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rogue shifter 06 - torn apart

Page 24

by Gayle Parness


  "I've brought you a gift, although you may not see it as such. Do with it what you must. I will not stop you, nor will I encourage you in one direction or another. This is your decision." He took my hand. "Think on it carefully before you speak to your allies, or even your mate. They will push you toward their desired ends, regardless of the long term outcome."

  "You're scaring me."

  He nodded solemnly, which only made me worry more. "I've thought long and hard on what to do with this information and am confident that I have made the correct decision. You may decide not to use it or speak of it to anyone. There will be consequences either way, some more horrific than others. None of them easy to bear." Troubled, he let go of my hand and looked away.

  "Tell me."

  He nudged at my mental wall and I allowed him in, surprised that he'd been polite enough to ask. "Bridgett's summoning name is..."

  After he spoke the name, I asked, my voice a weak whisper, "How?"

  "I discovered it when I found yours. The records were destroyed and I have not shared it with anyone."

  "Why do you want me to have it?" I could guess, but I wanted to hear it from him.

  "Under the influence of my mother, Bridgett has become toxic to our realm. What you saw was only the surface of what she will eventually become under Mother's ministrations. I wish to see her gone, but do not feel I have the right to dispose of her personally. Nor am I ready to take the risk of being found out by Mother. You and I are the only ones who know the name. If you bring her here, no one will bring her back."

  "But she can get herself back, right?"

  "No. She has not learned that skill."

  I stood up and started to pace. "You want me to kill her?"

  "I told you, I will not push you toward any action. You may decide never to summon her at all."

  "I don't want's...I can't..."

  "Jacqueline. There are many options available to you. Think on it."

  "If I summon her, Caelen will want her to face fae justice."


  "Turning her over to him would be the same thing as killing her myself. Except more cowardly." I sat on the edge of the fountain and clutched at the stone, trying to think of a way some good could come from this "gift". "I could heal her."

  "You could try."

  "You're not helping." I snapped.

  "I explained."

  "Yeah, I heard. You dropped a bomb in my lap and expect me to disarm it. Thanks a bunch."

  "My pleasure." It was meant to tease, but he only succeeded in sounding guilty.

  I lifted my chin in defiance. "I could leave her in the DR and do nothing."

  "Yes. And she'll raise Mother's army and come after your son."

  "Grandmother will raise her army with or without Bridgett."

  "True, but she's more patient. Charlie will be a full grown male, confident in his powers when the time comes. Bridgett is pushing for an attack within the next two years."

  "Why does she hate my son?" I was pacing again.

  "She does not hate the child. She hates the queen and the fae who did nothing to stop her. To Bridgett, Caelen and the others failed to protect her mate. She has lost too much and has slipped into madness. She believes that Charlie will side with Cascade."

  "Garrett will want to kill her for me, to spare me."


  "I can't let him do that. I have to be the one to kill her."

  "You burden yourself with too much."

  I stood still and met his eyes. "In a one-on-one battle, am I strong enough to take her?"

  "Yes. Your cheetah and demon now work together. She will only be able to draw on one aspect of her magical nature. You now draw on two. And your main strength is your ability to fight without fear, distancing yourself from your pain and your emotions at the critical moment."

  "Good...good." My knees started to give out so I sat down again, this time on the metal bench. "I don't want to kill her." I whispered out loud, my throat raw. "We haven't had a chance to know each other. She's my only..."

  "There you are." Charlie ran over. "Farrell and I were looking for you. Daddy's gonna be up soon and he said yesterday that we could take Samson to the beach for a walk today. He likes to chase the seagulls. I don't think the seagulls like it too much."

  I hugged my son a little bit harder than usual. Charlie wiggled out of my grasp and scowled at me. "Why do you smell like Isaiah?"

  "He's here...he's..." But no one was there. Isaiah had dropped his bomb and left. "He came for a few minutes. I guess he's gone back."

  "Are you well?" Farrell asked.

