Torrid Teasers Volume 21

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Torrid Teasers Volume 21 Page 3

by Michelle Marquis, Cheri Valmont

  Who was she kidding? She'd never brought up enough nerve to be intimate with a real person—much less this mechanical hunk that was rumored to be geared to fulfill any being's fantasy.

  "Can I assist you, Mistress?"

  The ‘droid's voice jerked her out of her reverie. “What? Oh, sorry!” Damn, now she was apologizing to the thing. “No, Zand Ten. You must be the last model. I heard they only made ten."

  "You are correct, Mistress, I am the last Zand my master made.” Zand Ten kept his steady gaze on her.

  "Your master?” Teena turned away from the ‘droid's unsettling eyes, but couldn't resist muttering, “What I wouldn't give to meet that master."

  "You may do so, Mistress."

  "What!” Teena swung back around to face Zand Ten again and found him grinning at her with a smugness she never expected from a machine.

  "Indeed, Mistress, since you were clever enough to repair me, my master has programmed an invitation for you to be brought to Zand headquarters and make his acquaintance. If that is your desire?” Having a gorgeous man, albeit even only an android, ask her if something was her desire, brought thoughts of the risqué kind quickly to mind. Especially a naked android, which was probably why she was becoming so agitated in his presence.

  Although she still hadn't answered his question, something in her eyes must have triggered his pleasure ‘droid senses, because he moved closer to her and slid his arms around her.

  "Zand Ten, what are you doing!” she demanded, and although she was tempted to melt into his arms, the thought that he was a ‘droid couldn't be dispersed.

  "What is your desire, Mistress? I've been built to fulfill any fantasy you might wish."

  Teena pressed her hands against his steel hard chest; she was tempted to knead the synthetic material that would deceive anyone into believing he was a flesh and blood person.

  "Sorry, stud, not enough privacy,” she used as an excuse, as if she might offend his nonexistent feelings.

  Zand Ten looked around at the other inactivated androids all waiting for her attention. “Is there another place we might go for an interlude, Mistress?"

  "Steady, buddy, I've got a lot of work to do and you have an owner waiting impatiently for your return."

  The ‘droid gave her a sexy smile as if he knew his own worth. Had this machine been programmed to have emotions somehow? It would be a first. For years the foremost experts in the field had been attempting to do just that. Could Zand Robotics have succeeded where everyone else had failed? She would be interested to find out. Maybe she would take up the proffered offer and hopefully meet the person responsible for the creation of, in Teena's mind, the perfect male.

  "What a pity, Mistress. It would have been my pleasure to please you.” And before she knew what he was about to do, he pulled her into his arms for an intense and extremely erotic kiss.

  When he finally released her from his potent embrace, Teena almost swooned with ecstasy. Mercy! If she hadn't known his owner would frown upon her using him once he was reactivated, Teena might have considered taking Zand Ten up on his offer.

  "Thanks for the offer, Zand Ten, but I do think I will accept your other offer."

  The ‘droid seemed to smile knowingly. “You are interested in meeting the master?"

  "Well ... yes ... I wouldn't mind asking him a couple of questions."

  "I'm sure it will be his pleasure to answer them, Mistress. If you will furnish me with my clothing, I will escort you to him."

  Teena scooted backward out of his loose grasp. “Now hold on, buddy. I can't go now. I've got too much to do, and I'm sure your owner wouldn't like it if I went traipsing around the city with you. Can I get a rain check?"

  Zand Ten actually seemed to give a disappointed frown when she refused to go at that moment. “If you do not come with me now, you will have to go on your own. But you will get to meet my master's first Zand ‘droid, if you go.” Then his smile returned to his finely chiseled features, as if he knew he would be tempting her to do it just for that reason.

  "I'll think about it.” Although she was trying to sound uninterested, Zand Ten's smile broadened. How could a machine sense her feelings? She had several questions she wanted to put to the head of Zand Robotics. It was the one thing Teena would be willing to leave her quiet, solitary, safe world to find out.

