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Learning Lessons: A Losing His Wife Novel

Page 32

by KT Morrison

  “Get up,” Tyler said, and he nodded to her with his chin.

  Tyler raised up with her, his eyes locked on hers. Now all three of them were looking at each other, kneeling, sitting on their heels on her bed, all of them completely naked.

  Her hands went between both their legs, grabbed their cocks and gently stroked them. They just stayed like two dumb boys, arms at their sides watching her little girl hands on them. She caught Petey sneaking a peak over at Tyler’s.

  “Did you want to touch it, Petey?”

  Tyler looked over at Pete, caught him looking between his legs, said, “Pete if you touch my cock, I will fucking knock you out, okay?”

  Pete nodded, wide-eyed.

  Jess laughed. She felt bad for Pete. He wasn’t confrontational. She didn’t like to see him bullied but somehow seeing him dominated so easily with that simple phrase also really turned her on. He recoiled from Tyler; he didn’t want any trouble. Seeing his little dick in her hand, Tyler’s long thick one flailing around in her other hand, knowing Pete was watching, seeing the difference, both of them realizing, witnessing—it was unavoidable—how much better she could do. She could feel his little dick suffering, hard as a rock but it was like it didn’t want to be there. Tyler’s big bully cock came in the room and Pete’s sad little penis wanted to slip out a back door, run home and go read comic books in its room.

  She laughed silently, open mouthed, bent forward until her head was on Tyler’s big shoulder.

  Pete said, “What?”

  “Your dick is so small, Petey.”

  “I know, Jess. I don’t want to touch’s not like that.”

  “Okay. I just don’t know about you anymore.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She shrugged, still stroking both of them. “What you get from this. What you’re looking for...what you want from me.”

  Pete rubbed her arm, bent so he could catch her eye, said, “Don’t stop, all right? Everything is fine. I love you.”

  “I know,” she said. But she was starting to struggle with this. Why would her husband want this? Want her to be shared. If Tyler was her husband he wouldn’t share her. Nor would she want to be shared. This had all started so hot, so crazy and exciting, a dirty thing she was doing with her husband, but if she slowed down too much, looked around, she could see how everything was starting to get twisted.

  She pushed it away, watched her hands work their penises, said, “Look at my two men. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Look how different they are. Petey, my little Petey.”

  Maybe she didn’t get it but he was her husband and she would give him what he wanted. Surrendering to it gave her a thrill. She said, “Petey and his little peter,” and her shoulders shook laughing at her own joke.

  Pete squeezed her arm, said, “You’re kind of funny when you drink. Maybe you should drink more.”

  She saw he was smiling but she shook her head, said, “I don’t think it’s for me.”

  Tyler said, “You gonna have regrets in the morning?”

  Pete said, “I think we’re all going to regret this in the morning,” and Tyler laughed. God, that turned her on. She wanted to have something to regret.

  Tyler was sitting back on his heels, his legs wide enough for Jess to be in there, her pretty face bobbing over the first few inches of his fat cock, her hair tucked behind her ear. Pete watched her, one hand bent in such a feminine fashion, up at her face her fingertips touching her shoulder, the other hand holding his thick cock in place while her mouth stretched over it. Thirty-five-year-old woman on her knees bent like that shouldn’t look so good. He could take a picture of this right now and sell it, his wife looked so sexy. Her skin smooth and soft, her breasts hanging forward and swinging gently, she looked like she was Tyler’s age. She didn’t look like a woman you would think was Pete’s wife.

  “Hey man, maybe I sounded like a dick down there, I didn’t mean to...I appreciate you trying to get me that job. Thanks.”

  Pete looked up to see Tyler watching him, addressing him. He was on his knees, back slightly arched, his palms on the backs of his thighs, while Jess’ blonde head bobbed between his legs. Pete didn’t know what all the fat talk was about, bent like he was you could see his abs.

  Pete nodded, watched Tyler’s expression change as Jess did something new down there, pleasuring him. Tyler’s eyes closed for a moment, and he gasped quietly. Pete said, “Okay.”

  His eyes were open again, he put his hand on Pete’s narrow shoulder and squeezed him, said, “I hope you understand though.” There was a loud suction noise from Jess as she sucked air in around the sides of his glans.

