Torrid Teasers Volume 21

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Torrid Teasers Volume 21 Page 2

by Michelle Marquis, Cheri Valmont

  His hands slid under her t-shirt and found her breasts, kneading them and twisting the nipples in his fingers. Jenna leaned her head back, her eyes closed as she surrendered to his passion. She let her hands explore him, touching the thick muscles of his chest and belly, and heard him pull a sharp breath as he pushed his body closer against her.

  A rustling sound disturbed the brush a few yards from them and the spell was broken. Severin looked up, placing his index finger over her lips. Every fiber of her being screamed in protest as the night cooled their passion.

  "It's not safe here,” he said. “I'd better get you back to your camp."

  Every part of her wanted to protest, to say ‘No, really, we'll be fine,’ but she knew he was right. So when he ushered her down the river to the gap in the fence, she followed him obediently.

  "Will I see you again?” he said as she slipped over to the other side.

  "Yes, but where?"

  "Tonight, in the old barn by the river. I don't think anyone is using it anymore; we should be safe there."

  * * * *

  The next morning she resolved to bury herself in her work and not see him again. She had an early breakfast and got to the labs before the rest of the scientists and worked straight through until dinner. It hadn't worked though; she had thought of nothing but him all day.

  Jenna entered the noisy cafeteria after everyone in her team had left. She hadn't come earlier because she was avoiding them. She wasn't in the mood for small talk tonight. It only made her feel lonelier. She especially wanted to avoid Bill and Jim and any awkward questions about her divorce. No woman wanted to admit she'd had to leave her husband because he was a cheater. Discussion about her ex-husband and their divorce usually made her feel unworthy somehow. Anyway, it was all over now and she desperately wanted to start a new life.

  Grabbing a cheap, plastic tray off the stack, she made her way through the food line. Cold cuts, stale bread, and brightly colored packages of chips were about all that was left. Frowning, she grabbed some slices of white bread and bologna. A feast fit of a queen, she joked to herself.

  She found a table near the back of the room, took a seat and pulled an old paperback out of her jacket pocket. She opened her book and laid it on the table next to her food tray. The cafeteria was busy but not crowded and, for a moment, she studied her fellow workers. How simple all their lives seemed from a distance.

  Looking down at her meal, she grimaced. She opened her book and was preparing to read when she felt someone standing over her. She glanced up into the face of Captain O'Bannon.

  He gave her a friendly smile. “May I join you?"

  Jenna shrugged, wishing he'd just go away. She really wanted to be by herself.

  "Sure,” she said, hoping her tone would convey her feelings.

  The captain settled into a chair across from her. He put his tray down and dug into his sandwich, wolfing down a few heaping mouthfuls. “How are you liking the planet so far?” he said, his voice muffled with food. He sipped his drink to wash it down.

  She gave him a weak smile. “It's great, but I haven't really seen much of it yet. I spent the day working."

  He leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “But not the night."

  Jenna's throat tightened. She darted her eyes around the cafeteria trying to find an excuse to leave. “What do you mean?"

  "There's a rumor going around that you weren't in your bed last night."

  "Really? I can't imagine how anyone would know that, being that I have a private room. I was probably in the bathroom."

  He smiled but his eyes stayed hard. “Probably. Besides, it's just a rumor."

  They fell into a long, tense silence. After a few moments, Jenna got up, tucked her book under her arm and picked up her tray.

  He fixed her with an iron gaze. “Jenna,” he said. “Don't make the mistake of fraternizing with the AEssyrians. They're a dangerous race and you could wind up being hurt or worse."

  Jenna gave him a stiff nod. “Thanks,” she said icily. “I'll keep that in mind."

  * * * *

  Jenna had no intention of meeting Severin that night. It was dangerous enough the captain suspected her; she didn't need to be caught in a forbidden encounter with Severin to prove him right.

