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Learning Lessons: A Losing His Wife Novel

Page 23

by KT Morrison

  “Oh, yes,” she hissed, tossed her hair around for him while he fucked her wildly.

  “You’re so beautiful, you’re so kind—”

  “Yeah, ah—”

  “Oh, shit, ah, and the fucking body on you,” he growled to her.

  “Oh, Jesus, Tyler, you’re so big, so fucking hard, ah—”

  “You’ve got the sweetest, tightest little pussy.”

  She clawed her hands frantically along his arm, scratched at him while she gripped his wrist, pulled his big hand up to her neck.

  “Don’t, uh, don’t come inside me,” she said and she pulled his hand up to cover her mouth.

  He squeezed her tightly, covered her up, pulled her head back roughly and pounded her so hard it rocked the washing machine, banging it loudly against the wall, making a huge hollow metal sound like it had an off-balance load. He grunted like an animal with each powerful thrust, and she squinted, watched through her wet eyes, could see the boys still in the yard, Petey looking to the window at all the racket. She struggled, her shaky hand came up as quick as it could and twisted the rod that closed up the blinds.

  She screamed in pain into Tyler’s huge warm hand, cried out with each terrible thrust. He was ruining her, tearing her little sex to shreds, she was sure of it.

  Then he was out, leaving her feeling icy and deep and hollow between her legs. He let her go and she gulped for desperate air.

  She could feel his seed, huge and hot, splashing across her back. Stream after wet stream, stinging her with its heat, tapping her upper back where it went up high and landed on the black watch plaid of her flannel nightshirt. Tyler grabbed her hips roughly and shoved his tool between her ass cheeks, squishing himself between them as he kept thrusting and spurting onto her.

  He groaned deep and gravelly and his enormous weight fell across her back, pressed her against the machine.

  “Oh, Jess,” he said and he rolled off her, slumped next to her supporting himself on his elbows. He was flushed, sleepy-eyed, he looked like he was punch drunk.

  “Holy... Wow,” she laughed as she quickly pulled her panties up, shimmied her nightie down and covered her rump before someone came in.

  He laughed too, he held her face in his palm, looked into her eyes and then kissed her lips.

  “Better put that away before someone sees it,” she said, darting her eyes down between his legs. He slowly pulled his sweatpants up, his big arms having trouble recovering from his very productive orgasm. His cock was still hard, pressing out the front of his pants.

  She screwed up her face at him, said, “Did you come in my hair?”

  “I definitely did, sorry,” he said. He touched her cheek, said, “You’re making me so crazy.” He took a folded t-shirt out of her clean laundry and wadded it up, “Don’t turn around,” he said and he wiped at her back, then through her hair, down and underneath her nightie, drying her lower back and her cheeks. She could feel how wet he’d left her. She leaned forward and rested her head on the washing machine, enjoyed the feeling of his strong hands on her while he cleaned her.

  “I have to go jump in the shower anyway,” she sighed to him over her shoulder.

  Tyler threw the dirtied shirt into the hamper and Jess twisted the white plastic rod, opened the blinds with it again and saw the boys still out there.

  “We get away with it?”

  She laughed, said, “I think so.” She looked at him standing there, looking so perfect—his young face and his thick honey hair, his hard body and that cock pushing his pants out—and felt her face fall. She shouldn’t have done that. That was against the rules.

  “We can’t do that again,” she said, her face serious now.

  “That was a one time deal,” he nodded. He grabbed his dick through his pants, said, “You saw what I was like though.”

  She bit her lip and nodded as well.

  Tyler walked out into the hall, said, “Hey, Pete,” looking up the stairs.

  Pete came bouncing down said, “Hey.” He passed the laundry room, then ducked back and caught her eye.

  He tapped his watch, said, “Don’t you have to get in the shower?”

  “Are you okay?” Sara asked her as she walked into the teacher’s lounge at lunch time.

  “Yeah,” she said, “just twisted my ankle.”