  Pete nodded. He looked down and saw that Jess had him pretty deep in her small mouth and she’d clenched his hanging balls in her little hand.

  Tyler let his shoulder go, put both his hands on the sides of Jess’s head, cradled her. She looked up at him, and his thumbs brushed her hair back over her brow. He said, “You’re so beautiful.” It made Pete feel a little uncomfortable him saying it like that, Jess looking up at him and his wide cock stuffed in her mouth, but he didn’t look away. His heart felt suddenly sluggish.

  Tyler held her head in place and gently ran the big head of his cock in and out of her mouth and Jess’ lips complied, opening and narrowing, coming to a pout on the tip of him, spreading wide around it when he plunged it back in.

  “Ah, fuck, Jess, your little mouth is like velvet,” he said. “I can’t wait another minute,” he said, and he let her go, pulled his cock out and it fell between his legs. “You gotta give me that pussy.”

  “Okay,” she beamed and she bounced herself up higher on the bed, didn’t take her eyes off him. She sat back in the middle of the bed, her knees up, her legs apart, and her hand was over her sex, her fingers working through herself.

  Tyler crawled up her body on all fours, pushed her back laying flat, kissing her mouth. Pete moved up higher with them, sat and watched them; if he reached out he could touch them. Sitting this close he could even feel the heat coming off their bodies. Tyler kissed his wife, she sucked on his lips, his tongue, her head back, her eyes closed. Tyler kissed her neck, and Pete watched her hand come up around his big wide back and scratch his skin lightly. He had her moaning.

  Jess’ hand came over to Pete, seemed to be reaching to him, and he took her hand in his own and held it. She squeezed him, shook him off, then searched between his legs. He moved his hips, put his penis where she could grab it and she did. As soon as her hand wrapped around his little thing, he surged precum, and Jess worked it around, stroked him, three fingers and her thumb slipping over his sensitive penis.

  Tyler raised up, looking down over Jess, looking almost mean in this light. His cock wasn’t entirely hard, just fat and swollen and it swung between his legs past the middle of his thighs.

  “I like him sometimes when he’s kind of soft. He doesn’t hurt as much,” Jess said. She had caught him looking, knew what he was thinking. She was looking up at Pete, her eyes glistened wetly, looked down then at her hand on his cock, and he felt self-conscious again.

  Tyler was on his knees, his legs spread wide so he was lined up with Jess’s sex. Jess’s pretty legs were draped over his thighs, and she’d put her eyes back on Tyler, anticipating his penetration. Her chest heaved.

  Tyler held his cock, squeezed it hard so the end filled up with blood. He slipped it along Jess’ pink folds, up and down, making her smile, then pull her lips into her mouth. He pushed and Pete could see that big thing buckle, fold up a little bit. He squeezed it harder, tried again. A full day of drinking and over-indulgence had taken its toll on him. But just when Pete thought there was a chance that his rock-hard pecker might get pulled into the game, Tyler breached her, pushed himself inside Jess, made her gasp. Her hand tightened on Pete’s cock as she was slowly filled with Tyler.

  “Oh, yes, Tyler,” she sighed.

  He watched them fuck for a while. Every once so often his wife’s had would remember to stro
ke him. When she’d asked him to take his shirt off then his pants he’d had visions of Tyler in one end Pete in the other, or oh, God, Tyler in her front and Petey sliding himself in her backside. He had been overwhelmed by the prospect, aroused but frightened, now it would seem his worry was unnecessary.

  He turned from their vigorous, passionate activity, looked to the chair from which he watched the last time—the first time Tyler had come inside Jess without a condom on. He watched from there with a whiskey, sitting in the dark corner. Tonight he was closer. He was included. But was it better? He was somehow active yet absent.

  He could see how Jess’s inclusion came about through some sort of feelings of guilt. That was a bad sign. Her including him in some way was very scary and he would feel much safer sitting in that chair watching it happen like it was on a screen in front of him.

