The Hard To Love series

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The Hard To Love series Page 68

by T A. McKay

  Roman moves to the front of the stage and sits on the edge so his legs are only a few inches away from Trey. Trey can’t take his eyes off him, and I can’t blame him. The way that Roman is moving would make any sane man stare. Roman slips from the stage and straddles Trey’s legs as he thrusts into his body. They both seem to get caught up in each other, and I feel like I'm intruding on their private moment even though it’s happening in the middle of the club.

  Others are glaring at the couple, probably wondering why they’ve never had a moment like this with Roman, or should I say Romeo, but little do they know that it will never happen. Roman is madly in love with my best friend, and I don't think anyone would be able to come between them.

  The song ends and Roman leans in and kisses Trey, it’s a short but sweet kiss that tells everyone here that this is more than just a show. When Roman moves away from him to go backstage, Trey reaches out and tucks something into his hand. I’ve seen them do this before, and Trey says he always gives him a business card when he dances to remind him of how they met.

  Roman walks away, and just as he’s about to reach the stairs that will take him back on stage, he looks down at his hand and stops. He turns slowly and looks at Trey. I have no idea what's happening but I can’t stop watching. Trey slowly stands, sorts his suit pants and gets down on one knee.

  Holy shit. I sit and watch with my mouth hanging open. My friend, the guy who swore he would never find someone who wouldn’t break his heart, is proposing to his boyfriend. I knew they were serious about each other but this is blowing my fucking mind.

  Roman looks at his hand again. I'm not sure what's he's doing when he starts moving his hands, but it only takes a few moments to realize that he’s holding a ring and is slipping it on to his finger. As soon as it’s there he rushes towards Trey, who is now standing, and jumps, wrapping his legs around Trey’s waist. They embrace each other, turning slightly on the spot as they celebrate.

  I'm not a sentimental type of guy, but watching the two of them has my throat tightening with emotion. I love to see them both so happy. I get up from my seat and walk towards them. I push gently against Roman’s shoulder until he looks at me, tears filling his eyes. “Will you let the man go a minute so I can congratulate both of you. Since no one told me it was happening,” I glare at Trey when I say, “I didn’t have time to plan a speech. So all I have is hugs.”

  Roman laughs before he untangles himself from Trey and when he does he's almost tackled to the ground by an over excited Grey. I turn to Trey and pull him into a hug, wrapping my arms around him and holding him tight to me. “I am so fucking happy for you, man. And even though I'm a little pissed you didn’t let me in on the secret, I wish you both a happy life together.”

  He pulls back from me and the look of joy on his face actually has me pausing for a moment. I don't think I’ve ever seen Trey look this happy.

  “Thanks, Nathan. And I'm sorry I didn’t tell you, but I wasn’t even sure I was going to go through with it until I actually did it. There was a real good chance I was going to back out and I didn’t want a witness to that.”

  I laugh at him, and before I get a chance to respond he is engulfed by a crowd of half naked men. I think the whole club has rushed over to celebrate with Roman, and I hear the distinctive pop of a champagne bottle. I just stand for a few minutes, enjoying the love that’s surrounding them.

  I'm pulled from watching the happy couple when a hand slips into mine and I’m dragged backwards until I hit a quiet area at the rear of the club. Before I know what's happening a slim body is pushing up against me and I'm looking into unfamiliar brown eyes.

  “Hi, I'm Jared. You must be new here, because I know I would have noticed you before.”

  He’s a little too close for my liking, and I don't feel comfortable. I take a step back, putting some much needed space between us. I don’t know why I want him to back up because in my mind I’m telling myself I should be using this moment to my advantage. Instead I have a really attractive guy leaning against me, and all I can think about is getting away.

  “I only come here to watch Romeo dance. No other reason.” I hope that he will take the hint and leave. I don't want to be rude, but I now know how it feels for women when guys think it’s okay to rub up against them without permission. I feel good knowing that I’m not one of those guys, mainly because I don't need to be. I like the subtle approach, the glances and smiles that means she ends up coming to me. When you do it that way they think it’s all their own idea.

