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The Labyrinth of Destiny

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by Callie Kanno

  The Labyrinth of Destiny

  Callie Kanno

  Cover art by Alyssa Harper

  Map art by Calvin Sharper

  Copyright © 2015 by Callie Kanno Harper

  For my Grandpa,

  who taught me about the things

  for which it is worth fighting.

  “Destiny is like a labyrinth. One is given the choice of paths, but once on that path one is required to follow it until a new choice is presented.”



  He was dying.

  He couldn’t be sure of much else—his mind was so hazy and confused—but of this vital fact he was certain.

  Part of him didn’t care. After all, his life had ceased to have meaning. He couldn’t even remember his own name.

  And yet…

  There was something that told him to hold on—a gentle reminder that there was something worth living for.

  He stared into the featureless white that surrounded him. He couldn’t remember anything before the whiteness, but he knew that there was something beyond. Something important.

  A slender figure appeared before him.

  Her black clothing was a stark contrast to the white of their surroundings, and her silver hair shimmered in the light. His heartbeat quickened at the sight of her, and yet he couldn’t remember who she was.

  She shouted something at him, but the words became garbled before they reached his ears. She struggled to move forward, but the light held her fast.

  Who was this woman? Why did he feel such a strong sense of longing when he looked at her face?

  Suddenly, he felt the drain on his life force reverse. A surge of energy bolstered his entire being, and he felt as if he had the power to do impossible things.

  The woman was much closer now, and he studied her face with curiosity. She was incredibly beautiful to him—but not because of her physical appearance. There was something about her that filled him with inexplicable joy. Why would that be? Also, there was something deeper in her eyes that spoke of strength and resolve.

  Her metallic purple eyes swirled with golden light, and he was mesmerized by the sight. Her skin was darkened by the sun and the tip of her lightly freckled nose was burned by the exposure. Her brow was furrowed in concentration and she studied him as though he were some kind of puzzle.

  She stared at him for long minutes, and he stared back.

  What was she doing?

  He could feel something happening, but he could not identify what it was.

  Then, as if he were suddenly yanked from a sinking bog, his mind became clear. He remembered everything.

  The kidnapping. The journey across the sea. The ritual that was meant to steal his life away.

  His name was L’iam, and he was King of the L’avan.

  His eyes locked once more on the face of the woman before him, and he knew who she was. His heart was overwhelmed with love and relief. She was safe, and they were together again.

  “Adesina,” he whispered.

  Her smile warmed him like the sun.

  “I love you, L’iam.”

  But something was wrong. He could sense it, even if he didn’t yet understand it.

  Adesina closed her eyes and a surge of vyala poured out of her and into the light that surrounded them.

  “Adesina!” L’iam knew that she must have expended a great deal of vyala to restore his health, and his chest constricted in alarm at the amount she was allowing to rush into the gateway between realms. He watched in horror as her face became ghostly white and she collapsed on the ground. L’iam moved to catch her, but the pillar of light that was now centered on her limp form acted as a barrier between them.

  The young king thought he caught a glimpse of Ravi’s feline form on the other side of Adesina in the moment before the light became a swirling mist. It caught up the young woman’s body and carried it through the closing portal.

  The sudden darkness that fell over the room left L’iam momentarily blinded. He blinked to help his eyes to adjust and then looked around frantically.

  He was standing in a small cave that was lit by a single torch. There was no sign of Adesina or the Threshold. Where had she gone?

  Was she unconscious at the foot of the Threshold? Had she been carried through to the other side?

  Was she…dead?

  L’iam shook his head fiercely. She had to be alive. He needed her to be alive.

  He looked at the ground and saw that he was surrounded by a tight circle of runes. The runes must have been what had connected him to the magical gateway. He gingerly stepped outside of the circle, half-expecting something to force him to stay within.

  Nothing happened.

  He sighed in relief. Adesina must have sealed the Threshold completely, which meant that all of the protective magic left by the Serraf would be gone now. The barrier of fire that L’iam vaguely recalled outside the mountain would be gone, along with any other measures that had kept the gateway safe.

  L’iam squared his shoulders and hurried towards the tunnel leading out of the cave. His mind was becoming clearer by the minute. Memories that had been nothing more than a confusing haze while he was under the influence of that vile potion were beginning to make sense.

  A demon had been released on the world.

  Basha—Adesina’s mortal enemy among the Shimat organization—had made some sort of blood contract with the monster, and now there was no telling what they would do.

  Liam knew that the first thing he needed to do was to find Adesina. She would need his help in restoring her vyala to balance. L’iam hoped that she couldn’t be too far away from where he stood.

  Once they were reunited, they would return home and prepare the L’avan for battle. There was a lot of work to be done. The L’avan might be the only force standing between that demon and world domination.

  And this was a war that L’iam knew they could not afford to lose.

  Chapter One: Other Realms

  The air felt thick as Adesina breathed it in, and it had a strongly herbal scent.

