The Hard To Love series

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The Hard To Love series Page 47

by T A. McKay

  “Stay the night with me.” I lean forward and kiss him, not being able to resist his lips for too long.

  He sighs and I have a feeling I know the answer.

  “I'm not looking for anything from you. I just want to feel you in my arms, to talk to you and tell you anything you want to know. I just can’t face being without you tonight.” I run my palm over his throat, knowing how that move affects him and I'm not disappointed. His eyes drift closed and he relaxes into my hold. I love it when he reacts like this to my touch; it makes me feel like the only man he’ll ever need.

  “You are such a cheat, Trey Colby. You know I can’t say no to you when you talk like that.” We both know it isn’t just my words that are making him decide to stay, but I’m willing to overlook it to save an argument.

  I lean in and take his earlobe in between my teeth, biting gently before talking. “Does that mean you’ll stay?”

  His hand comes up and takes hold of my wrist, pushing it harder against his throat. “You know it does.”

  Chapter 23

  I put my hands behind my head and lie back on my pillow, watching the bathroom door. I'm trying to play it cool, pretending that Roman being here isn’t causing more excitement than I've felt for the last few weeks, unfortunately my cock seems to be giving that pretense away. Knowing that Roman is in there, getting ready to join me in bed, is messing with me. I know that there will be no sex tonight, and honestly I'm not looking for that from him, but I can’t get my body under control. I reach inside my underwear and adjust myself, tucking the top of my erection into the waistband to try and hide it a little. I also bend my knees so the blanket doesn’t lie over it, making it really obvious.

  I look up when I hear the door open, my heart suddenly racing in my chest. If someone had told me a few months ago that I would meet someone who would make me react the way that Roman does I would have called them insane. After the break up with Bryce I didn’t think I would ever find anyone who would make me want to try again, relationships were just something I didn’t want to bother with, but then there was Roman. Even though I was in a place where no one should have caught my attention, he drew my eyes to him and I haven’t been able to look away since. Even once I found out who he really was, once I knew I was his boss, I couldn’t stay away despite knowing I should. I let him in when I kept others at a distance, let him know my secrets when I've always been the type of person to keep everything inside, and he hasn’t run away. Actually he’s pushed me to let him get closer, and I did it with little argument.

  He looks a little awkward coming out of the bathroom wearing just his underwear, and I can’t help but think it’s cute that he's feeling that way after everything we’ve done together.

  I pull back the sheet and pat the bed. “Get your cute ass in here.”

  The slight blush on his cheeks makes me smile, and I realize for the first time in a long time that I'm genuinely happy. As he climbs into the bed I don’t let him get comfortable before I pull him towards me, laying him across my chest and wrapping my arms around him. It only takes a few seconds before he relaxes into me and I breathe a sigh of relief, all the stress from the last few weeks melting away as I feel Roman’s heart beating against my chest. A burst of laughter escapes as my thoughts leave me feeling like I'm a teenager again. I don’t think things like this. I'm an alpha, a man who doesn’t take any shit from anyone, and here I am losing my heart to a pole dancing paralegal.

  “Do I want to know why you're laughing?” I look down and see those gorgeous blue eyes staring up at me. I just smile and lean down, taking his lips in a breath-stealing kiss. When we separate it takes me a few moments to recover my thoughts and remember what he had asked.

  “I think it’s better that you don’t know.”

  He scrunches up his face and I can’t help but laugh at him. He is too fucking cute, and even though I should run from him so my life doesn’t start to chip away at everything that is amazing about him, I become the bastard I know I can be and refuse to let him go. That’s what this whole thing between us has shown me; no matter how much I try to show people that I’m fine on my own, I'm not. I want Roman, and there is no point denying it any longer.

  He runs his hand over my chest, pulling my full attention when he scrapes his nail over my nipple causing a shudder to run through my whole body. “Well now I want to know even more. Tell me.”

