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A Leap of Faith

Page 11

by T Gephart

  He teased down my lower lip with his thumb, “I love it when you talk dirty.”

  I slithered down his body as he pushed himself up onto his elbows. I let my tongue swirl trails down his lower abs, his body reacting to my hot touch. His astonishingly clear eyes were locked on me as he watched me move lower, taking his length into my mouth.

  “Ahhhhhhhh. Fuck!” His head slid backwards and his eyes closed as I took him further down my throat. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, my hands firmly moving up and down the shaft. His breaths became shorter and more ragged as he hardened further in my mouth.

  “Oh my God, Lexi,” he panted. He pulled his body up the bed so he was resting against the headboard so that he could get a better view of what I was doing to him. My eyes stayed focused on him as he struggled to control his reaction, his pulse racing as he watched me pleasuring him.

  “Ahhhhh Baby. God... Baby.” He grabbed the sheets either side of his legs as his whole body flexed, every muscle clearly defined like he had been carved from stone.

  He groaned as he pulled lightly on my hair, tilting my head back as I released him, his length sliding out of my mouth.

  “I want to come inside of you,” he moaned, his eyes still clasped shut as he drew in staggered breaths.

  He moved on top of me, laying me down. His rock hard cock pressed against my thigh as he took my breast into his mouth, gently biting my nipple. I gasped as he moved to the other one, his hand replacing where his mouth had previously been.

  “Alex!” I moaned, as his kissed his way down my stomach.

  His trail of kisses sent shivers through my body, the dull ache in my groin growing more unbearable. He gently parted my legs, kissing across my thighs till he got to my wet, silken folds. He hesitated, biting gently around the apex of my thigh, the sensation almost driving me insane.

  “Oh my God you are a fucking tease!” I screamed, my body overwhelmed with need and desire.

  He trust his tongue deep into me, causing me to draw a sharp breath before he slid it out and then just as forcefully pushed it back in.

  “Ahhhhhhhh!” I arched my back as I lifted my hips closer to his mouth.

  His tongue swirled and curled all over me, exploring every fold and crevice. It was amazing and maddening at the same time. Every inch of my skin tingled, the heat rising through my core, sending me gasping and moaning incoherently.

  Just when I thought I could no longer stand it, he stopped, moving his mouth back up my body again. His hands firmly fixed on my ass as he pulled me closer.

  He positioned himself above me, his eyes half open as he slowly slid into me. The intensity of the moment caused me to cry out, hugging his chest closer. I felt the definition of his muscles as I clawed at him, rocking my hips up against his, trying to control the rhythm. His fingers bit into my hips in an attempt to slow me.

  “Lexi” he moaned, “You’re fucking driving me crazy doing that.”

  “Alex, I can’t stop... I need to feel you... please don’t stop!” I struggled to speak as I watched his jaw clench.

  “Baby. Lexi.....Baby.” His clear eyes focused on mine.

  My body tensed as he pushed deep and further inside of me, I rocked against him harder and faster, desperate for release.

  I tensed around him again, unable to hold on any longer as my whole body shook with my climax.

  “Oh baby, I feel you coming. Oh my God. I need to come.” Alex groaned as his thrusts became more desperate, unable to stop. My breath hitched as I felt him explode inside of me, spiralling me deeper into my own oblivion. My whole body shook as I felt him empty inside of me. My limbs were numb and tingling as I hugged his body against mine.

  Breathless he rolled off me, pulling me into his side. His body glistened with sweat and his torso rose and fall as he struggled to regain his breath. “Well… Hello Sweden,” he breathed. “That was amazing, you are amazing.”

  “I would say Stockholm is up there as one of my favourite cities now.” I murmured into his chest.

  “Mine, too. Along with London, Paris, Dublin, Barcelona, Rome, New York, Melbourne as well as anywhere else we’ve been.” Alex hooked his leg around mine.

  “After this tour is done, I want to go home for a while.” I turned on my side to face him.

  Alex froze as the smile slipped from his face. “Home? You mean Melbourne?”

