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Max Blizzard and The Scroll of Fate

Page 16

by Patrick Hatt

  They admired her cozy home, each of them wondering how such a thing was possible from Trudesile’s dark side.

  “In here, chicken legs.”

  They followed Tru’s voice and found her on a couch with her baby in her arms while her five kids and husband had all gathered beside her.

  “I don’t like the way that one is looking at you, Mom.”

  “Don’t mind the leprechaun, Carter. He’s short. Mommy can take him.” Tru motioned to the chairs across from her. “Please. Take a seat. No harm will come to you here.”

  “I’ve heard that one before,” Lester mumbled.

  “Chicken legs, I suspected you a lot sooner than this. It’s been over twenty years since I saved your scrawny backside. You could have saved mine.”

  “What happened here?” Trudesile asked.

  “After Max sent me through to Earth’s realm, all of this happened. Earth started to break apart. I had suspected you’d come to fix it, but a bit sooner. I see it must have something to do with time as you haven’t aged a day.”

  “Time is a fickle thing when fate is involved it seems.” Bazooka relaxed in the recliner. He still had his doubts about Trudesile’s other half, but by the way her kids adored her, he was willing to give her some trust.

  “Adam did something to make Earth release and Momentus come back to the Pedestal of Realms,” Max stated.

  “I figured it had something to do with Sir Dreadvent, his weasel son, and the rest of them.”

  “Mom, do we have to hear the stories again?”

  “Allison, don’t interrupt your mother.”

  Tru smiled at her family and then caught the glances the group gave one another.

  “Where are my manners? You’d think I was going to throw blue energy at you or something.” Tru grinned and then pointed to her husband. “This is Morris. He caught me up to no good a few months after I arrived and after a tussle, we fell in love. Nine months later Carter here was born. Then came Allison, Duncan, Mary, Sarah, and little baby Harrison.”

  “You’ve sure been busy. Giving rabbits everywhere a bad name.” Bazooka laughed to himself.

  “I’ve grown far more than I was from that day. That light you left me has truly snuffed out the darkness. That and all of these little lights.” Tru lovingly gazed upon her family.


  “I go by Tru now. Makes things easier,” Tru interrupted.

  “Tru, why do those guys think aliens are going to attack? How did your kids get imagination power here?” Max questioned.

  “It would seem you and your dear old daddy screwed up. After Carter was born I felt weird. One day in a city I turned into an animal and then that creature you told me about from the Cup of Kings. I had to fight to get out of there as the army swooped in on me.”

  “And it was that day that people learned, or so they thought, aliens were among us. The world became one government and has been advancing through technology ever since,” Morris added.

  “So you have your powers back?” Trudesile asked.

  “No. But somehow some version of my power gets transferred to each baby we have. That is why my body has a fit for a few days afterwards. Somehow the power Merlin blocked goes on the fritz. But with each kid it is less and less.”

  “They have actual powers? Like for good? No imagination?” Lester did not know whether to be scared or impressed.

  “Not as slow as you look, Lester.” Tru grinned at him. “Carter has wings he can extend and retract from his back. Allison can see any place and create a portal to and from it. Duncan has super speed. Mary can project herself anywhere she likes. Sarah is pretty much indestructible. And little baby Harrison here has yet to show any sign of anything. It usually takes them a few years.”

  “I can show you how to advance your portal skills,” Allison offered Lester.

  “That would be great,” Lester replied.

  “Trudesile, I know you have little trust for me and are probably thinking right now that I had all of these kids to create an army and take over the realm.”

  “No,” Trudesile mumbled, clearly trying to hide that Tru was right.

  “I assure you that isn’t the case. The only reason Morris and I had so many children was because it turns out that we love kids.”

  “Trudesile, I trust her.” Max took her hand and squeezed it. He hoped his words would allow Trudesile to release any tension she had toward her other self.

  “You all look weary. Kids, let’s get them some food and show them where they can rest.” Morris rounded up the kids and took them to the kitchen.

