. I didn't keep her hanging long. “You're gonna go knock on the door of the house down the road and ask to see Shade.”

  Fear filled her eyes, her pupils engorging as her head shook back forth involuntarily. “The hell I am! He'll KILL me!”

  I pulled my piece out and engaged the barrel, with a loud 'click', her eyes blinking hard at the sound. “The hell you ARE! He's not going to kill you. He has no idea you flipped on him, we made sure of it. You're gonna ask to see him and keep him busy. Distract him while we get something he stole from us. We'll come get you out of there when it's time.” Her head was still shaking itself back and forth, as if it fucking mattered any. “You don't do it, and I will kill you... are those really odds you feel comfortable betting on?”

  She had her sights pinned on me, moving between my eyes and my gun. “You son of a bitch!”

  I smirked, lowering my gun down and walked past her. “Yeah... I'll tell ma you said hi.”

  It took us some time to make our way through the brush, toward the house. The lights shining through the old windows were like beacons helping us to hone in on our target. Clink and I took up the helm with Vicky in the middle of the group. I may hold her life in my hands until she earns her pardon, but I sure as hell didn't want her to be taken out needlessly if we were ambushed.

  Tiny and Butch brought up the rear, with Blue waiting in the van. As soon as he got the call, he would come speeding down the road to pick us up when we had collected what we came for. We were no more than a hundred yards from the house, hiding behind a small mound of earth.

  I nodded at Tiny and whispered, “Send the text to Leo.” He whipped out his phone and hit the send button on the screen. The text had already been prepared and Leo was given his instructions.

  I motioned to Vicki and pointed the gun at her. “Time to make a house call, darlin'.” I could see the dread in her. “And don't think of pulling any shit. Tiny and Butch here are going to have the night scopes set on you the whole time. If it even looks like you're trying to cross me, their assault rifles are going to do a hell of a lot of damage.” I lowered my tone. “Just do as we told you, and I promise you'll walk away from this unharmed and one rich woman.”

  As soon as the message was received on Leo's end, he would let Marie call the cops with a tip that Lil's had been abducted and was being held against her will over at Hyde Park. The police would have the whole place on lock down discouraging Pop from going through with the meeting. Word would get back to Shade eventually and he would abort the meeting from his end, too... if he was still alive by then. I had plans for that motherfucker.



  My eyes flew open at the sudden creaking noises. I didn't intend to fall asleep, I had just wanted to rest my eyes a bit. It had been quiet and dark... too much temptation not to close my heavy eyelids. But now the emptiness was filled with shuffling, heavy steps, and loud voices.

  The door to my room flew open hard enough to rebound against the sheetrock behind it. Shade stomped his way through, the anger palpable on him. I hadn't laid eyes on him since Emily was killed, however long ago that was. I could feel my blood boiling, the pressure in my veins increasing as I looked at this evil man, this killer.

  “You bitch!” he spat. “I don't know how your ol' man did it, but he's gone and fucked around in my business one too many times.” He pulled an old looking gun from inside his leather cut and aimed at me. The light from the hall flooded most of the darkness around me. His aim didn't even need to be spot on to reach me, with him being so close. I instinctively held my arms around my midsection offering whatever bit of protection and barrier I could to the baby.

  Chris came running behind Shade. “No!” He called out deeply as he stepped in between us. “There's no time for this Prez. We don't know how much the cops know.” I swallowed hard and thanked God right there and then. I was certain I was staring at death, the same death that Em had looked into, seeing no escape.

  Shade barely moved. Chris was standing directly in front of me, shielding me with his body but Shade didn't even waiver his grip on the gun. Would he really shoot his own man just to have a clear shot at me next?

  A voice cleared itself. I struggled to see over Chris's shoulder at the newest member of our group. The disgusting man who had backhanded me several weeks ago had entered the room. He looked exactly, and I mean exactly the same. I doubt he bathed once since I saw him last.

