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A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2)

Page 14

by Oakes, Tara

  T and Sarah had just had their second baby a little less than a month ago. Thanks to Jean I was filled in on the baby's name and gender. “I heard! Congratulations Poppa! So does Alex look like his dad or what?”

  T grinned. “Nah... Thank the good lord! They both take after their mom in that department. I'd bring him in to meet you but Sarah's off changing his clothes. He somehow wound up with stickers all over his onesie...”

  All of our eyes shot over to Ava. She looked like she had just been caught trying to pillage the cookie jar.

  “No you didn't...” I half laughed at the little girl who was very slowly sliding out of her chair. She smirked back at us and took off running.

  “Good to see you, Lil's... I gotta go catch that one before she gets herself into even more trouble.”

  Ma called out to the back of T's cut as he headed off to find his little menace of a daughter. “Could be worse T... she could have done it to your bike again!”

  We cracked up, laughing our way through the rest of our lunch. It felt good to let loose, have fun at someone else's expense. Things were too serious lately... it was nice to have a distraction, even if just for a few moments.

  Our laughter faded and we sat silent. Ma reached her hand over to cover mine and squeezed lovingly. We didn't need words right now. There was nothing really to say. It meant more than any attempt at small talk, just to be near each other. To be around family.

  I inhaled deep. “Thanks for the lunch, ma.”

  She patted my hand and nodded, reaching for my plate and clearing away the remnants of our meal. The clinking and clattering of dishes in the large metal sink gave new life to the recently quieted room. Jean began humming her little song again and sashaying her hips around while rinsing the plates clean.

  I appreciated everything about this woman. She was a great mom, friend, caretaker, and I just knew she was going to be a kick-ass grandma.


  I was able to help ma clear the dishes, even with her protests. Why the fuck was everyone treating me like I'm a goddamned piece of fine china that they're afraid will break into a thousand pieces? It's starting to really piss me off. I'm not some delicate little wallflower who was afraid of life. I finished drying the pan and peck ma on the cheek, throwing my dish towel onto the nearest counter.

  “Thanks again, ma... I'm gonna go take a shower.” She eyed me curiously but silently agreed. Damn! There it is again. That look of pity. This is getting a little out of hand. I've seen some really terrible shit happen to the people in this club, this family. The pity thing doesn't fly too well with them and it's not sitting well with me either. I need to get a grip.

  Jay's room wasn't far from the kitchen and I'm able to make it there without anymore pathetic interactions with sympathizers. Closing the door behind me, I rest on it as it clicks into place. Deep breaths flow in and out of my lungs as I contemplate the situation. Some bad shit went down. Some people were hurt, lost. Good and bad... but it happened. I can't change it. I can only change how it affects me and the people I love. I've hurt these people too many times before with my impulsivity and stupidity. No more. I need to be better than this. I need to be the woman that Jay needs, my family needs. My baby will need.

  The bathroom here is nothing compared to the luxurious little retreat that Jay created for me back at his house, but it fulfilled the basic needs required. Hot water, soap, and some privacy were all I needed right now. I stood in the tiny stall and soaked myself under the falling rain. The steam helped to clear my thinking a bit.

  This is it.. I would give myself these few minutes to wallow in this shit and then put it behind me. Be done with it for now. I had seen Jay do this countless times before. Something happens, it rattles him and then he takes off for a while to deal with it. When he comes back, he's like a new person... he doesn't let let it get the best of him. If he can do it, I can sure as hell do it.

  The cascading water falls over me, mixing with the tears I purposely let out. I was finally letting go of this ugliness inside. I was releasing my grief and sorrow for Emily, my hatred of Shade, and my anger at myself for being the impetus for this whole situation. The sobs flowed from deep within making their exit and leaving behind a blank space that can now be filled with the important things that I can do from here on in. I was a kid when I first fell in love with Jay. Nobody expected too much from a kid, but she is long gone now.

