Rose Farm Trilogy Boxset

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Rose Farm Trilogy Boxset Page 9

by Kennedy, Brenda

  I pick up a twig and break it in half. “Thank you. What about you? You hold any significant titles or anything I should know about?”

  He pauses for a moment and looks beyond the creek. “No, nothing as impressive as yours.” He looks at me and gives me another faint smile.

  There’s an awkward silence. “Mia tells me you’re just here visitin’. You got plans of leavin’ soon?”

  “I should be leaving tomorrow. But I’ll be staying through New Year’s.”

  I look over at him. “You’ll be goin’ to the big New Year’s Eve party then.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The American Legion in Roseville. They always put on a big party, complete with square dancin’ and everything. Your Momma and Pops never miss it.”

  He watches me with crinkled eyes. “Square dancing, huh.”

  “And line dancin’, too. It’s a big deal, you should go.”

  “Will you be there?”

  “Not this year.” I remember it’s my first New Year’s Eve since my divorce. I don’t want to be out on New Year’s Eve as a single woman. “Sawyer Jackson and I have a date with each other that night. I’ll be home bringin’ it in with my son.” He nods. I suddenly feel sad thinkin’ that he isn’t here to stay. Although I don’t know him very well, I like what I know of him.

  “Sounds like you have big plans that night.”

  “We do. I bought some hats, noisemakers, and some sparklin’ cider. We’ll play some board games and watch a few movies. We’ll both be asleep by midnight,” I say, laughing.

  He smiles. “It sounds like fun.” He skips a rock or two and says, “I should probably get you home.”

  He stands and offers me his hand. Before leavin’, we both offer Colonel some love and snacks. I laugh, “Nothin’ like bribin’ a horse to get us home safely.”

  “Whatever works.”

  He gets on, then I climb on after him. I hold on tightly and rest my chin on his shoulder. “I had a good time, thank you.”

  He keeps a hold of the reins but leans back into me. “I did, too, thank you.”

  “What made you decide on a pony ride tonight?” I giggle because Colonel is anything but a pony.

  I can see his eyes crinkle from the street light and I know it’s from a smile. “It’s Christmas, I couldn’t just show up empty handed.”

  “You put a lot of thought into this.”

  “I spent the last three hours trying to break him in.”

  That explains why the massive stallion hasn’t bucked us off yet. “Thank you. It’s probably the most memorable date I’ve ever been on.” Date? Did I say “date”? I didn’t mean to say “date.” I hang my head and pray he didn’t catch me calling tonight a date. I feel his hand touch my lower leg as we ride the rest of the way home in silence.

  “Home, safe, and sound,” he says, soundin’ surprised.

  Thank God. “Thank you.”

  I hold onto him as I slide off the massive animal. Once my feet hit the ground, I get my balance and look up at him. “I had a great time.”

  “Me, too. I would walk you to the door…”

  I interrupt, “It’s okay, I can manage.”

  “Before I forget, I have something for Sawyer Jackson.”

  He unzips his coat and hands me a small wrapped gift. “It isn’t much, just a small something I thought he would like.”

  I take the gift and look at it. It feels like a box and it’s wrapped in snowman wrappin’ paper. “Abel Lee, you didn’t have to do that. Thank you.”

  “You may want to hold off on the gratitude. Later, you might wish I never gave him such a present.”

  I roll my eyes. “I doubt that, I’m sure he’ll love it. Thank you.”

  “I’ll watch you from here.”

  I roll my eyes. I walk into my house every night without someone watchin’ over me. “Let me feed Colonel before you take off.”

  “I think he’ll be okay. Goodnight, Savannah Mae.”

  He’s livin’ on the edge. I like that. “Good night, Abel Lee.” I walk towards the front porch before turnin’ back around. He’s watchin’ me as he sits on top of the massive beast. “Should I wait and see if he bucks you off? Maybe you’ll be in need of help.”

  “Are you insinuating I can’t handle Colonel?”

  I want to smile, but I need to maintain a straight face. “I’m just sayin’ I know what he’s capable of.”

  Colonel turns around into a complete circle before Abel Lee gets him under control. “No, I think I can handle a little pony.”