  It had been mere minutes earlier that she had been in Zonne—the great desert continent—high atop Daemon Mount where there stood a magical gateway between realms. Now she found herself on the opposite side of the Threshold, standing in a world far from her own.

  Her large feline guardian, Ravi, stood by her side as he always did. However, her attention was focused elsewhere at the moment.

  Adesina’s eyes were fixed on the angelic woman standing before her, a woman she recognized from her Dreams of the past.

  The woman’s name was Sitara, and she was the leader of the Serraf—an immortal race of women with magical abilities.

  Sitara greeted Adesina with a warm and musical voice. “Welcome, She Who Was Born on the Threshold. We have been waiting for you.”

  “You have?” was Adesina’s baffled reply.

  Sitara inclined her head and a lock of dark wavy hair brushed her round cheek. “Yes, we have been waiting for centuries for your arrival. Your birth was foretold by the Ancients, and now you are here.”

  Adesina’s mind was a muddle of confusion. “My birth…?”

  “I suppose I should say your rebirth,” corrected Sitara.

  The memories of Adesina’s journey flashed through her mind.

  She had traveled to Daemon Mount in pursuit of her kidnapped husband, and she had fought obstacle and demon alike to reach the Threshold. Adesina had released L’iam from the spell that imprisoned his mind, and she had taken his place as the sacrifice to open the gateway between realms.

  “I died,” stammered Adesina.

  Sitara nodded calmly. “Yes, but surely you did not think that death was the end.” />
  “No,” Adesina answered slowly. “I know that our spirits live on.” Her hands pressed against her abdomen in a gesture that reassured her that she was still solid. “But I am not a spirit. My body still lives.”

  Sitara smiled. “Mortal life is like a line from birth to death, but eternity is as a circle—always returning to its source. You have stood on the brink of eternity, and have returned to your beginning.”

  “Are you saying that she has become immortal?” asked Ravi sharply.

  Adesina glanced at the enormous feline that served as her guardian. She and Ravi had been Joined during their recent journey, which had created a deep connection between them. One aspect of their joining was that they could feel each other’s emotions. Adesina sensed Ravi’s concern as he asked the question, but she did not fully understand why.

  Sitara tilted her head slightly to the side. “No Serraf is ever born mortal.”

  A jolt of shock and disbelief came from both Ravi and Adesina, leaving them feeling shaken from the strength of the joint emotions.

  “A Serraf?” asked Adesina faintly.

  Sitara’s purple and gold eyes searched the face of the young woman before her. “You willingly gave your life to save your husband and your world. Your actions awakened the gift of your L’avan heritage—your vyala in its purest form. The part of you that is human died to bring to pass the desire of your heart, and the part of you that is Serraf was transformed by the connection to true vyala.”

  Adesina had spent the last six years studying vyala—the magic of her people—but there was still so much that she didn’t understand. She grasped at the parts of Sitara’s statement that she could comprehend.

  “My vyala saved my life?”

  The leader of the Serraf shook her angelic head. “Adesina the human died on the Threshold.”

  “And Adesina the Serraf was born,” Ravi’s deep voice finished gravely.

  Adesina took careful stock of her body. She did not feel any different. She did not feel weak or ill, as one might expect after…dying. In fact, she felt wonderful. She felt well rested and strong—incredibly strong.

  Too strong for any mortal. Ravi’s grim assessment entered her mind through their Joining.

  Adesina’s pulse quickened with fear. “What does this mean for me?”

  Sitara reached out a gentle hand. “Do not be afraid, young one. You have simply passed from one state of being to another. You are still you.”

  “Is she?” questioned Ravi. “Would I not be different if I suddenly became human?”

  “You were not born to be human,” reasoned Sitara calmly. “Whereas Adesina was born to be a Serraf.”

  “How can that be possible?” asked Adesina. “I do not see other L’avan being transformed into Serraf.”

  Sitara’s purple and gold eyes were serene. “They are not you. Everything that has happened in your life has led you to this path. This transformation is the culmination of every choice you have ever made.”

  Adesina’s brow furrowed in thought. “What if I had made different choices? Would I not have been transformed?”

  Sitara lifted a shoulder in a slight shrug. “There is no way to know such a thing. All I know is that you did make the choices that have brought you here.”

  Adesina gave a heavy sigh. She already bore the burden of being the Threshold Child, with the responsibility of bringing about the fulfillment of the corresponding prophecy. The information that she was now a Serraf only seemed to add to the weight that she already felt on her shoulders.

  “Well, what now? What does it mean that I am a Serraf? Do I just stay here with you? What about my people and my home?”

  There were so many people that relied on Adesina, and the thought of being trapped in this realm was not one she could face calmly. Her heart began to pound as she considered all of the loved ones that she would never see again and how she would not be able to help them as she needed to.

  What about L’iam? What would she do if she could never see her husband again?

  Sitara shook her head. “You will not remain in this realm.”

  Adesina felt a tangible weight lift from her shoulders and she began to breathe normally again.

