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Burned by Abi (Devil Savages MC Book 2)

Page 7

by Harley McRide

  “So, what do you get out of it? You and I both know I’m not here to be one of the bitches and make the fuck rounds.”

  “Maybe not the rounds, but you have fucked a couple of the guys in my club," Tonto smirked.

  "Is there not anything you fucking don't know?" Abi asked arching her eyebrow.

  "Nope. And I also know you need a job, and a place to live. We need you safe, and someone we can count on to help secure things around here when we are gone. Help Chevy if the time arises, and the gig is yours. You will be expected to follow the rules of course. No outsiders inside. No business outside. Think you can handle that?”

  “And Sledge?”

  “Doesn’t need to know unless you tell him, although after seeing you today, I can’t imagine how you’d hide it. You look like ass. Like you said, you’re a grown ass woman.” He grinned, loving the tough ass girl she’d become. Sledge had tried to keep her away, but she’d still grown up with Savage in her blood.

  “That’s the thing—he’s been too busy burying his dick to notice. I figure I have a few more weeks before he finally notices. By then, it won’t matter. You’ve got a deal, although I think I’m getting the better end of it all here.” She got up and shook his hand, excited about the fight. The next event wasn’t for another two weeks but she needed time to train and get ready.

  “Thanks.” Tonto had always looked out for her, even if it was behind the scenes on most cases. Her father and Tonto’s had been close back in the day, running the Savages together until he’d passed. Word had it that their mother was one of the club bitches before she hooked up with her pops, and had frequented Tonto’s dad's regularly. But who knows the real truth. Most of their club life stayed at the club and away from the kids.

  “Thank you for not being a brat about staying here. I gotta get Rumble started. Would you mind checking on Rose on your way back? She’s had the flu for days and Raven just brought her back from the doctor not too long ago. If she needs any prescriptions filled or whatever, send one of the Prospects.”

  “Will do.” Abi headed out the door and toward the stairs, laughing inwardly. She doesn’t need medicine. She needs a pint of Rocky Road and a jar of pickles.

  After Abi knocked on Rose’s door, she was half surprised when Rose opened it, her mascara smeared down her face. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah. What’s up?” Even as she tried to maintain a straight face, the tears still spilled out the corners of her eyes.

  “Rose, what’s wrong?” Abi didn’t wait for an invitation. She pushed past Rose and shut the door behind her.

  “It’s not the flu. I’m pregnant.” Her tears turned into sobs. Abi wrapped her arms around the emotionally unstable woman and hugged her soothingly.

  “Aw, don’t cry, honey! Why are you sad? The guys are gonna be so excited. Did you not want kids?”

  “No, I do. I just wanted to wait a little while. I’ve raised my brother and sisters for so long that I was enjoying the alone time with the guys. How am I supposed to ride on the back of a bike with a baby bump? They are gonna end up getting one of the other bitches to ride to the meets and shit now. I’m going to be stuck home with the babies while they go out and get some hot skinny little skank.” And, there was the prego insanity.

  “Rose, stop,” she fought back a giggle. “Listen, they wanted to start a family with you or they’d have covered that shit before they stuck it in. There is no way in hell either of them are going after any other woman but you. Plus, do you really think any of the club would let them? You are theirs, honey. That baby is going to be born with a cut on.”

  “I hope you’re right, that is what Raven said too,” Rose mumbled, her sobs slowing to small hiccups.

  “I know I’m right. There is no way that me or the other chicks would allow any tramp around your men. We’d cut a bitch,” Abi winked.

  “Thanks, Abi. I haven’t told them yet. I’m scared.”

  “Well there is nothing to be scared of. Go take a nap, and I’ll send the Prospects for prenatal vitamins and ice cream. Did the doc put you on any other meds?”

  “I need extra iron besides the prenatals.”

  “Well, then you’re going to need stool softeners too. Those fuckers will have you clogged up tight.”

  “How do you know so much about pregnancy?” Rose raised an eyebrow, not in a disrespectful suggestion but pure curiosity. If it would have been anyone else, Abi probably wouldn’t have reacted with a grin.

