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Perfect Collision

Page 11

by Lina Andersson

  “When did you do the piercing?” he asked, but she didn’t answer. “Baby, when did you do it?”

  “A while ago.”

  When he nipped the soft skin just underneath her ear, she groaned again.

  “Oh, fuck! Mac!”

  She grabbed him and pulled him up to her face and shoved her tongue inside his mouth, while she squeezed him between her thighs. His hands were back on her breasts, and she kept moaning, sighing, and holding him so hard. It was insane, the shy girl was completely gone, and he was getting nervous about how fast this was already going.

  “Please don’t stop,” she kept mumbling, over and over again.

  He was about to explode, and when he pinched her nipples, she almost screamed into his mouth.

  “Ohmygod!” She hugged him and thrust her tongue into his mouth again.

  Somehow he managed to tear his mouth from hers, and with a groan he panted, “Break!”

  She did as he’d asked; she stop moving. Unfortunately, stopping at that instant meant she had her legs and arms wrapped around him tight and was breathing hard against his neck. Not to mention he still had her tits in his hands. He moved them away, turned his head, and leaned his hands on the countertop behind her—trying to take deep breaths and calm down.

  “I liked it,” she mumbled. “You didn’t have to stop.”

  “Yeah, I did, baby.” He turned his head to kiss her cheek. “Can I see the piercing?”

  She looked at him hesitantly, and he shook his head with a smile. He shouldn’t have asked, and he didn’t want her to stress about it. He was convinced he’d get to see it eventually.

  “It’s okay, Katze.”

  “No! It’s not, it’s just… They’re really small and…”

  He smiled and gave her a kiss. “They’re great, perfect, but you don’t have to.” When she kept trying to take her t-shirt off, he grabbed her hands. “Next time, okay?”

  She nodded and untangled herself from him, but he wasn’t done. He gave her a kiss while putting his hands over her breasts, then leaned his forehead against hers.

  “They’re great, Katze. Better than great.” He kissed her nose. “Want me to give you a ride home?”

  “So we have to stop?”

  “Yeah, we do.”

  He took a few steps back, and she jumped down from the counter. When he picked up her gift and opened it she looked embarrassed. It was a t-shirt, and when he unfolded it he stared.

  It was a light-gray t-shirt with a dark-gray print. It looked like a city map and some buildings in the background. The shadow of a cop stood in the corner of the picture. In red it said ‘to the boys in blue’ and in the same gray as the print, ‘catch me if you can.’

  “It’s kinda corny,” she mumbled.

  “Are you shitting me? It’s fucking great. Where did you find this?”

  “I did it.”

  He wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. “You did it? How?”

  “Just, you know, used a design program and then printed it out on the kind of paper you can use to print on tees and stuff.”

  He put his arm around her shoulder, pulled her closer, and kissed her.

  “You need to work on your self-esteem, baby, ‘cause you see yourself all wrong. You’re beautiful, very sexy, and extremely fucking talented. This tee is great. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she nodded. “Thank you.”


  Bear stared at Vi. She was humming and taking small dance steps while stirring the pots. It was pasta with tomato sauce, and it smelled good. The smell didn’t distract him, though. She looked… happy. Which was a huge change compared to what she’d looked like the past three months. Compared to what she’d looked like when he found her crying in her room just two days earlier, or just that morning when he left for work.

  It worried him. An unhappy kid wasn’t good, but a formerly unhappy kid, possibly unhappy due to heartache, who was now dancing around the kitchen while singing—that was bad to the father of a teenage daughter.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “Nothing really. Just feeling good today.” She turned around and smiled. Smiled! Vi didn’t smile all that fucking often, and she hadn’t smiled like that in a long time. “Sami has talked about letting me take on real customers soon. Like small stuff—flash tattoos, butterflies, and… shit like that.”

  “Sounds great.” Sounded awesome, but it shouldn’t have her dancing around the kitchen.

  She turned back to the pots. “Mac asked me to do a wall painting at his place. I’ve never done anything that big, but I think I can do it.”

