Breaking Point [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Breaking Point [Sunset Point] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Susan Hayes

  Lexa opened her mouth to say something but all that came out was a keening wail as Diego slid two fingers into her cunt and started to fuck her hard. His teeth held her clit in place as he lashed and laved it with his tongue and an orgasm started to shimmer and grow deep in Lexa’s womb.

  Both men growled and started moving faster, Diego’s fingers working her pussy with the same tempo as Beau’s thrusts. Lexa felt as if she was being unraveled from the inside out as heat and pleasure washed through her and she came on a cry with the taste of lavender in her mouth as she sucked Beau’s cock in as far as she could and hung onto the chair as the world went gray and then shattered into crystalline bliss.

  She came back to her senses slowly, her entire body tingling and her head resting on her arms. “Damn man, you broke her.” Beau’s voice was rife with laughter and she could hear him chuckle again as he nuzzled her hair. “Come back to us, sweetling. We’re not even close to done with you yet.”

  “Not broken, just floating,” Lexa murmured before opening her eyes and turning her head to smile at Diego. “You can try to break me again any time you like, Dig.”

  The slow, sensual smile that curved over his lips made Lexa’s stomach swoop and her heart stutter. “As our lady wishes.”

  “You know, I think maybe there’s something to this ours thing. I need to do more research to be sure though.”

  “Research?” Both men laughed and Diego swatted her ass just hard enough to sting. “This is not research, querida. This is destiny.”

  Before she could say anything in response, Diego stood and she finally noticed that his thick cock was already sheathed in a condom. Without another word he stepped up behind her and pressed an openmouthed kiss to her shoulder blade. The head of his cock pressed against her slick entrance and she pushed back, already craving another release.

  Beau’s oil slicked hand touched her cheek and drew her head around so she was facing him again and then he kissed her. His tongue invaded her mouth just as Diego surged into her, the double penetration of mouth and pussy making her moan as lust filled her veins with molten gold.

  Diego’s cock was so thick her body had to stretch to accommodate all of him and as he buried himself to the hilt inside her the line between pleasure and pain blurred and then blended into one glorious sensation. Diego held himself in check until she relaxed, his hands stroking her hips and ass until her body had adjusted. Then his grip tightened and he started to move. His thrusts were short and shallow at first but when she squirmed in protest he drew out each pass until he was giving himself to her completely. His cock stroked over nerve endings deep in her pussy and sending sparks dancing through her body as her honey coated his dick and drenched her thighs.

  “So. Fucking. Perfect.” Diego grunted each word between thrusts, his voice thick with lust.

  Beau’s mouth left hers with one last flick of his tongue against her lips. “Yes, she is.” He gave her a wicked grin and then fisted his cock right in front of her, letting her watch. The sight of him indulging himself sent curls of flame licking down Lexa’s spine and her mouth began to water. She lifted her head from her arms and reached for him, wrapping her smaller hand around the head of his dick and tugging him in closer.

  Close enough she could reach him with her mouth and tongue. The taste of lavender filled her senses, along with a hint of peppermint and the deep musk of an aroused male and she couldn’t think of anything that had ever smelled or tasted better. Beau let her take over, resting his hands on her head as she drew him deep and started to pump his shaft with one hand as she worked the tip with her mouth. She swiped her tongue over the slit. She felt more than heard his groan as he bucked his hips against her face, pushing his dick deeper into the heat of her mouth.

  “Is her mouth as sweet as her pussy?” Diego’s rough-edged words sent a thrill through Lexa.

  “Not sweet, hot. So damned hot she’s burning me—God.” Beau’s answer was cut off as she moved her free hand to cup his balls, rubbing them against each other as she sucked hard on his cock.

  “Looks like I better hurry this up or she’s going to have you coming before she’s ready to go again.” Diego pulled back and then drove himself in hard, their bodies meeting with a soft slap before he pulled out and did it again, setting a relentless pace that had her toes curling and her arms braced against the power of his thrusts.