  “Well, for one, I have a brother and sister…but I took some midwife classes at college.” Rose’s jaw dropped as she snorted a laughed. Her hand flew to her mouth to try to hide her amusement but it was pointless.

  “Sorry. I—”

  “Don’t worry about it. I have a soft spot for babies. Now, do you need anything?” She was happy to see the tears turn to happiness. Oh yeah, she was going to enjoy watching the guys dance around this little hormonal beauty. The club held nothing on a pregnant woman.

  “No. I think I’ll just lay down for a little bit. It’s a whole lot to take in.” Abi helped Rose to the bed and tucked her in.

  “There. Now, get some rest then come downstairs and hang out. We need to celebrate!”

  “I’m not sure if it will be a celebration or a mourning.” She smiled, her features softer and more at ease.

  “Oh stop. See you in a bit, 'kay?”

  “‘Kay. Oh, and Abi?”

  “What, hun?”

  “Can you get mint chocolate chip?”

  “Of course,” she smiled. Abi quietly shut the door behind her, smiling. Well, Tonto and Sandman were in for one hell of a surprise.

  Chapter Six

  The house was in full swing in its normal chaotic fashion. The nap had done Rose a world of good, and now she stood gathered by her family. “I have some news… I think it’s time we had some Savages swag in smaller sizes.”

  “Your cut doesn’t fit? I thought they specially made yours—” Rose held her finger up to Tonto’s lips, hushing him.

  “None of the Savages gear comes quite small enough for what we need it for…” she looked at Abi and smiled. If not for her, she wouldn’t have the balls to announce the news. With enough reassurance, she had taken her advice. Tonto and Sandman looked at her, confused. It figures she’d have to spell it out for them. “Because the patches don’t come in infant sizes.” If they didn’t understand now, their asses would end up on the couch for a week.

  Recognition hit Sandman’s features, his face brightening like a light bulb. He reached down and lifted her shirt to show her stomach, rubbing it softly with a tear in his eye. “Really?”

  It was his actions that had Tonto finally understanding, and he let out a loud, “Hell yeah!”

  “Yes. I’m about three months along. Hope you two are ready to be on diaper duty, because there’s going to be a little Devil running around.” The room erupted in cheers and congratulations, both men taking turns smothering her stomach in kisses and kissing her until her head swam. It was a memorable moment without doubt, and now the entire Savages family was celebrating their soon to be new addition. Normal get-togethers held nothing on tonight. Sledge and Chief were tending the grill, serving up enough pork and steak that the local farmers were more than likely out of business. All the rats had even ditched their usual slut ass attitudes and worked beside the bitches as harmoniously as possible preparing the side dishes. The rest were crowded around the bar, keeping the shot glasses bottomless and Rose’s snack tray piled with everything off the Walmart shelves. Prospect Eric had earned major brownie points with the guys when they’d returned with a sack full of baby stuff. They may be inconsistent in their picks, but the size nine month pink frilly dress, newborn black onesie with a skull and crossbones on the butt, and ducky blanket had earned them a huge step toward their patches.

  Abi sat back and took it all in, smiling. Even she was celebrating, not only for the new little addition, but for the news Tonto had given her earlier. This was a huge step in her
career, and she couldn’t wait to get back into the gym to train. “Well, well. Can it be? Abi Moon, smiling and celebrating for the new little Savage? And to think, you might not be the heartless bitch you put off…” Abi’s head snapped around, shocked to find Yo Neg moving to sit beside her. She couldn’t tell him the main reason she was grinning from ear to ear but she damn sure wasn’t about to let him ruin her party of one.

  “Mmm. Just think—you’ll have someone to hang out with the same maturity level in a few months,” Abi snapped back. Ah, and poof, he should be gone by now. So, why was he…smiling?

  “You think you’re so witty and mean. You forget, I know how soft…” he grazed his eyes up and down her body, lingering on her tits intentionally, “and sweet you taste...” he licked his lips. “It’s gonna take more than that to run me off, Abi. So save us both the trouble and skip past you being a bitch and let’s go straight to the point. You were scared, so you ran. Now I’ve got you cornered, baby.” Yo Neg smirked, his voice irritatingly overly dramatic. He clinked the ice around in his glass and leisurely swallowing the rest of his whiskey. God she wanted to slap the teeth right out of his grin.

