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A Dubious Device: The Nanobot Terror (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 10)

Page 30

by Gerald Kubicki

  Banyon knew Maya could read German. “What does it say?”

  “It says, Happy Birthday to Adolf Hitler. The date is nineteen thirty-three.”

  “This talisman works, why would Hitler let it out of his sight?” Loni asked.

  “See the ends,” Maya explained and pointed to the artifact. “They face to the left. On the Nazi swastika, they all face to the right. He probably saw it as an insult.”

  “And his arrogance prevented him from trying to use it,” Loni filed in.

  “It was just one of many mistakes he made,” Banyon corrected them.

  Chapter Eighty-Three


  anyon and Eric brought the two vehicles out of hiding near the mine. The three Patel sisters helped load up the heavy crates. The many bodies were deposited into the treasure vault and the lid was closed. Someone else would have to clean up the bodies later. Loni laid on the back seat of Banyon’s rented jeep and announced she was feeling a little better when the work was finally completed. As soon as they were ready, they took off for Las Vegas. Previne was driving and Loni was lounging in the back. Eric drove the second vehicle.

  “I’d better call Bart and tell him what’s going on,” Banyon said. He dialed the number and put the call on speaker phone. Wolf had already told him the assault on the factory was a success.

  “Bart,” he said. “This is Colton Banyon. How did the assault go?”

  “Sorry you missed it buddy,” Bart replied. “But it was a big success. We captured the warehouse. We’ve killed all the nanobots, and even captured the scientist Carl Catfish,” Bart said in a rush.

  “That’s great,” Banyon replied.

  “Get this; Catfish wants to work for the government now,” Bart laughed. “The thing is, I’m not so sure they won’t hire him,” he added seriously. “He has made several major breakthroughs on nanobots. It wouldn’t be the first time the government has embraced a killer, you know.”

  Banyon remembered his last case involving the infamous leader of Unit 731. The leader there had been given immunity at the end of World War II in exchange for his research. “We’ve done it before,” Banyon agreed.

  “Maybe this time some good will come out of it,” Bart said.

  “What about Bernard Schultz? Did you capture him?”

  “He’s dead and so are thirteen of his men. In other good news,” Bart said. “Marlene is back online. She is sending as many agents as she can gather here to secure the building in Laughlin and begin the cleanup. They should be here shortly.”

  “Are any of our people hurt?”

  “Steve and Joe got some rope burns on their hands. Haleigh and Carrie lost some dignity and were pretty embarrassed. But that’s about it.” Bart replied in a laugh. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “I’m glad no one was hurt,” Banyon responded.

  “How did your part go?” Bart asked.

  “Brenda Schultz is also dead. She killed her three helpers before we could stop her. As for the two men following her, one is dead and one took off into the desert. We won’t see him anytime soon.”

  “Sounds like there was a little bit of shooting in the desert,” Bart said as he added up the body count.

  “When the agents arrive at the warehouse, send some of them to clean the mess in the desert. I’ll send you the coordinates.”

  “Okay, but did you find out what Brenda was after?”

  “Yes. We found some buried treasure in a hole in the desert. I’ve collected it all and am heading back to Las Vegas,” Banyon replied.

  “Why are you going there? Why not come here with the treasure?”

  “Loni is hurt,” Banyon told him. “She needs medical attention. I’m taking her to a hospital before I do anything else.”

  “Hope she is not hurt too badly?” Bart asked seriously, but immediately asked another question. “How much is the treasure worth?” Bart was quick to sense money.

  “Bart, the treasure belongs to the people of Europe. It was loot stolen in the early part of Hitler’s reign. None of us will get a piece of it,” Banyon said through gritted teeth. Bart was starting to annoy him with his greed.

  “But there should at least be a finder’s fee,” Bart argued. “How much will that be in your estimation?”

  “Don’t worry. The firm will get its share,” Banyon said in frustration. The money the government was paying them wasn’t enough for Bart. He wanted more. He wanted some of the treasure too.

  “Okay, but bring it to the meeting in the morning then,” Bart quickly responded. “We’ll want to get some kind of a count — for the record.”

  “What? We’re still meeting at 7:00 a.m.? But it’s 2:00 a.m. now,” Banyon said incredulously.

  “Marlene wants us ready to help stop the nanobot attacks,” Bart responded. “And don’t forget, some nut job is still in charge of the country. Maybe we can find a way to stop him.” Banyon translated the statement into I want to see the treasure.

  “If Loni is out of the hospital, we’ll be there,” Banyon countered.

  “Good, see you then,” Bart said cheerfully and hung up.


  They traveled about twenty miles in silence. Colton Banyon sat next to Previne, in the front passenger seat; thinking and Loni had fallen asleep in the back. Previne broke the silence and spoke up.

  “What are we going to do with the talisman? I mean, we can’t just give it to someone.”

  “Well, the only choices are Area 51 or your museum in New Delhi,” Banyon replied without hesitation.

  “I’ll take it then,” Previne announced happily. “It would be too dangerous to keep in Area 51. We’ve had experience with items missing from there before.”

  “Yes, we have,” Banyon agreed as he remembered and nodded his head.

