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The Labyrinth of Destiny

Page 41

by Callie Kanno

  Well done, my child.

  The feeling of absolute peace settled over Adesina once more, and she opened her mind to the Creator.

  “Was my decision acceptable?” she asked out loud.

  Ravi could hear and feel through his Joining with Adesina, and he experienced both sides of the conversation. L’iam, on the other hand, could not hear the voice of the Creator. Even with that being the case, the look of wonder in his eyes indicated that he could feel something important was happening.

  Your decision was as it was meant to be. That is why you were chosen.

  Adesina felt her heart swell with gladness. “I am happy that I did not fail you.”

  You did more than simply not fail. You exercised mercy and justice on behalf of we who placed our trust in you. You opened your homeland to those who have been lost and forgotten. Such an act of love shows the true merit of your heart.

  The young woman reached over and took her husband’s hand.

  “It was L’iam that did that last part.”

  I know. That is why I am granting the two of you a boon. You have served the Ancients well, and such service shall be rewarded.

  “A boon?”

  Yes. You need but ask, and it shall be granted unto you.

  The last time Adesina had been granted a boon by some unseen entity, it had been chosen for her. After she had rescued her father from the Shimat fortress, the forest of the Immortal spirits had transported her back to Pevothem in the blink of an eye.

  She had never been asked what she wanted to receive as a gift from the gods, and she was at a loss now that she was given the choice.

  It was tempting to ask for something that would help her in her duties as Threshold Child, but that would be a gift solely for her benefit. The boon was meant to be for L’iam as well.

  She began to wonder if it would be possible to restore the lives that had been lost in the course of the war with Cha-sak.

  Do not ask for the dead to be returned to life. It is in my power to make it so, but they have fought well and have now been given their rewards. They deserve the rest that they have found.

  Adesina felt somewhat chastened. She had not considered her request from such a point of view.

  Her eyes wandered over the forest that surrounded them, searching for some sort of inspiration. The evidence of war was everywhere, especially in the broken forms that were scattered across the ground.

  The L’avan and Seharans searched among the bodies for those whose wounds could be healed. Abandoned weapons were gathered, and debris was collected in piles for burning.

  War had brought so much suffering. What could Adesina possibly ask for that would help heal the scars of battle?

  Ravi spoke in his low, quiet tone. “The only way to move on from so much sorrow is to help life move forward. War brings death, and the only cure to such a travesty is to encourage life.”

  Adesina nodded.

  He was right, and she knew it. The best that she could do as a leader would be to rebuild and to show that life continued onward.

  Her eyes continued their sweep of her surroundings, and came to a rest on the face of her husband. Her heart was so filled with love that she thought it might burst, and a slow smile crossed her face.

  Have you chosen your boon?

  “Yes,” answered Adesina softly. “I believe I have.”


  Adesina became aware of the sunlight before she opened her eyes. She was surprised that she had slept as long as she did. She sat up and stretched, rubbing her eyes as she yawned.

  She heard the gentle humming of L’iam as he paced the room, and she gazed at him affectionately.

  “You could have woken me,” she reminded him.

  L’iam gave her one of his golden smiles. “I know I could have.”

  Adesina slipped out of bed and crossed the sunlit room. She put her arms around her husband, hugging him from behind, and gazed at the tiny bundle in his protective embrace.

  The infant was sleeping contentedly, with one small fist resting against her rosy cheek. She had L’iam’s golden hair, and the wisps that framed her perfect face were silver to match her mother’s.

  “You know she will never learn to sleep in her cradle if you hold her all the time,” Adesina reprimanded her husband.

  L’iam’s shrug was anything but repentant. “Cradles are not as comfortable as a father’s arms.”

  Adesina laughed quietly and started to get dressed. She hated to leave the scene of idyllic family life, but she had a full day ahead of her. Sitara and Ruon had just returned from a long absence during which they had been searching for the remaining Thresholds around the world that could be repaired. Adesina knew they would be anxious to report to her on their findings.

  “Are you meeting with the building council this morning?” inquired Adesina.

