Breaking Point [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Breaking Point [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Susan Hayes

  “Forget it, querida. I like having you in my arms, so quit asking. I’ll put you down when we’re at the car.” Diego scanned the lot. “Did you drive, or did Simon?”

  “Simon did, since he knew the way and I didn’t.” Diego made a disgruntled noise and held her higher against his chest and Lexa rolled her eyes at him in response.

  “You have nothing to be jealous of, Dig. After all, I left him to come out with you didn’t I? What does that tell you?”

  “That you have good taste.” He gave her a smile that made her heart race a little faster. “And speaking of taste, what do you want for dinner? My parent’s place makes awesome burgers, or a good pizza. We can just call and have them rush an order.”

  “Your parents? I thought your dad worked with Beau’s dads? Oh, and I’ll take a burger with everything but the kitchen sink, please.”

  “One of my dads works at the garage, and about fifteen years ago, once the twins were born, my mom and my other dad opened up the Kraken’s Cave.”

  “Was that why you two were there the other night?” The question was out of her mouth before her filter could kick in and she felt the weight of both their stares as she realized she’d just confessed to seeing them.

  “You saw us?” both of them said with one voice.

  “Um, yes? But you didn’t stay very long. By the time I realized who you were and summoned up the nerve to even think about saying hello, you’d both disappeared.” Another element of that night came back to her and she frowned up at Diego. “Hang on a second. The waitress kept smiling at me like she knew me, and she sorta looks like you…only prettier. Family of yours, Dig?”

  “Maria,” he sighed the name and instantly Lexa’s mind conjured up the image of a little girl with pigtails, barely able to toddle around after her big brother.

  “Maria, as in your baby sister? Shit, now I feel old.” Lexa groaned and closed her eyes. “So that’s why she kept looking at me funny.”

  “She called me and told us to come down there because there was someone we needed to see. But then we uh, needed to leave before we ended up witnesses to our boss getting into it with the woman he’s seeing.”

  “Wait a second. Your boss is the big jerk who came and hauled Trinity out of the bar that night? He ruined our girl’s night out!”

  “Oh fuck, that was your group?” Beau groaned. “Sometimes this island seems too damned small. How did you meet up with Jackson’s girl? She hasn’t been here much longer than you have.”

  “Speaking of which, how long have you been back?” Diego asked as Beau opened the door on a late model truck and Diego lifted her straight onto the bench seat before climbing in right behind her.

  “I got here less than a week ago. I still don’t know my way around the island, and apart from Trinity and a few other women, I really haven’t met anyone except Simon and Sam.”

  She waited until Beau opened the driver’s side door to answer his question. “Trinity came in on a rental boat while Simon was showing me around. The guys she was with had pissed her right off and she helped me get away from Simon, and we decided we both needed a drink. We were having a good time, too, until that big lug came and interrupted. I bet she tore his head off for it. That is one woman I would not want mad at me.”

  “As a general rule, it’s never wise to get any woman mad at you.” Diego grinned and leaned over to belt her into the center part of the seat. “At least not unless you have a running start.”

  “Is that the voice of experience talking?” Lexa asked, cocking her brow at Diego. He didn’t reply, instead he just slid an arm around her shoulders and drew her back against the broad expanse of his chest and then drew out a cell phone.

  “Two of the usual and one burger with everything?” he asked aloud and Beau nodded.

  “Sounds good. Tell them we’ll be there in twenty-five minutes or so.”

  The ride back had been oddly silent and Lexa knew it was because all three of them were thinking about what was going to happen once they got behind closed doors. At least that’s what was foremost in her mind. Her body was almost humming with need by the time they pulled up to the house, and she was gratified she wasn’t the only one in a hurry to get out of the truck.

  Both men had their seat belts off and their doors open before the engine was off, and within seconds they were all on the porch, her two men pressing up against her with almost feral urgency as she tried to unlock the door. Her hands were shaking and it took three tries for her to get the key in the lock, but she finally managed it and all three of them surged through the door in a tangle of limbs, take-out containers, and bags.