  “Yes, Melbourne. I want to see my friends, I miss them. I need to go back, just for a little while.” I watched as he tried to understand what I was saying.

  “Of course you miss them, I’m sure it’s been hard. You should go back for a visit.” He swallowed as he laid his head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Hey, I want you to come with me.” I gently shook him, realizing what he must have thought when I said I wanted to leave.

  “You want me to go with you?” His voice was hopeful as he swept my hair behind my ear.

  “Yes, I want you to come. I want my friends to get to know you... properly. I don’t want it to be like last time we were there.”

  I tried to push the last memories I had of Alex in Melbourne into the back of my mind. Our fight in my apartment, my inability to commit and finally letting him go. To wipe that memory, I needed to build a new one. I wanted him to meet my friends as the man that I loved, not just the guy I worked for.

  “Can we do something when we are there, for me?” Alex’s clear blue eyes scanned my face as he waited for my reaction.

  “What did you want to do?” My imagination starting running wild with possibilities.

  “Can I meet your family?”

  “No!” My response was instinctive. I did not want to even consider it.

  “Lexi, I know you aren’t close to them but I think it’s important. Look I just want to meet your parents, see where you grew up…” Alex sat up in bed, turning on the light.

  “No. Trust me, nothing good can come of it. My parents are two fucking morons who were dumb enough to have sex without contraception and then wonder why the fuck they got pregnant. My brother is an arrogant, conceited asshole who despite having a successful career and family still believes it’s not enough. Those people are not who I am. They are not important.”

  I wanted to shut this down. I did not want this tainted by them. Why? So he could see how fucked up I really was? No!

  “Lexi, please. I think it’s important. I think it will help me understand...” Alex ran his hands through his hair.

  “Alex, I love you. I have never felt this way about anyone in my life. These people may share my last name but they are not my family. Matt, Emma... my friends... you, the band... That’s my family.”

  I watched as he struggled to grasp what I was saying. He didn’t understand. His family were amazing. Maybe he needed to see it, their indifference, to experience it first hand so we could finally put this to rest.

  I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. FUCK!! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

  “Fine, we go see them. You will get to see what a bunch of Fuck-Wits they are and then we leave!”

  Alex moved closer, his mouth teasing my lips as he kissed me. “Thank you, it means a lot to me.”

  “Yeah well don’t thank me yet!” I waved him off. “Why couldn’t you have just asked for something simple, like set my piece of shit car on fire?”

  Alex threw his head back, as he laughed, “I completely forgot about your car! What did you do with it?”

  “Well, I have another 6 months left on my lease on my apartment so it’s parked there. Emma goes and drives it around from time to time. I guess I should probably sell it?”

  I hadn’t really given it much thought. I should probably clear out the rest of the furniture in my apartment too. Originally I had held on to it while Matt was staying there, and it had also given me a safe “out”. If things hadn’t worked out with the band, then at least I could’ve gone back, but now so much had changed I knew there was no need for an exit strategy.

  “You think anyon
e would pay money for it?” Alex winced.

  “Sure, I’ll tell everyone I fucked you in it! I’ll make a killing on eBay.” I laughed.

  “You wouldn’t!” Alex grabbed my chin as he drew me in closer, biting my lip.

  “You so sure?” I winked.

  “Well if you are going to be making such claims, you should at the very least not be advertising it falsely. You have more integrity than that.” Alex’s eyes gleamed.

  “You want to legitimize my claim? Keep my integrity intact?” I smiled.

  “I think it would be the responsible thing to do.” Alex circled his hands around my waist.

  “Just so we’re clear, I’m going to totally screw your brains out in my piece of shit car.” I moaned in his ear.

  A slow smile crept across Alex’s lips.

  “Just so we’re clear, any time...anywhere.”

  Chapter 11 – Coast to Coast

  “Is someone going to wake Dan?” Jason poked Dan’s side.

  “Nah, let’s just get them to put him with the luggage and we’ll pick him up at baggage claim,” joked Troy as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

  “I’ll wake him.” I huffed as I removed my lap belt.