  “And then we’ll get to the task of the Cup of Kings.”

  “You know where it is?” Max asked.

  “Yep. You were just there. How do you think humanity advanced so fast, especially with the world broken apart?”

  “That monster of a building?” Lester asked.

  “Yeah. And it makes the prison they had you in look like a petting zoo in comparison.” Tru rocked Harrison as he began to cry. She then took him into the other room, knowing he wanted to be fed, and left the four to whisper amongst themselves.

  Max and Bazooka were ready to join Tru’s family and eat while Lester and Trudesile continued to voice their distrust for Tru. The group smelled the food from the kitchen and quickly agreed to watch out for one another, whether they trusted Tru or not. They then ate the best meal that had had in weeks before following Morris to their accommodations in the barn. Their exhaustion left them with little choice but to rest as night set in and the sounds of the farm helped lull them to sleep.

  Trudesile opened her eyes and sprung up into a seated position after she heard Harrison playfully squeal. She eyed Tru, who had been leaning against the railing of the loft and watching over her.

  “Please don’t use that imagination like you want to. They can find us if you do.”

  “Where are my friends?” Trudesile scanned the area, finding the pillows and blankets tossed around, fearing the worst.

  “They are out there. Max told me all that has happened. We figured it was best that you rested.” Tru stepped passed her and pushed open the barn door to the loft. She pointed outside and then stepped aside.

  Trudesile crawled to the door and then stood up upon seeing her friends. She smiled as Max played with Mary and Sarah while Bazooka, Morris, and Carter lounged on the porch. She laughed as Lester jumped and clicked his heels beside Allison before finding that Duncan had sped by and stolen his top hat. Trudesile found Tru’s family comforting, unable to get over how much her girls resembled both her and Tru.

  “I still know all you know. Or at least most of what you know. I know how you think. I know you don’t trust me. If I were you, that’s silly to say as I was, but if I were I wouldn’t trust me either.” Tru rocked Harrison in her arms before handing him to Trudesile. “That stuff I did was a lifetime ago. It’s only stories now that I’ve told my kids.”

  “How did you do it?” Trudesile smiled at Harrison as he stared up at her and giggled.

  “I found a stubborn husband for starters.” Tru eyed Morris. She waved to him as he gazed at her. “I had no intention of listening to Max and staying out of trouble. But then life had other plans.”

  “Was it easy leaving everything behind?”

  “You should know the answer to that after your supposed death. He blamed himself, you know.” Tru nodded to Max. “He watched Mimi and I like a hawk.”

  “I wish I could have told him.”

  “You did what you had to do. We all make sacrifices sometimes to keep those we care about safe. Even when that means those we care about might never exist.”

  “You know?” Trudesile whispered while handing Harrison back to Tru.

  “Vlad never could keep his mouth shut. Sir Dreadvent told him everything and he tried to win me over by repeating it. Spoiled brat. All he was, wasn’t he?” Tru tickled Harrison as she spoke.

  “Don’t you want to fight for your family? Find that piece and des
troy it?”

  “And waste what time I may have left away from them? There are far more important things in life, Trudesile.”

  “You have changed.” Trudesile watched while Tru hummed to Harrison and he fell asleep in her arms.

  “When you have one of these you either change or fail them. I had enough of failing beings. That darkness may still be there, but their light and the little you shared with me keep it buried.”

  “Do you have any idea where the fourth piece is?”

  “No. Morris only found the Cup.”

  “How? Are you safe here?”

  “That old fart with the one leg you met.”

  “The one you gave the one leg to?”

  “Yeah. He’s Morris’s father. Morris was able to gather some technology to hide our little farm from prying eyes and spotted the Cup from my tales before we went into hiding. Let me tell you, it is hard to convince humans that other realms exist. Morris didn’t truly believe me until I turned into a bear and then that being from the Cup.”

  “Look out!”

