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Beautiful Devil: The Rockstar Duet (Book 1)

Page 10

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  “Stop screaming, you dumb whore.” John went over to Pamela in several strides and then grabbed her hair and dragged her across the floor.

  “Shut the fuck up or you’ll be next,” he warned her, but she wouldn’t stop screaming. She’d fallen into a state of total panic.

  He pressed the muzzle against her temple and, without hesitation, pulled the trigger.


  The entire living room was drenched in blood. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

  Pamela’s head was blown to bits. A piece of her brain landed on my blouse.

  I knew I’d be the next to die.

  I couldn’t get out by the front door, so I ran toward the stairs. I wanted to hide in one of the bedrooms. But John was quicker. He caught up to me and knocked me to the ground. He started hitting my face with his powerful fists. I turned my head aside to protect my nose from being broken. Right then, he struck me behind the ear, agonizing pain penetrating deep into my brain. Blood started streaming down my neck.

  “Bitch. Dirty whore. Is that how you thank me for taking care of you for the last three years?” John screamed, sounding like he’d lost his mind. “Dumb bitch.”

  I tried to stand up. He saw what I was trying to do. He picked me up from the floor and slammed me against the wall with all his strength. My helpless body crashed into a picture in a glass frame and, together with glass shards, landed heavily on the top step of the staircase. I rolled down, flashes of unbearable pain stabbing me like a knife as I hit each step.

  I sprawled on the landing, the air leaving my lungs on impact.

  Everything turned black.



  New York, 2 years later

  For the last half hour, I’d been trying to get rid of my fucking erection. No success. I needed to make myself listen to the presentation, but other than the words “aircraft shape” and “air pressure”, my mind hadn’t registered anything, because my vision was focused on a pair of violet-blue eyes, perfectly shaped lips that constantly moved… Oh, and before I forget, sin-inducing body, long lithe legs, and an amazing ass that seemed to attract my hands like a magnet. I was dying to touch that ass.

  Estelle Klide had been working at the New York office of my company, Frey Air Group, for one month. She was an assistant in the department of Richard Carroll, who was in charge of procuring the newest aircraft models. However, I hadn’t yet had the pleasure of meeting her, because of my endless travels.

  Her tongue licked her lower lip, and my cock tingled as I imagined her sucking me off vigorously and hungrily.

  I fucking like this girl. Damn… I was in deep shit.

  I made myself think I’d traveled back in time thirty years. I was now in South Asia, on a packed bus that stank of stale sweat and bad breath. I hadn’t ever been on such a bus, but the thought definitely helped me suppress my hard-on.

  The presentation ended, and some fucker put his delicate, lady-sized hand on the shoulder of the petite Miss Klide. He whispered something in her ear, and she gave him a stunning smile.

  Fuck… Why did it bother me so much that some squirt was flirting with her? He was no real competition to me, especially since he couldn’t even grow a beard yet. Still, something about him was gnawing at me. He was too familiar with her.

  I waited for the people from my company to leave the conference room and approached her.

  “Is he your boyfriend?” I asked quietly, but loud enough for her to hear me.

  Her beautiful eyes started blinking in confusion. They darted to the pissant who’d dared to touch her and then returned to me.

  “Jeremy…I mean…Mr. West is just a coworker,” she replied, a light blush spreading across her high cheekbones.

  Was she shy? I hoped the answer to that would be no, because I wished she’d give herself to me completely.

  I inhaled deeply, her sweet scent filling my lungs.

  I wanted her just for me. This was…the naked truth.

  I wanted to fuck her. Hard. Harder than anyone had done before me.

  I wanted to make her scream my name when I made her come.

  I wanted to make her think only about me.

  I knew I was being extremely selfish, but the heart wants what it wants. Period.

  I had to make her mine!

  Jesus… I’d gone insane. I’d always refrained from having sexual relationships with my subordinates, but little Miss Klide had made me lose my mind.

  I mentally undressed her from her tight black dress, revealing her perfect womanly curves.

  “Will you please come into my office? We need to discuss something.”

  She nervously took a gulp of air, ran her delicate fingers through her silky brown hair, and replied, “Yes, of course, Mr. Frey.”

  * * *

  “Peterson, hold all my calls until I say otherwise,” I told my assistant over the intercom and waved Miss Klide toward the leather sofa, indicating that she should sit down.

  “Would you like something to drink?” I asked. Despite my lustful intentions, I couldn’t forget my good manners.

  She declined politely and sat on the edge of the sofa. I sensed she was uncomfortable, even though I was trying to make her feel the complete opposite.

  “Relax. Don’t feel tense in my presence. Perhaps I should mention that I don’t bite.” She smiled, but froze when I added, “Very hard.”

  I cursed myself silently. Nothing good ever came from such statements.

  “I was kidding.” I tried to give her my friendliest smile. She slowly licked her lips, making my dick stir in arousal.

  “I’d like to get to know you. Tell me about yourself, starting from whether you enjoy working for my company. How long have you lived in New York? Single, dating, or married? Sexual preferences and so on.” I could’ve found all this out by myself, but wanted to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

  Her sublimely beautiful eyes widened in surprise. I’d definitely managed to shock her.