  “Hopefully not the same way you wake me.” A sly smile crossed Alex’s lips as I passed in front of his seat. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I crossed into the next aisle.

  Dan was firmly strapped in, his head tilted back against the headrest, his mouth slightly ajar as he snored softly. His face was devoid of emotion as he slept, blissfully unaware that we had touched down at LAX.

  As with every flight, Dan had self-medicated to ease his anxiety for a seemingly irrational fear of flying. I sat in the seat beside him, which had recently been vacated by Troy and softly shook him.

  “Dan, we’ve landed. It’s time to wake up”

  “Mmmmmmmm,” he mumbled incoherently.

  “Dan, we are in LA. It’s time to get off the plane.” I tried again to rouse him.

  “Hmmmm Mmmmm” Dan garbled.

  “How many did he take?” I shook Dan with a little more force as James came over to inspect. James shrugged as he watched me get out of my seat and kneel on the floor in front of Dan. I took both his shoulders in my hands firmly and shook him violently.

  “Dan! Come on!”

  A slit of an eye opened as Dan slowly regained consciousness. His head dropped forward as he slowly opened his eyes, the harshness of the overhead cabin lights causing him to squint.

  “Dan!” I reached up and grabbed his chin.

  “Lexi?” Dan croaked, rubbing his eyes as he tried to clear his throat.

  “Yes, it’s Lexi. You need to get up.” I reached into his lap and unhooked his seat belt.

  Dan’s eyes seemed to gain more clarity as he tried to focus on me.

  “Holy shit, am I dreaming?” He smiled as he looked at me on the floor.

  “Take a good look Dan, cause this is the one and only time you are going to see me on my knees in between your legs.” I smiled.

  Dan fumbled for his phone, “Hold on, I need to Instagram this shit.” Alex gently chuckled as he helped me to my feet.

  “Dude, you couldn’t have waited five minutes?” Protested Dan as his iPhone sprang to life.

  “Fart-Knocker, you think anyone is going to believe Lexi blew YOU, when she is shacked up with HIM?” Troy smacked Dan across the head.

  Dan pouted as he raised himself from his seat. Jason and Troy were both still giggling as they made their way to the jet bridge.

  James turned on his phone to text Hannah as he strode out behind them, glad to finally be back on US soil and only half a continent away from her.

  Alex pressed against my back, his hot breath tickling my neck. “Dan’s going to be having dirty dreams about you for a month.”

  “You mean he isn’t already? I’m disappointed!” I pushed back against him.

  A soft laugh escaped Alex’s lips as he followed me out the plane.

  We passed through customs and immigration quickly, the process for the band made a whole of a lot simpler by being citizens. I flashed my Australian passport in my own line, my working visa stamp and newfound celebrity status also giving me a smooth process.

  Our four-man security team headed out in front as we strolled through the International arrivals area. As always, fans and paparazzi were waiting, the familiar gathering a welcome change from the out of control, fevered crowds of Europe.

  My phone vibrated as we were herded into the waiting cars.

  - Landed at JFK, on my way to your apartment. We in same country code yet? Matt xo

  - At LAX, have I ever mentioned how much I hate LA? Taylah has keys and will let you in. Watch out for the Crazy Cat woman in 3C! She’s very touchy/feely :-P Lexi xxx

  - Touchy/Feely? Isn’t that the standard Reed greeting or is that just reserved for me? Just wondering if “no pants” clause is still in play? :-) xo

  - “Guidelines” are as previously agreed :-) I’ll call you in the morning. L xxx

  “Good news?” Alex asked, my smile still lingering as I pulled my eyes away from my phone.

  “Yes, Matt’s arrived. Things can only get easier from here on in!” I slid my phone into my bag.

  Alex’s mouth twisted into his amazing half smile, “I like this development. It means more time for us.”

  I snuggled closer into his side as the car slowly drove down the ramp away from the Airport. It was the tail end of May and despite arriving late in the evening, the weather was still warm. I pressed my head against Alex’s chest as the cars zoomed by us, letting my mind wander.