  Chapter 2

  "Are you telling me you had your hands on a Zand pleasure ‘droid and didn't take advantage of the fact?” Teena's best friend and neighbor, Drendar Kyntrel, asked incredulously.

  Teena glanced at the five foot eleven, blond girl. How she envied her friend. She didn't even know why the other girl enjoyed the company of a mouse like her, with her extreme shyness, quirky wit, and short stature. They were exact opposites.

  "He has a very possessive owner, you know. I could just imagine getting canned because I was caught using my position to handle the merchandise, as they say.” Teena was just using that fact to excuse her own feelings of inadequacy. She wouldn't have taken advantage of having the ‘droid at her disposal even had the owner consented. She couldn't say she wasn't tempted. Not everyday did a girl, any girl, get the opportunity to encounter one of the much sought-after Zand pleasure ‘droids.

  Drendar crossed her decimitre long legs and swung the right one as she sat contemplating Teena. “You know what you need?"

  "If you tell me ‘get laid’ one more time, I think I'll strangle you.” Teena rose from her simple tycron sofa and walked over to the wall, punched several buttons, and her mini kitchen slid from the quietly opening compartment.

  "Well, I can only speak from work experience.” Drendar worked for the government, in the Department of Citizen Safety. “People who don't relieve their sexual frustration end up blowing a vent valve sooner or later.” Actually, Drendar worked specifically in the department set up to avoid just such a thing. “I'm not saying you should go down to the center and have your breaching done by a stranger; but since you haven't found anyone you liked, why didn't you take advantage of that Zand ‘droid?"

  Teena punched in the number for two hot alves—a soothing drink made from the berry of another rare commodity on their home planet, the alverry bush, which grew wild in the northern climes of Velorn. Velorn was one of the few countries that still grew any type of plant life.

  Each country on their planet, Kazphyr, was given specific directions on what they could produce for the inhabitants. Kantrer, their country, and the ruling city of the same name, specialized in the planet's technology. All the countries worked in unison, trading equally amongst each other for what they all needed, except for a few barbarian holdouts who insisted on doing everything themselves or doing without.

  Teena shuddered to think what life in those countries was like; besides she was just letting her mind roam away from her problem. After retrieving the mugs of alve, Teena crossed the room and set one down on the shiny crimire table in front of her friend.

  "I do have a standard I set for myself, Dren. Now it would be another thing if the male would have offered the use of his ‘droid, but he didn't."

  Drendar crinkled her elegant nose. “Oh well, the ‘droid did tell you that you would be meeting the maker of the Zand line, and the first prototype of the whole line. Maybe the owner of Zand Robotics will graciously offer the use of Zand One for your breaching."

  "No!” Teena said emphatically. “I do not want my first breaching done by an android. I've told you that before, which is why I've never gone to one of the centers."

  Drendar frowned at her. “Hey, we may not offer the obscenely expensive Zands, but our pleasure ‘droids aren't bad."

  Now Teena had insulted her friend. “I'm not saying they're bad. I'm just saying I want my first experience of that kind to be with a living, breathing male Kazphyrian. I don't need a gorgeous, perfectly made, overendowed robot."

  The smile returned to Drendar's beautiful face. “Oohh, so you are seriously thinking about doing the deed, then?"

  Teena shif
ted uncomfortably and looked away from her friend. “If the right male comes along, I might consider it."

  "Don't back out now, Teena. You'll soon be thirty centras and you know what that means."

  Now it was Teena's turn to scrunch her face. “Yes, I know what it means.” On Kazphyr, if a male or female turned thirty without finding a mate, one would be found for them, unless the person in question was either very rich or had connections. Because of the move to use pleasure ‘droids becoming big, less and less Kazphyrians were having offspring, until the Kazphyrians themselves were becoming a rare commodity, which was why the forced mating began. The scientists were delving into being duplication, but had not yet perfected it and had found the results less than satisfactory. No normal functioning Kazphyrian female was allowed to pass offspring bearing age without being mated to a male.

