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Info We Trust

Page 31

by R J Andrews

  Lieberman, Matthew D., 169

  Light detection of, 80

  as religious metaphor, 80

  Lightness, 81

  Lincoln, Abraham, 16, 147

  Linear regression, 102

  Lippincott, Kristen, 50

  Live at the Apollo (Brown), 14, 20, 21

  Loewenstein, George, 38

  Logarithms, 106–107, 107, 108, 108

  Logic of Scientific Discovery, The (Popper), 116

  Lorenz, Max, 108

  Lorenz curve, 108

  Loua, Toussaint, 32

  Lucas, George, 142, 144

  Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, Los Angeles, 143

  Lucian, 113

  Luminance, 80, 81, 85, 87, 88

  Lupi, Giorgia, 28, 98, 120, 156, 206

  Lupton, Ellen, 144

  Luria, Aleksandr, 21

  Lyapunov Time, 113


  MacGuffins, 20

  Malamed, Connie, 71

  Malcolm, Ian, 109

  Malay language, 44

  Manual for Small Museums (Coleman), 131

  Maps, 59–64 Cartesian coordinate system and, 60, 62, 63, 63, 64, 95

  cathedral orientation on, 177, 180

  curved surface of globes and, 60, 63, 180

  data storage using, 20

  experiential knowledge applied to, 64

  horizontal (x) and vertical (y) axes in, 61

  polar coordinates on, 62

  origin of word, 60

  projection choices in, 60–61

  satellite photos compared with, 160

  semantic color on, 83

  shapes for city population on, 74

  2-D plane in, 59–60

  visual storytelling with, 184

  Mathematical Analysis of Logic, The (Boole), 18

  Mathematics assembly-number metaphor in, 46–47, 48, 48

  close for operations in, 46

  early counting systems behind, 18

  Gemowe lines in, 32

  length-number metaphor in, 47–48

  material origins of data in, 15

  object-number metaphor in, 46

  x used in, 61

  Mattern, Shannon, 59

  Maunder, Annie and Walter, 27

  Mazur, Joseph, 17

  McAfee, Andrew, 204

  McCloud, Scott, 139, 160, 160, 161

  McGill, Marylen E., 96

  McGill, Robert, 96

  Mean (average), 47, 97, 120

  Meaning, 67–78 bar charts and, 72–74

  horizontal dimension and, 68, 69, 69

  myths and, 142

  options for conveying, 68

  shapes and, 74–78

  smaller shapes assembled into bigger patterns in, 77–78

  time on horizontal axis and, 69–71

  up direction and vertical dimension and, 68–69, 68, 69

  Measurements, precision of, 117

  Median, 98, 98, 101, 102

  Meeks, Elijah, 88

  Memory appeal to the eye in, 44

  color perception and, 95

  compressing information into details in, 21

  data pattern recognition and, 96

  encoding in, 21, 41

  inability to forget and, 21, 152

  mental categories in, 36

  model of world carried in, 59

  numbers and reliance on, 17, 94

  sleep and filtering thoughts for, 201

  technologies for outsourcing, 26, 26, 90

  visual story elements stored in, 147

  Memory palace technique, 66

  Mental cinema, 42

  Mesopotamia, 26, 148

  Metaphor aim of, 40

  charts using, 73, 184

  data visualized using, 19, 58, 68

  depiction of time and, 50, 56

  graphical display and, 43

  ideograms with, 54

  learning of, 40–41

  mathematics and, 46–48

  new understandings created from, 37, 39

  origin of word, 40

  personification and, 49

  physical expressions used in, 40, 41

  screen navigation using, 54

  sharing of common set of, 43, 44

  speeches using, 163

  visual. See Visual metaphors

  visual worlds and, 58

  Metaphor-mapping, 36, 39–42

  Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff and Johnson), 69

  Method of loci, 66

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 127

  Metz Cathedral, France, 182

  Michelangelo, 90

  Miller, George, 147

  Models, and probability, 114–115

  Mondrian, Piet, 148

  Moore, Terry, 61

  More, metaphorical ways of conveying, 72

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 3, 53, 74, 198

  Multiplication, in comparisons, 9s-94

  Munari, Bruno, 146

  Munzer, Tamara, 108, 191

  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 131

  Museums, 125–132 conveying information and, 131

  labels in, 130–131

  navigation of, 127–129

  object arrangements in galleries in, 130

  reasons for existence of, 132

  route design in, 129

  Myths and mythology creation stories in, 4, 52

  hero's struggles in, 5–6

  meanings from, 142


  Narrative art, 143

  NASA, 92–93, 94

  National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City, Mexico, 129, 129

