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Max Blizzard and The Scroll of Fate

Page 11

by Patrick Hatt

  “No. But we all will,” Lester stated.

  Lester, Trudesile, and Bazooka each followed Max’s lead and began firing at Sir Dreadvent. God, Oberon, Torenie, and Titania each fired beams of their own at him. The Heroes of Imagination Lore fired their respective weapons. Bandaid, Lempilightess, and Pemestra created weapons from their imagination and used them.

  “This isn’t happening again.” Sir Dreadvent’s shield began wavering. He then screamed, and a dark burst of energy flew from him, hitting everyone. He smirked as the smoke cleared until he found them all still standing, having been held in place by Davy Jones. He brought his shield back quickly as they continued to fire.

  “Today is the last day you ever plague any being again. Ra closed the door. There is now no getting back. Enjoy eternity.” Max ramped up the power on his weapon and everyone else fired with whatever strength they had left.

  “Never will I die. I will…”

  “Cease to exist,” King Arthur shouted while he plummeted to the ground after jumping from Shimmer, stabbing Excalibur right through Sir Dreadvent’s shield and knocking him to the ground.

  “You will all be wiped from the face of existence.”

  “Not by you, chap.” Bazooka picked up his trident and stabbed it through his heart, standing over him with the others. He pulled it out and threw it to the ground as Sir Dreadvent took his last breath. “I never tire of doing that.”

  Bazooka walked away, searching for his kids to make sure they were safe.

  “I believe this is yours, dearie.” Bandaid handed the Gem of Heaven to Trudesile.

  “And so ends the threat of Sir Dreadvent,” Evienne whispered.

  “If only that were true,” Max mumbled.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Evienne, like Max, you have been kept in the dark for far too long.” Merlin nodded to God.

  “It is time you learned the truth. It is time you all learned the truth. After what we went through today, it is only fair. If you would, Mr. Blizzard.” God pointed to the remains of the staging area.

  Max took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage while Trudesile and God took Eve to the dungeon, creating a special holding cell for her, Lester created pots of gold and healed the wounded, and everyone else gathered around. Max stared out at the crowd before giving a speech that resembled his first. He then explained to everyone the fate that may soon be upon them.

  Chapter 10

  Tempting Fate

  Brozen ran up to Max and the others while they ensured that their reality devices were on tightly. His guilt over his and Dregg’s device being tampered with spurred his want to help.

  “You should take me. You never know when you’ll need a bubble popped.”

  “Thanks, Brozen. I wish we could, but I don’t want to put your life at risk,” Max replied.

  “I’ve faced bad guys before.”

  “Not them. As I told Dad, I have no idea what will happen to anyone who leaves this reality bubble we’ve created. If you or any of the others step out of Camelot, you could cease to exist.”

  “But if it hasn’t been reset yet than how could that be?”

  “It might not. It might. Something else could happen. We don’t even know if we’ll make it.”

  “Even your big brain can’t figure this out. It is so confusing,” Lester added.

  “Help hold down the fort, Brozen. We’ll be back from Momentus soon.” Trudesile hugged him, not truly believing her words as she also feared what could happen when they left Camelot.

  “Listen to them. You don’t want to go to everything land.” Bazooka crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. He smirked as his kids peeked out from behind him. “What did I say?”

  “Aww, Dad. I want to go on an adventure.”

  “Me too, Daddy.”

  “Maybe years down the road. For now, both of you go to Bandaid and don’t leave his side.”

  “But, Dad, I’m too old for a babysitter,” Graeme whined.

  “But your sister and Comet aren’t. Go and take care of them. I’ll be back.” Bazooka hugged his kids and then signaled for them to go with a pat on the backside.

  “Bazooka, you’ve done enough. Your kids need you. You shouldn’t...” Max paused as Bazooka raised his paw to him.

  “Don’t waste your breath, chap. I’m seeing this through. If only to shove Trudesile’s mother back together so we all can be done with her evil half.”

  “I wouldn’t mess with the rabbit.” Lester snickered as Max shrugged, knowing there was no changing his mind.