  The warm stream of salty wetness from my eyes slowed, eventually giving way to a clarity I had never felt before. A weight was gone from my shoulders and the clenching knot in my stomach released. I lathered up and scrubbed away all reminders of the last few days. This was a fresh start, a new beginning. I was cleansing my soul. I had allowed myself a minute to wallow in this, feeling fragile and vulnerable, but no more. It kind of feels like a rebirth, a salvaging from the ruin.



  Well, no one ever claimed the Kingsmen were anything but blunt. There was no use in wasting any time or energy tying to make light of a situation that was clearly one giant clusterfuck. I reclined back into the hard wooden chair below me as we sorted through the facts.

  “Nothing.... I got nothing,” Dewey lets out, clearly exasperated.

  Pop shakes his head in disbelief. “How the fuck is that even possible? We spend at least ten large a month! Every fucking month! How is it that we don't have an inside track at what the fuck is goin' on here?!”

  The boys looked at each other nervously, just as any employee would feel when the boss came down hard. We were a family, but the MC was also run like a business. We brought in enough to support ourselves and live pretty comfortably. That type of business has a lot of overhead... money we spend on the regular to ensure that we can stay “in business”. Not only did we not get a heads up that our clubhouse was about to be visited by Flattery and his men, but now there wasn't even a peep as to why they were honing in on Lil's. We had expected a few questions, thanks in part to Marie's little 911 tip last night. But no way was an hour-long interrogation in the realm of normal for a false tip on a missing person and a mixup with an abandoned car.

  “It's not coming from local departments... it can't be. That's the only explanation,” Clink deduced.

  Pop rested his elbows on the aged dark wood. He thumbed his chin, rubbing the skin harshly while contemplating the possibility. He seemed to be resigning himself to Clink's position.

  “I want Leo on this. He does whatever hot shot computer shit it is that he does all day, but I want to know what they have on us, on Lil's. I want to know every fucking detail!”

  He slammed his fist down hard on the table surface.

  “And under NO circumstances do I want that prick in my clubhouse again!” Pop stood up fast and hard pushing his chair back with tremendous force into the corner of the room where it ricocheted against the wall and splintered into several large pieces. Pop looked at the debris, it seemed to only fuel his anger. “And get me another fucking chair!”


  I have a damn headache. The buzz I was getting from the beers has long since worn off. When it rains, it fucking pours. Since all this shit started with Shade, it's been a nonstop sucking typhoon.

  “Hey, baby.. I've been looking for you.”

  I look up, breaking from my trance-like state. Lil's stands in the doorway, leaning against the thick frame. God... just looking at this woman melts away the shit weighing on my brain. She looks fresh, alert and, fuck me, she actually has a smile on her lips.

  The meeting pretty much ended when Pops stormed off. I stayed behind, sitting in the quiet trying to work through this and come up with some sort of explanation. The burden was heavy but it wasn't one I wanted to share with my girl. I pull my chair out from the table just enough and patted my knee. “C'mere baby.”

  Her lips twitched into a grin and she sauntered over. Rather than taking the open invitation to sit on my thigh, she throws her leg over me and smiles like a seductress as she lowers herself slo
wly, straddling me. I grab out to hold her ass and guide it the rest of the way down. I watch her closely as she settles in and closes her eyes in satisfaction when she hits the bottom. We may have a couple layers of clothes between us, but this is the closest I've been to my baby in days. I can tell from the appeasement that just washed over her face that she feels it, too. Like a honing beacon calling her home, my cock was beckoning to her.

  She slips her arms around my neck and we look into each other. Past each others eyes, and deep into each other. Our breathing comes in tune with the other's, and we just stay still.. taking this moment for all it's worth.

  I moan my satisfaction at having her close. “You good, baby girl?”

  Lil's lets out a high pitched giggle. “I'm good, Jay. I'm... good.” She lowers her lips, sweeping them over mine softly, but I want more. I held her into me, unwilling to part lips from hers. She feels so good, so fucking good right now. I growl deep at the need ripping at my insides.

  She tears her moist lips apart from my mouth.