  She was sore between her legs. Tyler had been a little too rough, a little too hard, this morning. Walking was a bit uncomfortable but taking short steps stopped it from stinging.

  Jess went to the fridge and got her lunch bag out, Sara said, “Come and put your feet up.” She pulled a chair out for her, patted her lap for Jess.

  The teacher’s lounge at Jaden Van was a low fluorescent rectangle with a window that looked out on to the field where the kids would play. A cinderblock room about twelve by fifteen with crooked shades, a chipped formica faux-wood table, a fridge and a coffee maker. Sara was leaning back in a tweed office chair, her tuna sandwich and a pickle with a bite out of it sitting on wax paper at her elbow.

  Jess sat down carefully in the chair and she lifted one foot at a time and lay them on Sara’s lap. Sara pulled her leather loafers off for her, lay them on the floor next to them. She ran her hands down her calves then back up trying to snug her tights up against her skin. She was looking at her ankles then she ran her hands over them both, said, “Doesn’t look swollen, doesn’t feel swollen.”

  “That’s a relief,” Jess said. “I’ll be fine. Just smarts a little.”

  “Which ankle was it?”

  Jess tried to quickly figure which ankle she’d prefer to have rubbed right now. She said, “The left one. My left,” and she wriggled her foot a little for her.

  “Just twisted it coming off a curb in the parking lot this morning,” she said. Sara nodded and she held Jess’s foot and rubbed her thin ankle with her other hand.

  Jess unwrapped her ham sandwich from her wax paper, took a bite. She closed her eyes and felt Sara’s fingers massaging the tendons of her calf.

  Jess said, “Where is everyone?”

  “Carol and Dawn already ate, Dawn had to take Carol up to the DMV.”

  “Mm, how terrible,” she said. “It’s so quiet in here. It’s weird.”

  Jess chewed quietly while Sara kept rubbing. She could still feel the slight dry sting between her legs that Tyler had left her with, even sitting and doing nothing. He was so hard this morning, she’d never seen anything like it. Felt anything like it. She couldn’t believe a penis so incredibly large could get like that, so throbbingly erect it stood upright despite its length, its weight. Normally he was firm; big and kind of spongy. But she had done that to him. Made him like that. He’d lay in bed when he woke up thinking of her and she had made him that hard. That was so arousing.

  And that body, the feel of his touch on her. Her touch on him. He felt like he was made of something different than Pete. Like different materials. Were they even the same species? Even at rest he exuded power. His heavy hands, his big joints, his massive weight. He was like an immovable object. She was powerless against him.

  “Excited about your award on Friday?”

  “Huh?” Jess said, holding her sandwich up next to her face, slowly chewing, lost in the deep, dark, and dirty forest of her thoughts.

  “Your award?”



  “I am, I’m excited. It’s next Friday though, not this Friday.”

  “Oh,” Sara laughed, “what do I know, I’m not up for one.”

  Jess laughed, rolled her eyes at her friend. She said, “I hope you’ll be there.”

  “I will.”

  Jess watched Sara’s hands on her.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  Sara said, “Sure,” looking up now.

  “After Tyler was fired, Pete and I... We heard he was in some trouble.”

  “Yeah?” Sara smirked.

  “No... Financially.”

  “You didn’t lend him money did you?”

  “No, no. He had to leave his apartment.” Jess looked around, made sure the coast was clear, said, “He has no credit, you know, no savings...nothing.”

  “Holy shit.”

  Jess twisted her mouth around, regarding her friend, building up the nerve. She had to tell someone. She should have told Sara this a long time ago but she kept chickening out. She had to tell someone so it didn’t get found out the wrong way, make her look like she had something to hide.

  “He’s been staying with us. Pete and I.”

  “Shut. The. Front. Door.” Sara sat up straight, electrified.

  “Hey,” Jess put her palms up, said, “don’t make a big deal out of it, it—”

  Sara was smiling from ear to ear, her eyes wide.

  “—It’ll be just for a little bit. And it’s nothing.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “No. It’s real.”

  “Oh my God. What’s he like?”