  Her soft moans and gasps were all transmitted straight to Beau’s cock, and he started rocking his hips faster, sliding his in and out of her mouth. She wrapped her lips around Beau’s shaft and let her tongue stroke and flirt with every inch of his cock, and in response he groaned and tangled his shaking fingers into her hair.

  “I’m close, cher. If you don’t want to…” Beau’s warning only made Lexa suck harder and she rolled his balls in her hand again, loving the way they drew up against his body as his orgasm hit.

  Feeling Beau’s control break was the final straw for Lexa and she opened herself completely to both her lovers, dropping every barrier and letting go of every fear. As Beau painted the back of her throat with his cum, she felt Diego’s cock swell and the added stimulation sent her hurtling over the edge and into another release. Half wild and more than a little out of control, she took everything both men gave to her and let herself get lost in the surge of pleasure that overtook her.

  Behind her Diego pushed in one last time and then yelled in triumph as her body clamped around his cock and brought him over to join them in ecstasy.

  Beau moved first, easing himself out of her mouth before leaning over and resting his head on her shoulder. His breath was sawing in and out of his lungs and he took a moment before speaking. “I think the earth moved for me that time.”

  “Forget the earth, I think we just died and went to heaven,” Diego muttered, his breath warm as it fanned over her skin. His forehead was pressed to her back and he was breathing just as hard as Beau.

  “After the life I’ve lived, this can’t be heaven,” Lexa announced. She didn’t have the strength or the will to move at all, so she stayed just where she was and waited for her legs to stop trembling.

  Beau pressed a kiss to her shoulder and then stood up slowly. “I think we all need to adjourn to the shower. I seem to have gotten our angel all oily.”

  Lexa glanced down and laughed. Her breasts and chest were gleaming with the leftover oil and she could still taste the delicate blend of lavender and mint on her lips. “You did say it was going to get messy.”

  “There’s too much talking going on,” Diego grumbled and withdrew from her body before swatting her on the ass so that just his fingertips connected. “If we had done that right, you should still be remembering how to speak. So show us where the shower is and we’ll just have to do it again and again until we get it right.”

  “Again and again, huh? That’s adorable, but we all know that’s not going to happen. One more round and you two will both be out cold until morning,” Lexa challenged them and started to get up and then squeaked as she found herself scooped into Diego’s arms.

  “I think she just tossed down the gauntlet. What say you and I show her just how far off the mark she is?” Diego’s eyes met Beau’s and Lexa suddenly wondered what she had gotten herself into.

  “Oh, we’re going to show her again, and again, and again,” Beau said from somewhere behind her. “It’s been a few years, but I’m pretty sure the master suite was across the hall from Lexa’s room. Give me a moment to grab what we need and I’ll meet you up there.”

  “Be quick or I might just start without you,” Diego called back, already carrying Lexa toward the stairs.

  Shit. They thought she was sleeping in the master suite. The truth was Lexa hadn’t moved into her parent’s room yet. She was still sleeping in her old bedroom, but there was no way the three of them were going to fit on her single bed…She thought for a moment and then decided to come clean. “I should probably confess, I haven’t been sleeping in there. Hell, I’ve barely been in there at a
ll except to grab the last bits of Dad’s things. I have no idea what condition the master bath is in either.”

  Diego glanced down at her, his dark eyes filling with concern. “Where have you been sleeping, querida? This is your home now. You should have the master bedroom.”

  “This hasn’t been my home in a very long time,” she reminded him. “I spent the first night on the couch, and since then I’ve been sleeping in my old bedroom. Dad never touched it in all these years, and I thought maybe it would help me remember my life here.”

  He paused at the top of the stairs and gave her an intent look. “Do you want us to help you claim that room for you tonight? We could make it ours and fill it with new memories.”

  Lexa hesitated. Was that what she wanted? A new start? Was she really planning on staying here? A week ago the answer would have been no. Now though, now she wasn’t sure what her plans were. “I’m not sure.” For a split-second Lexa could have sworn Diego’s eyes looked haunted. His arms tightened around her briefly and then let her go, lowering her back to her feet so he could glower down at her.