  The Serraf went on. “Your birth is only the first in a series of vital events that are required to save your world. The time for waiting is over.”

  Ravi cocked his head to the side. “Do you know of another way back to our world? Adesina sealed the Threshold of Zonne, and it cannot be reopened.”

  A lock of Sitara’s dark hair fell across her face as she lowered her head. “That Threshold is my greatest failure. I did not properly protect the Immortals from being drawn in when it was opened, and I did not have the chance to close it fully before we became trapped. The demon Cha-sak and his followers have fought to control that Threshold for centuries. I knew I could not attempt to open that gateway as long as they were there, so I began to work on opening a different Threshold.”

  “Did you succeed?” asked Ravi.

  The leader of the Serraf slowly shook her head. “The Creator told me that it was not time to open that Threshold.”

  Adesina felt a jolt of surprise. “You talked to the Creator?”

  A hint of a smile touched Sitara’s lips. “Of course. Why does this surprise you?”

  The young woman struggled to find her words. “I guess…it is because I have never heard of the Creator speaking to anybody. I did not know that there was any real…proof…of the Creator.”

  “Do you require proof?”

  Adesina’s face flushed in embarrassment. “Well, no…”

  There was a time when Adesina would have demanded proof before believing anything, but that had changed during her time with the L’avan. She knew now that there were some things that were beyond mortal logic.

  Sitara’s expression softly changed from amused to kindly. “The Serraf are the handmaidens of the Creator. It is our privilege to receive direct communication.”

  Ravi, on the other hand, continued to look vastly amused. “Perhaps you should have paid more attention to the history of the L’avan, rather than simply dismissing it as mythology.”

  Adesina shot him a sharp glare before turning back to Sitara. “Did the Creator tell you when it would be time to open that Threshold?”

  “Yes—when She Who Was Born on the Threshold stands before it.”

  Adesina made an impatient gesture. “Well then, let us not waste any more time! Show us the way to the Threshold so we can return to our world.”

  Sitara nodded calmly. “I will do as you request, but first we must meet with the Council.”

  Ravi frowned. “Why?”

  “Because it is required,” was her enigmatic reply.

  The Serraf leader turned and walked out of the cavern where Adesina and Ravi stood. She did not turn to see if she was being followed.

  Adesina stood for a moment, irresolute.

  We cannot find the Threshold on our own, Ravi reminded her gently through their shared thoughts.

  I know, but I hate to delay any longer than necessary.

  Her feline guardian smiled. Then consider this a necessary delay.

  Adesina frowned in frustration and restlessly adjusted the sheath that carried her Blood Sword—which she had named Falcon during her fight on the Threshold with the demon. After a brief moment of debating within herself on whether or not to do as she was told, she hurried after their guide. After all, Ravi was right in pointing out that they couldn’t find the Threshold without Sitara’s aid.

  Her sight was dazzled by the bright sunlight of the outside world. She shielded her eyes as they adjusted. She took note of the heavy herbal scent of the air, but didn’t find it unpleasant.

  Adesina couldn’t help but stare at the alien appearance of the world she had entered. There was no grass on the ground. Instead it was covered with thick, violet-colored moss. The sky was not blue, but pink like a sunrise. There were a handful of shrubberies nearby that were yellow, and
the stream that trickled by was a vivid green.

  Other than the outcropping of rock where the Threshold cave was located, there were no hills or mountains in sight. There weren’t any trees or buildings either. Everything appeared to be either flat or low-standing.

  Sitara was walking down a worn path on glittering black dirt. Adesina noticed that there were no other people in sight and she frowned thoughtfully. She rushed to catch up to the Serraf.

  “I thought you said that this Threshold was controlled by demons.”

  Sitara inclined her head. “It was. Once Cha-sak crossed over into your world, the others abandoned it. The Threshold had served its purpose, and they saw no value in maintaining control over it. I have been watching this Threshold for a long time, and when I saw the demons leave I knew that your arrival was near.”

  “So you came to greet us,” finished Ravi.

  Sitara nodded. “Yes. I sent my Rashad companion to gather the Council, and I came to act as your guide.”

  “How far away is the Council from the other Threshold?” asked Adesina impatiently.

  Sitara did not slow her step. “Not far. The Council meets in a valley along the way. This realm is not large, and the two points that connect this world to yours are both on this narrow section of the continent. The Immortals created settlements farther west.”

  “I do not see any buildings,” observed Ravi.

  The Serraf leader inclined her head. “It has never been our intention to stay in this realm. We have made no permanent changes to this world where we are merely visitors.”

  “You have been here for hundreds of years,” pointed out Adesina.

  “Our lives are endless,” reminded Sitara. “A few centuries mean little. Also, time appears to be different in this realm.”

  Adesina’s curiosity was piqued. “What do you mean?”

  “Time appears to be slower here than in the other world.”

  The cold feeling of dread rolled out from Adesina’s heart in chilling waves. She had been in this realm for less than an hour, but how much time had passed in her own world?


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