  “He’s fine,” Jess said, and she felt like she might have started to blush. “It’s just for a short time...until he gets back on his feet.”

  Sara was bubbly, glassy-eyed, lost in the prospect of her friend living in close quarters with Tyler. “God, I bet you’re hoping he never does,” she said.

  “What? No, of course not. Look, we’re just helping out a friend.”

  Sara nodded, coming back down to earth.

  Jess added, “It’s not all sunshine and roses.”

  “If you get tired of him send him over to my place for a while.”

  “Who’s that guy you’ve been seeing?” Jess said.


  “Yeah, Frank would not like that.”

  “No, Frank might shoot him.”

  Sara was still smiling, looking in Jess’s eyes and shaking her head slowly. She said, “Have you seen him with his shirt off?”

  “Yes,” Jess said slyly. God, why did she say that?

  “You did? Oh my God. What did he look like?”

  She raised her eyebrows and shrugged, could feel herself blushing.

  “Look at you blush.” Sara was smirking, having trouble getting over this. “Can you imagine walking into the bathroom and he’s coming out of the shower? You know he’s supposed to have a real big ding dong down there.”

  “I know, you’ve told me.” She rolled her eyes. “I haven’t seen it. I have my own bathroom you know.”

  “All right, all right,” Sara laughed, and put her hands up telling Jess to calm down.

  “Better hope Pete doesn’t see it. He’ll be out on his ear. How did you convince Pete?”

  “It was—it was his idea, really.”


  “Yeah, I mean, maybe I suggested it,” she frowned, trying to recall something that never actually happened, “well, whatever, he was the one said we should offer him some help.”

  “Doesn’t sound like the Pete I know.”

  “He’s okay with it. Not jumping for joy, but he knows it won’t be for much longer.”

  “When’s he leaving?”

  “Soon. We’ll have to see though. He’s not having much luck yet finding work.”

  Sara nodded, looking Jess up and down. “Do you think it’s a good idea?”

  “How do you mean?”

  Sara pulled at a lock of her brown hair held it out, said, “You’re blonde. We’ve all been wondering who this mystery blonde girl is.”



  “How could you think that?”

  “Not me. People,” she said, shrugging.

  “Well, it wasn’t me.”

  “Is that why you’ve kept it quiet?”

  Now Jess shrugged. “He just seems like the bad guy around here now. But he’s not. I know he’s not.”

  “How long’s he been with you?”

  “Few weeks now. Pete is in on this, you know.”

  “He got kicked out so fast?”

  “Yeah, he was behind in...he’s just in a bad spot, you know?”

  Sara held Jess’s ankles, looking down over her half-eaten lunch on the table next to her. She was chewing the inside of her lower lip. She was troubled. She said, “I won’t tell anyone. Neither should you. The world is made up of assholes. There’s very few nice people like you. And you’re usually the ones that get chewed up and spit out.”

  Late in the afternoon Jess called Kevin Campbell's mom and told her she'd have to cancel their meeting this afternoon. Jess was the one who'd arranged the appointment, had wanted to talk face to face, then she was calling her and giving her a made up excuse so she could get out of it.

  “No, it's just a family emergency,” she’d said, standing in a busy school hall with her phone pressed to her ear, her free hand cupped over her other ear.

  “I hope everything is okay,” Kevin’s mom, Abby, said.

  “Everything is fine, it’s just an obligation I won't be able to get out of.”

  Abby was okay with it. Probably felt relief not having to come into the school now.

  She had felt enormously guilty.

  Now it was 3:10 and she was looking for Petey. She went out to the car park, stood with the middle-aged traffic marshal with her whistle and her reflective vest. Jess was looking for Noah's mom's car. It was a silver crossover, she wasn't sure of the make. There were so many out there she'd never figure it out.

  She saw a fair-haired kid and a black-haired kid walking together across the crowd. Just the tops of their heads, not enough to be sure. She waded through with her fingers crossed.

  As she got closer, worried that she could lose them, she called out, “Petey, Petey,” yelling to the two heads of hair over the tops of the other children. The fair-haired kid turned; Petey’s puzzled face looking out to see where his mom's voice was coming from.