  She fluffed her pillows and picked up her digital tablet off the nightstand. It glowed to life at her touch and displayed the biological profile of the planet she'd been working on. It was no great surprise that the AEssyrians had annexed this planet so many years ago. The weather and atmosphere was very similar to their own. She had never been to AEssyria, but she knew it was a dangerous, jungle planet with many unusual plants and trees. Puma, its largest moon, didn't have nearly the variety of plant life.

  Sighing, she tossed the report back onto her nightstand and turned off the light. She had to get some sleep if she was going to be of any use tomorrow. The minute she closed her eyes, a million thoughts bombarded her mind. She tried to force her brain to be quiet, but nothing seemed to work.

  Was he waiting for her?

  The night was stiflingly hot and Jenna twisted in the sheets trying to get comfortable. Worse than the heat were the relentless thoughts of her alien lover that dragged on into the hours. He's probably there right now waiting for me ... Her mind filled with steamy images of him, his scent, his voice, his body. She was losing her self-control. Furious with herself, she flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. I am not going. I'm not—it's much too risky.

  * * * *

  Severin sat on a stall door in the abandoned stable, smoking a cigar. Perhaps she'd had second thoughts about coming. No, she'll be here, he reassured himself. He'd felt a passion in her kisses he'd never known before and he was hungry to explore it. Crushing out his cigar, he toyed with lighting another when he heard movement outside.

  He jumped down and pulled his saber, slicing through the air to loosen his arm. She emerged in the doorway with a hazy curtain of starlight behind her. Severin couldn't remember ever seeing a woman so stunning. Her brown hair was unbound and laid around her shoulders, gleaming with reflected light. Her pale green eyes were a dramatic compliment to her lovely face, and he could read the apprehension in them.

  He crossed the room to her and sheathed his saber. She froze in her tracks as if she was uncertain whether to stay or flee.

  He took her hands and kissed her deeply on the lips. “I was starting to think you weren't coming."

  "I tried not to. Captain O'Bannon has become suspicious of me."

  Severin looked past her into the night. “Do you think he followed you?"

  Jenna blinked at him as if the thought had never occurred to her. “No, I don't think so."

  "Perhaps he's jealous,” he said with a wicked grin.

  Jenna wrinkled her brow. “I doubt it. He's a little old for me."

  "Kiss me,” he said. She looked up into his eyes and he felt the burn of passion fill his loins. He wanted to take her in this blistering heat of want, but everything was so new he held back. How much sweeter it would be when she finally gave herself to him and unleashed all that pent-up passion.

  Closing her eyes, she pulled him down into a passionate, lusty kiss. Her arms wrapped around him, caressing and exploring. It took every ounce of will he had to control himself.

  Her hands roamed lower, rubbing the outside of his pants, and he moaned softly, burying his face in the fragrance of her neck. Sliding his hands under her shirt, he found the fullness of her breasts and massaged them. Lifting her shirt off, he nuzzled his way up her belly to the tight, little nipples and pulled each one in turn into his mouth. He heard her gasp and her arms wrapped around him to cradle his head. They sank to the floor together, taking turns exploring each other's bodies.

  Kissing her ear, he reached his hand down into her underwear and tickled her moist sex. She squirmed under his touch, so eager and ready for him.

  He peeled off his uniform and squeezed her against him. He could barely con
trol his breathing. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he said, giving her one last chance to change her mind.

  "Yes,” she said in a hoarse whisper. “This is very much what I want."

  Peeling her pants and underwear off, he moved up over her, careful to support the majority of his weight with his hands. She smiled and welcomed him, raising her hips up so he could enter her.

  He buried himself deep inside her and she groaned, arching her back and wrapping her legs around him. He felt consumed by her passionate heat. Her fervor awoke the beast in his soul and he released it to devour her with its feral lust.

  They moved together as if they'd known each other for a lifetime. Pumping his cock into her, he became a slave to the pleasure she gave his body. Her legs tightened around him, her hips rocking hard as they rode him, quickening with each orgasm he gave her. She twisted and sweated and moaned his name, sending him into a delirium.