  “Sexual preferences?” she repeated and crossed her legs.

  “Yes,” I said clearly, as if asking such a question was completely normal. As if every boss needed to know such details. “Look, Estelle, I’m asking you personal questions, but not as your boss. Let’s forget I’m the one who pays your salary. Let’s put the formalities aside and have a candid chat.”

  “Mr. Frey—”

  “Nick,” I corrected her, feeling a great need to hear my name come from her sweet lips.

  “Nick,” she repeated and licked her lips thoughtfully. That tongue might end up swirling around a very important part of my body. But I had to be patient if I was to get there.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she said, and my respect for her immediately grew. Usually, nobody had the balls to speak to me like that. Actually, there was one person who dared to take such a tone with me—my mother.

  Miss Klide was not one to be underestimated, which made me like her even more.

  “It certainly isn’t any of my business, but I still want to know.”

  My reply annoyed her, and she stepped toward the door to leave. But I was faster and pressed a button on the remote. Having heard the click of the door lock, she didn’t even bother pushing down on the handle.

  She leaned against the door and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Is this some kind of a game?”

  “I wouldn’t put it quite like that.” I rose to my feet, took off my jacket and hung it on a hanger. Then I stood in front of the enigmatic Miss Klide. I wanted to find out so many things about her. Right away.

  “And?” I prompted her, leaning toward her to meet her eyes. She had smooth tight skin, a small nose, and perfectly shaped lips that I wanted to kiss. I wondered whether she tasted as sweet as I thought.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. A thin vein in her neck started to throb, and her nipples visibly perked up under the fine material of her dress. She was no less aroused than me. The sexual attract
ion between us was too tangible to be able to hide it. And I didn’t think she was trying to hide it anyway.

  I wanted to fuck her right now, in that exact position—leaning against the door of my damn office. To lift her dress and bury my head between her legs.

  Just when I was about to kiss her, my cell phone rang. I knew it was my sister by the customized ringtone. She hardly ever called me, except on birthdays. April was now in her teens and had plenty of other things to occupy her, not to mention she knew I was usually very busy with work.

  I decided to accept in the call.

  “Mom’s in hospital,” I heard my sister say in a tearful voice.

  “What? What happened?” I asked with my eyes locked on Estelle, who stared back at me.

  “She had a mild heart attack. The doctors have put her under observation. Please, Nick, won’t you come?” April started sobbing even harder.

  “Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s with Mom. I went out in the corridor to call you. If something happens to her—”

  “Don’t talk like that. I’m coming; just promise me you’ll calm down. I’ll leave right away.”

  Ending the call, I made a decision—Estelle would come with me.



  Life had never given me anything good. My real parents were taken from me in a car accident. Both died instantly on the scene. I was the only one lucky enough to survive. If you can call that luck. I was a six-month-old baby when that tragedy struck and, unfortunately, I had no memories of them at all.

  My childhood wasn’t easy, and I definitely couldn’t say that I’d grown up in a nurturing and loving environment. The people who’d adopted me always told me: “If only you were our real daughter… Then you wouldn’t be so reckless.” Somehow, I got through those years. But the fact that they forced me to marry a man who abused me for years on end… I’d never forgive them for that. Because of their greed, their scheme to get to his money through me, they’d had to pay with their lives.

  The best decision I’d ever made was to leave Melbourne and move to New York. I needed to build a new life that had no room for the past.

  A life that brought me hope, peace, and friends.

  But my peace left me the moment Nicholas Frey shook hands with me. Just before I was due to give my presentation. So naturally, instead of being focused on the matter, my mind wandered and I ummed and ahhed, embarrassed by this shamelessly handsome man who undressed me with his eyes. I didn’t do as well as I’d wanted and hoped I hadn’t made a bad impression.

  Was that what you call luck? Of course not. But that was no surprise—I’d never been lucky.

  * * *

  “You’re coming with me.”

  I was in the office of my boss, Nicholas Frey, wondering how to get myself out of the situation I was in. Locked in his office, leaning against the door… But instead of panicking, I stood still, hypnotized by his beautiful brown eyes, and imagined how it would feel to run my fingers through his raven hair, to be kissed by his thick lips…

  “Go with you? Where?”

  “To Switzerland.”

  “To Switzerland?” I repeated in surprise. My voice sounded hoarse and somewhat unfamiliar to me.

  “I see. You haven’t read my biography.”

  No, I haven’t. I’ve only read about your playboy exploits in tabloid gossip columns. I bit my tongue to stop myself from blurting out my thoughts.

  That would’ve been a huge mistake. After all, a subordinate isn’t supposed to take such a tone with their boss if they want to keep their job, right?

  “My father is Swiss,” he explained. “Look, I’ll answer all your questions later. My mother’s had a heart attack and I need to leave urgently. I want you to come with me.” He gave me a nervous look and ran his fingers across his stubble.

  I got a sudden urge to caress him, but managed to refrain. “I’m sorry. I hope—”

  “I need you, Estelle. Are you coming with me or not?” he interrupted.