  She caught his eye with a wave and pierced through the kids, worked her way to him.

  “Hi Petey, hi Noah,” she said, kneeling to them.

  “Hi, Mrs. Mapplethorpe.”

  “Mom, you're not supposed to yell,” Petey said.

  “I know, sweetie, I just wanted to catch you before I went home. You’re heading to Noah’s?”

  “Yeah, Mom, I told you already.”

  “Okay, I know, I just wanted to know when you'd be home—”

  “I don't know, Mom...before dinner.”

  “Okay. Five o’clock?”

  “Yeah, Mom.”

  “Good, Petey. That’s good, okay, just wanted to be sure,” she said, standing up, running her hand through his thick hair. “Okay, baby,” she said.

  She turned and walked back the way she’d come, turned and called to him, “You boys have fun, okay?”

  She heard him say, We will.

  Jess got to her van, started it with a shaky hand that slid the key all around the slot before she found it. She got on the main street and headed for home but she stopped at the Walgreens first and bought a bottle of lube.

  Even though she had ached all morning, right past her lunch time, it hadn't stopped her from wanting more. While the sting had subsided, her dirty thoughts had not. They'd grown stronger.

  Tyler fucked her from behind this morning, did it hard with his hand clamped over her mouth, came on her back and then left her. She’d gone up and showered, got dressed and put the boys in the van and went off to work. She’d thought about it a little, more bewildered than anything. It wasn't until after lunch she started to realize how hot it was. It was like one of her dirty fantasies. Like something she might have thought about when being with another man was just something naughty to whisper in Pete’s ear while they made love. But this morning was very real. Incredibly, wonderfully real.

  So she pulled the van into the driveway and marched up the brick walkway to the front door and opened it. Tyler had put his bike away in storage in the garage for the winter and she knew he would be home. She closed the door behind her with her purse tightly held to her, her heart pounding; then she walked to the kitchen.
  Tyler was there. He had paperwork spread out on the kitchen island and he was making himself a sandwich, cutting board with tomatoes and lettuce and a butcher knife and a loaf of bread. He turned, look surprised to see her, his face was happy.

  “Hey, Jess—”


  “—I have some news for you.”

  “Fuck your news,” she said and she firmly walked the three steps it took her to come face-to-face with him and she wrapped her arms around his waist, reached up, craned her neck so that she could press her lips against his. He bent to her and his arms came around her and it felt wonderful. She kissed him, moved her tongue around his lips, parted them, found his tongue.

  Her hand came down, went between his legs and squeezed his big man-parts through his denim. She gripped it and kneaded it, the whole time she kissed him, pressed herself in to him until his back was against the counter. She broke away, her mouth agape, her lips swollen, and she watched his expression. He was breathing heavy, he watched her, his eyes darting back and forth over hers. He said, “You didn’t get enough this morning?”

  She shoved a hand down the front of his pants and grabbed his bare cock. “Take your shirt off,” she said.

  He pulled his shirt up over his head and she looked at that beautiful body. She said, “You were hard on me this morning. Hurt me. Made me ache. But you didn’t make me come.”

  He smiled at her as her little hand stroked his big thing inside his tight jeans. His smile made her shudder.

  She said, “I need it again. I’ve been wanting it all afternoon.”

  He kissed her, his strong hands moving across her waist, then down, cupping her cheeks, lifting her up to him, pulling her lips tighter against his. She raised her legs, let them climb up his hips as he supported her easily with his strong hands, and she locked herself around him, squeezed herself into him, felt his hardness between her legs. Her fingers explored his bare chest, wandered around and squeezed his thick hard neck and traps. She bit at his lip, pulled it with her teeth. She whispered, “Take me to your room.”

  So he walked her up the stairs like she weighed nothing, just a little girl clinging to him, her lips kissing his mouth, his neck. She was clothed he was shirtless and hard inside his pants, her purse was around her shoulder, her boots were still on.


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