  James’ phone chimed as he received another incoming message from Hannah. While she had been enjoying a complication-free pregnancy, she was glad that James was finally closer to home as she entered her final month.

  The relief was evident on his face as he busily messaged her back, flipping his phone over to proudly show me Hannah’s latest “Belly Shot.” “Can you believe that I’m going to be a Dad next month?” His face beamed as I returned his phone.

  “You’re going to be Amazing!”

  Alex squeezed my hand as he raised it to his lips. I knew what he was thinking. I knew his desire to have a family was only heightened by the impending arrival of Baby Bowden. True to his word, he hadn’t mentioned it again, giving me space to process my own thoughts but I knew that I would have to make a decision sometime.

  “Any word from her Obstetrician on if the baby might come early?”

  “Nah, She seems to still be some time away. Her due date is still marked as June 23rd but they say it’s hard to predict, especially for a first.” James lovingly stroked the latest sonogram photo saved as the screen lock on his phone.

  “We’ll be home by the 14th.” I assured him, knowing that even if Hannah was to go into labour now at most he was only a 5 hour flight away.

  “Yeah, I know. I just miss her. I miss being there.” James brought his fingers to his forehead, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  Emotion washed over me as I thought back to the countless times I had seen Power Station tour in the past. I had never cared about what they gave up to take their show on the road so we, the audience, could have our fill. The families, the friends they left behind - they were almost sub-human. It just never occurred to me what a sacrifice it was. Their loss of anonymity, the push and pull of public life.

  Yeah I know- Don’t feel sorry for the Rock Stars, their lives are fucking amazing and if all they have to do is travel and play like trained monkeys then they really shouldn’t be bitching and moaning. I used to be one of those people, feeling entitled to their time -how quickly my attitude had changed, now I was immersed in it.


  I wasn’t a fan of Los Angeles. This attitude had accumulated from my first ever trip overseas. Rather than take the traditional boozy trip with my friends to “Schoolies”, an Australian rite of passage for post-graduation high school kids, similar to the American “Spring Br
eak” I decided not to follow a trend and opted to take an adventure by myself to Hollywood. Eighteen years old, naive and with no real life experience, I hopped aboard a Qantas flight bound directly for Los Angeles.

  How rude an awakening it had been for me. Having limited funds, I stayed in a “questionable” part of town, which saw me narrowly miss a drive-by shooting at a Jack-in-the-box. The large expanse of concrete and pollution made up the majority of the landscape and with no real interest in the theme parks; my first impression of the city was that of a functional mess with no redeeming features. The food was bad, you couldn’t walk anywhere and it seemed everyone was either a tourist or a wannabe “something”. I know I probably was skewed by my own unrealistic expectations but it left a bitter taste in my mouth and though I have returned numerous times I liken it to a bowel movement, a means to an end, necessary but don’t expect a postcard.

  It was nothing like New York with its vibrancy of the people, the architecture, the museums, the restaurants, the atmosphere. It was a city that seemed REAL. I loved it, it stoked my soul, my heart and my creativity.

  “Ugggghhhh” the sound escaped me unintentionally.

  “What?” Alex questioned looking up from his iPhone.

  I pointed out the window, “I hate LA. It reminds me of a girl you used to date, fake and full of shit.” I was inwardly amused by my analogy.

  “Lexi, LA is not that bad,” laughed James.

  Alex shook his head. “Firstly, lets agree to not waste anymore of our time discussing anyone I used to date, especially Marcy. Secondly, any city that has you in it, I am instantly a fan of.” A cheeky smile flirted on his lips.

  He was right, we were together so the geographic location shouldn’t matter. Besides, this wasn’t where we were going to set up roots.

  “Ughhhhh, I’ll just suck it up I guess.” My lips curved in amusement.

  Alex groaned, “I have something else I’d rather you suck.”

  “Hey! RIGHT HERE GUYS!!! I’m right here.” James quipped. “Can you keep your hands off each other until you reach the hotel? I know it’s a challenge but I’d rather not have to give a play by play to Dan later.”


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