  Now, I am bearin’ a show-all-my-teeth smile. I walk the rest of the way to the porch and open the door. “Suit yourself. Have a good night,” I say, closing the door behind me.

  As soon as I hear Colonel take off down the street, I open the door. I watch as Abel Lee rides Colonel with expertise. The black stallion and his master. I lock up and take another shower before bed.

  Chapter Three (Forever Country)

  Abel Lee

  When I hear Savannah Mae lock the door, I hit Colonel on his butt and let him do what he does best. He gallops fast and hard down the street. Once we get to the farm, I feed and brush him before putting him up for the night. “I’ll see you in the morning, boy.” He walks up to me and takes the few sugar cubes from my hands. “Good boy.”

  I look over, and Bluebelle is standing at the stall. “Did you miss me, girl?” I feed and brush her, just as I did Colonel. She is very receptive to being groomed. I offer her a few sugar cubes and she graciously takes them. “You really are a sweet girl.” I pat her one last time before closing the barn doors.

  Standing on the front porch, I see snow flurries falling from the heavens. It’s just before midnight; it’s still Christmas day. It’s cold and I can see the fog from my breath. I didn’t notice the chill earlier.

  I down some water, place a few logs on the fire, and head to bed. I dream of returning home to New York, leaving Savannah Mae, and leaving my family. I also dream of Mia, Levi, and the baby.

  I wake up before the alarm and lying awake in bed, I reflect on the past month. When I arrived here a month ago, I wanted to stay only through Christmas. I should be heading back home today, but I haven’t even checked on airline flights.

  Coming back to my childhood home has put things into perspective for me. I left here over ten years ago to find myself, just to realize ten years later, that I was never lost.

  In the morning, as soon as I collect the eggs and feed the animals, I jog into town. I stop at the small market and get the newspaper and then I run to the post office to check the mail. I’m surprised to see there’s something for me in the mailbox. No return address and it’s written in shaky cursive writing. There’s other mail for my parents and I remember they check the mail only once a week. I open the letter addressed to me.

  Abel Kennedy,

  I’m watching you.

  Not a Fan

  I read it and turn it over. There’s nothing else written on it. It’s not a handwriting I’ve seen before. I look at the envelope again and nothing else is written on it; it’s just my name and mailing address. I’m a professional boxer, so it could be from anyone. I’m not too concerned, so I tear it up and toss it in the trash. I do wonder how anyone would know I am in Rose Farm.

  When I arrive home, Momma is in the kitchen getting ready to make breakfast.

  “Would you like to go out for breakfast today?”

  “At Peaches Place?” Momma asks.

  “Anyplace you want.” I lay the paper down on the bar in the kitchen.

  “Bud, is Mia workin’ this mornin’?”

  “She sure is,” he yells from the living room.

  “Do you mind if I run into Campbell’s afterward?” Momma asks as she adjusts the hairpin in her hair.

  “No, I have no place I need to be.”

  We have breakfast and visit with Mia. Mia tells the staff and all of the customers about the pregnancy. Everyone is excited, especially Momma and Pops. Momma sa
ys she’s going to start buyin’ something for the baby every week and puttin’ it back for when the baby is born. Pops reads the paper and nods.

  “Bud, did you hear what I said?”

  He smiles and looks over the paper and over his glasses at her. “Yes, Nelly.” He sets the paper down and repeats everything she said, word for word. That even impresses me. “Are you happy?” he asks.

  “Yes,” she pouts.

  He raises the paper and continues to read it. I take a sip of my coffee and say, “I had an idea the other night while we were at the church for the community meal.”

  Pops lowers the paper and removes his glasses. “We’re listening.”

  I chose my words wisely. “I was checking out the old Rose Farm School.”

  “Isn’t that a sight?” Momma says in disgust.

  “It is,” I admit. “However, it’s a well-built building with a solid foundation.”

  “That it is,” Pops agrees. He watches me and doesn’t look away.

  “Wouldn’t take much to fix it up.” I take a drink of my now lukewarm coffee. “Some money, and a whole lot of muscle. Savannah Mae tells me the township owns it.”

  “They do. The building’s been sittin’ empty since 1966. Mr. Gerald Clutter was the last principal there.”

