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Damage Control

Page 36

by Lynn VanDorn

  You I want you I want you.

  Tyler smirked at him. “Yeah, I know. Stupid question.” He slid down Josh’s body, pushing Josh's busy hand out of his way. He took Josh’s cock in his own hand and ran his lips and tongue over his balls. The hot, wet glide of Tyler’s tongue along his flesh while his hand stroked Josh’s aching erection pushed Josh over the precipice and into orgasm, his semen pumping in helpless spurts on his belly and chest as his body exploded with white hot bolts of electric ecstasy.

  “Ha!” Josh said after he got his breath back. “You came before I did. Age does have some compensations.”

  “I'll need to try harder next time. I won the other bet, though. I did manage to talk the whole time.”

  Josh looked down his body at Tyler. “What do you want?”

  Tyler got up from the bed and removed then discarded the condom. “I think you, lying there covered in semen, is a damn fine reward. My tidy doctor, so messy. So dirty.” He drew out the last word obscenely. Tyler came back to the bed and crawled up Josh's sated and slack body, licking sweat and semen as he went in delicate little laps that made Josh shudder under him. Oh, my filthy, depraved elf. What am I going do when you leave me?

  When Tyler arrived at Josh’s mouth he bit at Josh’s lips and devoured his mouth in a seemingly endless kiss. Tyler finally came up for air and burrowed his face into the crook of Josh’s neck, first biting then sucking at a spot just above where he'd already bitten. It made Josh writhe and arch his back. Tyler was going to leave a mark, more than one, in fact, but Josh couldn't bring himself to make him stop. It felt too wonderful.

  “Wasn't that,” Tyler asked after a while, “better than pancakes?”

  “Well,” Josh said, “it was messier. Now we both need to take another shower.” How the hell was he ever going to let Tyler go? His sister was right. The rational part of his brain was right. He was in so much trouble.

  “We can save time and conserve water by showering together,” Tyler said. “It won't take long. A few minutes.”

  It ended up taking a lot longer than a few minutes. Breakfast was relegated to a protein bar eaten in the car in the way to O’Hare.

  “Sorry there isn't time to stop and get you something,” Josh said. “Grab some food in the airport, okay? Are you sure you don't want me to park and come in with you?”

  Tyler leaned over when they got to departures and kissed Josh. “We don't have time, and this is fine. This morning was totally worth skipping breakfast,” he said. “I'll let you know that I arrived safely.” Then he was out of the car, carry-on in his hand. He disappeared through the sliding doors.

  Tyler was gone and a feeling of unreality settled over Josh, like the past days were all a particularly vivid dream he'd been having. He drove home by rote, his mind a million miles away. He could almost believe that Tyler had been a figment of his imagination, except there was still a contingent of lurking photographers outside his building, and when he opened the door to his condo a dark gray cat waited for him. Oliver blinked solemn green eyes at him. Tyler wasn't the only one who’d skipped breakfast.

  Josh went to the kitchen, Oliver at his heels. He fed the cat, then made himself a sandwich. Afterward he spent a few hours cleaning but stopped when he heard Tyler’s voice in his head: That floor isn't even dirty. And it wasn't. His entire home was spotless and there was nothing left that legitimately needed cleaning. In need of distraction, he booted up his computer and started to make inroads into the demons making nuisances of themselves in his digital kingdom. Oliver sat by his side and provided moral support, occasionally batting at the screen to show he was doing his part.


  Sunday, September 25th, 10:30 p.m.

  Josh’s tidy bedroom

  Evanston, IL

  Tyler: Have landed at LAX, on my way home now. You want me to call later?

  Josh: No, it's okay. Plan is to hit the gym, make some dinner, then bed. Work tomorrow.

  Tyler: OK

  Josh: Let me know how your audition goes.

  Tyler: Sure.

  Tyler: Night.

  And if that felt a bit unsatisfactory, listening to Tyler’s voice over the phone would've been too much right then. It would only remind Josh of the distance between them, the distance that was there even when they slept together in the same bed.

