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Learning Lessons: A Losing His Wife Novel

Page 13

by KT Morrison

  Jess leaned into him, curious, peeked into his shorts to see what it looked like. His sleeping cock was curled up in his lap like a pale banana.

  “That’s not small at all.”

  “Small-er, I said.”

  Jess put her hand into his shorts, she wanted to feel it. It was soft and surprisingly cold under her fingers.

  “That’s really big,” she said. She rolled the head of his cock between her thumb and forefinger, ran the tips down his shaft, then wrapped her fingers around it, lifted it off his leg. She tried to stroke it but it wanted to slip out of her hand. She reached down between his legs and grabbed his balls. They were loose, heavy in her grip.

  She looked back at the door, pulled his flaccid cock out of his shorts. She looked back down, looked at his thing in her hand. She lowered herself to it, put the head past her lips and sucked on it. It felt so funny in her mouth. Soft and squishy, squirming around, but just so darn big. She sucked it in deeper, liked the feel of it on her tongue. Tyler’s hand rubbed her back. He smelled like a powerful deodorant soap.

  She used her fingers and tried to stuff as much of that soft meat in her mouth, couldn’t get it all in there. She picked a ball up and popped it in her mouth instead, sucked on it, rolled it around and let it drop, then back over the end of his cock. She thought about his cleanliness. She didn’t really know him. Didn’t know his past, kind of assumed he might have been with a lot of girls. But he wasn’t hard, nothing was going to come out of him, right? Like sucking on his finger. She sucked on him more, the soft thing starting to take some shape in her mouth, getting more workable. She gripped his balls, played with them, bobbing her head on his soft, heavy cock. She pulled off him, letting a loud suction from her lips. She had to stop, he was getting hard and she didn’t want him leaking in her mouth.

  She picked it up, stroked it, using her spit. “I can’t wait for Saturday,” she said, got herself close to him.

  “I can tell.”

  “Tell me what you’re going to do to me.”

  “I’m going to bend you over, fuck you from behind like an animal,” his voice was breathy but deep, like a rumble.

  “Oh, yeah?” she gasped, she had soaked her panties, she could feel it down there.

  “I’m going to make you scream, I’m going to make you come a hundred times on the end of this cock.”

  “Oh, God,” she looked down at it in her hand. He was pretty hard. Too big to be real. She couldn’t believe he’d been putting this inside her. She stroked him, her fist just working his head, rolling around it, squishing it.

  “I’m going to make Pete shrivel up and die when he sees what I do to you, how I make you come.”

  “He’s not even a tenth of the man you are,” she whispered to him.

  “Oh, stop, stop, stop,” he said. He wrapped his big hand around her little wrist, stopped her stroking him.

  “I can’t hide it if you make me hard.”

  “You are hard,” she said.

  “Mm. I am,” he said. He held her wrist tight, fucked her fist gently, doing it with his hips. They both watched him force her little hand apart, pushing his manhood through her grip.

  “I can make it go down for you,” she whispered, looked into his eyes.

  Tyler chewed his lower lip. “Come on,” he said.

  He stood up, pointed his cock upright on his belly, pulled the strings of his shorts, cinching it up against him, dropped his sweatshirt over it. He looked at her.

  She nodded, she couldn’t see it.

  He opened the door of the lounge, looked down the hall, “Okay, let’s go,” he said, waving her towards him. She took her glasses off, put them in her purse, followed him down the hall, their movement ranging from suspicious, to stealthy, to normal. Quick-stepping, slowing, ducking. He got her to the end of the hall, checked into the boys locker room. He nodded his head for her to follow him.

  She couldn’t go into the boys room.

  “I can’t go in the locker room,” she whispered, still standing in the hall.

  “My office is through here. It’s empty. Come on.”

  She looked around nervously. This was crazy.

  “Okay,” she said, slipping in behind him.

