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Info We Trust

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by R J Andrews

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  Blue page numbers indicate terms in marginal notes.


  Abbott, Edwin, 58, 58, 59

  Aboriginal culture, 55

  Accounting black and red ink colors in, 32

  clay tablets in, 24, 24

  positional notation of numerals and, 17

  Adam and Eve story, xii–xiii, 52<
br />
  Adamiecki, Karol, 56

  Addition, in comparisons, 93–94

  Advertisements, 144–145, 144, 145

  Aesthetics, 87, 130, 144, 148, 151, 154, 172, 172, 180, 190

  Africa, wildlife in, 2

  Agriculture, 24, 24, 55

  Akkadian Empire, xii

  Alexander, Christopher, 153, 154, 155, 155, 191

  Allen, Dede, 186

  Alphabet symbols, 149, 149

  Alyea, Hubert N., 112

  Analogy, 39, 40

  Analogy-making, 36, 36, 39, 188

  Andrews, Elizabeth, 42

  Animal species, endangered, 2

  Anno Domini system, 52

  Anscombe, F.J., 97

  Apollo program (NASA), 92–93

  Arabic language, 61

  Arabic numeral system, 16, 17

  Archetypes, 142

  Arnheim, Rudolf, 29

  Arnold, Edmund, 51

  Aspect ratio, 74, 96

  Assembly-number metaphor, 46–47, 48

  Assyria, xii

  Austin, Michael, 21, 135

  Axis mundi, xii

  Aymaran culture, 55


  Bacon, Francis, 120

  Bang, Molly, 69

  Barbeu-Dubourg, Jacques, 74

  Bar charts, 66, 72–74, 73, 163 action portrayed in, 189

  area plot compared with, 77–78

  data stories using, 38, 62, 192, 206–207

  horizontal, 73, 74

  radial, 74

  same appearances of data presented in, 154

  2-D area plot compared with, 77

  vertical, 73–74, 73

  Baum, L. Frank, 45

  Beliefs evidence and, 170–171

  mental models of how things work and, 168–169

  Bellow, Saul, 199

  Beowulf (epic poem), 5, 6

  Berger, John, 43

  Berlin, Brent, 83

  Berlin School of experimental psychology, 147

  Bertin, Jacques, 94, 102, 104, 190

  Bible, xii-xiii, 170

  Biderman, Albert, 77

  Bierut, Michael, 51


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