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The Sanatorium of Murcia

Page 2

by Claudio Hernández

  - "This is not "the nowhere", Miss Sadie," -Kevin said without turning his head and with his eyes on the stretch of asphalt road. - "And besides, this moon is the same one we have in Florida babe."

  - "This is from Murcia, also known as Murtia by the Romans in the "catapum" year. When it was said that there was the goddess of love Myrtus or goddess of Venus, " -Riley explained with a broad smile on her face. - "Therefore, it is not the Florida ..."

  - Moron! - Kevin cuts him.

  - "Where the hell, you've got all that wisdom?" -Chase asked looking up. He was snorting like a buffalo, while the agonizing wheels whirled slowly on the pavement.

  - "Were we not in the same university?" -Riley laughed. - "Sure, you were busy making little snot balls."

  - "Disgusting!" -Violet yelled from the back like a distant echo.

  Now Chase joined the laugh.

  Kevin was getting out of nerves when he suddenly saw him.

  - "Guys, I found a path to the left!"

  Suddenly everyone was silent for a moment. A silence that became as frightening as holding a vigil to a dead man in his house. However, only a few seconds later all the hands were raised in the air as if wanting to catch all the stars that blinked in the sky and the screams became audible a kilometer away.

  Not far from there, someone heard them.


  - "What the hell was that?" -Carlos asked aloud as he pressed his shotgun against his sunken chest. If he had the ears of a cat, they would be pointed and oriented like a radar. But his ears were disconnected and disproportionate.

  After a few seconds, the laughter was perfectly audible, and Carlos got up from the floor. His ass, numb, gave way to a tingling and his bladder warned him with a twinge of lacerating pain.

  -No, now I cannot piss, -he suddenly said to himself again and again, as he curled up behind the bushes, behind the phantasmagorical façade of the Sanatorium, where the lizards moved among the outlined bricks.

  He was sweating profusely, and his index finger was shaking when he touched the trigger. No doubt he needed the medication. At least the Diazepam or the Alprazolam. At the autumn doors, the air became unbreathable, hot and dense. It was the month of the quince tree as all Murcians knew it.

  In the distance, as if watching through a tube, he saw some light, as small and petty as the end of a cigarette seen from a helicopter. Except that this light was bright, white and growing at times.

  With a new ache in his lower belly, he waited silently with his finger and head shaking, like two loose springs.


  With the tires slipping on the dirt of the road, the van slid on a carpet of crashing noise, until it stopped in a snail line, bumping against the trunk of a tree. The sound was barely heard, and the branches of the tree barely moved. It was like a perfect coupling of a spaceship with the station.

  The twelve of them surrendered, and their puffings were now felt on the sandy ground. Their sweat-soaked bodies mingled with the earth, taking with them a large dark sticky stain on their backs and arms. Their hearts beat wildly under their breasts, and the tits of the girls had been crushed on the ribs, while they rhythmically moved as they breathed.

  - "Fuck! After all, we have got it, have not we, guys?" -Chase gasped, his face full of dirt.

  - " You are whiners," -Kevin said with a hand on his chest. He also breathed like a dog after a long race.

  - "Well, I have not complained," -Jayden lied, putting his glasses on his lean nose.

  - "Neither do I," -Sadie agreed, looking like a bag of potatoes under that miserable moonlight that penetrated the branches of the trees.

  The twelve, was belly up for two long minutes, before getting up and plan what would be the next step in this great trip in Spain.


  - "You have abandoned me, and I am dying," -said a voice inside the Sanatorium, wrapped in ruins. There was no one in there. The dark walls picked up that voice that sounded almost like a whisper.

  -"I'm waiting for you," -another voice said, this time as a woman. It heard clearly and walked the long corridors of the west wing, just where the wind caressed the corners and cried in silence.

  But there was no one there.

  Not a fucking hungry cat.