  They rushed through the locker room, the place stinking with boy smell. Open lockers, stuff strewn out, equipment, towels, she didn’t want to look around—like this was a private place even though it was empty. He stopped at the next room, some sort of conference area, tables and chairs facing a whiteboard with running plans. He looked around the corner. “Come on,” he said and he took her hand.

  She could see an open office ahead, they were almost there. He got her in, closed the door behind him.

  He turned to her, they were face to face. She pulled him to her, kissed him, he pushed her away, “Hold on,” he said.

  He crossed the small room, went behind his desk. There was a door on the other side and he opened it, looked out. Daylight out there, out onto the field probably. He looked around, watched something out there for a moment, then he shut the door said, “Okay,” pulled up on the bar, locked it.

  Jess grabbed the handle of the door they’d just come through.

  “This door doesn’t lock,” she said.

  “Come here,” he said, standing behind the desk.

  She went around behind it, let him pull her to him with his massive arms. He crushed her against him, she could feel his cock under his sweatshirt, hard against her body. He kissed her, gripped the back of her neck, pulled her tight, and forced his tongue deep into her mouth. She sucked it in.

  Jess pulled her long skirt up, got her hands under it, hooked her thumbs into her panties and slid them down. She picked them up and threw them in her purse, didn’t want him to see them, they were a bit worn, definitely not sexy.

  His hands went up her skirt now, bunching all the extra fabric around her waist. His touch was amazing. He went straight between her legs, not time for teasing.

  “Oh, shit,” he said, “you are so fucking wet. Jess, you’re dripping.”

  She had her hands under his sweatshirt her hands running over his rock hard stomach. She could feel his erection like hot steel against her wrist.

  “Get a condom,” she said. She had no time for teasing either.

  “You don’t have a condom?”

  “Oh, please, no. Tyler, why would I have a condom? You don’t have any condoms?”

  “I don’t have sex at school.”

  “Well, I don’t either. Don’t you put one in your wallet?” She was panicking.

  “It’s okay, Jess, sit up on the desk here, I swear I won’t come inside you.”

  That made her tingle.

  “Oh, Tyler, I can’t.”

  “C’mon, Jess, I swear I’ll pull out.”

  She didn’t want to say it was more than that, didn’t want to ruin the mood by saying she wasn’t sure where he’s been, how clean he was.

  “I just can’t, Tyler.”

  Tyler grabbed the back of her neck, gripped a handful of her hair that had fallen out of the bun, he said, “Jess, I have to fuck you.”

  “I need you so bad right now,” she said. She stroked him, felt how ready he was in her fist. She could barely close her fingers around it. “Oh, Tyler, I need this so bad.”

  He lifted her up and put her on his desk, yanked her skirt out of the way. He lifted her like she was weightless.

  “I just can’t, Tyler,” she whispered into his ear.

  Tyler’s big hands pushed her thighs apart and she let him do it. Her soaking wet sex was exposed to his big manhood. He kissed her again, she put her arms around his neck. His cock was hot against her thigh. It was sliding up, getting closer to her heat. Her pussy ached for him, she would risk it, he could bury that naked cock deep inside her, she could find out what it really felt like. It would feel amazing. She knew it would feel amazing. He could pull out. What was the worst that could really happen?

  She felt his hot tip at her labia. She opene

d her legs for him, leaned back so she could watch his unprotected cock slide inside her.

  “Oh, baby, we shouldn’t,” she gasped but her legs didn’t close.

  He gripped it in his fist, stroked the tip against her.

  “No, Tyler, don’t. We shouldn’t,” she said but still her legs stayed spread. She wanted it so bad.

  “Just the tip,” he said.

  “Okay, just the tip,” God she was fifteen again.

  He pushed gently into her, struggling not to lose control and plunge it deep. She watched the glistening head, rosy-grey, part her lips. Heard the wet crackle as he penetrated her with his huge glans.