  He had never wanted a woman like this in his life, and he had known many of them. Her desire was a toxin in his blood and he let himself be engulfed by it, taking her over and over again until, finally spent, she begged him for sleep.

  * * * *

  It was almost morning when he woke her with a kiss. She stretched then snuggled closer to him, burrowing into his inviting warmth. “I've got to get back,” she said, making no move to get up.

  "As do I, my love,” he said.

  "How long are you staying here?"

  "Just a few more days,” he said, playing with a lock of her honey-brown hair. “I came to get away from my father for a while."


  "He wants me to make rank quickly. He's very ambitious and demanding."

  Jenna nodded slightly. She remembered her life with Robert, who had also been demanding. She never seemed to be the kind of wife he'd wanted. She was just a little too opinionated and independent for his taste. “My ex-husband was like that too. I know how difficult living with someone like that can be.” They lapsed into a long silence and she suddenly felt very small and vulnerable. “Will I see you again?"

  He propped himself up on his elbow and traced the fullness of her lips. “Of course you will. Do you want to meet here tonight?"

  Jenna stroked his face and grinned. She should tell him no and end it, but how could she? He made her feel things she never thought she could. She was more alive now than at anytime during her five year marriage to Robert, and she never wanted it to end. However this ended, she intended to go wherever it took her.

  "Yes,” she said finally. “We'll meet back here tonight."

  * * * *

  Captain O'Bannon rounded the corner of her cubicle and leaned into the opening. “Jenna,” he said. “Can I see you for a few minutes, please?"

  "Sure,” she said. Glancing at her computer, she uttered a command and the monitor went off. What the hell does he want now?

  Jenna followed him into an empty side office. The room housed a desk, a broken folding chair, and some chipped floor tiles.

  She entered and the captain closed the door behind her. Walking over to the desk, he took a seat on the scarred desktop. “All right, Jenna,” he said. “I want to know where you've been going every night."

  She glared at him and folded her arms. “That's none of your business, Captain."

  He ignored her anger. “I really hope you're not carrying on an affair with one of those goddamn AEssyrians."

  Jenna didn't speak for a few moments. “May I go?"

  The captain jumped down from the desk, his eyes burning. “No, you may not go."

  She turned from him and grabbed the doorknob. “I think this conversation is over."

  He circled around her and grabbed her hand before she could turn the handle. “I need you to stay. I'm not finished yet."

  Pushing back from the door, she shoved him away from her with her back and shoulder. “Don't you ever touch me."

  The captain looked momentarily stunned by her aggression. Then his face became more serious. “I know you're sleeping with that half-breed alien, Severin,” he said, barely suppressing his anger.

  This was a trap. He didn't know for sure but he wanted her to confess. Looking down her nose at him, she said, “You're delusional. Besides, what would happen even if it was true?"

  "I could have you packed off back to Earth in the morning, that's what could happen. Just try and get another science job after the report I write."

  "Okay,” she said. “I'll bite. What will it take to have you leave me alone?"

  "I want you to stop seeing him, period,” he said. “I don't think you realize how much danger you're putting us all in. AEssyrians are very aggressive and territorial about their women. If you're sleeping with him, he could kill any other man he sees you with. Do you understand that?"

  Jenna truly hadn't considered that possibility. It was hard to believe the man she knew could be capable of such a thing. But then again ... She needed time to think this out. “I have to go,” she said. Avoiding his gaze, she flung the door open and stormed out.

  * * * *

  It was a harder decision than she thought to see Severin that night. She also had to worry about being followed. So what? If he wants to send me back to Earth in disgrace, then I'm willing to accept that. Besides, she would probably never meet anyone like Severin again and she refused to compromise her newfound happiness.

  Despite her bravado, Jenna was very cautious as she left that night. Every few feet she stopped and listened, trying to hear the slightest twig snap or leaf crumble. Every time, she heard nothing.

  The barn stood quiet and lonely among the trees. She was certain he hadn't come. Then she slipped inside and spotted him by one of the stalls. He was dressed in the pristine black uniform that complimented his brooding good looks. His lusty gaze made her belly quiver.