  “Screw dinner, I want dessert first,” Diego said, already tugging his tie over his head and tossing aside. “C’mere, dessert.” He gave her a playful leer and dropped the rest of what he was carrying in a haphazard pile at his feet as he reached for her and hauled her into his arms. His mouth slanted over hers, possessive and heated as his hands molded themselves to her ass. He ground the hard length of his cock against her stomach and Lexa’s entire being went up in flames.

  She grabbed the lapel of Diego’s shirt and tugged, feeling the satisfying pop-pop-pop as buttons flew off and skittered across the hardwood floor.

  “Now that is fucking hot,” Beau said, his voice thick with lust. She felt the heat of him coming up behind her and then his hard body was grinding against hers, sandwiching her between her two amazing lovers. Well, not her lovers yet, but they would be very soon. Hands touched her everywhere and then her dress was being drawn up her body.

  Diego broke their kiss and she had to lift her arms so they didn’t tangle in the fabric as it was lifted over her head and tossed away. She had no idea where it landed because strong hands landed on her hips and turned her around, and then Beau’s lips touched hers and sparks shimmered and danced across her skin and she couldn’t see anything but the sparkling depths of his aqua-blue eyes.

  Her fingers found his tie and tugged at it until the knot loosened and she could reach the buttons of his shirt. Again she tugged at it, laughing as she managed to tear away more buttons as their lips mated and their tongues danced. Diego came up behind her, his fingers brushing across the bare skin of her back as he undid the clasp of her bra and smoothed it down her shoulders and arms, leaving her breasts hanging free.

  At some point, Diego had gotten his shirt the rest of the way off because she could feel the heat of his skin pressing against hers as he began feathering a trail of kisses down her neck to her shoulder.

  “We should go upstairs.” Lexa managed to grab hold of a single lucid thought and cling to it.

  “Too far away,” Diego murmured and stroked a hand over her ass. “And you’re still wearing too many clothes.”

  Beau tore his lips from hers with a ragged groan. “Sofa?” he asked, his fingers already busy toying with Lexa’s aching nipples.

  “Better. Chair,” Diego said and Beau turned his head. A moment later a low groan rumbled up from his chest.


  “Got what we need?” Diego asked and started sliding Lexa’s panties down her legs, dropping to his knees to get them down to her ankles.

  “My bag,” Beau lifted a hand from her breast to point to something behind her and then his mouth was on hers again, devouring her with the hunger of a man starved past rational thought.

  The heat of Diego’s body faded as he left them, and she mewled softly in protest as the cooler air of the air conditioned room sent a wave of goose bumps chasing over her skin.

  “Trust us, cher. We’re going to take such good care of you,” Beau whispered against her lips and then released her mouth so he could look down at her. “So fucking gorgeous. Damn woman, I really wish you’d come back home sooner.”

  He skimmed a fingertip along the curve her breast and flicked her hardened nipple. “I’m going to play with your tits for hours. They are just…fuck. You have me so hard right now I can barely think.”

  “Or speak in complete s
entences.” Diego’s mocking comment came drifting back from somewhere behind her and she couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Now she’s laughing at me! What the hell, man?”

  “If she’s laughing, you’re clearly not doing it right. Do you need a lesson?” Diego asked and then his voice dropped to a low rumble. “Bring her over here.”

  “Now you’re gonna get it,” Beau whispered and then turned her so she was looking into the living room. Diego had stripped naked and was standing by one end of the couch with his entire body on display, and Lexa drank him in like cool water on a hot day. Heat surged through her body and her pussy was instantly flooded as she let her gaze linger on the long, thick cock that rose up to lie almost flush to his well-defined abs.

  Yummy. The thought rose up unbidden and Lexa had to agree with her inner voice. Diego looked good enough to eat. Following on the heels of that thought, a darker one filled her head and Lexa’s hands strayed to her breasts, covering herself. She really was out of their league. On an island full of bikini clad women with big bank accounts and legs up to their necks, what in hell were they doing here with her?