  Now that—that set off some alarms. Basically, his head sounded like a city under siege. “What are you going to do?”

  “I was thinking of doing a really clean picture from Easy Rider. Just like three or four colors, no shadows. If he likes that movie. Otherwise I’ll just do some other biker crap.”

  “Biker crap?” he asked with a smile, but he was still on high alert, because this… was… He wasn’t sure what this was, but he was leaning towards a disaster.

  “Yeah. You know—bikes, babes, and big boobs.”

  Bear wasn’t sure who to talk to first about this—Vi, Brick, or Mac. Or if he should just beat up Mac immediately. Mac might be a good guy, but this was his baby girl. He knew her.

  Although the fact that he knew her was why the thought he shouldn’t do anything just yet. She didn’t run into things. She was smart, levelheaded, and calm. Those were the most common words used to describe her, except maybe shy, and he didn’t want to jump to conclusions and make her feel like he thought she was stupid. It was just… she was his baby. And Mac was a biker. A quite a lot older biker.

  “You know your dad and his brothers,” he said, got up and opened the window to light a smoke. “When are you gonna have time for that?”

  “I don’t know. Don’t think there’s any hurry.” She turned again and looked at him. “Is it okay with you?”

  “Up to you, Katze. Your spare time.” Yup, she was much too pleased with that. “Got any sketches for it?”

  She nodded and pointed at her sketchbook on the table. “Last page.”

  He grabbed it and looked. It looked good; Mac would like it. He watched her a while longer. She really seemed happy, and he didn’t want to mess with that yet.

  Later that night, when he sat down next to Brick, he decided to talk to him first.

  “Mac and Vi.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Brick took a deep breath. “What did he do?”

  “Not sure yet.” They looked at Mac standing by the bar next to Bucket. “So I’m kind of trying to figure out if I should let this play out, or just beat the shit out of him to make sure he knows how I feel about it.”

  “He’s a good kid,” Brick said. “He wouldn’t go there if it wasn’t more. And she’s eighteen.”

  “I really don’t give a shit how old she is. She’s still my baby girl, and he’s a lot older and—”

  “I know all that.” Bear interrupted him. “I also know she’s smart, calm, and she doesn’t do stupid shit. Because she’s like her dad.”

  “Are you trying to flatter me? Like I’m some bitch?”

  “Maybe. Trying to save my kid’s ass here.”

  “Kind of what I’m trying to do, too.”

  “Listen, let’s take it easy. If shit gets serious, and he doesn’t approach you about it, we talk again.” They both turned their heads and looked at Mac. “He loves you like a dad, and he wouldn’t do anything to mess that up.” When Bear cleared his throat, Brick continued. “Nothing too bad. I think that if he goes there, it’s not for sport. It’s serious.”

  Bear tried to decide if he should really allow this. Ella’d had been on his ass millions of times about him being too lenient with Vi. He hadn’t even bothered telling her about the nipple piercing when Vi had it done. Not that it mattered anymore, it wasn’t her business. Vi was eighteen and who Vi was… seeing wasn’t Ella’s business, either.

sp; It wasn’t even his business. Not legally, but he didn’t give a shit about the law, so if another member was seeing his girl it, was his fucking business. Everyone knew it, and so did Mac.

  Bear would to drop it for now, though, but he’d keep a close eye on Vi. Any sign she wasn’t one hundred percent okay, he’d attack the kid. The way he saw it, he should be pretty fucking happy she’d stayed a virgin for as long as she had. The girl hadn’t even dated, and it actually bothered him.

  He could accept that a guy he knew and trusted had a thing for her, or he could have a fit, make sure Mac stayed the fuck away, and wait for the next guy who walked into her life. Because she wouldn’t stay a virgin forever, and the next guy could be some pimpled idiot her own age that’d dry hump her leg until she agreed to fuck him. From that perspective, Mac felt like a good option.

  The most important fact was the simplest one: Mac was the only guy Vi’d ever been in love with. She’d been in love with him since she was a small girl. That should mean something to him, too.

