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Tales of Bunjitsu Bunny

Page 2

by John Himmelman

  Then she found a large stick and rested it on a smaller rock. She pulled down as hard as she could to pry the big rock loose.

  The stick broke. The rock did not move. Isabel’s brother Max walked into the yard.

  “Stand back!” he shouted. He ran at the rock with a long stick.

  The end of the stick struck the rock. He pole-vaulted so far over it that his sister lost sight of him.

  “He’ll find his way back in a few hours,” said Isabel.

  Isabel looked down and saw a little pink rock. She picked it up and placed it next to the boulder. It looked so pretty there. Then she placed another smooth white rock next to it.

  Oh, how nice! she thought.

  She placed a flat gray stone with the other rocks. Then she put a round one next to it.

  Soon Isabel had covered the area with stones of all colors and shapes.

  Max found his way back and saw what she had done. “This looks great!” he said.

  “One rock is just one rock,” said Isabel. “Many rocks make a garden.”

  Later that night …

  All Bunjitsu students must do their best to follow the rules of Bunjitsu. If you wish to learn this art, you must read this and sign your name at the bottom.

  I promise to:

  • Practice my art until I am good at it. And then keep practicing.

  • Never start a fight.

  • Do all I can to avoid a fight.

  • Help those who need me.

  • Study the world.

  • Learn from those who know more than I do.

  • Share what I love.

  • Find what makes me laugh, and laugh loudly. And often.

  • Make someone smile every day.

  • Keep my body strong and healthy.

  • Try things that are hard for me to do.

  Henry Holt and Company, LLC

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  Copyright © 2014 by John Himmelman

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Himmelman, John, author, illustrator.

  [Short stories. Selections]

  Tales of Bunjitsu Bunny / written and illustrated by John Himmelman.—First edition.

  pages cm

  Summary: Although she can throw farther, kick higher, and hit harder than anyone else at school, Isabel, aka Bunjitsu Bunny, never hurts another creature, unless she has to.

  ISBN 978-0-8050-9970-6 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-0-8050-9972-0 (e-book)

  [1. Martial arts—Fiction. 2. Rabbits—Fiction. 3. Animals—Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.H5686Taj 2014 [Fic]—dc23 2013048431

  First Edition—2014

  eISBN 9780805099720




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