  That night, Josh tossed and turned for a long time. He thought about breaking down, calling Tyler, and pretending that they weren't separated by several states, but Josh was afraid his voice would betray him. It would be better if he waited until tomorrow. Safer. Sleepless nights intensified emotions, he knew that from long experience, and the ache he felt from not having Tyler beside him was an overreaction. Right now, everything felt dialed to eleven, but it wouldn't last. Daylight was good at making middle-of-the-night monsters disappear like popped soap bubbles. Josh hugged a pillow against his chest, smelled Tyler’s sandalwood shampoo, and waited grimly for sleep to arrive.

  He was grateful when Oliver decided that, though he was a distant second to his beloved Tyler, Josh was satisfactory enough to curl into. He fell asleep at last with his hand buried in Oliver’s fur, tangible proof that his elf was more man than fantasy and would be coming back, if for no other reason than to get his cat back. They were, after all, a package deal.


  Monday, September 26th, 8:50 a.m.

  A dermatology practice

  Evanston, IL

  Maria, his favorite partner in the practice, eyed Josh as he poured himself a cup of coffee in the doctor's lounge in the office. “Is that a hickey?”

  Josh froze. “Uh…”

  Maria yanked on his collar. “Oh my God. That is an actual hickey, and it's huge. You dog.”

  Josh jerked out of her grasp. “Is it that easy to see?”

  She made a noncommittal noise. “You might want to button your top shirt button.”

  Damn. Josh buttoned it. He'd have to duck into the restroom and see how bad it was. It couldn't be too terrible, though, as he hadn't noticed it this morning when he'd gotten dressed. Luckily Maria couldn't see his chest, which still bore six yellowing bruises in the shape of Tyler Chadwick’s mouth. “Thanks for the heads up,” he said.

  “Yeah, well, better me than Matt. He'd be more of a dick about it.” Maria dropped her voice into a deeper register. “‘You know, Josh, this doesn't set the kind of tone we want here at the practice. Our patients have certain expectations of us as medical providers and if we don't meet and even exceed those, they will take their patronage elsewhere.’”

  “Having a hickey might count as exceeding expectations.”

  Maria laughed. “Possibly. Matt is such a tool. Anyway, is that,” she pointed to his neck, “related at all to a certain actor by the name of Tyler Chadwick?”

  Josh felt his cheeks heat, something he should have grown out of twenty years ago but still couldn't control. “Um, yeah, that is… he's… yes.”

  Maria gave him a playful shove. “So that was you? You're the boyfriend he mentioned on Seth Meyers? And that was you sucking face with him in a boat, wasn't it? Kick ass, I win the bet! I said it was you, but Marisol said I was full of shit and Nadia was on the fence. Nik didn't realize you had a boyfriend. That was an interesting conversation, let me tell you.”

  Josh shrugged. The blush didn't feel like it was going away anytime soon. “Yeah, it was me. Tyler and I are officially dating.”

  “How did you two even meet?”

  Josh smiled. “If I remember correctly, he was building a castle out of blocks and wanted my help with construction.”


  “He was a little kid, Maria. I've known him and his family pretty much forever. My dad worked for his dad. I just haven't seen Tyler since he was in high school. He's Rachel’s fiancé’s brother and he's in town for the wedding and… well… we kind of were thrown together and before I knew it he was my new boyfriend.”

  Maria seemed to do some mental calculations. “So, you're scre
wing your future brother-in-law. Kinky. Wait until Nik finds out. He'll probably faint.”

  “Does me being gay really freak Nik out that much?” He was their newest nurse practitioner. “It's not like I keep it a huge secret or anything.”

  Maria’s lips twitched. “Nik has had a crush on you since the moment he met you. I’m pretty sure he’s disappointed to see you making out with someone not him, but I don't think he's totally given up hope, especially since Marisol said you never date anyone for longer than a month or two, so heads up. It couldn't hurt to maybe have your Hoover vacuum come in and take you to lunch tomorrow so Nik knows you're off limits.”

  “Okay, sure, but not tomorrow. Tyler’s in LA.”

  “Oh?” Maria gave him a skeptical look.