  I plastered on a smile. "I'm great." I looked at my eager child, excited about today's adventure. Bridgett would take him from me before he had a chance at life. "Could you please do me a favor. Farrell? Could you take Charlie to Faerie? Have Noriene or Aislin bring him back after dinner." Farrell said nothing, but his gaze grew more intent. "Please."

  Farrell frowned. "I will ask Liam to return."


  "I will not leave you unguarded."

  "Sinlae and her males can protect me, and Samson's here. You know that I can get Garrett up with just a nudge.

  Farrell shook his head. "I've contacted Aislin." I rolled my eyes. There were few races more stubborn than the fae. She appeared a moment later. "Please take Charlie to Faerie." His tone was clipped. She nodded and took my son's hand without question. Although he was one of the youngest fae, Farrell was pulling rank.

  "Wait...Mommy, why can't we go to the beach?"

  "Tomorrow, I promise. Today you get to play with Linn."

  "Okay..." He looked unsure as he and Aislin disappeared. I glanced down at the bench and smiled. Isaiah had left me another little gift. I stood and picked up the blade, attaching the sheath to the waistband of my jeans.

  "What's happening, Jacqueline?" Farrell snapped, having seen the blade.

  "I'll only tell you if you swear not to tell anyone else."

  "I can't agree to that."

  "Then please leave."

  "If I leave and you're injured, my life is forfeit."

  "What? That's ridiculous. You swore to protect Charlie."

  "Liam worded the oath to include you. He feels that your sometimes impulsive and emotional decisions lead you into danger." His expression was stern. "I will not be leaving, so you may as well explain."

  "Will you swear not to stop me?"

  He hesitated. "It depends on what you're doing."

  "I'm summoning my sister."

  He tilted his head in thought. "Lord Caelen will want..."

  "I know what Lord Caelen will want and what Garrett will want and everyone else. This is my sister and I'm going to deal with her personally." I drew myself up and met his gaze with as much attitude and confidence as I could dredge up."Will you stand by me as you've sworn, or not?"

  With a shake of his head and a smile, Farrell drew his sword, looking very much the knight Charlie imagined him to be."I stand with you, Jacqueline." Samson ran over barking in agreement. Looks like I had two warriors at my back.

  "Thank you. Now get out of my way. I'm almost out of time."

  Using salt and blood, fire and ritual words , I created a double circle, slightly more secure than a single. I made sure of my spell, then called Bridgett to the center using her summoning name.

  She appeared a few moments later looking pissed. Big surprise.

  "What the hell do you want?"

  "I want you to swear a blood oath that on pain of instant death you will not help Grandmother raise the army she plans to use against the fae and my son. You will also swear never to do anything to cause harm to my son, my mate, Isaiah, or any seelie fae. Also the team, the nest or any other innocent."

  She laughed at me and it wasn't a pretty sound. "If I swore to that, Grandmother would have no use for me. I'd be tossed to her generals and they do so like to play with their food. Send me back before Granny gets pissed off and com
es after you personally."

  "You refuse?"

  "Yeah. I'm taking those fae down in flames."

  "And Charlie?"

  "Hey, I told you. As long as you're neutral, I'll leave you out of it. That includes Charlie and even Garrett if he scrubs his alliance."

  "Charlie is half fae."

  "We all have our disabilities." Her smirk made me queasy. Her hatred of the fae was irrational.

  I took a deep, calming breath, still hoping to find a way to bring her over to my side, even though right now I was angry enough to rip off her freakin' head. "When I went into labor, you left me to bleed out on the ground. You didn't tell anyone that I needed help and you certainly didn't offer me yours."

  "I knew your fae pals would find you. And if the mongrel died..." She shrugged.

  There was nothing left of my sister Bridgett in this creature. She'd been stripped of her cheetah and brainwashed. "I need to be clear. You'll kill my son."

  "I'll kill all of you if you side with the shits who killed my mom and dad and Will."

  "I stopped Liam from executing you. I saved your life."

  "Bet you're kickin' yourself now, huh?" She laughed at me as my stomach clenched into a knot.

  There was one more thing to do. "Let Will go."