  I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his hands on my skin. I'm willing to just lie here and just let him explore but with a pinch to my side I open my eyes and answer him. “Fine, ease up on the pain. I was just thinking how much I missed you, missed this. I didn’t think I would ever miss anyone as much as I did you.” I look down at Roman and see a smile curling up the sides of his lips. That’s not the thing that takes my breath away though, it’s his eyes that cause that. They are shining with happiness, a pure joy that I haven’t seen on him since we were working on the case together. He was always happy when we were working together, but this time I put that look in his eyes, and it makes me happier than I think I’ve ever been.

  “See and that look there does strange things to me. I mean full on sweaty palms and racing heart … just like a teenage boy. So I was just thinking that I'm in danger of having to hand back my man card.” The end of my statement comes out on a breathy sigh as Roman leans over me and kisses my neck. I'm usually the one that makes the first move, takes the lead, but tonight I just move my head so Roman can get better access. The feel of his lips, his tongue darting out tasting my skin, it’s all working together to make me lose my ever-loving mind.

  “I don’t think your man card is in danger.” His words are whispered against my ear and I can’t hold in the groan that builds in my chest. I wanted tonight to be about talking, just being with each other and enjoying each other’s company, but when Roman’s hand brushes down my chest and below my belly button I can’t control the lust that fires every nerve in my body.

  I feel the cover being pulled off my body and I open my eyes, watching as Roman’s eyes devour my skin as it comes into view. I actually pant in anticipation as I watch him rise up on his knees and lean over me, his mouth connecting with the skin of my chest. His hands trail down my side, and when they come in contact with my underwear they don’t stop moving, taking the loose material with them until I'm lying naked in front of him.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, Trey.” His voice has gone deep and husky, and I can’t help my dick twitching in approval. He moves until he’s kneeling between my legs, a position I haven’t been in for a very long time. He pushes my legs apart, opening me fully for his enjoyment. He leans down and, holding my cock against my stomach, he runs his tongue over my balls, sucking one gently into his mouth. When his tongue moves lower, making a wet trail towards my ass I tense slightly, and Roman must feel it because he runs his hand over my rock hard cock as he slides his tongue lower again.

  “What … what are you doing?” I can barely make my voice come out as I try to talk to him. Roman doesn’t stop what he's doing, but he pulls back slightly, his voice loud enough so I can hear him from where he is.

  “I'm making you trust, Trey.

  I collapse back onto the mattress, sweat pooling into my belly button. I reach my hand out connecting with Trey’s stomach as I listen to his labored breathing. I manage to turn my head towards him, thankful that I have the energy for that, and watch him as he stares at the ceiling. He looks completely lost in thought and it worries me.

  “Did I go too far?” I don’t know what came over me earlier, but when Trey started being truthful about his feelings, I felt I needed to give something back to him. I didn’t want him to think he was the only one that felt those things, that I hadn’t missed him badly. Once I started, my mind drifted back to what he’d said to me in the office earlier today. Make me Trust, Roman. The words made me braver for some reason, like Trey had shown me that he wasn’t the confident person that I thought he was. There was a fragility to him as he spoke, and I
wanted to show him that he was safe with me, that he could show me all his fears and weaknesses and I will always come back to him. He can trust me.

  The silence between us makes me nervous, and it’s worse that he won’t turn and look at me. I’m about to ask the question again on the off chance that he didn’t hear me the first time, I know the chances are slim since he is right next to me, but you know there is always that little possibility.

  When his head turns towards me, I can’t tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, but his eyes are alive with what looks like happiness and that gives me hope. “I don’t think you did.”

  Well that’s a start. I wish he had said that it was the most amazing thing ever and it should’ve happened weeks ago, but I’ll take it. I stay quiet, hoping he’ll say something more but he just stares at me, his eyes moving over my entire face. I can’t do it any longer, the silence driving me crazy.

  “You don’t think so?”