  “Yeah, Romeo is great, but I can guarantee that I'm better. I have a private room out the back if you would like me to show you.”

  I look him over, and everything about him should be turning me on, but tonight there’s nothing. He has really dark hair that’s shaved at the sides with the top left long. It creates an edgy look, and I know my dick should be trying to introduce itself. There’s just something missing and I have a scary feeling I know what it is. “I'm really sorry, Jared. I'm just not interested. I'm here with friends and not looking to hook up.”

  “But, baby. I could totally make you change your mind if you gave me just a minute of your time.”

  This guy is really starting to annoy me now, but I don't want to make a scene on Trey and Roman’s big night. I just need to get back to my friends, and the sooner the better. I'm just about to push him back when a shadow appears behind him.

  “I think he told you he wasn’t interested.” Grey looks sexy as he stands there, so confident in himself and what he's saying. He leans into the guy, talking loudly in to his ear so I can hear what he's saying as he points at me. “And that ass is mine.”

  I laugh at him as he uses my words back at me. It’s exactly what I said to the asshole trying to hit on Grey the last time we were out. My stomach tumbles with nerves as my eyes connect with Grey’s, and it feels like he's staring deep into my soul. This is the feeling that was missing. The butterflies that Grey can give me with just a look or a touch.

  Jared looks between us, obviously deciding that it isn’t worth the argument with Grey about me and he struts away across the floor towards a guy sitting on his own.

  Grey walks closer to me, leaving barely an inch between us as he stands in front of me. I look down at him, once again loving the fact I'm taller than him. I always seem to be on the back foot when it comes to the hot guy in front of me, so to be taller makes me feel like I have a little more power than I actually do. “So, my ass is yours is it?”

  The side of his mouth curls up as he runs his hand up the outside of my leg. My dick is fully awake now and is straining to get closer to Grey. “Oh, you have no idea how much I wish that, Nathan. But for now, I’m more than happy to give you mine again.”

  My breath stutters at his offer, and even though I’ve had sex with him before, my heart races inside my chest. I wonder if this is a normal reaction, because I’ve never felt it with anyone else before. I swallow, noticing that Grey’s eyes focus on my throat, before I manage to finally speak. “I think that guy mentioned private rooms back there. Maybe we should investigate?”

  A dirty smile crosses Grey’s face as he grabs my hand, dragging me towards the corridor behind him. “I think that's a fantastic idea.”

  I pull into the car park of Trey’s apartment, slamming on the brakes as soon as I find a space. I received a message from him about twenty minutes ago and all it read was ‘My house … now!’

  I dropped everything and got here as fast as I could. Thankfully I wasn’t at home or it would have taken me longer to get here. With no information I’m expecting the worst. I don’t know what it could be, but I race up the stairs towards his front door, not even waiting for the elevator.

  I barge in and look around franticly, trying to find out what’s wrong. I see Trey leaning against the bar in the living room. He looks calm and it confuses me. What was the strange message about? “I got here as fast as I could. What the hell is wrong?”

  He turns and looks at me, surp
rise on his face. I don’t know how he missed the fact I just slammed through his front door. He moves towards me quickly, a huge ass smile appearing on his face. He goes to talk, but before he gets a chance to say anything, there is a knock on the door. He doesn’t hesitate for a second as he practically runs towards it, throwing it open so it bangs against the wall behind it. He’s got me worried, so I follow closely behind him. When I enter the hall I stop instantly, the sight before me instantly fills my eyes with tears.

  Trey is there with his arms wrapped around the mirror image of himself. Dalton. He's finally home. I want to race over and show him how much I missed him, but I don't want to interrupt this moment between the brothers. I spend just a few moments taking them in. It’s been so long since they’ve both been in the same room that sometimes I forget how much they do look alike.