  “You’ll need one of these.” Trudesile tossed him a reality device and he grasped it tightly. She then turned to Brozen, “Watch out for everyone. We could have missed a couple.”

  “Will do.” Brozen stepped aside as Trudesile and Max both exited the throne room. He left as Bazooka waved him away, trying to listen to Bazooka’s whispering as he held Lester back and spoke to him.

  “Don’t go!” Mimi ran to Max and clung to his leg.

  “I’ll be back. I can’t go letting you think your imagination is better than mine forever, can I?”

  “Is so.” Mimi grinned and hugged Max after he bent down to her.

  “Should you need us, we are all ready,” Evienne stated.

  Lester and Bazooka joined Max and Trudesile and the group stared out at their many friends who had filled the courtyard to see them off. Merlin and King Arthur both stepped toward them, each wishing they could help.

  “My son, you’ve sure got a way of getting into a tight spot. I haven’t the foggiest how you’ll get us out of this one, but you three always do.”

  “Next quest, I’ll lead and you three can relax at home.”

  “Deal,” Lester blurted out, smiling at King Arthur.

  “We’ll be home soon, Dad.” Max hugged his parents and then gazed toward the sky.

  “Or we’ll cease to exist or start this whole merry-go-round all over again. The joys of knowing you chaps.”

  “Shut up, rabbit.” Lester bickered with Bazooka while Trudesile searched for God.

  “He’s with your mother, dear. He’s making sure she doesn’t escape.” Evienne wrapped her arms around Trudesile and then whispered to her, “It’s good to have you home. I’m not sure anyone has said it to you yet, but welcome back. We’ve all missed you. Max especially.”

  Trudesile smiled and looked to Max. He had grown so much since she had left. She hated how much she missed and swore she never would again, making her more determined than ever to end Adam.

  “Dina, Honey, bring us back,” Max shouted to the sky, hoping she was listening.

  A rainbow portal opened, and Bazooka nodded to Lester. The pair then shoved Trudesile and Max into a portal Lester created in front of Dina’s and quickly followed.

  “Lester, what was that all about?” Max stood up and found himself on Avalon.

  “And why are we here?” Trudesile asked.

  “Don’t look at me. I just did what the crazy rabbit asked.” Lester shrugged and waited for Bazooka to give them answers.

  “Remember when you gave your rundown and I told you I lost the second piece?” Bazooka grinned. “I may have lied, chaps.”

  “It’s here?” Max asked.

  “Nope. It’s safe and sound though.”

  “Where is it? We can get it and...”

  “Doesn’t work like that, chap.” Bazooka knew that Trudesile was going to suggest they destroy it. “Adam may have been probing me for information during our chase, but I was probing him as well. Turns out it can’t be destroyed when apart. It can only be destroyed together. Why God didn’t destroy it I have no idea. But at least I got that from his ranting.”

  “Hold on a second. You remember? How?” Lester asked.

  “Her mother. She grabbed me as everything reset. Turns out that hair can do more than snap my neck.” Bazooka rubbed his neck, hating how many times he had been killed in such a short period.

  “Then why all the cloak and dagg
er stuff?” Max asked.

  “She also told me I was an anomaly. She couldn’t read my fate because mine is endless and ever changing with each death. Turns out Adam has the same problem. But you on the other hand, you don’t get that luxury, chaps.”

  “And you brought us here because...”

  “Still as slow as ever, leprechaun.” Bazooka snickered to himself. “The third piece is here somewhere. When I touched the second piece it gave me some funky vision of Avalon. I didn’t want to reveal it until absolutely necessary just in case Adam is somehow watching. We need all the head start that we can get. He remembers everything too.”

  “So he could be hurting Dina and my mother or doing who knows what right now?’ Trudesile questioned.

  “Yeah.” Bazooka placed his paw on her back. “But the good news is that if we find this piece, we can fix it all and they’ll never remember.”

  “Then let’s find it,” Max stated.

  “This place is only twice the size of Camelot,” Lester grumbled.

