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The Sanatorium of Murcia

Page 4

by Claudio Hernández

  The girls were the following, except Sadie who tried twice and his huge ass could not but to stand in front of the visible face of the moon.

  Kevin looked at her with a scowl.

  - "Come on, Chase, help her up, after all, it's your girlfriend," Jackson said.

  - "Thank you for reminding me, idiot," -Chase protested, all sweaty. - "Who came up with the idea of ​​coming here?"

  - "Spain and Murcia, everyone," -Kevin reminded him, his voice hollowed from inside. - "To this place, tell the damn van."

  - "Fuck!" -Chase's voice sounded twangy. He was short of breath before helping his girlfriend. - 'Wait for me to help you."

  - "Great! I already thought that you had forgotten about me, of course, as I have some, many more curves ..."

  - "Let's go, Sadie, you know that you're the apple of my little eyes."

  Inside of the building sounds some giggles echoing in the room.

  Chase put her hands-on Sadie's huge ass, and both Jayden and Luke helped him to lift her up. In the middle of the effort, they escaped a lascivious smile. When Sadie fell on the floor on the other side of the window opening, there was a fleshy blow and a moan.

  Then it was Chase's turn. Jayden and Luke saw into each other's eyes in a shared grimace. Their hearts were beating at their temples and sweat had covered their entire body. They felt the need to take off their shirts, but they did not do it.

  - "Let's go, guys, you have to help me," -said Chase, laughing. - "But first I'll take off my backpack to weigh less."

  - "And you could have shit into the bushes, to lighten even more weight," -Luke said.

  Chase climbed into the window opening.

  - "Push boys," he said.

  The hands of Jayden and Luke sank into the flabby flesh of Chase's ass as if they were pushing a sponge except that it weighed more than a hundred kilos. Chase was on tiptoe, and his elbows were on the windowsill. His girlfriend once lifted off the floor, laughed at him. There was one more sobbing that came from a corridor, but between the loud gasps of the three of them, they did not hear it. And the lament said again and again, -"why they had been abandoned us with her."-


  Carlos, who still crouched as a feline waiting for something, did not hear it either. However, he saw something out of the ordinary. Losa had counted three silhouettes from the beginning, but now he had seemed have seen one more, which was on the side of those already inside the Sanatorium. It was a dark figure, but at the same time clear between the shadows and the gloom. It was motionless as if watching. They, however, were bustling. Carlos began to sweat copiously, and his finger landed on the trigger. His instinct pushed him to place the barrel of the shotgun in the direction of the window. On the right. He was going to shoot, but now the figure was gone. Sure, he had seen her, put down the gun, and although he knew he needed the fucking pills, he also knew that there were seven at that time.

  One more.


  The dust rose to a half meter in a circle of two meters in diameter when Chase's body hit the ground in a fleshy blow, just as it had happened to his girlfriend. Kevin put his hand in front of his eyes and said something inaudible. He had muttered something nobody heard. However, Jackson's laughter scratched all the walls of the corridors that were behind them to the right. Now there were only Jayden and Luke left.

  - "Fuck! How hard it is to get in through the window," -Chase said from the floor. His chubby cheeks were red as if blood were struggling to come out of his soft skin.

  Jayden jumped at that precise moment with the agility of a cat. Luke was already perched on the windowsill, sweating profusely under the thick warm layer of warm air of the quince tree month.

  A few seconds later, they were all inside with wide eyes and the headlights of the lanterns grooming every corner of what was ...

  What the hell was it?

  Kevin was the first to realize that it was not a room, not only because there was not a fucking bed, but because that room was huge and there was a counter in the background, after crossing a vast hall with the eyes.

  - "This seems to be the reception room," he said.

  After this, the flashlights pointed in all directions caressing every corner of the enormous room, the furniture upholstered with dust and spider webs. At that moment, Sadie's face turned white after seeing all that, it seemed that all the elements there light up by the flashlights, did not do more than look at them, as if they were mutant eyes. A simple open drawer of a table evoked a somewhat strange sensation that led you to feel the cold within the sweat of the forehead.