  “Don’t.” Tru placed her hand on Trudesile’s shoulder, preventing her from turning into a bird and saving Sarah after Carter dropped her from the sky.


  “Carter, how many times have I told you not to drop your sister from the sky?”

  “It’s fun, Mom.” Sarah got up and dusted herself off. She strolled back over to Max and Mary like nothing had happened.

  “Sadly, you get used to it.” Tru smiled while Trudesile stood in shock. “I told you she was indestructible.”

  “Can’t they find them when they use their powers?”

  “No. They aren’t powers. They are a part of them. Like an arm or a leg. I don’t know what I’m going to do when they leave home. Earth still isn’t ready for such things.”

  “Maybe we can somehow keep you and your family out of it when we get the scroll and bring you back to Camelot. I know when reality will change. I can grab you all.”

  “Thank you, Trudesile. It means a lot coming from you after all I have done. But our place is here. This is our home.” Tru wrapped her free arm around Trudesile. “Don’t worry. You’ll have it one day. If I can, so can you. Just have patience. Now let’s go round everyone up and get that stupid Cup of Kings.”

  Tru pushed Trudesile out the loft door. Carter grabbed her by the arms before Trudesile could react. Tru snickered to herself as he lowered Trudesile to the ground.

  “I still know how to have some fun. Can’t be a goody two shoes like chicken legs all the time.”

  “Your other half really has some smart kids.” Lester ran to Trudesile’s side. “I think I can create portals in other places with her tips now. Should be fun to try when we get home.”

  “How are we going to do that? We don’t have anyone like Dina to get us back,” Trudesile asked.

  “Don’t we?” Max pointed to Allison. “She thinks she can do it.”

  “I think she can too,” Lester added.

  “It’s great to finally share my gift with someone other than family,” Allison stated.

  “So now we just have to get that Cup and pry the whereabouts of the fourth piece from the being inside. Then we’ll be back in Camelot and end Adam before he hurts anyone.”

  “Max, about that. I didn’t know how to tell you, but minutes after you left, Adam leveled the whole castle. Davy protected the kids with his shield, but everyone else is dead. He dragged Dina, Eve, and Trinny off through some portal and I couldn’t sense him any longer.” Bazooka sighed, hoping that his kids were still safe and under Davy’s protection.

  “We’ll fix that. We’ll fix it all.” Max tried to hide his sadness through his mumbling. He then stood up straight and stared at everyone that surrounded them. “Adam has plagued us long enough. Whether through himself or Sir Dreadvent, he has caused so much pain that we must stop him. It doesn’t matter who we are or who we were, right now we only have one task, and that is to rid the universe of Adam once and for all.”

  “A mission.”

  “Cool. I can finally stretch my wings.”

  “And I can jump in front of bad guys and they can’t hurt me,” Sarah added.

  “Thank you all. But we just need Allison to get us there. If this goes wrong, you are the last hope anyone has.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic, chicken legs. You need to learn to cut loose every now and then. I’m staying behind with Harrison, but everyone else is going with you. End of discussion.”

  “She’s gotten rather bossy,” Lester whispered.

  “Comes with being a mother. As does hearing everything.”

  “By me pot of gold.” Lester snickered.

  “Be careful, Honey.” Tru kissed Morris and then hugged the rest of her children.

  “We’ll make it back. It’s about time Dad met his grandchildren.”

  “It’s about time your father did a lot of things.” Tru laughed.

  “Max, we are going to need their help,” Trudesile whispered, knowing that he had no want to put them in danger and risk losing anyone else.

  “I know. But let’s watch out for them. They’re just kids.”

  “And what are you? I’m older than you,” Carter stated.

  Max realized he was right. He had been fighting for so long that he never fully grasped that he was younger than Carter and Allison. His experiences had made him wise, but his body told everyone another story. He finally nodded to Morris and Tru, willing to accept their help. He pushed his worry over saving his parents, Dina, and the others aside so he could focus on getting the Cup of Kings and keeping Tru’s family safe.