  “Aw, you’re still hurt you weren’t enough man, huh? Listen, you’ve got to let it go,” she patted him sarcastically on the hand. “There’s a room full of bimbos here for you to take your pick from. Go forth and snag-a—hoe. You know, it’s like whack-a-mole only a bigger hole.” Instead of him huffing off in his normal pissy tantrum, he only smiled more.

  “Really? I’m disappointed. You’re going weak with all this baby talk going around tonight.”

  “Yo Neg, you’re starting to piss me off, now beat it. Just accept the fact I’m not interested and move on.” She drank her beer, refusing to make eye contact, afraid of what he may see in their depths. There was no way she could look at him right now. Hell, he was half right…but it’d be a cold day in hell before he ever found that out.

  “Nope. I’m happy right here.” He scooted closer, spreading his legs far enough his brushed against hers. She tried to move, but the huge palm that came down on her upper thigh trapped her in place.

  “Dammit, Yo Neg! Why the fuck can’t you just leave shit alone! I swear it’s going to take me beating the living—” His mouth crashed down on hers, silencing her. She fought to pull away. Just as she opened her mouth to give him a verbal lashing that would match the ass kicking he was gonna get when she dragged him outside, he consumed her. His tongue swiped against hers, teasing just enough that when he deepened it, there was no denying him. Yo Neg didn’t hold back. He unleashed all of the things he’d fought to hold contained that night so long ago when he didn’t want to scare her with his over dominating nature. Now, he showed her exactly what he wanted. She pulled back slightly, her mind screaming to escape. Hell, Sledge was right outside! What the hell was he thinking? Yo Neg’s hand slid up her back and fisted in her hair, tugging with enough sting and pressure she melted. Her head went foggy with lust, her body involuntarily leaning into him. He yanked her onto his lap, taking. Demanding. Branding. And then, just when she was contemplating finding a way to get him upstairs, he pushed her back on the couch and walked away with a grin.

  “When you’re ready to admit it, you know where to find me.”

  “Admit what?” she snapped.

  “That you were scared. You felt something. I know it, and you know it.” His eyes seared into her flesh, hot and lethal. She felt a shiver run up her spine from the intensity he radiated. Abi shook her head to shake it, turning to the one emotion that never let her down—anger. Before she could rip his throat out with her teeth, he walked straight up to Tonka. Fuck! How long had he been standing there? Both men talked in hushed tones, their expressions fading from lethal to something she couldn’t read. Just when she thought all hell would break loose, they smiled at her and walked away. What the fuck had just happened? Did he have a death wish? Hell, from the expression Sandman shot her and the raised eyebrow Chevy gave from the kitchen, Sledge should be storming in at any minute. But he didn’t. What the hell? God so much for a relaxing night. She didn’t want to go back to the trailer but there was little chance of her night getting any better. So she tucked tail and headed for the door.

  “I’m so happy for you, Rose. You two don’t keep her up too late.”

  “You leaving already?” Rose’s puppy dog eyes made it hard not to fold. Abi smiled and hugged her.


  “Fourth door on the left,” Sandman said. Abi looked at him confused.

  “Should I know what that is supposed to mean?”

  “Your room. Fourth door on the left. I made sure you had one with a big closet and you’ll share the master suite bathroom.” He wagged his eyebrows, obviously proud of himself. “The best part? A Jacuzzi tub. Chevy had one of the bitches stop by and get some of that girlie bubble shit even. Welcome home.” He spread his arms wide melodramatically with a grin. Sonofabitch. Tonto hadn’t mentioned she’d be expected to move in tonight. Well, whether here or at the trailer, she’d still get away from everyone and maybe even take advantage of a long hot bath. She hadn’t been in a Jacuzzi tub since she was a kid and her parents took them all on a family vacation. The huge hotel they’d stayed in had been imbedded in her memories forever. It wasn’t because of its extravagance, and the hotel probably hadn’t been that expensive, but the fun they’d had together while her parents were still alive made it priceless.

  She put on her best mask and smiled. “Thank you, Sandman. See you all tomorrow. You two don’t keep this one up too late. She needs her beauty sleep.”