  “So, you’ll give it to me?” Previne said joyfully.

  “But if you had control of it, I’m afraid you would attempt to use it on me,” he said half-joking.

  “Colt, that thought has never crossed my mind,” she said in an angry huff. It told Banyon she was not telling him the truth. “Besides, if I can’t tempt you with who I really am what would be the point?” She had a shy smile on her face.

  “Glad you think that way,” he agreed.

  Before Previne could say anything else, Banyon’s cell phone rang.

  “Who could that be?” she asked.

  Banyon looked at the caller ID and uttered, “It’s the President.”

  “It’s five o’clock in the morning in Washington,” she told him. “It must be important. You’d better take it.”

  “Yes, Mr. President,” Banyon said into the phone.

  “Colt, I just got a report from Marlene. She says you have finished your part of the assault,” the President said.

  “That’s correct, sir,” Banyon replied.

  “Thank God,” he said with relief. “Now I need you to find a way to stop this monster, Meyers, from wrecking our country.”

  “What’s happened now?”

  “I’m not having much success in stopping him and he must be stopped,” the President said with emphasis.

  “What have you tried?”

  As you know, I still have control of most of our worldwide military. I have begun to move ships and men along our coasts. The problem is Meyers can see them from his bunker and has threatened to sink the ships.”

  “Can he actually do that?”

  “He has enough firepower to take out all of our ships along both coasts and the entire Navy as well,” the President said with resignation. “He could do it all himself and never leave the bunker. We’ve been trying to cut off his access, but the bunker planners built too strong a system. We haven’t been able to dismantle anything yet.”

  “Oh my God,” Banyon shouted. “If he sinks any ships, it could bring another civil war to the United States, just like in the 1860’s,” Banyon the historian told the President. “It would be White people and Aryans versus everybody else. Neighbors will be shooting
neighbors.” There it is, history repeats itself, he thought to himself.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure it is exactly what he wants to start,” Banyon explained. “He wants to start a race war. In a couple of hours, once these killings begin, the lines will already have been drawn. White people will be scared for their lives and start shooting at anyone not like them. The other races will do the same. They all will be afraid of getting the plague. They aren’t going to be concerned about a government. They’ll be concerned about survival. Hell, people in the armed forces will be shooting each other,” Banyon lamented. “It was what Hitler did to the Jews. He made people believe the Jews were the enemy. Meyers is doing the same thing to the Hispanics and Blacks.

  “Yes, yes, you are absolutely right. I see that now,” the President replied in a worried tone.

  “It gets worse,” Banyon continued. “There’ll be millions of casualties and many of our key leaders at all levels, will be dead. That also leaves the country vulnerable to attack by an outside enemy,” Banyon concluded.

  “That also worries me,” the President admitted. “We’ve already gotten reports of troop buildups in N. Korea and China. Both Navies have put to sea. We need to stop Meyers before there is no America left for anyone.”

  “Can’t we blow up the damn bunker?” Banyon said with rage. “There must be someone who knows how to penetrate the bunker.”

  “He’s imposed a five mile no fly zone around the bunker. He has the ability to shoot down any planes that violate it. We can’t get close enough to drop a bomb. And any attempt to fire a missile will be seen on his grid in the bunker. He can then easily intercept it. Remember the bunker was designed to protect our military leaders during a war.”

  “Christ,” Banyon muttered as he ran his hand through his thin hair. He knew he needed to talk to Wolf.

  “The son-of-a-bitch has even called me with a friggin ultimatum,” The President hotly added. Banyon could hear a fist slam on a desk. “Imagine the arrogance of this guy. He’s threatening me Colt.”

  “What does he want?”

  “He wants me to come to his bunker, like a lackey, and discuss the stand down of our military groups. He also wants to discuss my resignation from the Presidency. This guy has some balls.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Banyon spewed out but was already thinking ahead. Wolf had told him Meyers was waiting for the talisman before he took complete control. “What time does he want you to be inside his bunker?”

  “He wants me there at noon. The bastard wants to have lunch while we talk. He said it was the only civilized thing to do.”

  “Have you responded yet?”

  “Are you crazy?” the President screamed. “If I respond with a yes and he gets me into the bunker, I’ll never come out again. Even a negative response would make me look bad. It will look like I’m not willing to negotiate. He’s put me in a no win situation. So no, I’ve ignored it,” the President blustered. “Have you got a better idea?”

  “Sir, if he wanted to kill you, you would already be dead.” Banyon told him frankly. “He wants you to be humiliated and leave the bunker in disgrace. I’m sure the media will be camped outside. It’s all about his ego. He wants everyone to know he is now more powerful than you are. But he can’t kill you. You are a White person. It would be against the Effort’s stated platform of white supremacy and he would lose support.”

  “So, you want me to accept his invitation?” The bewildered President asked.

  “Yes,” Banyon said.

  “Why? I’m very confused.”

  “He is also waiting for something to be delivered to him. He wants to use it to get you to sign a resignation letter. Your resignation is the only thing which is stopping him from declaring himself dictator. It’s another mistake based on ego, and we are going to make sure it is the last mistake he ever makes,” Banyon promised.