  How is one supposed to respond to their boss in such a situation? He needs me! Dear God…

  “How would I be able to help if I came along?” I didn’t see the point in doing it.

  Nick took my hand in his wide palms and raised it.

  Oh, heavens…

  Heat spread across my body, from head to toe, just from that light touch.

  “For years, my mother has been asking me whether I have a serious girlfriend. I’m thirty-one years old. But I’ve yet to introduce her to a single girl. I don’t have the time for serious relationships. Of course, as I’m sure you can guess, that’s a cause for great concern for her. I want you to come with me so I can introduce you to her as my squeeze. That would make her happy.” He put my hand on his hard-as-steel chest, sending waves of desire through my body. I sensed the powerful beats of his heart, which were seemingly pleading for help.

  My eyes traced the perfect curve of his lips, slowly moving upward to meet his gaze. Thirst and desire flashed across his beautiful brown irises, which were covered in golden specks, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter again.

  “Don’t bite that lip, or I’ll be the one to bite it next.” His low, deep, and slightly croaky voice vibrated through me, reaching all the way down to my loins.

  “That reminds me, we need to practice kissing if you agree to accompany me and pretend to be my girlfriend.” He leaned over me, his warm, minty breath stroking my face.

  The very next second, his lips parted mine. His tongue gently slid into my mouth, making my nipples harden even more. I felt like a virgin touched for the very first time, which was actually not too far from the truth. The only man I’d ever kissed before was my ex-husband. And his kisses couldn’t even begin to compare with those of Nicholas Frey.

  His palms cupped my face while his teeth lightly pulled at my lower lip, making me let out a moan. I was wet. No, strike that, I was drenched with arousal, and from only one kiss at that. How would I feel if his face were buried between my thighs?

  Like I was in paradise!

  His body pressed against mine. Sensing his erection against my belly, I instinctively put my arms around him, wanting to get even closer to him.

  Euphoria spread like wildfire to every cell of my body.

  His hot, insatiable tongue, his hands, his scent… It was all too intense, almost magical.

  Nick pulled away from the kiss, but I wanted more.

  The word “more” truly frightened me. He was asking me to play a part in front of his mother, rather than be his real girlfriend. There might never be more between us.

  “I need you, Estelle. Will you come with me? I won’t ask you again.” He gazed at me, his eyes full of hope.

  Don’t wait for another invitation, because you won’t get it, a little voice seemed to whisper in my ear.

  A second later, I heard myself say, “I need to pack my suitcase. How long will we be away from New York?”

  * * *

  The airplane we boarded was a true masterstroke of engineering. Not only did it look amazing, with its fuselage slightly tapered at the front, but it was also so fast that it could cross the distance between North America and Europe in only half an hour.

  We settled in comfortable leather armchairs, and the stewardess, who wasn’t actually human, but a robot, served us food and a drink menu. It was 2048, and only the richest of the rich could afford to have robot staff. The robots were so incredibly well made, they were almost indistinguishable from real people. Well, other than the fact that they had no facial expressions. Their faces were frozen like a mask.

  I’d never seen such androids before, and now, even though I realized I was doing it, I couldn’t stop myself from gawping at the stewardess with her flawless skin, graceful figure, and hair tied in a neat bun. I was beginning to get worried whether men would start preferring them over human females. Robots didn’t show emotions, raise their voice, or cry, but they didn’t laugh either. I had no real idea of how advanced they�
��d become. But in the course of my life, developments in robotics had happened so quickly that I wouldn’t have been surprised if scientists created the perfect husband or wife in the very near future.

  “Are you going to stop staring at her any time soon?” Nick whispered in my ear and settled in the white leather seat beside me.

  Moving my gaze toward him, I noticed he was trying to hide his smile. I wanted to ask him many things about female robots, but now wasn’t the right time.

  I fastened my seatbelt and waited impatiently for the takeoff. I was excited about meeting his parents. Even though I was only playing the part of a girlfriend, I wanted them to like me. The reason for that were my parents, who’d raised me without showing me any love, and my hang-ups stemmed from their cold treatment.

  During the takeoff, I couldn’t stop looking through the window, feeling as excited as a little kid. I was twenty-three years old and had only done the journey from Melbourne to New York and back four times and always on work-related matters. I watched the sun as it set and colored the sky in orange and pink hues, and marveled at the fluffy, cotton-candy-like clouds. This reminded me of the rare good moments in my life: My father would take me to an amusement park, where we’d eat cotton candy and ride the Ferris wheel and the carousels. Back then, I’d felt as free as a bird. Like a child. I hadn’t had to stay at home to clean and cook, feeling sorry for myself because all the other kids were playing outside while I barely found enough time to do my homework. That was why I hadn’t had any friends. You can’t make friends if you have a tyrant for a mother.

  A warm hand touched my arm. It startled me. Immersed in my memories, I’d completely lost track of where I was.

  “You have to tell me about yourself, and we don’t have much time. As your supposed boyfriend, I should know you pretty well.” Nick intertwined his fingers with mine, raised my hand and kissed it.

  This small and very innocent gesture warmed my heart. No man had ever done that to me. My ex-husband had always been “too busy” with other stuff to waste time on such trivial things.


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