  “Night, Abi,” they said as she walked off toward the staircase. Tonto turned to Sandman, the corner of his mouth tilting up ever so slightly.

  “What are you two up to?” Rose planted her hands on her hips, the tip of her toe tapping.

  “Nothing, baby. Come on and let’s get you sitting over on the couch where it’s more comfortable. Grab her an apple juice out of the fridge.” Sandman looped his arm around Rose, pulling her toward the overstuffed sectional that sat in the corner. She tried to protest, but the fluffy pillows and footstool detoured her attention. It wasn’t until she was lounging on the couch and half of the ridiculously good juice was gone, she thought, when had apple juice started tasting so good?

  Finally with her mind back on track, she asked again, “What the hell are you two up to? And don’t you dare tell me nothing, remember I’m the one that has the power to kick your asses out on this lovely couch we are sitting on for nights to come.”

  “Don’t go getting all worked up. Let’s just say…something needed to be done. Sometimes people need a little shove. And, other times, they need a hard boot to the ass.” Tonto kissed her softly, showing that tender side she’d grown to love so much. It was crazy how two macho assholes could turn all mushy and romantic like they only did for her. Not that it was an all the time thing. Rose still fought for ground with the Neanderthals every day and threatened to dismember their members regularly. But, it was moments like these that melted her heart. She didn’t want them to be soft, romantic poet writing pussies from the movies. She needed…craved…and loved her macho men. It was being able to see this little piece of them in rare moments that she cherished. “Just trust us.” He feathered kisses over her face, peppering every inch until she broke into giggles. How the hell was a girl supposed to resist that?

  “Fine. You two better know what you’re doing. I like her a lot and balls will roll if someone sends her running, got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Tonto laughed with a mock salute. “Now, what should we do with our little, mouthy, hormonal wife?”

  “I think there’s only one thing we can do…” Sandman reached down to unfasten his belt.

  “Oh no you don’t. I want to hang out with the girls before you carry me over your shoulder back to the cave, Fred. You and Barney go Yabba Dabba me some more apple juice and tell the guys to hurry up with that barbeque. I’m starving.” Sandman and Tonto glan
ced at each other and back at her, both of them laughing.

  “Eat up, princess, because you are going to need your strength tonight,” Sandman’s words were icy, but his eyes were blazing.

  “Is that a threat?” Rose wasn’t ever one to back down to either of them, and she damn sure wouldn’t start now.

  “Oh, it’s a promise, pet.” Tonto’s hand slid up the hem of her shirt and tweaked her nipple enough she gasped out loud. Damn them and using her heightened sex drive against her. They left her pondering what crazy ideas they planned for the night as the girls came over to chat. Despite the girl talk and laughter, their words still played at the back of her mind the rest of the night, keeping her panties wet and her nipples poking through the thin fabric of her tank top.


  Abi was half impressed at the purple and black bed set and curtains she found in her room. The patterns and materials weren’t the cheap bed in a bag stuff she had, but were made from quality materials. The satin sheets and overabundance of throw pillows were almost embarrassing. She had to remember to thank Rose and Chevy for this. There was no way a bunch of beer guzzling, scratch and sniff bikers put this much thought, and money, into it. It was perfect.

  She kicked off her shoes and scoped the place out, unable to keep from smiling. They’d even thought to bring over bags of her clothing and other belongings. Plush carpet, rich wood dressers, and a huge gorgeous four poster bed that dominated the middle of the room sat in front of her. Hell, the damn room was bigger than Sledge’s whole damn trailer! And the closet… Oh lordy was it massive. There was possibly room to fit the king size bed in there and still have room to move around. But who needed it with a damn chaise sitting in there! Abi knew the club had money, and despite the wild parties the downstairs housed, it still showed class and cleanliness. The furniture was replaced frequently, and instead of puke stains and cum smears, you didn’t feel like you’d catch something sitting on it. But this…this was unbelievable. She walked around, taking it all in. Well, despite it being under the watchful eye of the club, it was more than she could have ever hoped for. And honestly, wasn’t being back amongst these people what she wanted all those years stuck at schools?


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