  “You’re not sure about what exactly? Taking over that room, or is it something else? Are you planning on staying here or are you going to leave Sunset Point again? Leave us again?”

  The stairs creaked and Lexa glanced up to see Beau staring at her, his expression unreadable. “You’re leaving?”

  “No!” How the hell had they stumbled into this conversation already? This wasn’t anything more than a one-night stand with an option to renew, was it? “No, I’m not leaving. I don’t know what I’m doing yet. I…I was going to leave, but then I started to remember things here, and now the two of you are back in my life in ways I never expected.” She threw up her hands in a gesture of confusion. “I have no idea what my plans are at this point. I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything that’s happened in the last few weeks.”

  She took a step toward Diego and poked a finger into his chest. “So you are just going to have to accept the fact I might still decide to go back to the mainland, Dig. No amount of frowning is going to make me magically decide to stay here, so give it a rest. If you can’t deal with that, then the door is back down those stairs and to the right.”

  “Well, that didn’t take long,” Beau said, and then laughed as he stepped past Diego to slip an arm around Lexa’s shoulders, drawing her against his warm chest and reminding her that she was standing in the middle of the hallway bare-ass naked, scolding a man who could probably break her in half. “I figured it would be at least tomorrow morning before you two started locking horns again.”

  Diego’s dark expression faded and his lips curled into a rueful grin. “Okay, okay, I’ll back off. For now.” He cocked a brow down at her and Lexa could see the determination still gleaming in his eyes. “But if you think I’m going to just let you slip away again, you can forget it, querida. You may not be sure what you want, but I am.”

  He took her hand from his chest and raised it to his lips, brushing a slow, lingering kiss to each fingertip.

  “What do you want?” Lexa asked, her chest tightening and her stomach doing a slow somersault as she waited for the answer.

  Both men were silent for a moment, and Diego touched the dolphin around his neck. “We want the same thing we’ve always wanted. You.”

  “How is that even possible? I left when we were all still kids.”

  “Well, cher. You could say you left your mark on both of us,” Beau drawled and Diego laughed, nodding.

  “I have no idea why you’re both laughing,” Lexa frowned, feeling left out of the joke. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Beau let go of her and walked back to Diego, standing shoulder to shoulder with him so they filled the entire hallway with their very naked bodies. Parts of Lexa’s brain were screaming to forget about everything and just jump their sexy bones, but her inner voices went silent and still as both men turned and she spotted their matching tattoos. Arching across both men’s right shoulder was a tattoo of a blue dolphin.

  Well, fuck.

  She knew her mouth was hanging open, but no words were coming out. What the hell could she say?

  “I think we rendered her speechless.” Beau glanced back over his shoulder and grinned at her.

  “Quick, let’s get her in the shower before she remembers how to speak.”

  “On it.” Diego turned and headed toward her, a glint of mischief in his dark eyes.

  Lexa shoved all her emotions and thoughts aside and dove into the moment. Turning on her heel, she sprinted for the end of the hall and the master bedroom. If they wanted her, they were going to have to catch her first.

  Chapter 11

  Every day since the auction, he and Beau had been with Lexa, catching up on lost years and connecting with each other as new lovers as well as old friends. At the moment, Diego was doing his best to put their sexy lover out of his head so he could focus on work. It wasn’t working, which was only adding to his irritation with their lack of progress stopping the influx of drugs into Sunset Point.

  “We’re losing this battle.” Diego smacked a hand down on the mountain of papers that were strewn across his desk, sending several of them flying. “Trying to figure out which one of our residents is doing this is a waste of time. We need to come up with a new approach.”

  “I agree.” Beau leaned back in his chair, the frustration Diego was feeling mirrored in his partner’s expression. “We did manage to cross a lot of names off the suspect list. It wasn’t a total waste of time, but it’s not going to get us any closer than we already are.”