  “Oh no, no, no,” she said. She grabbed it, stopped it from sinking into her. “I can’t, Tyler, I can’t.” She closed her thighs on him, arched her back so her sex was flat on his desk. Her fingers were working the buttons of her shirt, moving through them one after the other. She got her top open, got her arms bent behind her working under her shirt, unclasping her bra.

  Tyler watched her, stroking himself. His face was taut, angry. He had one thing on his mind.

  Jess plopped herself down into his chair, gave him her best sultry look. She wanted her man happy.

  “Let’s make you come,” she said. Her fingers danced around her hardened nipples, thrilled them, showed him how aroused she was. She pushed her breasts together, let him know what she was thinking. “Come here,” she said.

  He stepped forward, straddled her legs that she had kept closed together. His cock loomed over her, threatening. He was ready to burst. So hard his skin was stretched taut, his cock head gleaming. She put a hand over the wide top of it, guided its hot belly between her breasts. Enormous. Balls below her breasts, tip coming up past her chin. It didn’t work as well as she’d hoped. They were both dry. She worried about pleasing him. She spit on the head, took it in her fist and covered it. She squeezed him, coaxing some of his lubricant from him. He closed his eyes, let it pulse. Now she had him slippery, it was going to be okay. She pushed him down between her breasts again, pinched her nipples, closed her flesh around it. He started to thrust it between them, slowly at first, testing the feel of her.

  “That’s it, baby,” she said, “fuck them.”

  She had him breathing heavy now.

  “Show me that body, baby,” she said. He pulled his sweatshirt over his head, threw it aside. He was gorgeous. His stomach rippled as he worked himself between her breasts. She watched the big glistening end come up to meet her, slide back down and disappear between her breasts. His huge tattooed arms came to her, his hands gripped her small shoulders, held her steady.

  “You feel so good,” he moaned.

  “You like fucking my tits?” she asked him.

  “You’re going to make me come,” he said.

  “Are you going to come in my face?” She looked up at him, her eyes expectant. Play-acting, but God, she was just so aroused too. She wanted him to come, wanted it to be huge and hot.

  “Mm—yes,” he said, he was so close.

  She had him in a trance now. Hard and horny.

  “Do it,” she urged, “come all over my face.”

  He got quicker, he was going to come.

  She prayed he didn’t get it in her eyes or in her hair, but she did want him to come, wanted to hear him roar out because she had done it to him.

  “Show me that come, make this big thing shoot all over me, make me—”

  The door opened, three people walking in from the conference room.

  Before she dove, before she threw herself flat on the floor, she was aware, not sure, but had an awareness, that it was two students and a teacher. It happened very fast.

  Someone gasped, someone said, Oh, my God.

  The door to the outside was opened, daylight hitting her in the face, making her blink. Tyler above her, shoving the door open. His shoe was kicking her in the behind, forcing her out the door. She alligator-crawled, fell outside the lip, down two steps onto concrete. The door slammed behind her. She was sitting by the football field. Her purse was still in there. Her glasses.

  Then she jumped up and ran. Ran in a straight line away from the building. Towards the woods. Ran faster than she ever had in her life. Legs pumping until she thought her heart would burst. Fifty yards, across grass, students on the field, far from her, not looking. She got to the edge of the field. Houses, suburbs beyond that. Woods, trees. She launched herself onto an eight-foot-tall chain link fence, pulled herself over it, fell to the other side.

  She looked back, saw the school, saw the door she’d come from. It opened. A woman. Angry, looking out and around. Jess rolled herself under a shrub. Her heart was pounding, her mind racing. What the fuck had she just done? Her heaving breaths became sobs as the realization came over her. This was real. This really happened.

  “Oh, God,” she sobbed. “Oh, no.”

  The door closed again and she jumped up. She was in someone’s backyard. She ran down the side of the house, tears streaming from her. She buttoned her shirt as she ran, her breasts swinging around underneath it without a bra.

  “Oh, no, oh, no,” she cried. She ran down the sidewalk, didn’t even know where she was going. She was going to lose her job. What would Pete think? What about the rumours? What would the boys hear about their mother?