  L’iam did not take his eyes off of his tiny daughter as he shook his head. “No, that meeting was cancelled.”

  Adesina glanced up in surprise. “Why was it cancelled?”

  “Because I cancelled it.”

  Her expression shifted to one of disapproval. “Why?”

  “L’yra needs to take a walk in the gardens. She told me so,” L’iam claimed solemnly.

  “Our daughter is less than a month old,” retorted Adesina. “She told you no such thing.”

  “Oh, but she did,” insisted L’iam. “It is very important to her.”

  Adesina couldn’t resist laughing. She threw up her hands, “I give up. I thought I could force you to continue acting as a king should, but it seems that your daughter has convinced you otherwise.”

  L’iam nodded wisely, “My new position is much more enjoyable than my old one.”

  “Because you can cancel meetings and go on walks instead?” asked Adesina archly.


  Adesina laughed again. “Well, I cannot stay and stare at L’yra all day. I have work to do.”

  L’iam gave her a sly look. “Jealous?”

  She pretended to be exasperated. “Of course!”

  L’iam chuckled. “Well, no one said it would be easy to be the Threshold Child. You have much to do before your work is done.”

  Adesina wrinkled her nose at him. “I do not need reminding.”

  She walked over to L’iam and gave him a kiss.

  “Maybe tomorrow you can spend the day with L’yra while I catch up on all of my meetings,” suggested her husband.

  Adesina leaned down to kiss her daughter’s soft forehead. “I love that idea.”

  L’yra stirred and opened her eyes. They were a vivid, metallic purple with flecks of gold—just like Adesina’s.

  The baby gave a sleepy sort of smile and reached up to grasp Adesina’s finger. The young queen felt her heart warm at the touch of the tiny child.

  Yes, there was much to be done as the Threshold Child, but Adesina did not dread it as she once had. She was surrounded by those who loved her, and that love gave her the strength that she needed to continue with her work.

  “L’yra, give your mother a kiss,” instructed L’iam, half teasing. “She is off to change the world.”

  Adesina was the one to give the kiss, and she did so happily. “Yes,” she whispered to her daughter, “I am making it ready for you.”


  Note: Names that contain an apostrophe (e.g. L’iam) should be said with a brief pause where the apostrophe is placed.

  Adesina (adeh-SEE-na): Queen of the L’avan, and wife to L’iam. She was raised and trained by members of the Shimat organization, but left the order when she discovered their true purpose. She sacrificed her life to save her husband, L’iam, from a Shimat plot, and by doing so she was transformed into a Serraf. She is the Threshold Child, a key figure in a prophecy concerning the future of the world.

  Adrie (ah-DREE): the name used by Adesina during her time in the High City.

  Aekuor (AY-koo-or): giant sea serpents that attack ships. They are a race of Im
mortals that went mad during the Plague Years, and they have no memory of who they once were.

  Alahn (ah-LAH-n): a city on the northeast coast of Sehar.

  Ancients, the: a group of deities that rule the universe. The Creator is among them, and the most involved in Adesina’s world.

  Arnau (ar-NOW): the former Chief City Guard of Alahn, and a leader of the army that volunteers to join in the fight against the Scepter of Cha-sak.

  Aurym (AH-rim): a magical race of creatures, distinguished by their golden hair and four arms.

  Basha (BAH-sha): Adesina’s fiercest enemy and former rival in the Shimat order. She was responsible for the kidnapping of L’iam, and initiated the ritual that opens the Threshold between worlds. She formed a blood contract with Cha-sak, and serves him in his quest for world domination

  Blood Weapons: customized weapon(s) given to graduates of the Shimat organization, forged with drops of their own blood.

  B’osli (b-OZ-lee): the tenth son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race.

  Breyen (BRAY-en): Adesina’s Shar as a young student, and was second to the Sharifal. He is father to Faryl, and led many experiments regarding magic. When Basha comes to power, he remains her second in command.

  Cha-sak (cha-SAK): leader of the demon Shimat (as opposed to a member of the Shimat organization). He escaped the Threshold of Zonne with the aid of Basha, and his blood contract with her enables him to influence her actions. His main goal is for world domination and the destruction of all creatures of Light.