  He looked at his president and nodded. “He’s got three weeks. If he doesn’t talk to me within three weeks, his ass is mine, and you stay out of the way—you can’t warn him. It’s up to him to make this right.”

  “Fair enough,” Brick agreed. “Vi hasn’t said anything?”


  “You two are tight.”

  “Not that tight. No girl tells her dad about shit like that, and frankly, I’m kinda glad she didn’t. I mean, would you like to hear about shit like that from Eliza?”

  “No. I wouldn’t,” Brick smiled.

  When one of the sweetbutts approached Mac, Bear held his breath. That was another thing he needed to decide how to deal with. Then he changed his mind. No, if they came out as an actual couple, he wouldn’t able to look away if Mac strayed on his baby girl. In this case, he couldn’t say anything about it; they weren’t officially a couple yet.

  It didn’t matter, though. Mac gently pushed her away and kept talking to Bucket.


  Tastes Like Honey


  I’D BEEN STANDING IN front of the wall at Mac’s place for a long time. All the furniture was pushed to the other side of the room. I had already painted the entire wall in a turquoise, bluish color that Mac seemed very skeptical about, but he hadn’t commented on it before he left. There was some club business, and he’d told me to help myself to his fridge and cupboards before he kissed my cheek and left.

  I’d been there two days earlier to measure the wall, and I’d also taken off my top. He kept saying my tits were great, perfect, and he seemed to mean it. He’d licked them and played with them until it felt like I was about to freak out, and then he needed a break. Not once had he done anything I wasn’t comfortable with, but I felt bad since he seemed to be about to explode. I just wasn’t sure how to ask him if I could touch him, too. Because I’d like to touch him.

  That wasn’t the main thing on my mind, though. The wall was scary big, and even if I’d done sketches in scale, had it planned out, and knew how to do the rough sketch on the wall—the wall was frikkin’ big. It was just intimidatingly… massive. Which was why I was standing there, staring at it with a water bottle in my hand. I didn’t know where to start. Or how to start. Or how to move from the very spot I was standing in.

  “You haven’t started?”

  I looked around; I hadn’t heard him coming. He was at the other end of the room with his keys in his hand.

  “No. It’s just… big.”

  “Big?” He threw his keys on the table and came up to me. “Whatta you mean?”

  “It’s just huge. I’ve never done anything this big, and it’s kind of freaking me out. What if I fuck it up? It’s really hard to get the full picture of what you’re doing when you do something like this, you just see the details and…” I was rambling, I knew I was, but I didn’t seem to be able to stop. “I’m not sure where to start. I did these sketches in scale, and I’m gonna mark out the full thing before—”

  He spun me around and kissed me. Then he looked at me while he combed his fingers through my hair.

  “You’re really stressing out about this. Don’t. It’ll be perfect.”

  “It’s huge.”

  He looked at me for a few seconds, then I felt his hands going down to my bottom, and with a big grin, he lifted me up and carried me over to the kitchen island.

  “I don’t really have enough time for this, but you need to calm the fuck down, girl.”

  I couldn’t help it; I was grinning. I knew I was, but I didn’t care. No matter how little time we had, he could make it count.

  “By your smile I’m guessing you’re okay with my plan?” he said and leaned closer.


  My t-shirt was off, his tongue in my mouth, and his hands on my boobs impressively fast. My panties were so wet it was embarrassing. I had just started to wonder if maybe I could touch myself a little once he’d left, when I felt one hand leave my breast and move over my belly and…

  “Have you ever touched yourself, Katze?”

  Did he really just ask that? I felt my cheeks turn bright red, and I totally forgot the hand holding the waistband of my cut-offs. I didn’t know how to answer.

  “Hey,” he mumbled against my lips. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, baby. I just wanna know if you have, and if you’ve managed to get yourself off. To know what I’m dealing with, okay?”

  “Okay.” My eyes were closed; I couldn’t look at him. “I think so.”