  - "All this scare me," -Sadie confessed, wrinkling all the features of her face. - "It's as if someone is waiting for us here."

  Kevin looked at her sideways with a serious face.

  - "You could even call it a ghostly area," -Violet agreed, who with her lips so narrow they seemed to draw a thin line almost without elasticity on her lips.

  - "Have you seen many ghost movies, no?" -Chase asked with a stupid smile drawn on his face.

  - "And you think you're very brave, right?" -Violet replied. - "Why do not you go ahead first and look for a fucking place to spend the night?"

  - "I'll do it with pleasure," -Chase replied, and his right leg drew a bow in the air as he took the first step, just ahead of Kevin. Then a blast of cold air rose, and his flashlight flickered. Chase looked surprised.

  Violet and Sadie opened their mouths like a perfect O. Their eyes scanned even beyond the reach of the flashlights.

  - "Do not you think that it is an unusual cold?" -Violet gestured.

  - "I'm still hot," -Kevin said as he illuminated the ceiling. There, he discovered something. - "Look, there are bats up there."

  Suddenly four lanterns light up the roof, and the small animals moved passively their tiny wings finished in a hoof or something similar.

  - "Fuck, that's disgusting," -Alaina said as her fingers from her left hand tangled in her straight hair. There was a saying that touching one's hair chased away bad luck.

  - "The truth is that this building is starting to look awful," -Leah explained.

  Kevin put his free arm around her and kissed her with a loud kiss.

  - "The awful thing is to spend the night out there." -He pointed to the window they had used to enter. The backpacks still hung from their backs.

  - "We are before an abandoned building since 1962, and to my knowledge, as far as I have been able to know that there has been no reform after that date. On the other hand, if we consider that all the windows are open, and, that it closed its doors to the public for lack of economic support. Then, from there to all that is the same, we deduce that dust, dirt, spiders and cockroaches have been made with everything like a natural phenomenon." -When all the verbiage was over, a short space of ominous silence reigned, in which all eyes fell on him, and the current of cold air passed into the background.

  - "Have you been comfortable Riley?" -Leah asked uneasily.

  Riley shrugged and felt like releasing the backpack because it gives him yanks to his bony shoulders.

  - "The boy has a golden peak. Hard to understand sometimes, but he's the smart guy in the group," -Kevin admitted.

  -That's it! Let's pay attention to it," -Chase muttered, rolling his eyes until they could be seen whitish in the field of lantern light.

  Gianna was about to ask Riley something, but she gave up on the idea for fear of letting go of what they called a nonsensical comment.

  What is that noise that comes from the inside?

  But he did not ask, because perhaps his mind had been fed enough fear to hear nonexistent sounds and was afraid to screw up. However, she was not wrong. But that would be discovered later by others. For some reason, she came to think that her stay there was limited in time. It was a strange feeling, but one that conveyed security.

  - "Guys, we have to camp here. It seems like a safe place. Silent. Abandoned and apparently normal in everything," -explained Kevin, kneeling on the floor. It was to
unload the backpack and leave the lantern on the ground, in a vertical position, with the light pointing towards the ceiling. The light reflected as if it were a rain of light.

  - "I think he's right," -Chase agreed and, moving his shoulders back, let the backpack fall motionless in the gap between his back and the floor. There was a dry noise followed by a smell of torrid earth.

  Gianna was impatient and thought she continued to hear voices, as if they were laments and even seemed to see a vague form in the background, behind the counter, which crawled like a spider towards them, with movements almost interpreting a robot. But after closing the eyes and reopening them, none of that was there, in front of them. She resisted but agreed to leave the backpack on the floor, not without having her heart beating wildly in her fist.

  Her father told her that she had the virtue of being stupid and seeing the bad. Both things were not incompatible. And there was something wrong there.

