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His Moment to Steal: In the Line of Duty, Book 4

Page 8

by Cathryn Fox

  His breathing changed, and moisture broke out on his flesh. Like a man hell-bent on grasping something just out of his reach, he pounded harder. In no time at all soft quakes began at her core, and she knew she was about to climax again.

  “Oh, God,” she cried out, her muscles tightening as she scraped her nails over his flesh, sure to leave a mark on him.

  She let go, and opened her mouth, but this time no sound came. Heat whipped through her as her juices dripped down her leg.

  He growled, pulled out and drove back in to her. “You’re so fucking hot.” She squeezed him, and he drew a shaky breath. “You’ve got me there, baby.”

  “Right where I want you,” she murmured.

  A growl ripped from his lungs as he threw his head back and let go. She could feel his cock pulse, his heart pound against her body as he climaxed deep inside her.

  As she watched his jaw clench she knew he’d taken her beyond anything she’d ever known. Never in her life had sex been this good.

  With his cock still buried inside, he collapsed on top of her, pressing her into the carpet. They stayed like that for a long time, just holding one another. Finally he inched back, and his expression was tender and hot when his glance met hers. As she basked in the afterglow, he brushed his knuckles over her face, everything in his touch warm, shockingly intimate.

  “You okay?”

  She nodded, going limp beneath him. “So…uh…yeah,” she said. “That was ah…”

  “Something I wanted to do since I first saw you juggling your melons.”

  She laughed, and said, “Yeah, me too.”

  His expression changed, worry moving into his eyes. “I didn’t hurt you, did I? I knew it was going to be rough, because I needed you so fucking bad.”

  “It didn’t hurt.”

  “Good. Next time, I’ll go slower, I promise.”

  There was going to be a next time?

  He rolled off her, discarded his condom, then moved in close. He propped himself up on his elbow and ran his hands over her stomach. She caught the mischief in his eyes, as his fingers began a slow climb.

  “In fact, I think the next time is going to be sooner rather than later.”

  Chapter Six

  Luke blinked his eyes open and for a moment he had no idea where he was. A movement beside him had him turning. When he caught Emery looking at him, a small smile on her face, every hot memory from last night came rushing back in a whoosh.

  He moved closer and dropped a kiss onto her mouth. “Morning, sunshine.”

  “Morning,” she said, giving a lazy stretch. “What time is it?” she asked.

  He moved his glance over her face. She looked so warm, so soft and welcoming. “Time for you to roll over and open up for me.” He must have taken her at least a half a dozen times last night, yet he still couldn’t get enough of her. All he could think about was being inside her again, pushing hard and deep and fucking her for the rest of the weekend. Good thing she had a box of condoms in her nightstand, considering how fast he burned through the couple he had on him.

  A warm flush crawled up her neck as she rolled to her back and spread her legs wide. “See, not stubborn at all,” she teased.

  He pushed her sheets off and trailed his hand over her naked body. A shiver moved through her, desire backlighting her eyes. “I do love it when I get my way.”

  She placed the back of her hand over her forehead, and feigned distress. “The sacrifices I make.”

  Luke pushed a finger between her legs and swiped the rough pad over her clit, loving this playful side of her. She’d been under a tremendous amount of stress for too long, and it made him feel good to know he could help lighten her load and make her smile.

  “Oh God,” she cried out as she swelled beneath his touch.

  He grinned and plunged inside to find her hot and ready for him. “Yeah, that’s some sacrifice you’re making, sunshine.”

  He leaned in and drew one nipple into his mouth, and her hands curled in his hair. She moved her hips, lifting them as he took her with his finger. His cock throbbed as he pushed another finger inside and pressed down on her clit with his palm. He worked her higher and higher and in no time at all she cried out his name and climaxed all over him. He loved how responsive she was.

  He reached past her and grabbed a condom and, after quickly sheathing himself, he settled over her body. He braced his hands on either side of her head and hesitated for a moment. “You’re not too sore are you?” He gave her a sheepish look. “I mean it’s not like I was being rough or anything.”

  “I’m a little sore.” He was about to back off until she cupped his face. “But I want you again.” She drew his mouth to hers, wrapped her legs around his ass, and pulled him inside her. “As far as being rough,” she whispered into his mouth, “I want you to take me the way you need me.”

  The second her heat wrapped around him he damn near lost it. Last night he’d promised her numerous times that he’d go slow, but what a load of crap that had been. There was just something about her that made him lose his shit, made him forget every sane thought but getting balls deep and fucking her hard.

  He thrust into her, sinking into her warm, wet heat as he swallowed her gasp. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight as he drove in and out, seeking, searching…needing.

  She made a sexy noise and shifted, providing him with deeper access. He rammed into her, blocking everything from his mind except how fucking good it felt to be inside her. She was so soaked between the legs he easily slipped in and out, but the friction he was creating took him to the edge in record time. Raw desire seared his insides and he knew he was so damn close to falling over. Sensations whipped through him, and he bit back a curse, trying to hold on a little longer.

  Her fingers dug into his back and she tossed her head to the side. He watched her face, loving the look that came over her as she peaked.