  “Look on the bright side, Lester, at least we didn’t cease to exist.” Max patted him on the back.

  “We should split up and cover more ground.” Trudesile could tell that neither liked her plan. “I know, it isn’t wise, but we don’t have much time. I’ll go with Lester. Bazooka, you go with Max. We have to find it so we can end this.”

  “Any idea where we begin?” Lester asked.

  “Some place mundane, chap. The first piece was disguised as a page in Death’s book and the second a moustache on Oxom. The third could be anything.”

  “That’s helpful,” Lester mumbled.

  “Let’s go.” Max made a dragon appear. He hopped on its back and pulled Lester up behind him.

  “Send up a firework if you find it or get into trouble.” Trudesile nodded to the pair and then turned into a giant hawk. She bent down to allow Bazooka to jump on her back.

  The two groups flew in opposite directions, each expecting trouble while they searched for the third piece. They had faith that they would find it, even when they had no idea exactly what it had been hidden as.


  Adam stood over Dina and Trinny in their home. Dina shook with fear, causing her mother to shake along with her as she tried to calm Dina. Trinny hatefully glared at Adam while Dina stared at the dead body of her father.

  “So many outcomes. They have to be clouding your mind. Don’t worry though, I’ll be making it all go away soon. Who knows, you may even end up calling me Dad when I fix your mother.”

  “Never!” Dina tried to hold herself together, not wanting to lose control like before. She grasped her mother tighter, wishing that Max and the others had arrived, even if Adam had sent for them.

  “If only your friends could see you now. So meek and worthless.” Adam stared upon Dina with pity and disgust. “Tell me, Trinny, can you honestly say you are impressed by your creations?”

  “They have more heart than you will ever have.”

  “My heart only beats for you and when I undo God’s spell over you, you’ll realize that.”

  “There is no spell. You are the one who needs to realize things.”

  “I know it to be true. Your better half confirmed it. You don’t think we spent all those years in Eden together just talking, do you?” Adam grinned at Trinny and then waved his hand. He grabbed Trinny and Dina’s rainbow hair as they both stretched out toward him. He gripped them each tightly, yanking both further to the floor. “Time we all checked in on your friends.”

  “They’ll stop you,” Dina stated.

  “Not with everything I’ve set into place. Thanks to me becoming one of your first creations, I have calculated every variable, and this is the fate that needs to occur to bring me closer to fixing your mother. Trust me, this is all for the best.”

  “Every variable? Even Bazooka?” Trinny smiled as Adam only glared at her.

  “I don’t mind a surprise here and there.” Adam tried to sound convincing. He then grinned and let both go. “Like how he is finding the third piece for me right now. I really have to give Sir Dreadvent credit, he may have picked a stupid name, but his design for taking down his enemies was ingenious. But it had a few flaws. Ones I can work with though.”

  Adam opened a portal and then created a note. He tossed it through and closed the portal. He then repeated the task again and smirked at the pair.

  “Why don’t you just leave?” Dina asked.

  “And miss out on family bonding time?”

  “He can’t, Honey. He’s as stuck here as we are. Trapped by his own design.”

  “So you think.” Adam waved his hand and stretched their rainbow hair from their head. He swirled his fingers around, using their own hair to bind them and leave them tied up on the floor. He then opened a portal, turned it invisible, and eagerly waited for his moment to make it visible again.


  Max and Lester touched everything they could reach as his dragon swooped down across the land. Max had his dragon nick trees and leaves with its wings, none of them having any success.

  “This is useless. It could be a blade of grass for all we know,” Lester mumbled.

  “I don’t think so, Lester. It has to be something that stands out, yet doesn’t stand out.”

  “You’ve spent too much time with Ra.” Lester snickered.

  “Like the moustache. Oxom was the only first being to have one. All ignored it, thinking it only something his ego needed.”

  “And I’d be willing to bet me pot of gold that the one in Death’s book was a page like any other, except one he never used or turned to.” Lester scanned the area, searching for anything slightly out of place. “All we have is Oberon’s place, trees, and the odd firefly snow.”