  “Baby...” she almost pleads. “Take me for a ride...”

  I push her hips deep into me and knead her ass hard. “I'll take you for a ride...”

  She swats at me half-heartedly. I raise my eyebrows high. 'What?..'

  “Baby... I need to get out of here.. get some fresh air. Let's take a ride.”

  Oh. That kind of ride. I let out my disappointment. She sees it dripping off of me.

  “Jay..” She kisses my right cheek. “Let's go..” She kisses my left cheek. “And I'll make it worth your while..” She plants her next kiss on my aching lips.

  I give in to her, hell... I'll always give in to my sweet as sin little vixen. I slap her ass hard, thanking her for the little cock tease. She yelpd at the impact, jumping up and crashing down on my engorged dick. I cower at the cruel crushing sensation and move to shift her before permanent damage is done. She laughs nervously at my reaction. “Oh baby.... I'm sorry.”

  I squint my eyes jokingly at her. “Alright... let's go... I just need to grab some things and I'll meet you outside.

  I waited until Lil's cleared out before working the dial on the safe and withdrawing the small box I had placed there for safe keeping about a week earlier, and slipped it into my inside pocket.

  Lil's was waiting for me by my bike, taking in the late afternoon sun. The dulling rays shone from her raven hair swinging loose around her shoulders. She was breathtaking. Just watching her, observing her from afar was enough to bring me to my knees.

  She turns slightly, basking in the sun and catches me spying on her. I clear my throat, if only for my own sense of recovery as Lil's is too far away to hear. I walk on an angle away from the bikes and toward my truck. Lil's watches with curiosity, but does not budge.

  I whistle a loud cat call to her and wave her over. She tilts her head in confusion, wondering what I'm up to no doubt.

  “Lil's we're taking the cage....” I explain to her and unlock the doors with my remote before climbing in.

  She stands in silent defiance. I see her from the rear-view mirror. I smile to myself. My feisty little baby was back. Thank God. I honk the horn and watch as she looks around to see who else is observing the spectacle. She huffs over to the truck planting herself outside my door. I pretend not to notice her standing on the outside of the glass until she knocks her knuckles against it impatiently. It's like taking candy from a baby.

  I lower the window. She pops her hip out and rests her hand on it, her face flushed. I shrug my shoulders, innocently.

  “You know the rules, baby...” I watch her eyebrows pinch together. “I point my finger toward her flat middle. “You got a bun in the oven?... Not a chance in hell I'm putting you on a bike.”

  She looked aghast. “That's so sexist!”

  I nodded. “Yup. And....?”

  Her cheeks might have been blushing before but they were now reddening from anger.

  “Oh don't try to be mad at me. You know I'm right.” Her lower lip was twitching. “I'll let you listen to your girlie music, just get the fuck in before I get out and toss you in here myself.”

  I can see her weighing her options. She finally decides to obey me and takes her time walking around to the passenger door. I lean over and open it for her, and she climbs herself up. I can't help the overwhelming sense of triumph.

  Lil's immediately pulls her phone out and hooks it into the stereo, searching and scrolling through her playlists. Lil's uses her controls to lower all of the windows, as I drive us in the direction of the gate.

  Before we even clear the compound, with plenty of brothers hanging around, music starts pumping out of my speakers at an absurdly loud setting. “Oh Baby Baby...”

  FUCK NO! I shoot daggers at Lil's, smiling like a hyena while singing along to Britney Spears. My mouth drops, but I close it quickly not wanting to clue her in to my obvious discomfort. My self-restraint only serves to fuel her spite. Well played....



  I haven't listened to Britney Spears since before the whole shaved-head incident. But.. desperate times call for desperate measures. If Jay wants to fluff out his mane and get all “king of the jungle” on me, then the least I can do is provide a little mortification in return. Thank God the song was over quickly and the iphone had moved on to the next one.