  “Now that chicken legs is ready, Allison, you know what you have to do. Be careful, sweetheart.” Tru hugged Allison once again. “And don’t create one back here without going through another portal first. We don’t want our home discovered.”

  “Yes, Mom. I know. I know.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  Tru waved to her family as they stepped through the portal Allison had created. She feared for their safety but knew they had to do this or Earth would be broken into plots forever. The determination in Max’s eyes told her he would not allow any harm to come to her family. She smirked at Lester as he eyed her before stepping in. She twiddled her fingers at Bazooka as he gave her a devilish grin before jumping through.

  Trudesile stepped up to it but paused. “I’ll be sure they get back to you,” she whispered.

  “Thank you. I trust you all. Now go get that stupid Cup and end this.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Trudesile stepped through and the portal closed behind her.

  “Mommy is glad you don’t have a power because now you are all Mommy’s.” Tru rubbed her nose against Harrison’s. She smiled as he looked to the spot where they all had disappeared. “I know. I miss them already. But they’ll be back. Chicken legs always finds a way. He’s a pain in the butt like that. Speaking of butt. Someone needs changing.”

  Tru gave one final glance to where her family left. She said a silent prayer for them and then bounced Harrison in her arms while taking him inside to look after his needs.

  Chapter 15

  The Bigger They Are

  The group appeared through the portal and found all of the guards that had been stationed outside the building lying unconscious. Duncan smirked and then zipped around and gathered up their weapons. He dropped them in a pile and nodded to Lester.


  “Get on with it. Drop yee pot of gold on them.” Duncan laughed after mocking Lester.

  “I’ll drop me pot of gold on you.”

  “I thought they can detect our powers?” Trudesile asked.

  “They can, but they already know we’re here now. So let them have it.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Lester made a pot of gold appear and dropped it over the weapons. He smirked as they smashed to pieces beneath it.

  “Look out!” Allison created a portal, reached through
and grabbed Max, yanking him to her side.

  “You can create ones that go both ways?” Max stood stunned.

  “Yeah. Can’t he?”

  “By me pot of gold, I still have a lot to learn.”

  “Later, Lester.” Trudesile turned into a dragon and took to the sky.

  Max brought forth his own dragon and jumped on. He and Carter took off at the same time, narrowly dodging the rays from the flying saucers. They circled the three attacking them and then huddled as a group.

  “Do you really think this is going to work?” Carter asked.

  “It has before. Wait for it. Wait for it. Now!” Max shouted and they all dropped toward the ground.

  The flying saucers fired at the same time and hit each other. They burst to pieces and plummeted to the ground. One crashed into the front door of the building and the others rained down over the group. Duncan sped around the debris, grabbing everyone on the ground, even the unconscious guards, and took them to safety.

  “It’s clear inside.” Mary’s projected self reattached to her body. “But I heard footsteps. More are coming.”

  “Let’s go.” Morris waved for them to follow. He began climbing in through the front door and then heard mumbling.

  “I’m taking one with me. For Earth.”

  “Down, chap.” Bazooka jumped between him and the pilot that had crawled from the downed flying saucer. He took a few laser shots to the back, mumbling, “I should have gone to the beach.”

  “Don’t think so.” Sarah stepped between him and her dad as Bazooka turned into energy and vanished. She took a few beams while stomping toward him and then kicked him in the face. “And stay down.”

  “Is he?” Duncan stared at where Bazooka had vanished from.

  “Nah, the rabbit will be back. He’ll probably take his sweet time though and let us do all the work.” Lester grabbed Sarah’s hand and rushed them passed Duncan.

  “Max, let’s create a door.” Trudesile dove toward the windows and blew fire against it. She tried again, but it failed.

  “They are bullet proof and fire proof,” Carter stated.

  “But not claw proof.” Max nodded to his dragon and both it and Trudesile hit the third-floor windows with their claws. They busted through it, causing the office workers to scatter.


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