  “He's got an audition thingy today. He'll be back later this week, though.”

  “Oh. Well, it's good to have you back, Josh.”

  “Did you miss me that much?”

  “Nope,” she said, and popped a bit of bagel in her mouth and chewed. “I just wasn't fond of all the extra work I had to do because your slacker ass was star fucking.”

  Josh gave her an evil look. Probably not nearly as effective as one from Tyler, but he hoped he'd do the man justice.

  Maria just cackled and ate another bite of bagel.


  Monday, September 26th, 5:40 p.m.

  A grocery store

  Evanston, IL

  Josh stopped by the store on his way home to restock his mostly bare fridge. While in the checkout lane, he was startled to see himself and Tyler on the covers of a few of the tabloids on display. That was beyond strange. One was a boat picture with, as Maria put it, him and Tyler sucking face. The other picture was of the two of them in JFK, holding hands. A third showed the incriminating stitches on Tyler’s arm and speculated that he was being abused by his new boyfriend.

  That made Josh look around him guiltily, like someone in the store would see him, point a finger, and scream, “That’s him, the cradle-snatching actor abuser. Get him!” Of course, in reality no one seemed to realize or care that he was the guy in the pictures. It still made his heart pound thinking about his face there in tabloids all over the country. It was not a good feeling. He had no idea how Tyler stood it. Maybe it was something you learned to block out.

  When Josh left the store to head home it had gotten dark. The crowd of paparazzi in front of his building had thinned out, down to a few diehard or desperate stragglers. They got a few pictures of him as he walked from his parking spot to the building's entrance, although he wasn’t sure why they bothered, with Tyler not around. He was going to have to talk to security and see if there was anything that could be done about them.

  Later that evening some asshole kept ringing his intercom buzzer to be let in, only he or she wouldn't identify themselves. This happened occasionally, sometimes by kids pulling pranks or by visitors who pushed the wrong button. But after the fifth time it happened that evening, Josh was good and pissed off. He'd already called his building’s security, who said they'd investigate it, but that was a half-hour ago and the fucker had buzzed twice since then. Josh grabbed his phone and went downstairs.

  A man stood in the condo’s outer vestibule. Josh approached the glass door with caution. “Are you looking for someone?” he shouted through the glass. No way in fuck was he opening that door.

  The guy was in his mid-thirties with dark hair and startlingly pale blue eyes. He hadn't shaved for a few days and it was not to achieve a purposeful scruffy effect. He looked rough, but as if he might be handsome, or at least attractive, under better circumstances.

  “You!” Josh could see more than hear the word the man said. Then, “Stay away from Tyler.”

  Oh, hell. Creepy stalker fan, twelve o’clock. Hoping his flash wasn't on, Josh snapped a picture of Mr. Creepy Stalker.

  “Go away or I'm calling the cops!” he shouted.

  “You need to leave him the fuck alone!” Creepy stalker dude verged on hysterical. Josh dialed 911, then held the phone up for the guy to see. His finger hovered on the call button. Mr. Creepy Stalker’s face filled with rage and he looked like he wanted to break through the glass door, but then he changed his mind, flipped Josh off, and hurried away.

  Well, hell. That was fun.

  Josh was almost to the elevator when the security guys finally showed up. Josh explained the situation to them and texted the photo of the guy to one of the guards. They promised they’d be on the lookout for him and call the cops immediately if he showed back up.

  “We can call them now, if you like.”

  Josh was tempted, but it was already past eleven and he had to be up early for work the next day.

  “Nah, what's the point? He's gone now. Hopefully he won't be back. But is there anything you can do about all the reporters that have been outside? They're a nuisance.”

  “We had the cops out today warning them to stay fifty feet from the building’s door, but as long as they keep their distance and aren't physically harassing anyone, there's not a lot that we can do. Is this going to be a permanent thing?”

  Josh ran a hand through his hair. “No. My boyfriend said they're bound to lose interest soon, and when he goes back home I'll expect they'll follow him. Honestly, I'm surprised there was anyone out there today.”

  “It's just that we've gotten complaints from the other residents. Heads up, I think they're going to bring it up in the next association meeting.”