  “Shade.... that stripper you fuck is downstairs. She said she heard from Tom that we were here and she needs to see you. Something about the cops breaking down her door and searching her place for you.”

  Shades lip curled in a scowl. He lowered his gun. “That fucking whore just won't disappear, will she?” He looked at Chris. “You stay here and keep an eye on her. I'll take care of this and then I'm coming back to take care of her. And you, too, you little dipshit if you get in my way again.” He angled himself toward the door frame. “Stay with them both until I get back,” he ordered Crotch.

  He left the three of us. I relaxed ever so slightly. I was out of immediate danger, for now at least. Chris took the protection of his body away as he stepped toward Crotch. “Brother... you know this is getting out of hand....”

  Crotch moved his hand to his belt, no doubt reaching for his gun. The old fuck was out of shape and out of practice though, because no sooner had he moved the leather aside to access the cold hard steel had Chris unsheathed a horrible looking hunting knife and used the heavy handle to hit the top of Crotch’s head, hard. He fought off his brother's advances for a bit before the effort was too great and he collapsed down to the floor slowly as Chris guided his way.

  I began to hyperventilate. My lungs constricting and spasming, searching for air. I was not sorry to see that man put down but I had seen too much death and violence first hand.

  Chris looked up furiously at me, “Go! Get out of here. I'll be right behind you.”

  I somehow found enough oxygen to get my muscles moving, running through the door and down the hallway. I took the stairs two at a time, rushing down closer to my freedom... or my end. I reached the bottom landing and heard a loud gunshot fill the house. I instinctively crouched down and covered my head, crawling through the first door I could find. My ears were ringing loudly and I had lost all sense of hearing. My balance was shifting and I began to feel woozy. The room I found myself in was empty, but for the couch on the far side of the wall and the dead body in the middle of the room. Another body. Another puddle of blood spreading its way toward me. There was a gun lying in the growing pool of crimson liquid on the wooden planks not far from me. No doubt dropped in haste after its fatal shot.

  The house erupted in gunfire, shots ringing from all directions it seemed. I crouched low and grabbed the gun, making my way to the corner near the sofa, wedging myself tightly in the small space. I had never held a gun before. I had seen it done more times than I could even fathom but had never actually held one before. I braced myself, holding the gun in front of me, my hands shaking so badly that the metal of the gun rattled. There were two doors to this room, and I could see both of them from my hiding spot. My eyes darted back and forth between them with razor sharpness as I held the gun at the ready, ready for whatever came my way.



  We were watching the house, looking through the windows as Vicky made her way in through the front door. The prospect the was standing guard must have recognized her and he disappeared for a few minutes into the interior of the home, pr
obably getting permission to let her inside. This was our chance... our opportunity to make our way down the drive and against the house. We took it, seizing the few free moments to clear the yard undetected.

  Clink and Butch disappeared around back toward the rear door, sealing off the exits. Tiny and I crouched low against the foundation, out of sight of the prospect as he came back to let Vicki pass after thoroughly patting her down. I had my phone on vibrate, waiting for the alert from Clink that they were ready. We would enter simultaneously. Tiny and Clink had silencer attachments on their pieces. Hopefully it would give us the small amount of undetected headway we needed to get past the footmen and into the house, catching the rest of the men by surprise.

  The kevlar vest I wore under my shirt slowed me down a bit, but I could make it inside in less than a minute if I had to. Tiny aimed his gun, setting it on the prospect. Before the signal could be given, a loud gunshot rang out inside. The prospect pulled out his own gun and searched around, on high alert.

  SHIT! Tiny lost his aim on the now moving target and our shots missed him as he ducked for cover. I stood and made my way into the house, Tiny offering me cover by shooting in the direction the prospect was last seen.