  “So good,” she murmured, the heat of her breath assailing his neck.

  Her body began trembling beneath him, and her muscles clenched around his cock. A second later he could feel her wet heat sear his cock and pull his climax from him. He growled, and stilled inside her as she pulsed around him. Why was it so goddamn good with her?

  “Fuck, yes,” he bit out, then released inside her, giving himself over to the intense pleasure rocketing through him. She shuddered beneath him and he sucked in a quick breath as he settled his weight on top of her. When she began running her nails over his back, his entire body trembled. He loved the way she touched him like that.

  He stayed there until his cock grew flaccid and the tension drained from his mind. Then he rolled off and discarded the condom before shifting back to face her. Her eyes looked sated, her grin satisfied when he shuffled back in beside her.

  “Come here,” he said.

  Kicking the blanket to the end of the bed, he put his arm around her and she cuddled into him. Her hair flared around his shoulder and he tucked it beneath him. Lightly trailing his hand up and down her arm, he could feel sleep pull at him, but when she gave a low contented sigh it snapped him out of it. He looked down at her. While this was just about sex there was a part of him that wanted to know more about her.

  “Tell me about Jeremy,” he said. He felt her go stiff in his arms. He touched her chin, lifting it until their eyes met. His gaze moved over her upturned face. “What?”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “I don’t know. Whatever you want to tell me, I guess.”

  Her gaze left his and she stared at the crack in her curtains, where morning light slanted in through the room. “He’s a wonderful guy. So fun loving and so sweet, but a few years back, he became increasingly aggressive. Dad suffered a heart attack so Jeremy came to live with me. There was an incident, and I got hurt.” Luke pulled her tighter, the need to protect her overwhelming him. “He didn’t mean it, though. Sometimes he gets so frustrated and he doesn’t know his own strength. I hated putting him in the center, bu
t it’s better for him. I see that now.”

  “It must be expensive.”

  Once again her shoulders sagged, like she had the weight of the world on them. “It is, which is why I need to get my market back in the black.”

  He brushed her hair back, understanding just how much she needed his help. “We will. I’ll see to it.”

  She smiled up at him but he suddenly found himself unable to return it. Talking about her brother had him thinking of Allison. His heart clenched. The haunted look on her face after he was so cruel to her—telling her he was a thief and that he no longer wanted her in his life—still troubled him after all these years. A tremble moved through him.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  Not wanting to talk about his past, or his family, he said, “You seem like a really good sister. Jeremy is lucky to have you.”

  “I’d like to take him out to the park, or somewhere just to get him a change of scenery, but without my father’s help I’m not able to take him alone. If he should have an outburst…”

  “So you take care of your father, your brother and the market all by yourself.” He went quiet for a moment, thoughtful, and wondered what she did just for her. “You have a lot of people counting on you.”

  “I don’t want to let them down.”

  “Is that why you lied to your father about the security system?”

  “I don’t want him to worry.”

  He ran his fingers over her arm. “You know, you’ve been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders for a long time. Maybe it’s time for someone to take care of you for a change.”

  She gave him a sexy wink. “You just did.”

  As she teased him, trying to make light of the mood, he looked down at her, wanting to be the one to lighten her load and take care of her, at least for a little while. Soon enough the job would be done and they’d go their separate ways. But until then…

  Turning the subject back to him, she asked, “You said you had a sibling?”


  “Are you close?”

  “Uh, well, not really,” he said. As soon as the words left his mouth, his stomach started to grumble, providing him with the perfect distraction.

  Emery laughed. “I think we’d better eat. Maybe you picked up on some new breakfast ideas last night from that Good Housekeeping magazine you were reading.”

  He glanced at the clock. “While I’d love to stay and show you my culinary skills, which are magnificent I might add, it’s getting late and Rex is probably bursting at the door.”


  He pointed to himself. “Dog person. Remember?”


  He looked around. “Which reminds me. Where is Jinx?”

  “Probably hiding somewhere.” She gave him an embarrassed grin. “I think all the noise might have scared her.”

  “You mean she doesn’t normally hear screams and cries coming from your bedroom…or living room…or bathroom?”

  She whacked him. “Are you making fun of me?”

  “Hell no. I did enough shouting of my own.”

  “That’s true,” she said, grinning. “You were a bit loud.”

  He laughed. “Just trying to keep up with you.”

  She drove her boney knuckles into his arm and he yelped as he glanced at the clock. “I’d better get moving. I have to grab Rex. We’re heading out to the base together where my comrades train service dogs. Then I want to check on Trent at Sheffield Community Center.”

  She gave a heavy sigh, and her shoulders sagged. “I should probably get to the market anyway.” She made a move to roll away from him, but on impulse he stopped her, pulling her back against him.

  “Maybe you’d like to come to the compound with us,” he blurted out without thinking. “I mean I know you’re a cat person, but…”

  An equal mixture of confusion and joy lit her pretty face. “Really?”

  “Sure. If you can get away from the market for a few hours.”

  “I’d love to come. It’s been all over the papers what you guys are doing and I’d be honored to see it firsthand.”