  What was wrong with her?


  Owing Him

  Thursday, October 20th

  Pete knew something was wrong with his wife. Very wrong. Something had happened and it was huge. He knew since last night when he’d come home and she’d ruined dinner. No explanation, just said she wasn’t paying attention, had burned it. He didn’t press her. Her face was drawn, hollow. She looked ill. Maybe she was coming down with something.

  Pete went out and picked up KFC for them and she didn’t have a bite of anything he brought back. She said she wasn’t feeling well and he said she should go lie down, told her he’d take care of the boys. She went to bed, must have been eight o’clock. He’d thought she was getting a flu.

  So he stayed up with the boys and they had their chicken and they watched some TV. He took them down and they messed around with the trains for a while. Made some more sagebrushes. He put them to bed, stayed up to watch The Bachelor, the news, then packed it in around eleven.

  He tiptoed around the room, trying not to disturb Jess, poor girl not feeling well. She was awake. He could see her in the dark of the room, dim light from the master bath, her eyes were open. Staring into nothing.

  He asked her if she was okay, and she said, Yes, then closed her eyes. That’s when he thought this was no flu. Something bad had happened.

  He got a little nervous. Hated the idea that something was bothering her. He washed up and climbed in behind her, put an arm around her and hugged her. She pushed her back into him, hugged his hand over her heart. He fell asleep like that.

  He didn’t remember until morning, then wasn’t sure if he’d dreamt it, made it up, but he could recall an idea that she had got up in the middle of the night and had used her phone. Had talked to somebody. That’s all that he was aware of.

  Then it was morning and he watched her, dressed for work, shuffling around the kitchen like she was in pain. Mental anguish. He could sense she wanted to talk, wait for the boys not to be around. Pete had to get to work. He kissed her forehead before he left, she was clammy. He stopped at the door. He said, “Call me if you need me today.”

  She smiled at him weakly and nodded.

  Now it was five and the boys were in the backyard. Jess was in the kitchen and he could tell they needed to have a talk. His heart was pounding.

  “What is it, Jess?”

  She sat across from him, her hands folded together resting on their kitchen table. She had her glasses on, her hair looked stringy, lifeless, her shoulders a worried slope swooping away from her thin neck. “You’re going to be mad.”

  She was pregnant. That was what hit him. She’d been fooling around, lying about using condo
ms and now she’d got herself pregnant. “What is it?” he asked her. Not mad, not mean; he was worried.

  She covered her mouth with her thin pale hand, struggling with a way to tell him something.

  “Oh, no, Jess.”

  “I stopped by the high school the other day. Ran into Tyler. We were fooling around—we didn’t have sex, Pete, I swear, but we were...we were messing around and we got caught.”


  “I know Pete, I didn’t mean to, I wasn’t thinking about it, it just happened.”

  “Oh no,” he said, feeling the blood drain from him. His vision narrowed. This was really bad. “Who saw you?”

  “I don’t think anyone saw me.”

  “Oh, Jess. Oh, no, what’s going to happen?”

  “Tyler got me out without anyone seeing me. I think.”

  “Are you sure no one saw you?”

  “Pretty sure.”

  “So know one knows it was you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  It was a relief. He thought everyone would know his wife had stepped out on him, that she went around behind his back. A public cuckolding. She wasn’t caught at all. “What were you doing?”

  “Messing around.”


  “I’d rather not say.”

  “Tell me what you were doing.”

  “Can we play your stupid cuckolding games another time? We’re talking about my job here. Tyler’s job.”

  She was mad at him. He wasn’t looking for dirty talk, he wanted to know what someone might have witnessed. “Your job?”

  “I think it’s okay. I was so worried but I don’t think anyone knows it was me.”

  “Please, tell me your job is okay.”

  “I was at work today and no one said a thing. And everyone was talking about what happened at the high school.”

  “Oh, no, Jess.”

  “Yeah, it’s all the gossip.”


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