  Shots rang out from the rear of the house and Clink and Butch joined in the assault. Two men shot round after round at us before slipping out a side door into the night. The roaring of Harleys alerted us of their hasty exit. I made my way through the main hall and nearly shot Clink as he came the opposite way. I nodded to him and shot my glance up the stairs. He followed my command without hesitation as he and Butch took the steps to secure the second story.

  Loud screeching from outside the still-opened door sounded. Tiny called out to me as I ventured further away from him, “Blue's out front, man!”... followed by several gunshots outside.

  I pushed door after door open, searching inside.

  “LIL'S! LIL'S! Where are you baby?” A closet door on the far side of the hallway swung open and I aimed my sights on it. Vicki crawled out. I exhaled my disappointment.

  She looked up at me, at the gun in my hands pointed at her.

  “Get the fuck outside!” I hissed at her. Tiny was standing guard at the entrance offering her cover as she held her head and ran through it. “LIL'S! BABY...CALL OUT SO I CAN FIND YOU!”

  There was a rustling sound through one of the open doorways.

  “Jay?!? I'm in here!”

  My heart stopped, and my eyes closed briefly. Thank God! I lowered my gun slightly and rounded the corner through the opening. Lil's was crouched in a corner shaking uncontrollably. She held onto a gun, her hands covered in red. Her eyes were alert, searching over me, wandering feverishly.

  I held my hands up in surrender, using the softest tones I could find. “Baby... it's OK, Lil's. It's over. I'm here.”

  I slipped my gun back into my waistband slowly and took a step in her direction. “Put the gun down, baby... gently.”

  Tears welled in her swelling eyes. She threw the gun harder than I would have liked, behind her and under the sofa as she sprang up and burst into my arms. I held her tight drawing her in as close as possible, she held tighter. She sobbed haltingly into my chest as I smoothed her hair with my hand and kissed her head, shushing her. I rubbed over her body feeling my way, searching for injuries. I couldn't find any.

  I lifted her chin to see her. She had deep circles around her bloodshot eyes and looked sickly pale. I reached around my waist and freed myself from her grip, holding her hands in mine. “Lil's... where did this blood come from?”

  She opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. Her body visibly deflated and her eyes darted past to the floor behind me. I turned slowly, still holding on to her. Shade's body was limp on the ground, contorted from falling. The blood had stopped flowing, and was now stagnant around his dead body.

  “Christ.” I closed my eyes and pulled Lil's into my embrace again.

  Her sobbing had now subsided and she was eerily quiet, just holding on to me as I gently rocked her.

  Butch entered the room fast, startling Lil's as she instinctively moved to hide behind me. I held my hand out to him, stopping him in his tracks. He looked down at the corpse between us, and up again. Putting his gun away, he held his open arms out to his daughter. She swallowed a sob and left my side for him, letting him hold her.

  I took several deep breaths, assessing the situation. Tiny was watching from the doorway, anxious to get to his sister, I'm sure, but holding himself back. I reached him and pulled him outside out of hearing distance.

  “How many others did we take out?” I asked.

  He kept his eyes on Lil's, seeing right through me but answering nonetheless. “None. Blue shot at the prospect but he got away. A bunch of others took off on their bikes.

  Clink came upon us. “There's one out cold upstairs. Looks like he was pistol whipped. We locked him in a room in case he wakes up.”

  My eyes widened at the news. Why would they have knocked out one of their own men? I shelved it for now. Blue came barreling in.

  “We gotta bail, Jay. Leo just called. Scanners picked up a 911 call about a gunfight.” He slapped the doorframe for emphasis. “We gotta bounce, NOW!”

  I nodded and headed back to Lil's, peeling her from Butch. “Lil's we gotta go baby, it's not safe here.” She started to tremble as I said the words. I looked at Butch briefly before scooping her up and carrying her almost-limp frame out the door, down the steps and placing her in the back of the van. I turned to Blue as all the boys filed in and shut the sliding door behind them.

  “Where's the whore?” I asked.

  He answered me as he opened the driver's door and climbed in, turning the ignition. “She split. Took the cash and ran like hell.”