  Charan (CHA-ran): the city on the furthermost western border of Sehar. It does not belong to Sehar, but rather to Etan, the neighboring nation.

  Council, the: a group of Immortals that have been elected to act as the government in the realm beyond the Threshold.

  Cre’sin (CREH-sihn): the seventh son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race.

  Daemon Mount: a lone mountain in the desert of Zonne, where one of the Thresholds is located.

  Dava (DAH-vah): the title given to a L’avan when they are betrothed. Each L’avan child is taken to a Reader (one who specializes in reading the spirits of other human beings), who determines if there is another L’avan child currently living who would be an ideal match in marriage. If there is, the two children become betrothed. If there is not, the child goes on with their life as before.

  Deasa (dee-AY-sah): a former citizen of the High City and friend to Adesina. She escaped with a group of refugees and found a home in Emerald Harbor. Then she moved with the other refugees to find protection with the L’avan. Wife of Nordin; sister to Matias, Aletta, Grania, and Belen.

  Deela (DEE-lah): a female member of the Hite clan of scholars from the city of Tanar.

  Degan (DEY-gan): a former citizen of the High City. He escaped with a group of refugees that eventually sought protection with the L’avan. He is husband to Rina, and father to Cavell, Ardley, and Faryl (named for his adopted aunt, the apothecary).

  Derora (de-ROR-a): younger sister of King Rasim, ancestor of Hestia.

  Dreams: a vision in which the mind of a living person passes into the spirit realm. The Dreamer can see the spirits of the dead or events of the past. Dreamers can also see symbolic possibilities of the future.

  Ed’mon (ED-mon): the eleventh son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race. His descendants are primarily Protectors.

  Emerald Harbor: one of the five remaining cities found on Sehar. It is the only major port in the kingdom, and one of the few economic producers. The sea emerald plant, which grows in the harbor, is used to make a vibrant dye which is sold to merchants from all over the world.

  E’nes (eh-NEHZ): a L’avan Protector and brother to Adesina. His L’avan gifts include hyper-awareness of the world around him and telekinesis. He is husband to Wren’na, and father to En’ver, R’egina, and Med’gar.

  En’ver (EHN-ver): a member of the L’avan race. Toddler son to E’nes and Wren’na.

  E’rian (eh-REE-an): mother to Adesina and E’nes, and wife to Me’shan. She was captured by the Shimat while pregnant with Adesina, and she was imprisoned until the birth of her daughter. She used the last of her life-force to forge a bond between Adesina and Me’shan, enabling them to find one another. Her spirit dwells in the Dream world, where she guides Adesina in her journey.

  Etan (EY-tan): a neighboring kingdom to Sehar.

  Falcon: the name of Adesina’s Blood Sword.

  Faryl (FAIR-ihl): a former Shimat test subject who escaped and hid in the High City. She was recaptured by the Shimat when the High City was destroyed, and she shared a prison cell with Me’shan. She is called an alchemist by the Shimat, due to her advanced abilities that stem from her L’avan mother. Breyen is her father.

  Fia (FEE-ah): a former citizen of the High City, daughter of Hass and Jelana (hosts to Adesina during her time there). She escaped with her family and the group of refugees settled in Emerald Harbor, until they left to seek protection with the L’avan.

  Finlay (FIN-lay): husband to Hesper and son-in-law to Hestia, leader of the Ojuri tribe.

  Fortress, the: the base of operations for the Shimat order, and the training facility for the students.

  Frayne (frayn): infant son of Hesper and Finlay, member of the Ojuri tribe.

  Gaiana (guy-AN-ah): a magical race of people, distinguished by their lack of arms and powerful legs.

  Gainor (GAY-nor): a former citizen of the High City and friend to Adesina. She escaped with a group of refugees that eventually sought protection with the L’avan.

  Ghaith (gayth): a neighboring kingdom to Sehar.

  Gi’tel (gih-TEL): the fourth son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race.

