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A LIL' LESS LOST (The Kingsmen Book 2)

Page 16

by Oakes, Tara

  It was early, earlier than I usually get up after a night of drinking but I figured I might as well get on over to Butch's house and put an end to this temper tantrum of hers. That's what the plan was... until I got here and found that she wasn't.

  Butch's voice brings me back to the present.

  “I don't know where she is. Even if I did, I'm not all that sure I'd tell you, son.” Butch tries to reason with me. He's seen me angry before, I know he doesn't want this to end up how he knows it can.

  I release my clenched jaw. “No way she just up and left without telling you anything, brother.”

  He shakes his head, disagreeing with me. “Nothing but a voicemail telling me not to worry about her. She'll contact me when she gets settled.”

  Fuck! Lil's had never been one to play games before, never been one to try and mindfuck me. She's not like the majority of chicks out there. What you see is what you get... no need to try and read into things, or into mixed messages. She's a straight shooter. I doubt that this is some petty little way to make a point.

  “Forget it then! I'll fucking find her on my own!” I declare my plans.

  Butch's eyes grow cold. “The hell you are. Listen Jay... I know I'm not the best father. There are tons of things I could have done differently, better for my kids. Lil's deserved that much but I fucked up more times than I care to remember.”

  I can see the muscles in his neck, shoulders, tensing. “But this... this I'm not gonna fuck up. I may not have a whole lot to give her. But the biggest thing I can give her, do for her right now, is make sure she has a choice.”

  Butch stands and makes his way over to the line of drawers along the cabinets. He reaches into the small one on top and withdraws his gun, placing it gently on the countertop next to him and leaning back against the formica.

  “She may have been born into this shit, lived it. But it wasn't her choice. Right now... she's got one. She leaves and makes a life for herself somewhere else, starts over. Or she decides to come back and make this way of life hers. But either way, son, it's her choice to make. I'm not gonna let you get in the way of it. If that's the only thing I can give my daughter right now, then that's what I'm gonna make sure she has.”

  He picks up the gun and holds it loosely, resting it in his crossed arms.

  “We clear on that, kid?”





  Tara is a thirty-something newbie author from Long Island, New York. She's a voracious reader, a passionate writer and and obsessive junk T.V. aficionado. When she's not doing one of those three things, she is attempting to garden, hanging with her hubby or partaking in some retail therapy. She enjoys connecting with her readers and is having a blast entering into this new world of publishing.

  She loves to read the reviews her fans post... so please... don't disappoint! Feel free to leave a review on:



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  AND... Saving the best for last.... The street team:

  Tara can also be found on twitter at : @Lil_Oakes




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