  After a few minutes they break apart, but Trey keeps his arm around Dalton, like he's worried he's suddenly going to vanish. When Dalton turns to look at me, I can see that time has made the twins look less identical than usual. They both still have the dark hair, but where Trey’s is longer on top, Dalton’s is short all over and it makes him look slightly older. He also has some scars on his face that weren’t there when he left. They are still red which tells me that they are new and probably still healing.

  I take time to look over him, noticing the injuries that he must have sustained in his recent mission. He has a white bandage that covers the side of neck and disappears under the collar of his t-shirt, and there’s a cast on his left arm which covers everything from his elbow down to his fingers. He’s also leaning heavily on a cane, despite Trey helping him to stand.

  “Are you just going to stand there all day and admire my good looks, or are you gonna come and give me a hug? Don't make the injured guy do the moving.”

  I feel my lips quirk as he talks. He’s always had a way of making life a joke and easing any tension in a room. Apparently he hasn’t lost that gift. “You have to come this way anyway, unless you plan on staying in the door way. So I think I’ll just wait on you getting your lazy ass over here.” Even as I speak I start moving, unable to stay away any longer. Trey is the best friend I have ever had and Dalton is like a brother to me. I’ve missed him like fuck and I want nothing more than to touch him and make sure he's real. I grab him, taking a lot of his weight as he tips towards me, losing his balance. Wrapping my arms around him I just hold him, unable to let him go. “I'm so fucking happy you’re here right now. I was so worried.”

  “You don't get rid of me that easily, you should know that.” Dalton kisses the side of my head before he lets me go. “But I'm going to fall down if I don't sit soon. What does a guy have to do to get a cup of coffee in this place?”

  He pushes against my shoulder to get me to move, before limping towards the living room. I want nothing more than to help him walk to the couch but he wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. That's one thing about the Colby men; they don't like to appear helpless.

  I turn to look at Trey when Dalton disappears around the corner. “Is this why I had to come?”

  He nods at me, taking a deep breath before he can manage to get out his words. “I got a call to say he was nearly here. I needed someone here with me when he arrived.”

  I get what he's saying. We didn’t know how injured Dalton was, and if he had been any worse than he is then Trey would have needed someone for support. Even after seeing Dalton alive and well, Trey looks as though he's a little in shock. I step in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders. “He's here and he's safe. He’s a little bashed and bruised, but alive.”

  “I know. And I'm happy, but he’ll be going back soon. No one will be able to stop him.” The sadness comes from Trey in waves because seeing his brother is always a confusing time for him. He's excited to see him, even more so this time, but then he knows that he will have to say goodbye again. The problem with Dalton and goodbye is that Trey never knows when he will see him again.

  I throw my arm around his shoulder and drag him towards the living room and Dalton. “Well he's here now, so let’s enjoy it.”

  He tucks his arm around my waist and pulls me close as we walk to see his brother.

  Chapter 17

  “So when do I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?” Dalton has asked hundreds of questions since we all sat down as he tries to catch up with everything as soon as he can. A lot has happened since the last time he came home, and most of it good for a change.


  Trey glares at me as Dalton’s mouth drops open at the news.

  “You got engaged and didn’t tell your big brother?”

  “You are older by four minutes. And it only happened at the weekend, I would have told you as soon as you got here. Dalton, I got engaged.”

  I sit and watch the two of them together. They have a relationship that I was always jealous of. They just get each other, and no matter how fucked up things get, they always have each other’s back. This easiness between them is just so normal that sometimes you forget that they sometimes go years without seeing each other.

  “So, let me ask again. When do I get to meet your fiancé?”

  “He's at school right now, but he’ll be home in a few hours.”

  “Wow. I know you said he was younger, but I didn’t expect him to be that young. Shit, Trey. I thought you would know better than that, what with you being a lawyer and all.”