  "I hope you haven't been waiting long,” she said, slowly walking toward him. Her heart was pounding.

  He gave a slight shrug. “It doesn't matter,” he said casually. “I would have waited all evening for you."

  Jenna rushed into his arms and gave him a fiery kiss. A few birds fluttered from the rafters, startled by her sudden movement. “I'm sorry I took so long. I had a bad day."

  Severin laughed and nuzzled her cheek. “What constitutes a bad day for a biologist? Incorrectly labeling a fruit tree?"

  She gave him a playful slap on the chest. “No. The captain suspects me of being your lover."

  "At least he's perceptive."

  "He might be following me."

  Severin looked up and past her. His handsome face darkened with jealous rage. Jenna turned around to see the captain standing at the door of the barn.

  Captain O'Bannon stared at them. “Well, this comes as no surprise,” he said. “Jenna, you need to come with me."

  Jenna tried to approach the captain, but Severin held her back. “Let me handle this."

  She frowned but let him pull her behind him. “Please don't hurt him,” she whispered.

  Severin walked toward the captain, stopping within a few feet of him. He placed one hand loosely on his saber. “She's fine where she is."

  The captain's eyes narrowed to slits. “I'm responsible for her safety. I'm afraid I'm going to insist she come back with me."

  Severin walked toward the captain until he was only a few inches away. He towered over the older man, who instinctively took a step back to maintain his distance. “Is she in trouble?” he said, glancing back at Jenna.

  "Yes she is. The compound rules are very clear about this sort of thing. She'll be sent back to Earth in the morning."

  Severin watched her. “Do you want to go back to Earth?"

  Jenna rubbed the back of her neck. “I don't really see that I have much choice."

  "You could choose to come back to AEssyria with me,” he said. His voice was warm and inviting.

  Jenna smiled. “I'd love to go with you,” she said. “But I'm afraid I think I'm under arrest."

  They both looked at Captain O'B

  Well, you're not exactly under arrest,” the captain said. “But I have to wonder how much thought you've given to this relationship, Jenna. Living on another planet can be a very difficult thing to adjust to."

  Jenna walked over to Severin and placed her hand in his. “I know, and I do appreciate your concern, Captain. But I'm willing to take the risk."

  O'Bannon nodded. “I wish both of you the best of luck,” he said. Then he turned around and disappeared from the doorway.

  Severin pulled her into a kiss. He broke the kiss and gave her a sober look. “He's right, you know. It will be hard for you at first. Are you sure you want to give up your world for mine?"

  "I'm willing to risk it if you are,” she said.

  He let out a booming, hearty laugh. “I think I'm in love with you, Jenna Strom."

  "Good,” she said with a teasing wink. “Then let's go get my things."



  Cheri Valmont

  Chapter 1

  "Congratulations, Mistress."

  Teena Andrenas jumped when the deep sexy voice came out of the gorgeous android before her. Although, she should have expected it. He was one of the extremely rare Zand pleasure ‘droids she'd only heard rumors about. She never thought she'd get her hands on one—literally.

  "Thank you, uh ... What are you called?” she asked, after she realized the work order had not given a specific name for the ‘droid.

  "I am called Zand Ten, Mistress."

  Since he'd risen from his place on her worktable, Teena was feeling small and fragile next to the muscular six foot four pleasure ‘droid dream. She even found herself feeling flustered in his company, now that she'd repaired his circuits and he looked, to all appearances, like a living, breathing person. Even knowing he was an android built specifically to bring only sexual pleasure to another person, she couldn't suppress her instinctive response to him. His midnight black hair and smoky gray eyes would cause any sexual being's circuits to sizzle.

  Stop it, Teena; you're above all this nonsense!

  But as the ‘droid observed her attentively, Teena felt her heart kick into double time. How clever of Zand Robotics to build such an appealing pleasure ‘droid. If she had the funds, she wouldn't mind owning one herself.


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