  “Has to be one of them.”

  “Wait! Go back!” Lester thought he spotted something and pointed behind them. Max turned to him and then Lester’s eyes grew wide and he pointed in front of them. “Max!”

  Max turned around just in time to see his dragon hit a wall of water and cease to exist. The pair plummeted to the ground below, each quickly creating a parachute from their imagination. Max’s eyes grew wide as King Yenny and an army of Atlantians formed beneath them.

  “Is your girlfriend at it again?” Lester asked.

  “She can’t get here. I see no portals. This is real. They are loose and not stupid.”

  “That’s right, Mr. Blizzard. Thanks to Sir Dreadvent I am back to the king I was meant to be. The Atlantians have all returned to their former glory and we even built a Pedestal of Realms all our own. We shared it with one other realm, but other than that, no one knows that we can go anywhere. We can even go to realms without a doorway. We promised we’d keep a low profile until Sir Dreadvent deemed it no longer necessary and now that time has come. Now we get our revenge for what you did. First you two, then that girl, then that traitorous son, and then that giant. You will all...”

  “By me pot of gold, he’s gotten worse. Does he ever shut up?” Lester rolled his eyes as he neared the ground.

  “We’ll make him.”

  Max and Lester both used their imagination to cause holy water devices to rain down from the sky. Enough fell to hit every Atlantian and they all screamed, their water forms falling apart and fading into the ground.

  “Atlantians.” Lester sighed before realizing that he had doomed the Sons of Dreadvent to a worse fate than he had imagined. He then feared that they might have escaped, but lost focus as laughter echoed around them when they landed.

  “Lester, I don’t think they work anymore.” Max backed up into Lester and the pair stood back to back while King Yenny and the rest of his army reformed around them.

  “Sir Dreadvent helped us fix that minor problem as well. Time you both suffered.”

  Max quickly imagined a lit firework and sent it into the sky. It blew over them and the pair fought back the best they could while the Atlantians kept attacking and


  “Do those two ever know how to stay out of trouble?” Bazooka pointed to the firework off in the distance.

  “Maybe they found it.”

  “Let’s hope so, chap. Look out!” Bazooka held on tight as a wall of grass rose up and blocked their path.

  Trudesile spun upside down and then turned into a gorilla, landing on the ground with Bazooka still wrapped around her neck. He jumped off and the pair watched many plant creatures of all shapes and sizes take form.

  “When did Oberon install a plant army?”

  “He didn’t. These beings are from Shangri-La.” Trudesile turned into a dragon and began burning the plant creatures.

  “Let go, chaps.” Bazooka shot lightning from his paws and feet, frying the many plant creatures near him.

  “You may have escaped our world once, leaving it to wither and die, but you won’t escape this time, Miss Marick.” Huntle appeared before Trudesile, towering over her. He stretched out his arms and they twirled around Trudesile.

  “Not today, chap.” Bazooka sent a huge lightning bolt from each foot at Huntle, knocking him backwards and Trudesile loose.

  “I’ve no quarrel with you, but I will make one.” Huntle glared at Bazooka, giving him a chance to leave.

  “You’ve got one with her, you’ve got one with me, chap.” Bazooka helped Trudesile to her feet as she gasped for breath.

  “So be it.”

  “Why...why are you doing this?”

  “Why? You helped all realms but ours. You left us to rot. Sir Dreadvent saved us and now we owe him. This is his wish and it shall be done.”

  “Can’t we ever be rid of that guy,” Bazooka mumbled. “Even dead he still haunts us.”

  Bazooka held Trudesile up and eyed the plant creatures surrounding him. He wrapped his arms around her and then made a giant firework appear. He grabbed it and the pair flew into the air along with it.

  “I sure hope you can turn into something that can fly.” Bazooka let go of the firework and it exploded overhead.

  “Hold on.” Trudesile turned into a large hummingbird and snatched Bazooka. She then zipped across the sky, avoiding the trappings of the plant creatures, and headed toward Max.


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