  Momma says, “You got something cookin’ in that head of yours.”

  “I have an idea. Not sure if it’s a great idea yet.”

  “Well, let’s hear it,” Pops says, as he signals to Mia for more coffee.

  “I was thinking of buying it, and having something with a playground and a park or something. Turn it into something that’ll bring in jobs and benefit everyone in the community.”

  Momma smiles. “Does that mean you’re not leavin’?”

  “I would like to stay. I would also like to do something for the residents of Rose Farm.”

  Momma rushes up out of her chair and causes a scene as she rushes over to me. “My boy’s stayin’,” she says as she hugs me. “That makes me happier than a pig in slop.”

  Mia looks at me and smiles. I think I see her eyes glistening with tears. Momma sits down and Pops is also smiling. “We can go down Monday and talk to the people at the township.”

  “I’ll need a place to stay until I can find something.”

  “You can stay right where you’re at. We don’t use that room for anything.”

  “Nelly, he’s a grown man. He’ll want his own place.”

  “I have some business to attend to at home. I’ll need to sell the condo and clear my things out.”

  Pops says, “You thinkin’ if everything goes well, gettin’ to work on it this spring?”

  “I think the spring would be best.”

  “Let’s see what the township says next week.” Pops finishes his coffee. “Belle, don’t be sayin’ nothin’ just yet.”

  “And who do I got to tell?”

  “Who won’t you tell?” Pops says and chuckles as he raises the paper to read it.

  Savannah Mae

  The next morning when I pick up Sawyer Jackson from his daddy’s, I begin to feel anxious. My palms sweat and I take several deep breaths. I haven’t felt this way since our divorce. I don’t like feeling like this. I remind myself that I can’t do anything about it, so just breathe. I’ll pull up, blow the horn, and wait in the car for Ethan to bring Sawyer Jackson out to the car.

  A thin layer of snow is on the ground, but the streets are clear. I let out a sigh of relief when I see that Heather Sue’s car is gone. I stick to my plan and blow the horn. Ethan stands at the door, waving me in. I shake my head and blow the horn again.

  After several minutes, he carries Sawyer Jackson and a large bag out of the house. I get out of the car and buckle Sawyer Jackson into his booster seat.

  “You don’t want to keep that here?” I ask about the bag he’s holding.

  “This is what he wanted to bring; he left some things here for when he comes back.”

  “Oh, looks like Santa was good to him this year.”

  I take the heavy bag and place it in the trunk of my car.

  “Savannah Mae, about yesterday…”

  “Jesus, Ethan. I don’t want to talk about it.” I look at him and I suddenly want to cry. I just want to move on and get over the pain. “You don’t owe me an apology. It’s over between us.”

  “I’m gettin’ married.”

  “What?” I hold onto the car for support.

  “Heather Sue and I are gettin’ married.”

  I get a high-pitched noise in my ears and my head feels like it’s going to explode. I slowly walk and get into the car. As soon as I buckle my seatbelt, I pull off. I don’t remember closin’ my car door, and I don’t remember anything else.

  I drive to my parents’ house. I don’t cry, I don’t talk. I just need a minute. I need to process this without my son watching me. I promised myself I would never bad mouth his father in front of him, but that has proven to be difficult to do. There is so much I have to say, but none of it is appropriate for a child or a teenager or an adult or anyone.

  My mom and sister are outside waitin’ for me when I pull up. Ethan must have called them.

  “I’m sorry, Sis.”

  “Aunt Sammie,” Sawyer Jackson says, excitedly.

  “C’mon, Buddy. Let’s go play a game.”

  I remain in the car and watch as my sister takes my son into the house. When they are out of view, the tears fall.

  “He’s gettin’ married.”

  “I know, Baby,” Mom says. “He called and said you left upset. He said he tried talkin’ to you.”

  “He’s gettin’ married. Ethan had an affair, he broke up our family, and he gets to move on,” I cry. “That’s not fair. I’m the one who should get to move on. I’m the one who should be happy. Not him.”

  Mom gets in the car and sits with me. “I wish I knew what to say.”