  - "Will there be any light switches around here?" -Gianna finally asked, almost trembling.

  - "Did your father ever tell you that you were stupid?" -Chase looked at her with his eyes turned upside down and a grimace on his face, as he shook his head energetically. - "Riley has said that this building or whatever, is abandoned a lot of years ago. And are you still waiting for the electricians' ones to keep the light? The switches, of course, there are, look there. -. He pointed to one of them, on the wall to Gianna's right, with the flashlight. The switch had the ridiculous shape of a small tap. It was not even the lever type, but the ones that turned like the button on the radio.

  - "Chase I think this is out of place ..."

  - “Ok, I'm sorry, aunt!" -Chase cut him open his arms. The light focused on one of the bats in the roof.

  -Chase. Enough! -Riley exclaimed with a severe face. -

  "Riley, that is, I, is her boyfriend and you've gone too far with what you have said. Ask for forgiveness right now. -He was pointing at him the flashlight, but Chase had time to see his look sad or deeply angry.

  - "Ok, I did not mean it." Chase was still with his arms open while the light of the lantern pointed everywhere. It illuminated, or better, it ran through with the light, a dark figure that was at the end of the corridor, but nobody noticed it.

  - "Hey, guys! Stop now," -Kevin shouted, unzipping his backpack.

  They both shut up.


  From the outside, everything was diffuse and now the voices, distant, were confused with the howling of the wind as it brushed the two west wings, the roofs and the curves of the great Christ, who welcomed the passage of terror.

  Carlos had left the shotgun on the ground but did not take his eyes off it. The same thing happened with the crossbow and the arrows. In the gloom, everything was elongated and scabrous, like them. His breathing was faltering as if he had just walked a marathon. He was panting. The moon shone high in the sky accompanied by the stars that his eyes could not see. For him, everything was very vague, and it seemed as if a dense fog had suddenly come among them. He was lying on the floor, on his back. The palms of the hands were on the ground and the stones. Something in his boot was trying to gnaw it, but it could not. Carlos knew that it was, a disgusting rat. He was thirsty and hungry in equal measure, and his lips ached when he moved them in the grimaces of pain that covered his body, like a blanket full of needles.

  Also, he had the feeling that the temperature had dropped substantially, however, he was sweating profusely. All that happened to him very often, especially when he forgot to take the fucking pills. But at home, there was no one left because of them. He had no choice but to go behind the happy elongated shadows, shotgun in hand and armed to the teeth. What he did not know was if those things could be pierced with a cartridge or an arrow.

  Now, he had not got it.

  Not now, and as he convulsed as if he were delirious, the voices dragged by the wind, reached and reached his deaf ears.


  After the collision, which it would not be the last. Everyone had dropped their backpacks on the rugged and bulky floor. It was as if beneath him, the roots of an invisible tree, struggled to come out and burst everything in its path.

  They had spread the mattresses on the floor together, to be closer. The idea was to use half of the lanterns to save energy. If they had to be all night, awake, they did not want to run out of light. Kevin suggested that the first thing they would do was eat and drink, and they did it.

  Each of them had bought at the Murcia train station El Carmen, a sausage sandwich and three cans of beer, which now looked like canned piss, but the foam was not lacking. At one point, Chase laughed at his girlfriend when she showed him a white moustache of foam under her nose. She gave him a rabbit punch.

  Their voices sounded hollow and echoed in the large reception room, even though they were close to the window. The laments that continued dispersing through the building drowned by the shouts of them and their laughter. Gianna was nervous because she listened to them and could even say she knew what they were saying.

  - "You have abandoned me, and I am dying," -said the voice with a soft whisper.

  Gianna froze. Kevin watched her as her jaws moved as she chewed the spicy pork sausage ​​and the Serrano ham, but soon he turned his gaze to the sandwich and Leah's mouth, who elbowed him in the belly.

  - "I'm not looking at her," -Kevin said with a smile. -

  "Besides, she's not my type."