  “So we know who isn’t fucking poisoning our island with drugs, but we still don’t know who the hell is.” Diego stood up and started pacing the small space between their desks.

  Beau just smirked at him. “I’m pretty sure I just said that, only without the cursing. You are going to catch hell from Hattie if she catches you swearing again.”

  “Only if you rat me out again, partner. She’s deaf as a post.”

  “You know, I always figured you’d be less cranky if you were getting laid regularly. We’ve had Lexa back for nearly two weeks, so why are you being a grumpy ass?”

  “Because I want to find this drug dealing scumbag before anyone else dies!” Diego snapped and scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Don’t you?”

  “Of course I do, but that’s not what’s got your panties in a bunch and we both know it, so can the crap. This is about Lexa.”


  Even just hearing her name was enough to make his heart hurt and his dick hard. Having Lexa back in their lives had been a dream come true, but the dream and the reality weren’t meshing the way Diego had imagined. He knew it wasn’t fair to be comparing her to a fantasy, but so far he hadn’t quite been able to let it go and be grateful for the miracle of having her back in their lives at all. “Of course it’s about her. Apart from this case, she’s the only thing I’m thinking of these days, same as you.”

  “You going to tell me why you’re wandering around like a bear with a sore paw, or do you want me to guess? I don’t do deep and meaningful conversations sober very often, so spill it before I remember I’m not a chick.”

  “It’s not what you think.” Diego kept moving as he talked. “I know I need to deal with the fantasy versus reality thing, I get that.”

  Beau snorted with laughter. “Aw, my boy is growing up and figuring out shit on his own now, I’m so proud.”

  “Bite me, jackass.” Diego grabbed a pen off his desk and chucked it at his partner. “Lexa’s amazing and I will get my shit together soon. Okay? But in the meantime there’s something else bugging me. Have you noticed the way Simon acts around her? He stares at her when he thinks no one is looking, and she’s mentioned he’s not really keen on helping her learn the marina business anymore. He’s pissing me off and I can’t decide if it’s just because it’s Lexa or if there’s something about him that’s a little off.” He glanced back at Beau, expecting
to hear the other man laughing off his concerns, but instead Beau was frowning in thought.

  “I thought it was just me being overprotective, but he’s been rubbing me the wrong way. He kept watching her at the wedding, too, I didn’t like it one bit,” Beau said and grabbed the file that contained the list of every resident of Sunset Point. “So let’s have a look-see at what we have on Mr. Johnson, shall we?”

  “You know Lexa will feed us our spleens if she finds out we’re checking up on her staff, right?” Diego came around behind Beau and tried to read over his shoulder.

  “Personal space, man. You’re standing in mine. And yes I know Lexa would kill us, so I vote we don’t tell her unless we find something actually worth mentioning. Hell, let’s not go telling anyone we’re using department resources to go snooping into the life of a man not currently under investigation for anything other than having good taste in women and the inability to accept when he’s been beaten.”

  Diego backed off and went back to his seat, feeling better now that they were doing something about Simon, even if it wasn’t exactly by the book. “Everyone working on the island has to go through a screening process, but maybe they missed something. Hell, with all the crazy that’s been going on around here lately, I’d say the whole screening thing needs an overhaul. Gun battles, cartels, secret identities, and diamonds of all things. It’s been like the whole island fell into an episode of the Twilight Zone!

  I’ll feel better when we’ve checked him out, after all, Lexa is spending hours with him while she’s learning the ropes at the marina. It’s a good sign isn’t it? That she’s interested in learning to run the place? She wouldn’t bother if she wasn’t thinking of staying, right?”

  “Oh for the love of…” Beau glanced up from the file and chucked Diego’s pen back at him. “Give her some time, will you? This will all work out if we’re patient. These last two weeks have been incredible, but if you push that little hellcat any harder she’s likely to tell you to fuck off and head back to the mainland just to make a point, and if she does, I will be seriously tempted to go with her and leave your sorry ass here alone.”


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