  He places his hand over mine on his stomach, stilling its movements and making me realize I had actually been rubbing it over his skin. “Yeah, I think so. I didn’t see tonight going like that, I swear I only wanted to hold you tonight, but it was … fucking amazing.”

  I let out the breath I was unconsciously holding, the stress instantly leaving my body. “So I didn’t push too far.”

  Trey laughs, his hand tightening its hold around mine. “Now I didn’t say that. It was unexpected, not something I've done in a long time.”

  Even as I was doing it I could tell that he wasn’t as comfortable as he normally is, but he didn’t stop me and I took that as a good sign. Now I'm not so sure. Now I'm worrying that he went along with it to keep me happy, even if that didn’t sound one little bit like the Trey I know. “I'm sorry.” My voice comes out softer than I had anticipated, and I turn my head to try and hide from Trey. I would leave the bed but he's holding onto my hand tightly, making it impossible to run without a struggle. I can’t believe that within a few minutes, my post orgasmic glow has dissolved into embarrassment of having pushed Trey too far.

  “Hey.” I feel the bed move as Trey leans over me, his free hand pulling my chin towards him until I have no option but to look at him. “I said it was amazing. If I hadn’t wanted you to do those things I would have stopped you.”

  I want to believe the words he's saying, but suddenly I'm not feeling so confident in my plan to show him to let go, to let someone else to take the lead, to trust someone. “I just wanted to make you feel good, let you know you could trust me.”

  The smile that Trey gives me soothes my nerves. He looks genuinely happy. “And you did make me feel good, better than good.” He settles on the mattress next to me and pulls me until I'm lying on top of him, his arms wrapped around me so I can’t move away from him, but it also means I can’t look at him as he speaks. “But you have to realize that I don’t bottom, Roman. Or at least I should say I haven’t in a very long time. It takes a long time of being with someone for me to give up that sort of control, so as much as I enjoyed tonight, I don’t know how much further I can go.”

  I appreciate the fact that he's being honest with me, so I think it’s time for me to be as open, too. “I hear what you're saying, and normally I would be totally happy with that. I bottom, as simple as that. I love the feeling of being taken, letting someone else decide what’s happening so I can just let go.” I push against his hold because I need him to see my face for what I'm about to say. “But I want to fuck you, Trey. I have never had this need to be inside someone like I do with you. I will take it slowly, let you set the pace to a certain point.” Leaning down I capture his lips, amazed that I’m feeling as calm as I do. “But I will have you. I will bury myself so deep inside you and just so you know, Trey, you will scream for more.”

  Trey lets out a stuttered breath and I can’t help but be pleased with myself. I lie down on his chest again, enjoying the feel of his heart beating under my cheek. It’s not often I can throw Trey off his game, so I will take the satisfaction while I can, since he has spent most of our time together throwing me off mine.

  “What are you doing for Christmas?” Trey bursts out laughing at my question and I look up at him with confusion. I don’t understand why it was funny.

  “You can’t follow up a statement about fucking me until I scream with a question like that.” He has tears filling his eyes as his laughter continues, and it becomes contagious. I didn’t think about what I was asking, and I suppose it was a really big leap into a different conversation. I slap him gently on the chest to try and get him to clam down, but it just seems to make him worse. I lie and just listen to him, his beautiful laugh filling my heart with happiness. It feels like a lifetime since I saw Trey with a smile on his face, so to hear him like this is refreshing. He sounds happy and relaxed, and I love that I did that for him.

  Once he calms down he finally answers my question. “Sorry, that was just so funny. All I could picture was you in a Santa suit. But to answer your question, I will be spending Christmas at home.”

  I smile at the memories of being at home for the holiday season, being surrounded by love and festive cheer. I'm a little jealous that he is getting to spend it with family, until I remember that he doesn’t have any family. “What do you mean at home?” I start to doubt everything that he's said to me, like maybe I didn’t listen properly or I'm getting mixed up, but I know deep down I haven’t. Every single piece of information that Trey has given me is stored away safely.