  Great Wars, the: a period in human history that spanned approximately fifty years (the conflict started long before the humans became involved, and it lasted long after the humans were separated), filled with numerous and continual wars. It was primarily a war of magic, and the end of the conflicts also marked the end of magic in the world. See also: Plague Years, the.

  Greyr (gray-er): the senior member of the Hite clan of scholars from the city of Tanar.

  Hass (hahs): a former citizen of the High City and host to Adesina during her time there. He was among the refugees that settled in Emerald Harbor, and then sought refuge with the L’avan. He is a carpenter by trade, but was forced to work in the mines (where he lost his leg). His wife is Jelana, and his daughter is Fia.

  Henka (HEN-kah): a tribe of Desert Dwellers in Zonne that gave shelter to Adesina and her companions during the seasonal storms. They are shape-shifters, and each have an animal guardian (whose shape they can imitate) from the time they are young.

  Hesper (HEH-sper): daughter of Hestia, the leader of the Ojuri tribe.

  Hestia (HEH-stee-ah): the leader of the Ojuri, one of the Northern Tribes.

  High City, the: a city that was established with deliberate isolation from outside influences. Adesina was sent there by the Shimat, and lived there for less than a year. After she left, the entire city was destroyed.

  Hite (hite) clan: a group of scholars from the city of Tanar that specializes in the royal/noble genealogy of Sehar as well as their fate after the fall of the monarchy.

  Iayn (EE-ayn): a male member of the Hite clan of Scholars from the city of Tanar.

  Immortal Council: the leaders of the magical races who directed the Armies of Light during the Great Wars.

  Itho (IH-tho): an island nation northeast of Sehar, just off the coast of Joura.

  Jahan Lirit (jah-HAN LIH-riht): a bard that Adesina meets in Emerald Harbor. He is fascinated with the L’avan, and decides to travel with the High City refugees to the L’avan settlement.

  Jelana (jeh-LAH-nah): a former citizen of the High City and host to Adesina during her time there. She was among the refugees that settled in Emerald Harbor, and then found refuge with the L’avan. She is wife to Hass and mother to Fia.

  J’em (j-EM): a teenage L’avan assigned to travel with the Z
ephyr to make supply runs during the war with Cha-sak, and to use his gifts however Captain Zulimar instructed. He has the ability to lift heavy objects and to do simple healing.

  Joining: a magical process where two souls are bound to each other. It is a ritual that was primarily used between the Serraf and the Rashad.

  Joura (JOR-ah): a coastal nation found on the continent to the northeast of Sehar. It is the home of Maizah’s parents.

  J’ula (j-OO-lah): a teenage L’avan assigned to travel with the Zephyr to make supply runs during the war with Cha-sak, and to use his gifts however Captain Zulimar instructed. She has the ability to mend broken objects and to renew things like food.

  Kai (kai): an Aekuor who was healed of her madness by Adesina.

  Karan (kar-AHN): a female member of the Hite clan of scholars from the city of Tanar.

  Kay’l (KAY-l): the eighth son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race.

  K’eb (k-EHB): former L’avan soldier who now serves as personal assistant to Adesina and L’iam. His L’avan gifts include healing and hyper-awareness of the world around him.

  Kendan (KEN-dan): Adesina’s former Shar and love interest. Their relationship was broken when he betrayed her trust as a teenager, but they have since become friends again. Kendan turned his back on the Shimat organization in order to help Adesina, and he became the leader of the Matshi.

  Laithur (LAY-thur): a race of Immortals that formerly served the Seer, one of the Ancients. They forsook their duties many centuries ago, and became creatures of Darkness.

  Lanil (la-NIHL): Adesina’s childhood friend. They were both raised in the Shimat nursery from infancy. When she graduated from her Shimat training, she was giving the task of helping with the children in the Shimat fortress.

  L’aslo (l-AHS-loe): the first son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race.

  L’avan (l-ah-VAHN): a man who lived during the time of the Great Wars and raised eleven orphan boys as his own sons. When his sons were grown, eleven Serraf accepted mortality to become their wives. He was the founding father of the L’avan race.


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