  “I don’t understand it.” I look at my mom through tears. “He cheated on me. Why does he get to move on, and I’m stuck here strugglin’? What am I supposed to do?”

  “You can always come back home. We have plenty of room for you and Sawyer Jackson.”

  “Thank you, but I can’t.” I think for a minute and say, “If he decides to stop helping me financially, I won’t be able to make it.”

  “He won’t, Savannah Mae. He wouldn’t do that.”

  “I hope not.”

  Abel Lee

  We go to church on Sunday and stay for the potluck lunch. I was excited about getting to see Savannah Mae but disappointed when she and Sawyer Jackson weren’t there. The sermon was about moving on and taking care of yourself in the process. It seemed to touch home for me today.

  We came to church a little earlier today. Pops and Momma wanted to bring in some more eggs and a few packages of meat from the pigs and cow they had slaughtered before the holidays. I think my paying off their mortgage is giving them more of an opportunity to help others — if that’s even possible.

  When the collection plate came around today, I placed a sealed envelope on it. I have made millions in my boxing career and have never paid my dues to God. This is the perfect time and place to do that. Coming back home to my country roots has opened my eyes and my mind.

  After church, Mrs. Hackler made her homemade chocolate cake for the potluck. Pops is the first one in line for it. I was second. I soon realize I need to join a gym. Momma is the best cook around, and she never misses cooking a meal. I never miss eating a meal, either.

  I see the back of a little boy’s coat. It looks like Sawyer Jackson and his aunt. How did I not see them in church? Sawyer Jackson has a coat and hat on, so I take long strides to catch up with them before they leave.

  “Hi, Savannah Mae’s sister, right?” I clear my throat and smile at her. She looks like Savannah Mae, but a younger version.

  “Oh, hi. Yes.”

  “We met at the church for the community meal.”

  “I’m Samantha Marie, Savannah Mae’s si
ster. I remember, how are you?” she asks, holding onto Sawyer Jackson’s hand.

  “Hi, Sawyer Jackson,” I say when he looks up at me. He waves. “Savannah Mae couldn’t make it today?” She isn’t here, so of course she didn’t make it. Just ask her where she is and get it over with.

  “Daddy’s gettin’ married and Momma’s sad,” Sawyer Jackson blurts out. I raise a brow.

  Her eyes get big and she bends down to whisper something to Sawyer Jackson. She stands up and looks at me. “Sorry about that. She has to work today.”

  “I see. Is she all right, Samantha Marie?”

  “She’s okay. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get goin’.”

  “Of course. I didn’t mean to keep you. Bye, Sawyer Jackson.” He waves again.

  She smiles and takes her nephew by the hand. “See ya.”

  I stand and watch them leave the church through the kitchen. Looking around the room, I see everyone is finishing their dessert and having polite conversations. The preacher and a few members of the church’s congregation are in a deep conversation in the corner of the room. Talking about the amount of today’s offering, no doubt. They all walk out of the room together. Walking over to the window, I watch Savannah Mae’s sister and son get into the car and leave. Daddy’s gettin’ married and Momma’s sad. It’s been a few days since I saw her. I don’t know much about her, and I know less about her marriage to her ex. Maybe I’ll stop in for a late lunch and see how she is.

  After getting a few things from Campbell’s, Momma, Pops, and I pull up at the farm and I ask, “Would you mind if I use the truck for a bit?”

  “It’s all yours.” Pops helps Momma out of the truck.

  “Headin’ someplace special, Abel?” Momma asks.

  Looking across the seat at her, I say, “Thought I might ride over to Peaches.”

  “Bein’ ya just ate, you aren’t goin’ for lunch,” Momma says, knowingly.

  I never lie to Momma, even though sometimes I want to. “Nope, not going for the pie, either.” I laugh. “Savannah Mae’s working today. I thought I might stop over for coffee.”

  “Coffee, huh?” Pops chuckles as he closes the door.

  I watch them as they make their way into the farmhouse before leaving. I pull up at the small diner on Main Street, and I can see Savannah Mae through the large picture window in front. She is talking to the only customer in the restaurant. He stands, and it looks like she is crying. I look away and stare straight ahead as I give him time to leave. It looks like a private conversion. They’re in a restaurant, how private can it be?


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