  Kevin was the first to get up off the ground. His back and ass were full of dirt. A dark spot discerned among the shadows. With both hands, he hit part of the backside and took off his shirt to shake it. His sweaty back struck by a blast of hot air and he frowned as an instinctive act.

  - "Let's go, guys, get up. We must find where to spend the night. Before coming, I informed myself that Espuña Mountains is full of empty houses and with a bit of luck there are still inhabitants, but I think it is later. I could not memorize the map," -explained Kevin, looking at everyone. However, he only saw them as dark spots. - "I do not see shit," -he concluded.

  - "Okay captain," -Leah said, taking the song of her right hand to her temple as she lay on the floor, her breasts more erect than a cat's head peering into danger.

  - "For the record, I get up because I've rested enough, not because you ordered me," -Chase said as he tried almost uselessly to stand on the floor. His body rolled and bounced like a great mass of gelatin. His eyes, hidden ominously in their sockets, seemed to shine for a moment. His fat lips stretched like chewing gum. Something that nobody could see. But they imagined it.

  Jayden laughed impassively. His body on the ground was as close to a long-fallen tree as anything else. His red hair was now a dark spot on the field. With both hands, he began to rub his hair vigorously.

  Kevin put on his shirt again and walked to the side hole of the van. One of his hands grabbed the edge of the door that moved laterally and continued his way to the back while his fingers caressed the sheet without making any sound. He felt the two doors and managed to find the door handle. With a movement of conjurer opened the door outward that squeaked only a moment, and although I did not see, I knew that all the luggage was there, pressed.

  - "We have to take the backpacks and light the flashlights, guys, if we want to see some shit in this place," - Kevin said in a tremulous voice.

  - "I remind you that the idea of ​​coming here was yours," -Sadie said, still lying on the floor. A chubby finger was pointing at him in the darkness.

  - "Murcia. A dream, friends," -Chase said, still speaking as always.

  - "Why is it that all the loudmouths are so talkative?" -

  Jackson asked, a tone of irony in his voice.

  - "And why those of colour you can only see them at night by their teeth?" -Chase replied.

  - "Are you calling me a nigger?"

  - "And to me, fat?"

  - "Hey, hey! Let there be peace, guys!" -Kevin yelled from the back of the van. His hands now touched the rugged fabric of the backpacks. It was impossible to know which one was his. So, he chose to locate the first zip that his fingers touch.

  - "He was the first," -Chase said like an eight-year-old. His big toe was now pointing to a dark spot on the floor, from where the deep voice was supposed to come.

  - "You are like two kids. You are always the same, and later you talk each other as if nothing had happened, " -Alaina objected as a second black spot in the shadows.

  Jayden and Riley said simultaneously; - "Coffee, I need coffee."

  And Jackson spat on the ground.

  - "But nobody has a bigger cock than me," -Jackson said in the darkness, and everyone started to laugh out loud. Even Jackson himself.

  - "Pigs!" -Gianna exclaimed between laughter and tears that appeared in the eyes thanks to an internal mechanism that accompany the body to homeostasis after extreme excitement. But that Gianna did not know because she was the dumbest of the group.

  Two minutes was the time they were lying on the ground like worms, writhing between dirt and sweat.

  Finally, Kevin's fingers met a very familiar shape. A zipper. He took it with both fingers, index finger and thumb and pulled to the side. The
zipper squeaked as it opened its jagged mouth. Kevin then introduced, his right hand and grope what was a canteen, packs of cigarettes, although they did not smoke, boxes of condoms, very much though they were not used, clothes and finally, what looked like a solid tube. He held it up in the night air, and his finger searched in the centre for a switch. He found it and only let the weight of the finger trigger the switch. The LED flashlight immediately projected a beam of intense white light, with which I could see all the luggage and the sweaty faces of all of those who, at that moment, was rising from the ground in a complaining way.

  - "We already have light," -Kevin said, lighting his face. Now his eyes seemed transparent, and the skull appeared to show the brain pressed into the head as if the intense light pierced all the barriers.