  Naves, 176–177, 178

  Network graphs, 65–66

  Neurath, Marie, 67, 72, 188

  Neurath, Otto, 72

  Newton, Isaac, xii, 28, 53

  Neyman, Jerzy, 118

  Nietzsche, Frederich, 134

  Nightingale, Florence, 9

  Node-link network graphs, 65

  Norman, Don, 18, 28, 29, 53

  Nostalgia for paradise, xiii

  Notre-Dame de Paris, France, 178, 183, 188, 193, 194

  Novalis, 92

  Numbers assembly-number metaphor, 46–47, 48

  counting for thinking about and visualizing, 46

  language for talking about, 49, 49

  object-number metaphor, 46

  Numeral systems, 16–19 base-10 system in, 17

  basis for number symbols and multiples in, 17, 17

  counting and abstraction in, 17–18

  early examples of slash-characters in, 16–17, 16

  scorekeeping and, 16, 102

  sign values for calculations using, 17

  unary approach to, 16

  value types in, 18–19, 18

  Núñez, Rafael E., 19, 46, 49


  Object-number metaphor, 46

  Obrist, Hans Ulrich, 132

  Observations on the Bills of Mortality (Graunt), 25–26, 31

  O'Connor Flannery, 136

  Ogilvy, David, 27, 144, 144, 200

  Old English language, xi

  Old French language, 198

  Old High German language, xi

  Old Norse language, xi, xii, 16

  Organizational chart, 64

  Orwell, George, 40

  P Q

  Patternicity, 95, 95

  Patterns, 95–98, 139 design decisions impacting, 96–97

  exploring data with, 95, 98, 100, 110

  meaning built on, 189

  recognizing, 95–96

  reordering to show, 102

  smaller shapes assembled into, in storytelling, 73

  sorting categories to reveal, 112

  texture with, 154

  Pearson, Karl, 100

  Peirce, Charles Sanders, 163

  Perception, 41 common set of visual metaphors in, 43

  correlation between body's physical experience and, 44

  decoding (interpreting) data in, 43

  stimulus strength and intensity of, 42–43, 42

synthesis of parts in, 149

  three-dimensional image of the world in, 50–51

  Perec, Georges, 7

  Persia, 17

  Personification, 49, 51

  Pie charts, 62–63, 62, 207

  Pinker, Steven, 28, 137, 147, 149, 184, 205

  Plato, 1, 15, 136

  Playfair, William, 26, 32, 134, 43, 44, 66, 73, 94, 98, 206–207

  Pliny the Elder, 120

  Polar charts, 62, 63, 63, 64, 66, 74

  Popper, Karl, 6, 92, 110, 112, 116, 117

  Population study, 26

  Pormpuraawan culture, 55

  Power relationships, vertical metaphor for, 64

  Prigogine, Ilya, 56, 112

  Primates, color vision in, 82

  Probability, 26, 113–116, 113, 114, 115

  Profiles of data, 100–101

  Proportion, and conveying ideas, 44

  Prototypes, 201

  Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Browne), 110

  Psychophysics, 42

  Quiller-Couch, Arthur, 187


  Radial bar charts, 74

  Rao, Venkatesh, 206

  Rating systems, 172

  Rational numbers, 46, 48

  Ratio scales, 71

  Raymo, Chet, 39

  Reading direction of, 51, 53–54

  visualization in, 41–42

  Reading gravity, 51

  Recorde, Robert, 32

  Remixing, 201

  Reordering data, 102–104

  Republic, The (Plato), 1, 15

  Residual, 102, 103, 103

  Ricoeur, Paul, 137, 140, 141

  Rituals, 3

  Roam, Dan, 154, 163

  Rockwell, Norman, 144, 144

  Rod (measurement unit), 47

  Roman Empire, 17, 61, 91, 128

  Roman mythology, 112, 112

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 206

  Rosling, Hans, 20, 92, 206

  Rothko, Mark, 156, 156

  Rough, 103

  Roughness, 153–154, 153

  Rounding numbers, 31–32

  Routines, in data storytelling, 198–199

  Rumsey, Abby Smith, 21, 25, 26, 59, 91, 152, 169

  Rumsey, David, 229

  Russell, Bertrand, 117

  Russian language, 44


  Sacred trees, xii

  Samana, 42

  Sample size, 97

  Sampling, 116, 118, 158

  Sander, Emmanuel, 21, 36, 39, 40, 41, 145, 147, 188

  Sanskrit language, xi

  Saturday Evening Post, 144, 102

  Savage, Sam, 120

  Scagnostics, 96

  Scales, 105

  Scatter plot matrix, 109

  Schaffner, Ingrid, 131, 131

  Science, and falsifiability, 116–117

  Scorekeeping, 16, 102

  Seasonality, 103, 103

  Shading, in tables, 32

  Shahn, Ben, 135, 142, 184, 187, 199

  Shiner, The (Rockwell), 144

  Shlain, Leonard, 54, 149

  Siebel, Frederick, 143

  Sigma, 120

  Signaling theory, 172

  Silver, Nate, 110

  Simmon, Rob, 85, 88

  Simon, Herbert, 127

  Simone, Nina, 153

  Size bar charts showing, 72–73

  grouping of shapes and, 72, 75

  importance related to, 43–44, 72

  meaning conveyed by, 68

  Smoot (measurement unit), 47

  Smoot, Oliver R., 47

  Smooth, 103

  Social bonds, and trust, xi, xiii

  “Solar Orientation of the Gothic Cathedrals of

  France, The” (Sparavigna), 181

  Sousanis, Nick, 6, 38, 58, 91, 104, 149, 219

  Space time conflated with, 50–51

  travel distance and, 48–49

  Spacing patterns around data and, 96

  tables with, 30–31, 32

  Spain, 61

  Spatial diagrams, 58–61