  I climbed in myself and we sped away from the crime scene, tires fishtailing in the dirt as we drove. I looked back over my shoulder into the body of the van. Butch was holding Lil's as she clung to him, staring blankly.

  Tiny was smoothing her arm, offering his sister the little bit of comfort that he could. “I think she's in shock Jay. She needs a doctor.”

  Blue chimed in from the driver's seat as he navigated us back to our bikes. “You think that's a good idea right now? I mean, that's gonna open up a shit ton of questions.”

  I stared hard at him. “Maybe when you get a patch, you'll have a fucking say. For now, drive the god damned van and shut your fucking mouth.”

  “I think I have an idea,” Clink volunteered.



  My feet hurt, my back hurts, my head hurts. My job may not be as physical as most, but it never failed to leave me feeling beat up at the end of a shift. I entered my employee ID number into the screen and clocked out for the night. It was nearing three-thirty in the morning. Most people were asleep, all tucked in and warm in their beds. I was wired, running on the intense amount of caffeine that helped me get through the last leg of my shift.

  I grabbed my bag from the locker room and passed by the security desk on my way to the exit. There were always one or two cabs waiting out front, to offer paid rides to patients, visitors and staff.

  “G'night Pete!” I called out as I rummaged through my purse for my wallet to pay the cabbie.

  “Hey, Charlie, another tough day?”

  I nodded casually to the balding middle aged man smiling at me. “Hey, some guy came in here asking if you'd left yet? Said he's your ride...”

  My stomach dropped. Clink. I hadn't exactly forgotten about our run in earlier, I mean, how could I? I just didn't exactly put any stock into seeing him again. Especially so soon. People say things they don't mean all the time. “I'll call you”, “It's not you, it's me.” “You deserve better than me”.... I had just added Clink's statements to the pile.

  The automatic doors parted, and the artificial fluorescent lights began to fade behind me. There were crickets chirping nearby, but, otherwise it was quiet. The biker was leaning against his parked Harley, his ankle
s crossed, and he was fiddling with his phone. As I approached, he pocketed the device and watched me strut toward him.

  “I distinctly recall telling you to meet me out back,” the bad boy stated.

  I huffed. “Well, hello, to you too.”

  He wasn't amused. In fact, he seemed to be deep in thought, biting his cheek. “Are you a good nurse?”

  I squinted at him. Was he high right now? “Huh?”

  He uncrossed his ankles and stepped in front of me.

  “I asked... are you good at what you do?”

  It was a loaded question, really. If I said yes, then I'm full of myself and bragging. If I said no, then I'm passing myself off as some two bit bedpan emptying, pencil pusher. I decided to be honest.

  “I'm damn good at what I do.”

  He nodded, taking it in, adding it to the scenario he was obviously mulling over.

  “OK then,” He handed me a he;met. “Get on.”


  It was my lucky day, err... night. Clink brought me back to the auto shop that doubled as the clubhouse for the Kingsmen M.C.. I had been trying to get in here for weeks and now I was officially being invited by a full patched member of the inner circle. The auto repair front was long-closed at this time of night, err... day, but the parking area was full of cars and bikes.

  We pulled in alongside the long line of Harleys and Clink cut the engine. Several people were nearby and watched as I awkwardly took myself from the seat and stood next to the bike, waiting for Clink. I looked around, taking in the surroundings. This place had a whole different vibe in the dark. I felt warmth in my hand and as I turned to investigate, I found Clink's hand over mine, willing me to follow his lead.

  There were plenty of men scattered around, dressed like my companion and roaming their eyes hungrily over my body. I wasn't dressed nearly as provocatively, well, trampy if I'm gonna be blunt, as these women. I was wearing my drawstring scrub pants and a tight tank top that I used for layering under my uniform at work, where the bitchy menopausal women dominated the thermostat trying to deal with their hot flashes.


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