  "He wants to be with me. He's happier than ever." Her eyes flared orange, but she knew I could see the lie in the fluctuation of her aura.

  "Can I talk to him?"

  "Why would I let you do that?"

  "I'm curious. I can only hold onto Marie in solid form for a few minutes. I'd like to see it for myself."

  Her ego betrayed her. "Fine, but then I'm going back." I didn't respond, keeping my secret for now.

  Will appeared beside me. "Jacqueline." I took his hand. It was colder than before.

  "Are you in pain?" He turned away. That was all the answer I needed.

  Bridgett, seeing him next to me, pushed against the hot barrier. "Let me out of here." The truth hit her like an acme safe in the desert. "You were that slutty wolf with Isaiah. I knew there was something off about you."

  I looked into Will's eyes. "Are you bound to one of them?"

  "They keep me in this form with a blood spell, but I'm not their familiar. I'm not bound to them."

  "I'll help you when this is over." He nodded, then moved toward the tree line, probably not wanting to watch.

  "Let me out of here so I can kick your ass," Bridgett shouted.

  Garrett appeared, clutching at my shoulders and pulling me aside. "How is Bridgett here?

  "I summoned..."

  "Without waiting for me?" He looked around. "Only Farrell is here? Where's Liam? Where's Charlie?"

  "Don't start sending for reinforcements. Charlie is in Faerie with Aislin. Farrell forced himself on me." Farrell snorted out an un-fae-like laugh."I meant to have all of this finished before you got up."


  "Isaiah gave me her summoning name. This is between Bridgett and me."

  Bridgett fisted her hands on her hips. "Isaiah's going to be fed to Granny's dogs real soon. Send me back or get me the fuck out of this circle." Bridgett's mood was not improving.

  Sasha appeared next. "Hello, Bridgett."

  "Asshole." They'd never gotten along.

  I moved a few steps closer, trying to put a little distance between me and my backup. "I'm going to release you."

  "Good. Then I can whip your ass and go back."

  "You're never going back." I took one more step.


  "You told me you're going to raise an army to kill my son and my mate. Why would I let you return?"

  "You can't stop me. If you don't send me back, someone there'll summon me back."

  "Isaiah and I are the only ones who know your summoning name. He doesn't want you back in the DR. I don't want you here."

  Her eyes were a solid orange, heavy with rage. "So you're handin' me over to your fae buddies to be executed, right? Don't have the balls to do it yourself, do ya, sis?"

  "The monster you've become is my responsibility. I brought you into our lives and now I intend to take you out of it."

  "You and your flunkies?"

  Garrett and Farrell were still flanking me, but not too closely. Sasha stood behind Bridgett, leaning against a tree in his casually dangerous way. "Me against you. One on one." I waved my hand, throwing up a clear barrier isolating Bridgett and me from the others. It was a neat little trick Isaiah had taught me and this was the perfect time to use it.

  Garrett was startled, then fuming. "Jacqueline..."

  "We have business." I scraped my foot across the salt circles, releasing her.

  "Lets do it." She was impatient as always.

  We took our time circling each other, our eyes burning orange, both of us reaching inside for our demonic magic. Long claws sprouted from two pairs of hands, mine a shiny black, hers with a sheen of silver. My new blade was hidden under my loose tee shirt, but I began my battle with claws alone, angry enough to want to see her bleed from the cuts I'd make in her skin.

  Our speed was amped up by our training and our cheetah abilities, so a non-supernatural never would have been able to see us as Bridgett attacked first and I countered with defensive moves. One of my first trainers, Sasha, taught me that if you had the opportunity, you should get your opponent's measure before you attacked full out. Watch their timing, their stance, their balance, their speed. Watch for tells, motions they'd make right before they moved left or right, forward or backwards. Then, when you'd found their weaknesses, go in for the kill.

  "Are you just gonna keep moving away, or are you gonna come at me?" She created a sword and took a swipe at me, hoping the longer weapon would work where the claws hadn't.