  - "But she has tits, and that makes you crazy."

  - "You also have them, and quite beautiful," -he said as a hand with open fingers was directed towards one of them.

  Leah slapped at him.

  And suddenly what seemed like a sustainable murmur became a tremendous drill in the empty room. It had been Chase who had belched like a chainsaw after drinking more than half of the beer in one gulp.

  - "Fuck, you're a pig!" -Violet exclaimed, wrinkling her sweaty forehead. She stepped aside because she was next to Chase.

  Sadie laughed out loud, and after finishing burping, Chase joined in who glimpsed a chewing gum smile that deformed his chubby face.

  - "A burp of such proportions can only lead sooner than earlier to a laryngeal injury," -Riley explained, one hand holding the sandwich and the other resting on Gianna's knee.

  And then, happened the most unexpected.


  The voices were still distant, but as soon as Carlos had the chance to sit up and look at the window, where he saw the flash of the lanterns, he saw those damn silhouettes and someone up. It was the silhouette of a girl. With the heart giving him an impulse of adrenaline in the swollen veins of his neck, he took the crossbow and not the shotgun. He was the best crossbowman with arrows and pellets than with cartridges. It was very difficult to see a crossbow around Espuña Mountains, but he had it.

  Breathing hard, he kneels down, picked up an arrow, and inserted it into the crossbow, also known as a ballista, and then tensed it. His hands lifted in the air, holding the crossbow like it was a shotgun and looked through the peephole made of elaborate magnifying and precision glasses. His breathing and his finger on the trigger were shaking.

  He saw it clearly.

  It was the silhouette, and then without thinking twice, he pulled the trigger.


  Gianna was standing, when a warm, soft liquid ran from her temple to her chin and then her neck. His eyes blinked in a single second that seemed eternal and then everything was dark. She remained motionless, like a statue. Her arms were inert and at the same time tense, on both sides of the body and the silky liquid that gave off a sweet smell slid down his chest and his sweaty arms, mixing, without stopping until falling like raindrops on the floor. After the whistle, there had been a sharp thump and a cracking sound as if it were breaking something dry.

  Everyone was stunned watching her. It had been as quick as a flash. But she was already falling to the ground, all upright and with the arrow crossing her skull from side to side. Her body creaked on the floor and fi
lled with her blood in a red puddle, clear since the amount of light that the lanterns emitted.

  Kevin had stuck a piece of Serrano ham between his teeth. Riley's eyes were wide, and a blur had replaced Chase's silly laugh on his lips. They were all petrified. And after a few seconds, the screaming came.

  - "Gianna! Gianna!" -Raley shouted, hitting her in the face, but his hands stained with blood up to his wrists and he felt how her heart had already stopped.

  - "Oh, My God! -Alaina yelled, taking her hands in her hair. Now her eyes were the closest thing to two billiard balls clashing.

  - "Holy God!" -Leah shouted pushing with her legs on the mat to lean against the wall.

  - "Oh, my God!" -Sadie said, throwing up at the same time.

  - "God, God!" -Violet closed the circle.

  The word was God.

  But it had already happened and in front of their noses. The boys barely gesticulated words. They were out of control to move, to make decisions, to stand up or to stay crouched. It was a tense moment full of uncertainty. Finally, Kevin said something.

  - "The arrow has entered through the window."

  And even though he seemed calm, he was not, inside, his heart pumped like a steam engine. Beating hard, hitting against his ribs and receiving stabbing pain.

  The blood stain was growing around Gianna's head, and at times it seemed like she was going to sink into that puddle. Riley lifted her head, and his shirt got full of blood. He was crying, and his tears disappeared with the stream of sweat, becoming a thick and salty liquid.

  - "Honey, wake up. Wake up, wake up!" -Riley cried disconsolately, and his voice torn from his throat. It was heard throughout the building and muted to those laments that had not yet could be perceived by others.


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