  “I mean I’ll be here, at home.”

  I sit up instantly, not believing what he's saying to me.

  “Alone?” My voice comes out like an accusation, but I don’t want him to answer me the way I think he's about to. “Yes, alone. It’s just another day, Roman, and since I don’t have any family and I spent Thanksgiving with Nathan and his mom, I will just spend it here. It will be nice, I will spend the day reading or catching up on paperwork.”

  Paperwork? On Christmas Day? Who does that, or would think that it would be a nice way to spend the day? I throw my leg over his stomach so I'm straddling him, placing my hands on his arms and lean down, getting in his face.

  “Sorry, not happening on my watch. There’s no way that you can say that spending Christmas Day on your own will be nice, and I refuse to let you spend it doing paperwork. You are coming to my house to spend it with me.”

  I see the hesitance in his look, like he’s panicking at the thought but I refuse to take no for an answer. “And before you try to tell me that you will be fine, Grey will be there and you can meet him properly, and you could bring Nathan if he wanted. We will eat lots of food, some of it may not be gourmet but it will be edible, and we will drink a lot. You don’t even have to buy me a gift.” I follow the last statement with a wink, letting him know that I'm kidding about with him. I’m waiting for his reply when I find myself suddenly falling, my back hitting the bed and a hard body pinning me down. It takes a few seconds for my brain to catch up with what’s happening, the quickness of Trey’s movements shocking me as I look up into his face.

  “Have I ever told you that you are really sexy when you take charge?”

  I try to keep a serious face, but the goofy grin he's giving me is making it really difficult. His eyes are sparkling and he looks more at ease than he has since I met him.

  “I’ll have you know that I'm a very take charge type of guy.” I snort with laughter as Trey’s eyebrows rise at my statement, and I can’t keep my laughter in any longer. “Okay, I'm not, but I'm putting my foot down on this one. You can’t spend Christmas alone, Trey. So you either come to me or I will come to you. No other option is gonna work.”

  “Thank you.” The words are said softly as he leans down and claims my lips. The gentleness of his touch makes my toes curl and I pull him closer to me. When his full weight is on me I feel something I haven’t felt in a very long time. I feel safe, I feel cared for, I feel that for the first time in my life I'm important to someone.

; The urgency of the kiss changes, the pressure increasing until I'm frotting against Trey with a need that I shouldn’t have. He does this to me, he makes me need him even though I've just had him mere minutes ago. Something in his touch sets my body on fire, and fills me with an urgency that only he can calm. When he bites my bottom lip I groan loudly, not feeling a single bit of embarrassment that I’m showing him how much power he has over me. His tongue comes out and soothes the sting and continues moving, licking over my jaw and down over my neck. He sucks on the skin where my neck connects with my shoulder, the pain radiating out from it and I know that there will be a mark there tomorrow, but I don’t care. His words come out hoarse, making my dick twitch against his.

  “Now it’s your turn to lie back and take what I'm about to give you. And, Roman, I'm not going to stop until you're screaming my name.”

  Chapter 24

  “I only have four days to get him something and I'm at a loss. You have to help me.” I look over the table at Nathan who has a shit -eating grin on his face. We’ve been shopping for about three hours now and I haven’t been able to find anything that Roman might like for Christmas. I don’t even know if we are exchanging gifts, but there’s no way that I’m turning up at his house to spend the day without having something for him. Buying Grey something was easy, it didn’t need to be personal so I got him a voucher for a clothes shop that I like to go to. I don’t know if he shops there but I really didn’t think that would matter. Roman is a completely different thing. I want to get him something personal, something he will love, and I want it to be special like him.

  “I don’t know what you want me to do. I’ve seen your plaything once, and as much as I will never forget it, it didn’t give me much insight into his personality. Maybe get him some underwear since he seems to have a problem keeping his on?” I know he's trying to get a reaction out of me, he's been in that sort of mood all day, so I don’t disappoint when I get pissed at him.


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