  “What do you mean, why are we here with you?” Diego stared at her, the beginnings of a frown clouding his features and Lexa wanted to scream and run as she realized she’d said that last bit out loud. I need a take back button.

  “And now you’re really going to get it,” Beau said and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her hands away from her breasts. “Please don’t cover yourself up, sweetling. You’re beautiful and sexy and we would rather be here with you than anywhere else in creation.”

  Diego covered the distance between them in a few strides and cupped her chin in one large hand. He tipped her head up so she had to look at him and she could see the storm gathering in his eyes as their gazes met. “You have no idea, do you?” he asked and ran his free hand from her shoulder downward, following every dip and curve of her body from her breasts to her thighs. “You have no idea the power you have over us right now. Beau’s right, this is exactly where we want to be, and you are exactly who we want to be with. Whatever else you might not be sure of right now, you can be sure of that.”

  Diego stroked his thumb over her lower lip and smiled, and it was as if the sun came out from behind the clouds and the storm in his eyes vanished. “Now, will you let us see you? All of you, querida. Show us how beautiful you are.”

  Chapter 10

  Beau felt Lexa shiver and then her body relaxed and she leaned back into his arms. Her moment of doubt had surprised him. The girl he’d known before had been fearless and brazen, charging in even when angels would have taken a moment to consider their options, and the woman they’d seen tonight had seemed confident as all hell until that second. Beau knew that he’d do anything not to hear that note of uncertainty in Lexa’s voice again.

  “Why couldn’t you two still be scrawny and awkward, or at the very least average looking?” Lexa grumbled and Beau had to laugh at her disgruntled tone.

  “Is that your back-assward way of saying you think we’re good looking?” he teased.

  “Did you just fish for a compliment, Mr. Rivers?” Lexa tipped her head up and over so she could peer at him. “Of course I think you’re good looking. Smoking hot hotties from hotsville.” She stuck out her tongue. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “I think she’s avoiding my question.” Diego shook his head and moved his hands again. Lexa went still and then nodded, and Beau realized she’d just given his partner permission to finish undressing her. Beau’s breath caught as he watched Diego sink to his knees at Lexa’s feet and slowly tug her silk and lace panties down her legs. When they were pooled at her feet, she stepped out of them and Diego breathed out a reverential sigh as he moved them clear of her feet.

  “Chair. Now” was all he said before rising to his feet and almost jogging back to the living room.

  “Now who’s lost the ability to form complete sentences?” Beau sniggered and released his hold on Lexa’s wrists so she could follow Diego. As she stepped away from him, Beau realized that he was now the only one still dressed. How the hell had he fallen behind?

  By the time he had taken his shirt off and shed his slacks, Diego had their girl on her knees in one of the armchairs, her knees braced against the sides, and her elbows resting on the low and thickly padded back of the chair. The way she was positioned her luscious tits were on display, spilling over the chair’s back, her berry-red nipples already hardening to perky buds.

  Black hair contrasted with her soft, creamy skin and he could see just a glimpse of dark hair between her thighs, below the soft curves of her ass. Heat slammed into him and Beau had to rein in the urge to rush. This wasn’t just any lay, this was Lexa, and there was no way either of them was going to fuck this up by moving too fast.

  Instead he forced himself to move slowly, circling the chair until he was standing facing their beautiful woman. Leaning down, he slanted a kiss over her sweet mouth as his hands found her breasts, thumbs sweeping over both nipples in a slow, circular caress. Diego’s eyes met his and he nodded once. As much as Beau ached to be inside Lexa, he knew Diego needed it more. Needed to taste her and take her and prove to himself she was real and back in their lives.

  “Did you see her tattoo?” Diego’s query interrupted Beau’s thoughts and he leaned over to look at what Diego was pointing to. “Our girl’s got ink.”

  Beau spotted the tattoo and grinned. “A fox? Now that’s cute. And in such a biteable spot too. I’m going to have to take a good, long look at that later.”