  Josh groaned. “Thanks for the warning,” he said, then headed for the elevator.

  Once he was safely in bed in his condo, Josh got out his phone and reread through the texts Tyler had sent him while he was at work.

  Tyler: Just got back from the read through with the casting agent

  Tyler: I think it went okay.

  Tyler: I know you're at work

  Tyler: Talk to you later. Tonight.

  Josh’s fingers tapped idly on his phone. What to say when what you want to say is all wrong? God, I miss you warred with I hate dealing with the crazies and assholes that follow you around. So, he started with something safe.

  Josh: Hey, there. So, your audition went well?

  Tyler: Pretty good, I think. I won't know for a while.

  Tyler: How was your day?

  This didn't seem like a good time to complain about Tyler’s creepy stalker fan or the annoying reporters. It wasn't like Tyler could do anything about either one from two thousand miles away.

  Josh: Fine. Work knows I'm dating you and apparently the new nurse practitioner has a crush on me.

  Tyler: Oh, really? Do tell.

  Nik wasn’t someone Josh would have looked twice at before Tyler because he wasn't Josh’s type, or at least not Josh’s previous type. Instead of tall, muscular, and hopefully blonde, Nik was of medium height, compactly built, and decidedly not blonde. His hair was brown and his eyes were brown. Chocolate brown, Josh supposed, although he'd never paid Nik’s eyes much attention.

  Prior to Tyler he wouldn't have—and hadn't—registered on Josh’s radar. Now, however, Josh thought of his vow to get over Tyler after the dissolution of their association by fucking his way through every twink in the greater Chicago area until he found one that could fill that not-Tyler spot that was bound to develop. He couldn't imagine starting with Nik, however. Even if sleeping with a coworker was a good idea, which it wasn't.

  Josh: What do you want to know?

  Tyler: Male or female nurse?

  Josh: Male

  Tyler: Of course he’s male. Is he hot?

  Josh: He's no you, that's for sure.

  Josh’s phone rang. “Yes?” he asked.

  “Do you miss me?” Tyler purred into his ear, the sound of his voice enough to make Josh’s toes curl.

  Yes, he missed Tyler, that was the problem. This was a preview of what things would be like later, when if he wanted to see Tyler he would have to resort to watching one of his movies.

  “Yes, like a rash.”r />
  Tyler laughed, “Me, too.” He proceeded to talk to Josh for almost an hour about nothing in particular, then he sent a picture of himself from the neck down wearing the world’s smallest pair of neon pink swim trunks and nothing else.

  “My God, Tyler.”

  “You like?”

  Too much. Far too much.

  There's no such thing as too much.

  “Uh, yeah, I guess. You're very bright… and shiny.”

  Tyler’s low laugh rolled over him, through his ear and into his brain, coating him like sweet, rich caramel. Josh was hard from that laugh alone. The picture hadn't hurt, either.

  “That’s my sunblock. Lots and lots of sunblock.”

  “You do know the way to a dermatologist’s heart, don't you?”

  “Yes, I do,” he said, then veered onto another topic, telling Josh a story about Purvi and her boyfriend Kevin that had Josh laughing until he snorted, which set Tyler off into his own gales of laughter. By the time they both hung up, Josh felt better and had completely forgotten about Mr. Creepy Stalker.

  Chapter 27

  Tyler Goes Home

  Sunday, September 25th, 6:19 p.m.

  LAX airport

  Los Angeles, CA

  If Tyler made it out of LAX without punching either a tourist or a paparazzi in the face it would be a minor miracle. O’Hare without Josh had been a nightmare, at least until he'd gotten through security. LAX would be worse unless he figured something out.

  There had been more reporters in the departure area of the terminal at O’Hare than he’d expected, like someone had tipped them off. Apparently, he was the flavor of the moment and he should've expected it, but hadn't. Hell, he should've had Josh come in with him to play the part of doting boyfriend seeing him off instead of dropping him at the curb in front of departures. All the way to security he’d been barraged by questions that he'd ignored. He'd moved grimly past them all and had refused to be baited.


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