  Jess had drawn her knees up, opened her sex wide for Tyler, and her little feet were bouncing with Tyler’s thrusts. The room had become warm, damp. Pete put his hand on her knee, rubbed his thumb over her kneecap, felt her smooth shave, her soft skin. He could feel a creak under there, with each thrust her calf would bob and her little knee would flex. That was her bad knee. The one that had ended her dancing. The one that had been operated on twice and had her in and out of the hospital and rehab when she was eighteen and nineteen. He wondered what she was like back then. What would it have been like to know her? A young off-the-charts gorgeous, tight little blonde eighteen-year-old Jess. It made him smile. He hoped she had the best time, hoped it was wonderful.

  Jess was eye-fucking Tyler. It was intense. She was staring into him, her face a desperate sort of snarl, urging him to fuck her harder, urging him to get deeper. Her free hand scratched at his chest, and she was grunting horrible phrases. They were somewhat unintelligible, but they sounded vulgar, a lot of, come ons, she might even have said, fuck that pussy. Whatever she was saying she had Tyler’s full attention, he was staring back into her and their contact like that made Pete uneasy. He wanted her to close her eyes. He could see that Tyler’s lazy hard-on had come alive, woken by the activity, aroused by his wife’s tight slippery insides, and it was hard. He could tell. Angry red again, gleaming, thick with a slight upward curve.

  Jess let out a yelp, caught herself, then a loud moan—then she bit her lip to stop it, keep it in. Her face contorted, a frown, her eyebrows troubled as she tied to restrain emotions that didn’t want to be held back, that wanted to yell out to the room, let everyone know what a great night they were having. Even through her clamped lips, she was making groans and cries in her throat. A pain and pleasure sound, someone getting something they knew was bad for them but right in the moment it was just so, so damn good.

  Tyler whispered, “Cover your mouth, Jess, I know how you like to sing when I fuck you, you’ll wake those boys—that’s a song they’ve never heard before, they’ve never heard their mommy make noises like I make come out of you.”

  “My dad’s...just downstairs,” she said, not like a concerned mom, but like a naughty high-schooler worried her parents were going to hear her.

  Tyler fucked her faster, deeper.

  “Has your dad ever heard you like that, some...high school boyfriend make you crazy in your bedroom, ah, fuck you so good you cried out his name over and over?”

  She shook her head no, gasped, she said, “They were just...little boys.” She bit her lip, looking up at him through her eyelashes.

  “Who’s fucked you better?” he said and he let himself plunge very deep.

  Her head went back and her mouth opened in a gasp. Her hands clasped her breasts and she squeezed her nipples. “Ah, you’re the best, Tyler.”

  “Who has the best cock?”

  Her eyes were clenched shut, but she laughed, “Oh, my God, you do.”

  “Tell me you love my cock.”

  “You know I do, baby.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Ah fuck, I love your cock. I love it, I love it,” she was laughing now.

  He fucked her harder, getting himself closer, his face turned mean, he snarled, “Your little pussy was made for this cock.”

  She squeaked, “This little pussy needs your cock.”

  “Oh, Jess, you’re so bad, baby,” Pete whispered to her. He was stroking himself, let his arm touch the warm skin of her side and it put a shot through him like electricity.

  Jess hissed, “Stroke your little cock, Petey”

  “I am.”

  “Stroke that peanut while I get fucked by a real man.”

  She was hitting all of Pete’s high notes, she had his head swimming. “Oh, fuck, Jess, you animal.” He stroked himself faster.

  “Petey, Petey?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  Tyler was pumping into her like a piston, a steady mechanical pounding, she was bouncing under his power, her breasts swinging and slapping. Her eyes were closed, she gasped, “Put your hand on my tummy.”

  He let his cock go, eager to feel his wife’s smooth beautiful belly. He lay his flat palm on her tight stomach and she put her hand over the back of his, she pushed him lower.

  “Can you feel his big cock moving inside me?”

  He could. He could feel a big knot pulsing under her surface, in and out, in and out, Tyler’s swollen tip running under his palm, driving Pete’s wife out of her mind. “I do, Jess, I feel it.”

  “Fuck, you two are gonna make me explode,” Tyler laughed.

  “You want to feel him cum inside me, Petey?”

  “Yeah, Jess.”

  “What if he put a little baby in there Petey. Wouldn’t it be fun if I was pregnant again? I like having babies.”