  - "Perfect," -Chase said, glancing at Jackson. - "So, we can see more than one." -And Jackson got the hint.

  - "Fuck you," -Jackson whispered, still with a smile on his huge lips.

  Sadie was rolling on the floor like a huge moldable plastic tube. Riley kept laughing, but this time because of what seemed like a comic scene.

  - "I want one of those fucking lanterns," -Leah said, shaking her butt. Her tits moved slightly, and the crack that separated them did not open for a moment. He heard the earth and small pebbles fall to the ground. They were all standing.

  - "And why do you want a flashlight if you already have one, Kevin?" -Gianna asked with absolute ignorance.

  - |"Fuck with the blonde! Well, to see better these beautiful places and maybe not to put your foot where you should not," -said Jackson. His butt was a darker stain than his skin.

  Chase laughed again, while his wide eyes are watching her in disbelief.

  - "We, the brunettes, are more cultured," -Alaina said. Her hair now looked like a skein of washed-out threads.

  - "And more invisible at night," -said Violet, who also had a character marked by fire.

  The girls were all like that; Luke thought as he adjusted his glasses again in the light of Kevin's flashlight that he now caused, a white circle at his feet.

  However, nothing foreshadowed that it would not be like that in a few hours.

  No one suspected that they were beyond the failure of the van.

  - "Welcome, Murcia," -said Chase, opening his arms as if he were going to receive a hug.

  - "Espuña Mountains" -corrected Jayden with his usual passivity. His hands rested on the sheet of the van to follow the same path as Kevin. He was heading toward Kevin, guided by the disturbing shadows that moved between the flashes and the darkness.

  - "Ok," answered Chase, smiling.

  Sadie looked at him sideways.

  Suddenly a new ray of white light illuminated the ground and then the branches of the trees, which seemed to indicate them as long, Machiavellian fingers.

  It was Jayden's flashlight, who had his backpack hanging from his left shoulder.

  - "Come on, guys. Come for your luggage," -Kevin instructed, as the focus of his lantern now pierced the thickets of the treetops as if something were interesting there. He did not see anything.

  When everyone had gotten up off the ground in one way or another, they went to the back of the van, guided by the eye of the lantern. Once there, under the silent moon and the howl of a lost wolf, or perhaps a nearby dog, they picked up their backpacks and hung them behind their backs, taking out that, yes, the lantern. Now six spotlights were licking the road, bushes and branches of trees that no longer looked so grim.

  The murmur was high, and there was a racking of zippers and taps on the sheet of the vehicle, with backpacks. Chase had discovered a rotten apple in his bag. Of course, there was no worm. He pulled it back without looking and hit Luke in the head that was a meter away from them, exploring the ground with his beam of light.

  - "Fuck! who has thrown something in my head?" -Luke protested, scratching his hair. - "Now my hair will be infected."

  Chase could not contain the laughter and released her spit saliva on his open backpack.

  - "How are you going to get your hair infected by an apple?" -Riley said, the cleverest of all, at least when he got grades of honours when they all shared classes at the university. His dark hair was struck by the beam of Luke's flashlight.

  - "And how can you affirm that?"

  Chase let out another laugh.

  - "Shut up! Stop the bullshit like small children! We came here to have fun and fuck a lot," -Kevin said, twisting his lips in imitation of Stallone.

  Leah nudged her.

  Then there was more laughter and after collecting all their belongings left the van to their fate, at the entrance of the road. Kevin turned off the lights of the vehicle, because he supposed, that in the place where he was there was no danger to another car.

  Maybe the danger would be in them, but that, they did not know yet. So, his feet crawled on the dusty road after the rays of the lanterns.

  And there was someone who remembered a specific scene from a movie based on an extraterrestrial. - "We look like scientists covered in a white suit, guided by an intense light in search of the poor alien's clue,' -he said.

  And in the meantime, they followed the wake of the road.