  "Really, Teena, I've done the deed many times and in some instances it can be quite ... well ... pleasurable. I'll be ready when it's my time to be mated."

  Teena glared at her gorgeous, statuesque, twenty-three centras old best friend. “Humphh, by the time you get to thirty, they will probably have perfected being duplication, and no further mating will be necessary."

  Drendar giggled. “Teena, dear, just give it a chance. If your first time is interesting, I bet you won't mind being mated either. That's why I thought, once you get into Zand—"

  "Don't even go there, Dren. One thing I am determined to insist upon is having my breaching done by an honest to Jardem male. Now drink your alve and talk about something else."

  They both picked up their mugs and tapped the edges together. “Here's to a speedy breaching then,” Dren toasted and laughed at Teena's facial expression.

  Chapter 3

  "Angelir, could you come into the office for a moment?” Zand Gorsend instructed his assistant. All it took was his verbal command to send the transmission right to her office.

  "Yes, sir,” Angelir purred back.

  The girl was an exceptional assistant, coming in early, staying late, doing whatever it took to keep up with Zand's own compulsion to drive his company ever onwards and upwards in the Robotics field. Just the kind of person to delegate the everyday running of his company so he could concentrate on his robots.

  Before Zand could open the file left on his desk, the red-haired girl was walking confidently through the sliding door into his office, holding another file.

  "Here's the file I just completed on the tech, one Teena Andrenas. She's worked in robotics repair for almost twelve centras, since she was fresh out of the Tech Academe. She looks promising, hard worker—works long wake cycles, not much of a leisure life."

  "No mate, yet? Or does she frequent the pleasure centers?"

  Zand felt his assistant's assessing gaze on him as he kept his eyes on the open file she'd passed along his desk to him. He wouldn't go into the reason the techie intrigued him. In fact, he couldn't even come up with the reason himself. The picture he was looking at showed an average looking female with short, sable hair, a cute face, but unremarkable as faces go. It must be the golden eyes with a twinkle of mischief; they seemed to glow with intelligence. He usually never noticed things about the females of his species, but he had with her. He wanted to meet the female who'd repaired, without his directions, one of his most expensive and personal pleasure ‘droids.

  "No. Not yet, as of the investigator's last entry. Do you want me to reschedule and have him delve into her leisure life further?"

  Zand shook his head and finally looked at his assistant. “No, I think I have everything I need, Angelir. Thank you. As soon as she gets here, let her come through and wait in here."

  Angelir nodded her head in understanding before turning to leave. “Certainly, sir,” she said on her way out.

  He looked back down at the picture of the female due there at any moment. He'd been intrigued by the thought of meeting her the first time he read the compulsory readout he'd gotten from his Zand Ten pleasure ‘droid. The full transcript. Most especially her response to his ‘droid and his proposition.

  What kind of female would refuse one of his Zand pleasure ‘droids and why? By all accounts, had she been a robot, she'd have been blowing her fuses during her interlude with Zand Ten. Yet she'd still refused him. Just by their touch, the Zand robots could measure and record their partner's responses and so gauge their own responses accordingly. That was one of the reasons, these, the finest of his ‘droids, were the most desired robots on the planet. Their thought processes were as close to any of his kind as could be now in existence. Zand One, which he'd retained to continue his work, was the finest of all his robots. And the female, when his formal invitation was sent along, had asked if she might observe Zand One.

  Observe him doing what? What he'd been built for? Or was that her way of asking to have an interlude with the ‘droid?

  Zand was interrupted from his thoughts, when a ting sounded and Angelir's voice saying, “She's on her way,” came over the intercom.

  Standing, Zand walked around his desk, over to the drescron sofa, placed on the left wall for the many nights he slept at the office. He needed no formality while he discussed all the fine points he wanted to touch upon. Zand wanted her at ease and responsive to his inquiries.

  He sat on the sofa and waited. His gaze remained on the entrance until he heard the quiet swish of the door sliding open and his guest arriving. She stood just inside, looking around uncertainly, until her gaze landed on him.