  Spatial relationships dimensionality of data and, 72

  meaning of vertical dimension in, 69

  memory palace technique for, 66

  Spear, Mary Eleanor, 9

  Sparavigna, Amelia, 181

  Speeches, and metaphor, 163

  Star Wars (film series), 20, 66

  Statistics, 15 accuracy pf results in, 32

  background to beginning of, 26

  charts as abstract diagrams in, 14, 163

  chart types used in, 184

  data as foundational pillar of, 27

  material origins of data in, 15

  normal distribution in, 104

  pictorial method of, 72

  root word for, 26

  rounding of numerals in, 31

  simulations using, 114–115

  trust and confidence in, 116, 118–119, 121

  Steinbeck, John, 89

  Stem-and-leaf display, 33–34, 100

  Stevens, Steven S., 42

  Stevens, Wallace, 35, 145

  Stigler, Stephen, 27, 116

  Stone, Maureen, 84, 87

  Stone tablets, 31

  Storr, Robert, 126, 129

  Story. See also Data stories conveying information using, 6–7

  knowledge transmitted by, 7

  superficial contradiction between data and, 6–7

  Story design, 133–142 elements of, 135

  endings and closure in, 138–139, 139

  feelings for characters in, 139–140

  linear flow of, 136, 137, 139

  narrative connections in, 136–137

  plot structures in, 137

  symbols in, 141–142

  truth and, 134–135

  Storytellers. See Data storytellers

  Stuart, Gilbert, 207

  Sumer, 24

  Summary curve, 71

  Summary line, 71, 102, 103

  Superposition in comparison, 94


  Tables, 31–34 arrangement of entries in, 32

  building blocks of, 31

  color in, 32

  communication focus of, 31, 31

  conveying information using, 134

  data storage using, 20, 31, 134

  design for readability of, 31

  horizontal and vertical lines in, 32

  origin of, 31

  popularity of, 134

  rounding of numerals in, 31–32

  shading in, 32

  spacing for readability in, 30–31, 32

  stem-and-leaf display in, 33–34

  value clusters in, 32

  Temperature, on charts, 19, 71, 103

  Tetlock, Philip E., 115

  Third eye, 42

  Thomson, Virgil, 131

  Thoreau, Henry David, 175

  Threat detection, 135, 148

  Time, 50–56 cardinal directions and movement of, 55

  chronometric, 53

  chronostatic, 53

  daily rituals of creative people and, 3

  data exploration and, 109

  diagrams and, 162

  horizontal axis associated with, 69–71

  as irreversible performance, 56, 112

  linear comprehension of, 50–51

  linear flow of stories and, 136, 137, 139

  map grid choices and, 61

  metaphor in depiction of, 50, 56

  motion in perception of, 51

  natural cycles and, 55

  perception of future time, 50, 51, 55

  personal relationship with, 52

  prediction horizon and, 115

  reading direction and, 54

  regular intervals in, 103

  scales for showing, 71

  sequential activities reinforcing linearity of, 53–54

  space conflated with, 50–51

  spiral metaphor for linear and circular time

  spliced together, 55

  summary curve showing, 71

  summary line for, 102

  time-as-money metaphor, 56

  timeline as visual way of seeing, 53

  trust related to, 171–172

  Time-is-distance metaphor, 53

  Timelines history on, 74

  personal perception of, 52

  spans of time perceived on, 53

  Time-series charts, 70

  Tolkien, J.R.R., 11, 142

  Tooby, John, 170

  Trade, and data development, 24–25

  Transforming data, 104–108

  Translating (reordering) data, 102–104, 108

  Travel distance, 48–50

  Tree of knowledge story, xii-xiii, 52

  Tree (data) helmets illustration using, 8–9

  hierarchy in data storage and, 19

  mental model of data using, 20

  Trees (plants) ancestors' home in, 2

  archetypal images of, xiii

  axis mundi reflected in, xii

  direction of up and gravity evoking, 68

  evolutionary ancestor's mental map of the world

  using, 63

  information and trust associated with, xi, xii

  Truffault, François, 139

  Trust, 167–174, 171 believability and, 168

  conceptual system and, 170

  conveying information and, xiii, 4, 172

  data sketches and, 110

  evolution of, 174

  mental models of how things work and, 168–169

  social origin of meaning of word, xi

  statistics and, 121

  time factor in, 171–172

  trees associated with, xi, xii

  visual design and, 171–174

  Truth, 111–121 certainty and, 118–120

  confidence interval and, 118–120, 118, 119

  data stories and, 4, 7

  explanation and, 138

  limits of, 117

  probability and, 113–116, 113, 114, 115

  science and falsifiability and, 116–117

  statistical concepts for, 113

  statistics and, 116, 118–119, 121

  story design and, 134–135

  Tufte, Edward, 87, 196

  Tukey, John, 17, 31, 32, 33, 91, 91, 92, 94, 98, 100, 103, 103, 105, 106, 108, 119, 121, 190

  Turkish language, 44


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