  I can’t help bursting out with laughter. This is a subject that I'm always taking the piss out of Trey about. Roman is younger than him, and it drives him a little crazy sometimes to talk about it. There’s about eight years difference but I think sometimes Trey feels that there might as well be fifty.

  “Fuck you, Dalton. Feel free to leave any time.” Even though his words are harsh, there’s no anger in his voice.

  “And miss the chance of meeting the youngster who finally got you to settle down. Not a chance.”

  “I blame you for all of this.” Trey points at me as he speaks, and I have no idea what I’ve done.

  “What did I do? I'm just sitting here minding my own business, not commenting on anything.” I try to look as innocent as possible, which is actually not that hard since I genuinely didn’t do anything this time.

  “I don’t know, but I feel the need to blame you. You are always the one who comments on Roman’s age.”

  He's right, but I wasn’t going to say anything this time. “Well fuck you. Not my fault this time.”

  Dalton’s laughter draws our attention to him, and I can’t help but laugh along with him when I see how happy he looks. Trey rolls his eyes at both of us, but I can see that he's trying really hard not to join in himself.

  “You two are just so funny.” He turns his focus on Dalton and I sit back and relax again, happy to be out of the firing line. “When do you go back?

  “You trying to get rid of me already little brother?”

  “No, but I'm trying to prepare myself for you leaving. You never stay very long.”

  As I look between them I feel that I'm intruding. This should be their time together, but I don’t want to get up to leave and interrupt their conversation.

  “Yeah, about that. I might be hanging around a little longer this time.”

  I just sit and stare at Dalton, hoping that Trey is going to ask him some of the fifty questions that I have. Trey leans towards where is Dalton is sitting on the couch.

  “What do you mean? How long and why? Shit, what do you mean?”

  Dalton holds up his hands in front of him, obviously trying to get Trey to slow down so he can answer.

  “Slow down, I don’t know how long. That’s still to be determined. I need to visit someone first before I can tell you that. I need to go to Vegas to see someone, and I was wondering if you could come with me?”

  Trey nods his head instantly, and I decide that I’ll be going with them as well. Invitation or not.

  “We can all go. I’ll tell Grey that he's going and you
can ask permission from Roman.” Both men turn to look at me, but with very different looks on their faces. Dalton looks amused and Trey, well not so much.

  “You just want Grey to go so you can fuck him again. What happens in Vegas and all that.”

  “I don’t need Vegas to fuck him. I think I've proved that.”

  “Whoa, hold up just a second.” Dalton makes a time out motion with his hands, whilst looking between Trey and me with confusion. “Who the hell is this Grey guy?” He points at me. “And why are you fucking him?”

  As I say, a lot of things have changed since the last time Dalton was last home.

  It’s Trey’s turn to laugh, and he sits back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. He has a smug look on his face because he knows I'm about to get the third degree from Dalton.

  “Grey is my … well he sleeps in my spare room. And I'm fucking him because he's hot.” I know it doesn’t exactly explain the now sleeping with guys situation, but the confusion on Dalton’s face is kind of funny.

  “Okay, he's hot. But that still doesn’t explain why you are fucking him and Trey isn’t.”

  “Hey. I'm perfectly happy with my own hot guy. I'm not some slut who sleeps with everyone!”

  Dalton dismisses Trey’s outburst with a wave of his hand and I try my hardest not to smile. I have really missed these guys together.

  “Whatever, Trey. Nathan, want to explain the whole sleeping with men thing for me. Last time I saw you, you were drowning in pussy and very happy about it.”

  “True, but now I'm drowning in pussy and cock, and even happier.” Okay so it’s a slight exaggeration since there is only one cock that I'm getting but it is making me very happy.

  “So you're what … gay?” He frowns at me, and I realize this is my first chance to explain this to someone new. Trey just accepted it so there was no need to explain, and I haven’t told anyone else. Well apart from Grey, but I showed him instead of telling him.

  “I'm bisexual. I like men and women. The man thing is new, but I'm finding that I'm really okay with it.”


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