  “You think you’ve gotten yourself off?” he asked and when his lips left mine, I nodded and opened my eyes. His smile was even bigger. “Honey, not to knock your techniques, but if you had you’d know for sure. Take off your shorts, leave the panties. You okay with that?”

  I hesitated for a second, but then I nodded again. I kicked off my boots, and took off my socks before I jumped down and pulled down my cut-offs, leaving them on the floor. He lifted them up, and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “You know, your ass is killer in these. Fucking love them.”

  I frowned. I’d been wearing cut-offs since I was, like, eight. I’d never thought about them as very sexy, and I didn’t have much of an ass, but I wasn’t going to argue about that now. I wanted him to show me how my techniques were wrong.

  He lifted me back up on the counter and kissed me till I felt dizzy with one arm firmly around my waist. His hand traced the outside of my thigh, and he pressed his dick against my crotch. I’d never felt it that close, since I’d never been in just my panties in front of him. I tilted my hips to rub a little against it, and he groaned into my mouth. I loved to hear him groan.

  When he moved away from me, I tried to hook my legs around him, but he put a hand on my hip to hold me still. He moved his hand, getting closer to my…

  My brain shut off. All I could feel was his thumb moving towards my clit in feather-light circles. When it hit the spot, I did the most pathetic fucking sound ever, but I couldn’t help it. Mac kissed my throat—licked it. My focus went back to his thumb very lightly tickling my clit. I wanted the touch to be harder and tried to press against it, but it didn’t help, and when I groaned impatiently Mac chuckled against my throat.

  He shifted his hand, and when I felt him inside my panties something hit me. I was dripping wet! I froze, and he noticed.

  “I’ll keep it outside the panties.”

  “No!” I didn’t want that, but… I wasn’t sure how to tell him. “It’s just, I’m really wet.”

  “Yeah?” He sounded pleased, and I opened my eyes. He looked pleased, too.

  “You like that?”

  “Do I like that I turn you on? Fuck yeah, Katze, I like it. It also makes me rock hard.” He smiled. “So it’s okay?”

  I nodded, and when his hand went inside my panties, I took a deep breath. He hugged me tighter, and I put my arms around him to keep him close. I wanted him close; I needed something to hold on to.
When his fingers teased my opening, I made another weird, like, whimpering sound.

  “Oh, baby,” he mumbled against my neck. “Fuck, you feel good.”

  Soon I couldn’t even tell what he was doing down there. The entire area was just aching, but in a decidedly good way. It didn’t feel anything like when I did it myself. I couldn’t even think about anything but the throbbing between my legs.

  When he pushed me to lie on my back, I hardly noticed it. Not until I felt his lips around my nipple. That’s when I almost freaked out, because it all felt so good. The sounds coming out of me were embarrassing, and I put a hand over my mouth in an attempt to stop them. Apparently, he didn’t like that, because he took both my wrists in one hand and held them over my head.

  “Oh, shit!” I moaned. “Mac… I can’t… Mac…”

  “Relax, Katze.”

  Was he fucking shitting me? Relax? And the noises… I was really freaking out. I tried to bite my lip, but it didn’t help. It was just too much. Way too much!


  He stopped. Completely. I hadn’t been sure he would, but he stopped moving his hand, his mouth let go of my breast, and he rose up to look at me. Smiling. He didn’t look angry. I’d been kinda scared he would get angry if I said that.

  “What freaked you out?” he asked, nudging my nose with his.

  “I’m… making sounds.”

  He let go of my wrists and then licked my lips. “Tell me about it. Love ‘em.”

  He didn’t let me answer, instead he kissed me. Slowly building it up again. He still had his hand between my legs, but he wasn’t moving it, which eventually became annoying, and I shifted my hips trying to rub against it.

  “If I keep kissing you, can I move my hand again?” he asked.

  That sounded good, since it would cover my mouth. The second I nodded, he started circling my clit again, and the hand that had been holding my wrists went down to play with my breasts. But he kept his mouth on mine, swallowing the moans, and it almost felt better than having his mouth on my breast. Almost. Not really. Or…. my brain checked out again….


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