  “Oh, Jess, oh...”

  Tyler was growling with each thrust.

  “Don’t you want to watch my belly get bigger?”

  “Oh, Jess,” he could feel his eyes swell, sting. “Jess, kiss me,” he said and he forced her face to his, clenching her warm cheeks with his hand. She closed her eyes and he put his lips over hers, bit at them. She kissed back absently but her mouth just wanted to hang open as Tyler fucked her, made her feel so good, so he sucked on her tongue. His hand travelled down her neck and he felt her breasts bounce with Tyler’s thrusting. He held her left breast, gripped it and put his face in the hollow of her neck and clenched his eyes shut. She was everything to him and he would die without her, but he was no fucking good for her. “Oh, Jess, I love you so much,” he whispered, and he felt a tear squeezed out of his eyelid roll into his sideburn.

  “Oh, ow, oh, God, Petey, his big cock feels so good,” she cried into his ear.

  The headboard started to bang against the wall, and Pete had to leave her, sit himself up. He wiped his eyes dry, took a pillow and he shoved it between the headboard and the wall. He watched his wife’s face while Tyler fucked her. She whipped left and right, her eyes closed, her mouth open, moving like she wanted to say something but she was just panting. She was sweaty and shiny and her light hair clung to her cheeks.

  He couldn’t imagine anything more beautiful in his life than his Jess. How she was now. Happy, joyful, being pushed through an intense ecstatic ordeal that had her heart pounding, her sex throbbing, saying the craziest dirtiest things. This was how he’d pictured it. This was what he wanted for her; he wanted her to be given this fantastic gift. He couldn’t do this. He could do a lot of things, he could make her come, but not like she was about to.

  He watched it build in her, watched her chest heave, glisten with her excitement and effort, watched her mouth form sounds that eventually turned into a mantra, slowly coming into focus as, I’m coming, I’m coming. Her grip on her own breasts tightened and he thought she had to be hurting herself, squeezing so tight her hard brown nipples looked like they were popping out from between her fingers. He knelt over her and he rubbed her belly for her and it made her open mouth smile, bared her perfect white teeth to him. Seeing that happy face made his heart leap. He wanted to kiss her again but he didn’t want to get in the way of what looke
d like it was going to be a fantastic orgasm. He didn’t say a thing just watched and waited and rubbed, felt her wonderful body get rocked by each deep hard thrust of her big dick boyfriend. Then as he saw her happy head start to nod affirmatively, letting her two men know it was going to happen, he held his hand steady, curious to see if he could feel Tyler come inside her; didn’t think he would. Jess came first and she cried out high and sharp, her hands shot up and she clamped them over her mouth. It made him laugh the way her eyes went wide, then they clamped tight and he could hear her hissing behind her hands. She rocked and rocked, a vein stood out on her forehead, he watched it in her blonde wispy hairline, saw it disappear in that beautiful head of hair that was the same colour as his baby boys’. It sounded like she was crying, high pitch sobs buried in her own clamped hands; sweat ran off her face and he saw it pool in her slender clavicle.

  “You’re so fucking amazing, Jess,” he whispered.

  The orgasm made her face tingle, her gums above her front teeth and the roof of her mouth ached and she pressed her tongue against them.

  “Oh, shee-ee” she hissed and she cramped right up, a spear running a sharp pain through her middle. “Oh-oh-god...” she croaked, her face tightened painfully.

  Then she cried out, arched her back to relieve the tightness, her arms went out to Tyler, her hands clawing at him, showing him she wanted him on top of her. He collapsed on her, warm and sweaty, his weight felt wonderful. Her arms clutched him, her fingernails scratched at his hard ridged back. She hissed in his ear, “Fuck me harder,” and when he did, she hissed, “Harder, Tyler, harder.” His cock felt enormous inside her, stretching out her tight insides, so wet and slippery, somehow sliding through her with ease, he wasn’t hurting her even though she knew that he’d got himself hard as bone. He was going to come.

  She said, “Come inside me.”

  He said, “Are you sure?”

  She said, “Give me that come, I love your come,” and she scratched at the back of his head and pulled at his hair.


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