  "Anxious, little sister?" Because of our demon blood, we were both capable of using our magic to create any weapon we chose to use, but because I'd only trained using my Arcane blade and my warrior claws in the DR, I'd decided to stick with what I knew. Of course my cheetah had learned a few tricks over the years as well, thanks to Liam, and Rob, trainers Bridgett had never worked with. When she got too close, I pulled in ley line energy and shoved her fifteen feet into the barrier. Her head thumped against the hard surface, stunning her slightly, but three seconds later she was back at me again, her silver claws cutting through the air and fortunately, not my throat.

  Bridgett had been trained well by Isaiah and was a more aggressive fighter than I was. I fought conservatively at first, always thinking about the people I'd leave behind if I was killed. My twin threw caution to the wind and kept her attack constant, a furious alley cat, hissing and scratching, getting in close for a pounce. She surprised me by changing direction unexpectedly, managing a couple of good swipes with her claws which had the right side of my tee shirt shredded and my shoulder and arm bleeding. I ignored the pain and healed myself faster than ever before, as fast as any vampire. My multiple personalities seemed to be getting along, the demon feeding the healer without having to take from the ley lines.

  As my skin knit back together, she laughed. "Neat trick. Too bad you won't be able to reattach your own head."

  I was trying to fight smart, the way I'd been taught, conserving my energy for when I'd need it the most. I kept pushing her away so she'd run back at me, avoiding most of her strikes by using vamp speed, making her frustrated and angry. Wearing her down.

  I hadn't hurt her yet, because I wanted it to be a clean death. I wouldn't end her life with more pain than was necessary. I was a healer, and although my demon and cheetah had their claws out and their fangs bared, they agreed with me on this.

  In my last move, I'd misjudged and raked my claws across her back drawing several lines of blood. She dissolved and reappeared on the far side of the little arena. We took a moment to catch our breath and I asked, "What do you think will happen after you get your revenge on the fae, Bridgett? What will Grandmother do?"

  "She'll keep me as her commander. Maybe we'll take over a nice litt
le section of the US. She likes to play with humans. Maybe she'll give me that territory when she steps down."

  It was more obvious than ever that she was delusional, brainwashed by a creature more evil and powerful than the faerie queen she despised. "Grandmother will never step down, She killed three of her own daughters to keep them from taking over and she'll eventually end up killing her sister, too."

  "Yeah, but I'm gonna win the war for her."

  "She'll kill you when it's over. She always kills the females."

  Bridgett snarled. "Shut up!" Her clothes began to shred as my twin's body grew larger, sprouting horns and long fangs. Her blue leathery skin shone in the afternoon sunlight as she stepped toward me with clawed feet. Over eight feet tall, she swung at me with hands that could have ripped me in two or pummeled me into the ground if she got hold of me.

  But she moved so slow compared to my vamp-like speed, and she had no weapon, other than her strong body and much longer claws. She seemed awkward, unused to fighting in this form. Although physically more powerful, unless she could get close enough to do some serious damage, she was just a scary-looking bigger target.

  I pulled my blade and ducked behind her, cutting through both hamstrings as if they were made of liquid and not muscle, then running to the far edge of my clear barrier. You know that saying...the bigger they are the harder they fall? It's pretty much true. I didn't want to get squashed when she fell.

  As she toppled, I had a chance to look at my supporters. Farrell, with his hand still on his sword, stood at graceful attention in the way of all fae guards, but I caught the faintest glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he watched. Sasha was full-out grinning at me, proud of his pupil and happy to see Bridgett taken down a peg. Garrett...well...he was pacing like a cat, testing the barrier for weaknesses. Our gazes met and judging by his, I was in for an angry lecture and maybe another night alone. Although, I hoped not. If I killed my sister tonight...when I killed my sister tonight, I'd need him.

  He must have read my mind because, with a concerned smile, he sent, "Je t'aime. Stay safe and end this."

  She was kneeling and roaring with anger and pain. She swiped out with her long claws drawing two lines of blood across my chest. "Next time the head comes off," she growled. "When I finish you, I'll find your precious son. Grandmother will enjoy him."


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