  I slip my shoes off and fumble for the buttons below my seat to move it back enough for me to stretch my legs out comfortably. The windows were still open bringing in a nice breeze. I close my eyes and breathe it in, the sweetness of the budding flowers and tell-tale scents of summer fill me. My hand reaches out instinctively for Jay's, finding it and clasping it tight, fingers weaving together.

  The roughness of his skin feels good against my own. My granddad always said you could tell a lot about a man from his hands. Jay's were strong, weathered from years of hard work, and large enough to cover completely around my own, protecting it. His thumb trails itself along the heel of my hand, eliciting little spurts of electricity up and into the rest of me.

  “Mmmm...” I relax and enjoy the teasing of his touch.

  “I'll wake you up when we get there, baby...” he murmurs into my flesh as he raises my fingers to his lips and presses against them.

  I was tired again. Lord knows I've never needed a nap to get through the day but the temptation of a little daydreaming was too much to pass on. “Umm hmm...”

  It's funny how dreams can seem so real, so vivid. And the moment you wake they begin to fade away, leaving nothing behind but the feelings and emotions they filled you with. This one must have been a good one because I was all warm and gooey inside when the ignition turned off, breaking me from my fantasy world.

  The sun had set lower in the sky, indicating that I had missed a pretty little chunk of time while I dozed off.

  “How long was I out?” My voice sounded groggy and strained as I stretched my arms overhead, straining and releasing my muscles against themselves. “Why didn't you wake me sooner?”

  Jay tosses the keys from one hand to another. “You were tired... besides.. you were talking in your sleep... I wanted to hear it all.”

  I blushed, attempting to smooth my hair. “I was not!” Yup. I probably was. I've been told since I was a little girl that I sing like a canary in my sleep. No secret was safe... no topic too taboo.

  He laughed hard. “Baby... you talk dirty in your sleep. You told me all the things you're gonna do to me tonight..”

  My eyelids slit themselves. “No way... you're full of it.” Oh god please don't tell me I was talking about the handcuff fantasy...

  Jay leaned in across the center console and over to me. I held my breath. “I'm gonna hold you to your word, too.” Fuck. Yeah... it was something naughty alright. He reached across me and pulled on the door handle behind my hip.

  “Let's go, kinky girl. The sooner we finish up here, the sooner I get you home and into my bed.”

  Finally able to search our surroundings, I noti
ce the familiar landmarks. The high tree line, the sandy parking area set back from the main road, the well-worn path through the shrubbery. I spin around to face Jay as he exits his side of the truck. He's grinning, happy with his little surprise.

  “This is the place, isn't it? Where you brought me that night?”

  Jay nods, confirming my assessment. “Maybe this time we won't be interrupted, hmm?”

  “Oh yeah?... Catch me first.” I take off running through the windy path, making sure to avoid the large rocks scattered about. I can hear him behind me rustling against the branches but I don't dare turn around to see. He's gaining on me, I can feel it. I can start to see the thinning of trees before me as the path takes one last turn into an open area. With no further left to run I turn and wait, panting from the jog.

  He pushes his way through the last of the trees, eyes set on me like a hunter with its prey. He's beaming, knowing that he has me, closing in. I start to giggle nervously. The air cools around us as the daylight fades, offering us our very own mood lighting. I licked my lips as I watched his gorgeous form, bulging muscles, delicious body coming to claim me.

  “Nowhere left to run, Lil's.”

  A jolt of excitement runs its course through me. “Nope.”

  Jay is close enough, but saved himself the extra step or two by stretching out and grabbing onto the waist of my jeans, pulling hard with me smashing into him. His mouth lands expertly on mine, tangling deep with lips on lips, our tongues lashing at each other full of demand and urgency. I pull him in closer needing to feel every inch of him against me. There was a short time when I feared I would never feel him on me again. We fit together perfectly, like I was made to settle in under him. There was no end to his kiss. It was deep, whole and satisfying, making me believe that I had everything necessary in life right here in this very moment.

  He moved his head to escape the lock my lips have on his. “Baby.,. you're gonna miss it. Turn around.”


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