  Lexa looked slightly abashed. “I don’t actually remember getting it. I do know there was a lot of liquor involved, and a bet of some kind, and then the next morning I woke up with a very tender butt…and that.”

  “I think it suits you.” Diego stroked a finger over the cartoonlike figure and then swatted her ass playfully. “If you ever want another one, there’s a guy in town that does great work.”

  “Nope. One was more than enough for me. Never again.”

  Beau leaned in close and winked at her. “Never say never, sweetling,” he whispered and then kissed her, letting his eyes close as he got lost in the kiss, savoring the sweetness of her lips and the way she moaned into his mouth. There had been other lovers before Lexa, but they’d all been nothing more than a chance to hone their skills so that this time, when it mattered most, they could make love to Lexa the way she deserved and show her just how good it could be.

  Beau finally broke the kiss and stood over her, grinning as he watched her eyes slowly open and run up the length of his body until she finally met his gaze. “Feel like getting messy, cher?”

  “Mhmm.” Her answer made him grin wider, because he knew Diego was the reason she was humming with pleasure. The soft sounds of Diego’s mouth devouring her cunt filled the air, and Lexa’s fingers were kneading the upholstery in time to the rocking of her hips.

  “Don’t move,” Beau waggled a finger at her and was rewarded with a smirk.

  “Not even if the house was on fire,” she mumbled.

  Giving her breast one last delicate pinch, Beau stepped away and grabbed what they’d need from his gym bag. The condoms he left on the floor beside Diego, while the sport massage oil at the bottom of his bag would work perfectly for what he had in mind.

  * * * *

  Every cell in Lexa’s body was humming with need and she could barely draw air into her lungs before it was being expelled again on another moan or cry. Diego’s mouth was merciless, nibbling and lapping at her clit until she was just on the verge of coming and then he’d ease back again, leaving her trembling and craving more. More of his talented tongue, more of his callused fingers that parted her labia and then teased the swollen flesh around her clit without ever giving her enough contact to let her come.

  When Beau walked back into her line of sight, Lexa nearly came on the spot as just the vision of his lean body and sexy smile made her inner walls pulse and clench. He wa
s wearing nothing apart from the silver chain with the glass dolphin she’d given him, his cock standing erect, the tip already gleaming with pre-cum. In one hand he was holding a bottle of some kind, and as he opened it, the scent of lavender and mint filled the air.

  “Massage oil,” Beau explained. “I want to rub this all over those gorgeous breasts of yours and then slide my cock between them.” His voice was rough and low and she could see the lust gleaming in his eyes as he stood in front of her. “Will you let me do that?”

  “Yes. Hell yes.” She knew she sounded too eager, but what was the point in denying it. She wanted this. Wanted them to do anything and everything they could think of.

  Diego rumbled his approval and the vibrations against the folds of her pussy pushed her closer to the edge.

  “He’s going to make you come soon isn’t he? You’re going to come and then he’s going to fuck you while I watch.” Beau kept talking as he poured a small amount of oil onto his hands and then smoothed them over her breasts. The oil was cool and the calluses on his fingertips were rough against her skin, the contrast making every touch even more exquisite.

  Beau stepped in close and slid the tip of his cock between the globes of her breasts. He groaned as the engorged head vanished into the oil-slicked valley, his thumbs starting to flick over her nipples as he rocked his hips back and then thrust deeper. She leaned forward as much as she could, offering herself to Beau even as Diego moved in closer behind her and began sucking hard on her clit. The sensations of having two men touch her at the same time were having a cataclysmic effect, and soon Lexa was caught in a subtle tug of war as each man pushed her a little higher up the scales of pleasure. She rocked back and then forward, needing both of them. Beau squeezed her breasts closer together and she dropped her head to her chest so that on his next thrust she could swirl her tongue around his glans. Beau shuddered and threw his head back, his words coming out on a hiss of breath. “Fuck yes, just like that!”


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