  “I think you’d better explain what you said,” the President asked worriedly. “I don’t think I understand.”

  “I’ll call you back as soon as I am sure I can get to Washington in time. I’ll explain it then,” Banyon replied.

  “Why are you coming here?”

  “Because I have what he is waiting for and we are going to use it to take him down,” Banyon said. “We are going to use a little deception of our own.”

  “I see,” the President replied thoughtfully. “But I can’t get you a military jet or anything fast to bring you here in time. Meyers has control of all of them.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I think I have my own transportation.”


  As soon as Banyon hung up he called Pramilla in the second van and put her on speaker phone. Loni was awake now and leaned over the console.

  “Yes, Colt,” Pramilla said.

  “Can your plane get us to Washington D.C. fast? And can we get there before 11:00 a.m. eastern time?”

  “Of course, it has the range,” she replied. “Let me think about the timing. The plane is a Gulfstream 650. It has a top speed of over 600 miles per hour. It’s about 2,500 mile to the East Coast. There is also a three hour time difference. The latest we can leave would be four o’clock. That’s two hours from now,” she answered as she looked at her watch. “Yes, we can be there with plenty of time.”

  “Good, call your pilots and have them fuel up the plane,” Banyon told her. “We’re heading to Washington D.C.”

  “No need to do that,” Pramilla laughed. “I’m the pilot and Eric is the co-pilot. But I’ll have to submit a flight plan and get the plane ready from the jeep.”

  “Can you do that?”

  “Of course.”

  “I knew I could count on you,” Banyon complimented her.

  “Can I ask you why are we going there?”

  “We need to go to Washington to stop the military dictator Meyers. We have the means with the talisman.”

  “It’s a pretty dangerous trinket,” Pramilla warned.

  “A military dictator like Meyers is worse,” he said and hung up the phone.

  “What are you thinking, Colt?” Previne suddenly asked. “You’re not thinking about using the talisman on him, are you?”

  “Head for the airport, Previne,” Banyon ordered as he ignored her question and sat back in his seat to think.

  “Just what I need is another bumpy ride,” Loni whined from the back.


  A little later, Banyon started digging into his pants pocket and found Brenda’s phone. It took him only a few minutes to find Michael Meyers private number. He then sent him a text.

  After a few minutes, Banyon called the President back. “Sir, I have a plan,” he started. “There is some risk involved, but in the end Meyers will be done.”

  “So, you can get here in time?” the big man asked expectantly.

  “I’m on my way right now,” Banyon answered. “But I need you to do me a favor before I tell you my plan.”

  “What can I do for you, Colt?” The President asked as he realized Banyon’s help wasn’t going to be for free.

  Banyon told him what he wanted. “Can you do that?”

  “It will be handled before you land,” the leader replied. “Remind me to never play poker with you,” the President said as a compliment.

  “I think we just did,” Banyon quipped. “Meet me outside the gate to the bunker at 11:30 a.m.,” Banyon told him.

  “Okay, but what’s the plan?”

  “We are going to present him a gift. We are also going to call upon your past military experiences and your acting skills.”

  “I’ve never acted,” the President roared.

  “You’re a politician,” Banyon explained.

  “Touché,” America’s leader responded after a few seconds.

  Chapter Eighty-Four


  ice Admiral Michael Meyers had moved his command post to the, soundproof, glass-enclosed conference room. He closed the blinds on two walls of the room, but could still see most of h
is people working at their stations. He trusted the workers in the bunker — but like all fascists — he didn’t trust them too much.

  He had stayed up all night, working at a furious pace. He was preparing orders, checked on the President’s threat to bring the Navy fleet to the coasts and making private phone calls. He wasn’t worried about the NSA intercepting his calls — they had already been shut down. His biggest concern was Brenda. He wondered when she would deliver the talisman. He had to have it by noon. He hadn’t heard from her or the old man. Calls to both cell phones went right to voicemail. He wasn’t too worried though. He had lots to do and so did they.

  The Effort people in Chicago told him all was ready. They told him the letters had been delivered to the post office and there were one hundred men armed with sprayers who would hit the home centers as soon as the sun came up. He shook with excitement. The killings would start on time. That would be in about three hours. He didn’t know Marlene was able to delay mail delivery in Chicago for that day.

  He had recently received some disturbing news. China and N. Korea were deploying their Navies and massing their armies. This usually meant an invasion was possible. He knew America was very unstable right now, but he intended to make it strong again. It would happen today. Then he would sink the Asian fleet by that afternoon. He also decided he needed to order Carl Catfish to develop nanobots to kill Asians too.

  His private cell phone beeped. He checked the message, it was from Brenda. It said, “I’ve got a gift for you. I’ll be there by noon, tootles.”

  A smile came to his face. He leaned back in his chair, put his feet on the table and closed his eyes. Nothing can stop me now, he thought.

  Part Ten

  The Next Day

  Chapter Eighty-Five


  t was a little after three o’clock in the morning when Bart and the assault team finally got back to the Dewey & Beatem offices in Las Vegas. Bart thanked them for their help. He told everyone to take the day off and promised to get them paid as soon as possible. He and Steve then bunked down on the couches in the conference room.


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