  Carlos's big piss and his swollen bladder exponent could not wait, but now was not the time to take off his cock to piss long and hard. Not now. What at first seemed like the end of a cigarette shining in the distance had soon been replaced by trembling lights that pointed everywhere. On the ground, the bushes and even the sky. Also, the murmur was growing, and the echoes came as sharp knives, awakening an uncontrollable fear at times.

  Carlos wondered if they would be.

  Those who spoke and lamented.

  He held the shotgun tightly and lifted it in the direction of the road. Towards the lights. Toward the murmur. Behind him, the ghostly facade laughed in silence.

  A lacerating pain ran from his lower abdomen to his temple, and his forehead was sweaty. Drops of sweat slipped down to his bushy eyebrows and cheeks. Feeling like a soft liquid caressed his hairy skin. Suddenly he felt something wet and hot spread under his fly. He was sure that it would have formed a large dark spot, but the absence of light prevented him from seeing it, and he did not waste time to release the weapon and touch his pants. But he, he knew it. He had pissed. Not much less of fear, but of incontinence and felt how the pleasure ran from his belly to the brain, although he knew he was in danger.

  They were coming.

  But were they really?


  Chase directed his flashlight to the left, where there were bushes that caught his particular attention. On the floor and clearly visible were the remains of a hunting shotgun cartridge, hollow and red.

  - "Wow! We're in a hunting area," -he said, without paying any attention to it, except for the joke that followed it. - "I bet the balls that that cartridge would not have given Jackson in the middle of the night ...

  - "Son of a bitch! -Jackson exclaimed, cutting him off. His flashlight tilted up to Chase's face and, the spotlight lit up the smiling face to the fat of the group. - "That cartridge does not even have not even to start with all the fat on your face," -he said and lowered the flashlight to the ground.

  They did not stop and their feet kept crawling on the ground, which kept creaking under their feet. A mosquito was interested in Luke's neck, and he gave a smack that sounded like a sharp blow to break a dry branch.

  - "What happened to you, Luke? -Asked Taylor, his girlfriend, the eternal blonde "who must always exist in a group."

  -A fucking bug bit me. Now it will get infected," -Luke explained, scratching his neck. The itching was now unbearable.

  - "They'll cut off your head," -Jayden said as he moved ahead of the group, next to Kevin.

  The ground grind beneath their feet, and it seemed that the sound was getting louder as they entered the forest along the winding road.

  - "Or the balls," -Kevin said, holding up the lantern with which he formed an arc of lig
ht, piercing the darkness that stood before them.

  And suddenly, once again, Chase's laughter was heard.


  His pulse trembled, and his heart resounds inside his head like a hammer hitting an iron. His vision was now blurry and he was sweating even more. The shirt was stuck like a limpet on his hairy back that was dripping like it was in the rain. His delusions increased, and he believed that it would be them, but something did not fit in all this. Laughter was heard, until there he saw it normal because he had listened to some laugh in his ears that never existed. However, the voices so appeased, so correct in a fear product of a conversation, was what did not fit.

  Carlos had heard that there were only laments and whispers that said horrible things. And all that hustle was nothing terrifying. It seemed to Carlos that people were approaching.

  Normal people.

  But even so, the shotgun was ready to open fire; although the locals said that bullets or arrows were useless.

  Not at all?


  The green snake zigzagged across the path just in front of them; this caused them to stop dead, and their hearts galloped like a greyhound for the next thirty seconds.

  - "Fuck! A snake," -Jackson hesitated, his eyes wide open.

  - "We are in a forest, moron, what else did you expect?" -Kevin told off, without ceasing to illuminate the road.

  - "A rabbit?" -Answered Jackson with another question.

  Kevin shrugged.

  - 'I bet your shitted your pants, right, Captain?" -Chase asked with a grimace drawn on his face. A disturbing grimace, between fright and parody.

  - "Like you," -Kevin sighed. -Let's move forward. I'm starting to get tired of walking, and I want to sleep well tonight.


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