  "Oh,” she said as she walked over to him. “You must be the original Zand."

  Priceless—she thought he was his own robot! Well, he wouldn't be lying if he said, “Yes, I'm the original Zand."

  "Do you think your master would mind if I looked you over?"

  This was too much! “No, I don't think my ... eh ... master would mind, Mistress. Shall I remove my clothing, Mistress?"

  Zand watched the female frown. She was even more intriguing in person than on paper, dressed as she was in the normal fashion many Kazphyrian females preferred in their leisure time. The silky smooth and shiny, droten skirt and vestlike shirt, with flat soled knee-high zolt boots. Her sable hair brushed to a fine sheen, capping her attractive face, not beautiful, but pleasant nonetheless. Golden, slanted eyes gleamed with that intelligence he'd noticed from her picture.

  "No, certainly not, Zand One. I meant your circuitry.” The woman's clinical gaze was looking toward the back of his ears, where she would know his robot's circuitry was hidden.

  "I'm afraid my master must be present for that, Mistress.” Zand stood to prevent her from reaching behind his ear.

  "Oh, well, how long will your master be?” The female, Teena, couldn't have sounded more disgruntled if she'd tried.

  "Not long, Mistress. He informed me you wanted to observe me.” Zand kept his voice as matter fact as possible, but the female was causing a totally unwelcome response in his body. “If a personal interlude is of no interest, I might ask my Master's assistant to join us for a demonstration."

  "What!” the female interjected, her shock written plainly on her expressive face, “No, no, I ... ah..."

  "I have been built to fulfill any being's desire, Mistress. Did you not want a demonstration?"

  Teena threw an uncertain glance toward the door. “Don't you think your master would mind you giving a demonstration before he gets here?"

  Zand tried to concentrate on suppressing his body's unexpected response to this female's nearness. He'd never had trouble dampening his desire in the past. Since he'd been so consumed building his robotics business, he'd even paid the Jardem-cursed expensive revenue necessary to prevent automatic mating when he reached thirty centras. “Not at all, Mistress. He gave his consent for a private demonstration, if that is your desire.” Why did he feel the sudden and overwhelming need to bury himself within this female's body?

  It seemed as soon as he used the word desire, the female's eyes lit up. So, she was curious. Zand intended to use this to his advantage. Givi
ng her a smile meant to seduce, he reached for her.

  Chapter 4

  Teena let the pleasure ‘droid pull her into his embrace, her heart already fluttering in her chest. This one was even more appealing than the Zand Ten had been. He almost looked like a perfect being, a real person, with the same midnight hair and smoky gray eyes.

  "Only a small demonstration,” she relented, as he pulled her up so he could more easily kiss her, her feet dangling above the floor.

  His lips hovered above hers as he whispered, “Your desire, Mistress.” Continuing, his firm, supple lips nibbled at hers before delving deeper, his tongue probing sensually through her suddenly responsive mouth.

  Teena's eyes fluttered closed as she let herself enjoy the ‘droid, Zand's caresses. Soon, she could no longer gather any coherent thoughts in her head—her body shivering, warmth flooding between her thighs.

  "Mmmmmm,” Teena moaned when Zand continued kissing her, but let one of his hands come up to cup her face. His carnal kisses were so consuming she thought she would expire with ecstasy.

  As if he knew her condition, he trailed his scorching kisses down her face moving slowly toward her neck. Teena's unfocused eyes glanced down at him. His finely chiseled face held an expression she never thought possible to see on a ‘droid's face; not that she'd ever received such a look from any male herself, but she'd seen films of the ‘act’ and had taken note of the enraptured look on the males’ faces as they mated with the females. Zand One had just such a look on his face.

  Before Teena could think another thought, Zand moved toward the drescron sofa, which had probably cost his master the planet, lowering her onto it and following her down. Teena panted, as the male ‘droid positioned himself between her outspread thighs.

  "Um, Zand?"

  "Yes, Mistress?” Zand asked her, but continued with his activities, which was, at this moment, undoing the zip on her droten vest.


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