  “You would?” Shit. He was looking forward to spending a few extra hours with her, but he shouldn’t be as happy as he was right now, considering this was a sex-only affair.


  He got quiet for a moment, thinking about everything she just told him about her family situation. “I have an even better idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why don’t we go get Jeremy? I bet he’d love the dogs, and then we can take him to Sheffield Community Center. The old folks there play chess and cribbage all day long. He’d fit right in.” He winked and added, “And don’t worry, I’ll make sure he wins.” Something passed over Emery’s eyes, some deeper emotion that had his heart squeezing and thinking maybe he was crossing a line in the sand he knew better than to cross. Garrett’s words suddenly came back to haunt him.

  I messed in the wrong sandbox once. And look how that turned out.

  She opened her mouth like she was about to say something, then closed it again. She looked at him, but with the way her eyes were glossing over, he guessed she was a million miles away.

  “Unless…” he began. “Maybe it’s a bad idea.”

  “Actually I really think Jeremy would love that.” She gave him a big smile. “That’s so sweet of you.” He scrubbed a hand over his chin, wondering what the hell he was doing. She poked him in the chest, her smile falling. “Wait, unless you think it’s a bad idea.”

  Of course it was a bad idea, but he couldn’t tell her that now, nor could he back out after seeing how happy she was.

  “I was the one that brought it up wasn’t I? Let’s get a move on it, before Rex leaves me a mess.”

  After showering, Emery dressed in a pair of jeans and light blue blouse that showed a hint of cleavage, while he crawled into the clothes he wore yesterday. Half an hour later they made their way outside and he took note of the way a few of her neighbors were staring at him with curious eyes as he climbed on his bike.

  He gestured with a nod to the elderly gentlemen watering his flowers, two doors down. “I don’t think he likes me.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Johnson,” Emery said with a little wave. “And don’t worry, he doesn’t like anyone.”

  Mr. Johnson waved back, but Luke didn’t miss the mistrust in his eyes. No doubt the man thought Emery was slumming with some motorcycle-driving thug from the wrong part of town, which of course, he sort of was.

  As he drove he began questioning his sanity. What the hell was he doing? Seriously. They were different people from different worlds, and he shouldn’t be taking her back to his place. One look at his apartment and she too would likely remember he was a world away from the Ethan Lane and run the other way. But what the hell could he do about it now? He’d put the offer on the table and she accepted it. The one thing Luke never did was go back on his word.

  They pulled into his parking spot and she climbed off. She crinkled her nose at his bike. “How are we going to take Rex on a motorcycle?”

  He pointed to his old pickup parked at the other end of the lot. “That’s for Rex.”

  “You bought a truck just for your dog?”

  “Yeah, but also to help transport the other shelter dogs as well.”

  She gave him a warm smile, and it was strange, because it made him feel all ridiculously happy.

  “Come on, Rex is going to kill me for being late.”

  They hurried up the stairs, and when he opened the door, Rex started wagging his tail.

  “Hey boy,” Luke said, but he barreled past him to check out Emery.

  She laughed and dropped to her knees as Rex began sniffing her all over. “I take it you smell Jinx on me,” she said, rubbing his ears the way he liked. “I’m sure you two would get along just fine.”

  “A girl cat and boy dog. Oh yeah, they’ll be besties,” Luke said, tossing her a sardonic grin. “I’ll be rig
ht back.” He peeled his shirt off as he made his way to the bedroom and grabbed a fresh one from his drawer, then he climbed into a pair of clean jeans and met her back at the door.

  She continued to pet Rex, but was glancing around his place with curious eyes.

  “It’s not much but it’s home,” he said, wondering why he felt the need to justify the place in her eyes. Truthfully, even if he did want more with her—which he didn’t—he could never be the guy she’d want him to be, anyway—a guy like Ethan. All his money went to his sister’s scholarship fund and to helping support the community center. But all in all, he was happy and didn’t need much to live on.

  Still down on her knees—which brought back way too many lust-filled memories from last night—she widened her arms and closed her eyes. “And you have air conditioning, which makes it perfect in my eyes. I think I need to get air conditioning at my place.”

  He watched her for a moment, a bit surprised by her reaction. His place was a shithole, of that there was no doubt, and he fully expected her to call him on it.

  Maybe you brought her here to test her, some inner voice warned.

  And maybe that inner voice could just go fuck right off.

  “Come on. Rex is bursting.” He grabbed the leash and stepped into the hall. But Rex was too busy smelling Emery to remember he had a full bladder. Luke tapped his leg. “Come on, boy.” He still didn’t move. “Emery, you’d better get out here, otherwise he’ll stay there and sniff you all day.”

  She climbed to her feet and Rex followed her into the hall. They took him to the park and after he ran and played and emptied his bladder, they walked back to Luke’s truck. Every now and then he cast Emery a glance, and he noticed she seemed a little lighter, a little happier. When was the last time she had a day away from work?

  “Will you have to go in to the market today?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I work every day.”

  They reached the truck and Luke opened the door. Rex jumped in and made himself at home. “You need to hire more staff.”


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